Exemple #1
    def block(self):
        """Block until there are no pending actions.

        Only used in the automated testing suite.

        _block(lambda: self.task_logger.has_finished() and not self._is_busy)
        assert not self._is_busy
Exemple #2
 def _on_action(self, sender, name, *args):
     """Called when an action is triggered: enqueue and process the task."""
     assert sender == self.action_creator
     # The GUI should not be busy when calling a new action.
     if 'select' not in name and self._is_busy:
         logger.log(5, "The GUI is busy, waiting before calling the action.")
         _block(lambda: not self._is_busy)
     # Enqueue the requested action.
     self.task_logger.enqueue(self, name, *args)
     # Perform the action (which calls self.<name>(...)).