Exemple #1
 def test_two_lines_write_one(self):
     add_lines called successfully with two lines one succesffully added.
     file_contents = ("first line\n" "second line\n")
     test_lines = [pi.CfgLine("second line\n"), pi.CfgLine("third line\n")]
     with patch("builtins.open",
                mock_open(read_data=file_contents)) as test_file:
         pi.add_lines('test_file', test_lines)
     handle = test_file()
     calls = [call('\n# RKR Logger\n'), call('third line\n')]
Exemple #2
    def test_bad_file(self):
        """add_lines called with a file_name that cannot be opened."""
        test_lines = [pi.CfgLine('first line')]
        with patch("builtins.open", mock_open()) as mock_file:
            mock_file.side_effect = IOError()
            with self.assertLogs(level='ERROR') as logs:
                pi.add_lines('no_file', test_lines)

        mock_file.assert_called_with('no_file', 'r')
                         ['ERROR:root:Cannot open no_file for read'],
                         msg='expect ERROR logged when file cannot be opened')
Exemple #3
 def test_cannot_write_file(self):
     add_lines called on with a file that cannont be opened for write.
     file_contents = ("first line\n")
     test_lines = [pi.CfgLine("second line\n")]
     with patch("builtins.open", mock_open(read_data=file_contents)):
         with self.assertLogs(level="ERROR") as logs:
             pi.add_lines('test_file', test_lines)
                      ['ERROR:root:Cannot open test_file for write'],
                      msg='expect ERROR logged when file cannot be opened '
                      'for write')
Exemple #4
 def test_lines_in_file(self):
     add_lines called when all lines to be added are already in the file.
     file_contents = ("first line\n" "second line\n" "third line\n")
     test_lines = [pi.CfgLine("second line\n")]
     with patch("builtins.open",
                mock_open(read_data=file_contents)) as test_file:
         with self.assertLogs(level="INFO") as logs:
             pi.add_lines('test_file', test_lines)
     self.assertEqual(logs.output, [
         'INFO:root:Reading test_file, '
         'checking if updates required.', 'INFO:root:Found second line',
         'INFO:root:No updates needed to test_file'
                      msg='expect no lines to be written to file')
     handle = test_file()