Exemple #1
def main_regex (opts):
	print "in main regex"
	rdr = NewickReader ({'node_annotations': True})
	in_tree = rdr.read (opts.in_tree_path)
	match_regex = re.compile (opts.match_pat)
	for t in in_tree.iter_tip_nodes():
		t.title = match_regex.sub (opts.replace_pat, t.title)
	wrtr = NewickWriter ()
	wrtr._dist_format = opts.distance_format[0]
	wrtr.write (in_tree, opts.out_tree_path)			
Exemple #2
def main_regex(opts):
    print "in main regex"
    rdr = NewickReader({'node_annotations': True})
    in_tree = rdr.read(opts.in_tree_path)
    match_regex = re.compile(opts.match_pat)
    for t in in_tree.iter_tip_nodes():
        t.title = match_regex.sub(opts.replace_pat, t.title)
    wrtr = NewickWriter()
    wrtr._dist_format = opts.distance_format[0]
    wrtr.write(in_tree, opts.out_tree_path)
Exemple #3
def main_map (opts):
	from csv import DictReader
	csv_reader = DictReader (opts.in_csv_path)
	name_map = {}
	for r in csv_reader:
		name_map[r[opts.in_col]] = r[opts.out_col]
	# now rewrite the tree
	rdr = NewickReader ({'node_annotations': True})
	in_tree = rdr.read (opts.in_tree_path)
	for t in in_tree.iter_tip_nodes():
		t.title = name_map.get(t.title, t.title)
	wrtr = NewickWriter ()
	wrtr._dist_format = opts.distance_format[0]
	wrtr.write (in_tree, opts.out_tree_path)	
Exemple #4
def main_map(opts):
    from csv import DictReader
    csv_reader = DictReader(opts.in_csv_path)
    name_map = {}
    for r in csv_reader:
        name_map[r[opts.in_col]] = r[opts.out_col]

    # now rewrite the tree
    rdr = NewickReader({'node_annotations': True})
    in_tree = rdr.read(opts.in_tree_path)
    for t in in_tree.iter_tip_nodes():
        t.title = name_map.get(t.title, t.title)
    wrtr = NewickWriter()
    wrtr._dist_format = opts.distance_format[0]
    wrtr.write(in_tree, opts.out_tree_path)
Exemple #5
class NexusReader (io.BaseReader):

	def __init__ (self, dialect={}, tree_kls=Tree):
		io.BaseReader.__init__ (self, dialect=dialect)
		self._newick_rdr = NewickReader (dialect=self.dialect, tree_kls=Tree)

	def _read (self, src):
		Read the passed tree and return a Phylotree structure.

				An open file or file-like object.

			A phylotree.

		## Preconditions & preparation:

		## Main:
		file_str = src.read()
		m = _TREE_BLK_REGEX.search (file_str)
		assert (m), "can't find tree block"
		blk_str = m.group(1)
		m = _TRANS_TABLE_REGEX.search (blk_str)
		if m:
			trans_str = m.group(1)
			lines = trans_str.split(',')
			prs = [x.strip().split(' ', 1) for x in lines]
			table = {}
			for p in prs:
				k = p[0]
				v = p[1]
				if v.startswith('\''):
					v = v[1:-1]
				table[k] = v
			table = {}
		m = FIRST_TREE_REGEX.search (blk_str)
		assert (m), "can't find tree entry in block"
		tree_line = m.group(1)
		m = TREE_STR_REGEX.search (tree_line)
		assert (m), "can't find newick tree in line"		
		tree_src = cStringIO.StringIO (m.group(1))
		t = self._newick_rdr.read (tree_src)

		if table:
			for n in t.iter_nodes():
				new_name = table.get(n.title, None)
				if new_name:
					n.title = new_name

		return t
Exemple #6
	def __init__ (self, dialect={}, tree_kls=Tree):
		io.BaseReader.__init__ (self, dialect=dialect)
		self._newick_rdr = NewickReader (dialect=self.dialect, tree_kls=Tree)