if Emu_fin_GeV < 10**1.6: return 0.0 elif 10**1.6 < Emu_fin_GeV < 10**2.8: return 0.748 * (np.log(Emu_fin_GeV) - 1.6) else: return 0.9 + 0.54 * (np.log(Emu_fin_GeV) - 2.8) def R(costh): return 0.92 - 0.45 * costh if __name__ == '__main__': # TEST AREA # import physicsconstants as PC import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import DM pc = PC.PhysicsConstants() E = 100.0 * pc.MeV #Enu = np.arange(1.0,100.0,0.5) #nuc_num = map(lambda EE : NucleonNumber(EE*pc.GeV,pc),Enu) # #plt.plot(Enu,nuc_num) #plt.show() ch = 'tautau' DMm = 100.0 * pc.GeV DM_flux = DM.DMFluxAtDetector(ch, DMm, pc)
Track.x = xcur if return_inter: inter = interpolate.interp1d(x, densities) return inter if return_path and not return_ye: return x, densities if return_path and return_ye: return x, densities, ye else: return densities if __name__ == '__main__': print LogSpaceEnergies(1.0, 1000.0) print len(MidPoint(LogSpaceEnergies(1.0, 1000.0))) quit() import physicsconstants as PC pc = PC.PhysicsConstants() pc.th12 = 10.0 filename = "test.dat" file = open(filename, 'w') array = [1, 2, 3] hwritefile(file, array, pc) file = open(filename, 'r') narray = [] nparam = PC.PhysicsConstants() hreadfilev4(file, narray, nparam) print nparam.th12