def getChannelValues(self, channel): _channel = ps.PS5000A_CHANNEL['PS5000A_CHANNEL_' + channel.upper()] buf = (ctypes.c_int16 * self.noSamples)() self.status['setBuffer_' + channel.upper()] = ps.ps5000aSetDataBuffer( self.chandle, _channel, ctypes.byref(buf), self.noSamples, 0, 0) assert_pico_ok(self.status['setBuffer_' + channel.upper()]) overflow = ctypes.c_int16() cnoSamples = ctypes.c_int32(self.noSamples) self.status['getChannelValues' + channel.upper()] = ps.ps5000aGetValues( self.chandle, 0, ctypes.byref(cnoSamples), 0, 0, 0, ctypes.byref(overflow)) assert_pico_ok(self.status['getChannelValues' + channel.upper()]) maxADC = ctypes.c_int16() self.status['maximumValue'] = ps.ps5000aMaximumValue( self.chandle, ctypes.byref(maxADC)) assert_pico_ok(self.status['maximumValue']) _voltage_range = ps.PS5000A_RANGE[ 'PS5000A_' + self.channel_info[channel.upper()]['voltage_range']] buf_mV = adc2mV(buf, _voltage_range, maxADC) return buf_mV
def read_data(self, cmaxSamples, overflow): # Retried data from scope to buffers assigned above (at the computer) # handle = self.chandle # start index = 0 # pointer to number of samples = ctypes.byref(cmaxSamples) # downsample ratio = 0 # downsample ratio mode = PS5000A_RATIO_MODE_NONE # pointer to overflow = ctypes.byref(overflow)) self.status["getValues"] = ps.ps5000aGetValues(self.chandle, 0, ctypes.byref(cmaxSamples), 0, 0, 0, ctypes.byref(overflow))
def retrieveCaptureData(self, channels): segment_index = 0 ratio_move = 0 #PS5000A_RATIO_MODE_NONE if self.channela in channels: self.status["setDataBuffersA"] = ps.ps5000aSetDataBuffers( self.chandle, self.channela, ctypes.byref(self.bufferAMax), ctypes.byref(self.bufferAMin), self.totalSamples, segment_index, ratio_move) assert_pico_ok(self.status["setDataBuffersA"]) if self.channelb in channels: self.status["setDataBuffersB"] = ps.ps5000aSetDataBuffers( self.chandle, self.channelb, ctypes.byref(self.bufferBMax), ctypes.byref(self.bufferBMin), self.totalSamples, segment_index, ratio_move) assert_pico_ok(self.status["setDataBuffersB"]) if len(channels) < 1 or (self.channela not in channels and self.channelb not in channels): raise ValueError("Missing or unrecognised channel(s) requested") # create overflow loaction overflow = ctypes.c_int16() # create converted type maxSamples cmaxSamples = ctypes.c_int32(self.totalSamples) # Retried data from scope to buffers assigned above start_index = 0 downsample_ratio = 0 downsample_mode = 0 #PS5000A_RATIO_MODE_NONE segment_index = 0 self.status["getValues"] = ps.ps5000aGetValues( self.chandle, start_index, ctypes.byref(cmaxSamples), downsample_ratio, downsample_mode, segment_index, ctypes.byref(overflow)) assert_pico_ok(self.status["getValues"]) # convert ADC counts data to mV adc2mVMaxChA, adc2mVMaxChB = None, None if self.channela in channels: adc2mVMaxChA = adc2mV(self.bufferAMax, self.channela_range, self.maxADC) if self.channelb in channels: adc2mVMaxChB = adc2mV(self.bufferBMax, self.channelb_range, self.maxADC) return [adc2mVMaxChA, adc2mVMaxChB]
def readVoltage(): maxSamples = 10000 preTriggerSamples = 100 status["runBlock"] = ps.ps5000aRunBlock(chandle, preTriggerSamples, maxSamples, timebase, None, 0, None, None) assert_pico_ok(status["runBlock"]) ready = c_int16(0) check = c_int16(0) while ready.value == check.value: status["isReady"] = ps.ps5000aIsReady(chandle, byref(ready)) bufferA = (c_int16 * 2)() source = ps.PS5000A_CHANNEL["PS5000A_CHANNEL_A"] downSampleTatioMode = ps.PS5000A_RATIO_MODE["PS5000A_RATIO_MODE_AVERAGE"] status["setDataBufferA"] = ps.ps5000aSetDataBuffer(chandle, source, byref(bufferA), 2, 0, downSampleTatioMode) assert_pico_ok(status["setDataBufferA"]) maxDownSampleRatio = c_uint32() status["dwonSample"] = ps.ps5000aGetMaxDownSampleRatio( chandle, maxSamples, byref(maxDownSampleRatio), downSampleTatioMode, 0) assert_pico_ok(status["dwonSample"]) overflow = c_int16() cmaxSamples = c_uint32(maxSamples) status["getValues"] = ps.ps5000aGetValues(chandle, 0, byref(cmaxSamples), maxDownSampleRatio, downSampleTatioMode, 0, byref(overflow)) assert_pico_ok(status["getValues"]) maxADC = c_int16() status["maximumValue"] = ps.ps5000aMaximumValue(chandle, byref(maxADC)) assert_pico_ok(status["maximumValue"]) adc2mVChA = adc2mV(bufferA, chARange, maxADC) avg = adc2mVChA[0] return avg
def flush(self): buf = (ctypes.c_int16 * self.noSamples)() overflow = ctypes.c_int16() cnoSamples = ctypes.c_int32(self.noSamples) for channel in self.channel_info.keys(): if self.channel_info[channel]['enabled']: _channel = ps.PS5000A_CHANNEL['PS5000A_CHANNEL_' + channel.upper()] self.status['setBuffer_' + channel.upper()] = ps.ps5000aSetDataBuffer( self.chandle, _channel, ctypes.byref(buf), self.noSamples, 0, 0) assert_pico_ok(self.status['setBuffer_' + channel.upper()]) flush_done = False while (not flush_done): status = ps.ps5000aGetValues(self.chandle, 0, ctypes.byref(cnoSamples), 0, 0, 0, ctypes.byref(overflow)) flush_done = status == PICO_STATUS[ 'PICO_NO_SAMPLES_AVAILABLE']
def runTestBlock(self): self.status["runBlock"] = ps.ps5000aRunBlock(self.chandle, self.preTriggerSamples, self.postTriggerSamples, self.timebase, None, 0, None, None) assert_pico_ok(self.status["runBlock"]) # Check for data collection to finish using ps5000aIsReady self.ready = ctypes.c_int16(0) self.check = ctypes.c_int16(0) while self.ready.value == self.check.value: self.status["isReady"] = ps.ps5000aIsReady( self.chandle, ctypes.byref(self.ready)) # create overflow loaction # Retried data from scope to buffers assigned above # handle = chandle # start index = 0 # pointer to number of samples = ctypes.byref(cmaxSamples) # downsample ratio = 0 # downsample ratio mode = PS5000A_RATIO_MODE_NONE # pointer to overflow = ctypes.byref(overflow)) self.status["getValues"] = ps.ps5000aGetValues( self.chandle, 0, ctypes.byref(self.cmaxSamples), 0, 0, 0, ctypes.byref(self.overflow)) assert_pico_ok(self.status["getValues"]) for index in range(0, self.numberOfChannels): self.returnData[index, :] = adc2mV(self.bufferMax[index], self.chRange[index], self.maxADC) self.time = np.linspace(0, (self.cmaxSamples.value) * self.timeIntervalns.value, self.cmaxSamples.value) return self.returnData, self.time
# Checks data collection to finish the capture ready = ctypes.c_int16(0) check = ctypes.c_int16(0) while ready.value == check.value: status["isReady"] = ps.ps5000aIsReady(chandle, ctypes.byref(ready)) # Handle = chandle # start index = 0 # noOfSamples = ctypes.byref(cTotalSamples) # DownSampleRatio = 1 # DownSampleRatioMode = 0 # SegmentIndex = 0 # Overflow = ctypes.byref(overflow) status["GetValues"] = ps.ps5000aGetValues(chandle, 0, ctypes.byref(cTotalSamples), 1, 0, 0, ctypes.byref(overflow)) assert_pico_ok(status["GetValues"]) print ("Data collection complete.") # Obtain binary for Digital Port 0 # The tuple returned contains the channels in order (D7, D6, D5, ... D0). bufferDPort0 = splitMSODataFast(cTotalSamples, bufferDPort0Max) # Creates the time data time = np.linspace(0, cTotalSamples.value * timeIntervalNs.value, cTotalSamples.value) print ("Plotting data...") # Plot the data from digital channels onto a graph
def read(self,**kwargs): ''' reads the scope results: arguments: none keyword arguments (defaults in scope.settings): source: the channel(s) to read. If no channels are given, all the channels are read, startIndex: the sample to start reading, down_sample_blocksize: the number of samples to group for the data reduction (see Channel()._setDataBuffers), reduction_mode: the reduction_mode for the data reduction (see Channel()._setDataBuffers), the results (in V) are stored in scope.channels['channe_name'].data_max and scope.channels['channe_name'].data_min a results structure is returned: time: the time (in s) channel+' (V)': channel voltage (in V) ***in reduction_mode == aggregate, two keys are returned instead:*** channel+'_{max} (V)': channel max voltage (in V) channel+'_{min} (V)': channel min voltage (in V) channel voltage (including max/min) are returned as noSamples*nSegments arrays ''' #handles default values settings = {} for key,current_value in self.settings.items(): settings[key] = kwargs[key] if key in kwargs else current_value if not 'source' in kwargs: settings['source'] = self.enabledChannels for channel in settings['source']: self.channels[channel]._setDataBuffers(reduction_mode = settings['reduction_mode']) check_kwargs_scope(**kwargs) # create overflow loaction overflow = (ctypes.c_int16 *self.trigger.settings['nSegments'])() # create converted type maxSamples cmaxSamples = ctypes.c_int32(self.settings['noSamples']) _ratio_mode = ratio_mode_index[settings['reduction_mode']] _segmentIndex = ctypes.c_uint32(self.settings['segmentIndex']) # Retried data from scope to buffers assigned above # handle = chandle # start index = 0 # pointer to number of samples = ctypes.byref(cmaxSamples) # downsample ratio = 0 # downsample ratio mode = PS5000A_RATIO_MODE_NONE # pointer to overflow = ctypes.byref(overflow)) if self.trigger.settings['nSegments']==1: self.status["getValues"] = ps.ps5000aGetValues(self.chandle, settings['startIndex'], ctypes.byref(cmaxSamples), settings['down_sample_blocksize'], _ratio_mode, _segmentIndex, ctypes.byref(overflow)) assert_pico_ok(self.status["getValues"]) else: _fromSegmentIndex = self.trigger.settings['segmentIndex'] _toSegmentIndex = _fromSegmentIndex+self.trigger.settings['nSegments']-1 self.status["getValuesBulk"] = ps.ps5000aGetValuesBulk(self.chandle, ctypes.byref(cmaxSamples), _fromSegmentIndex,_toSegmentIndex, settings['down_sample_blocksize'], _ratio_mode, ctypes.byref(overflow)) assert_pico_ok(self.status["getValuesBulk"]) self.settings = settings # Create time data time = np.linspace(0, (cmaxSamples.value) * self.settings['timeIntervalSeconds'], cmaxSamples.value) results = {'time (s)':time} # convert ADC counts data to mV for channel in settings['source']: if self.channels[channel].settings['reduction_mode']=='aggregate': results[channel+'_{max} (V)']=self.channels[channel].data_max results[channel+'_{min} (V)']=self.channels[channel].data_min else: results[channel+' (V)']=self.channels[channel].data_max return results
assert_pico_ok(status["setDataBuffersB"]) # create overflow loaction overflow = ctypes.c_int16() # create converted type maxSamples cmaxSamples = ctypes.c_int32(maxSamples) # Retried data from scope to buffers assigned above # handle = chandle # start index = 0 # pointer to number of samples = ctypes.byref(cmaxSamples) # downsample ratio = 0 # downsample ratio mode = PS5000A_RATIO_MODE_NONE # pointer to overflow = ctypes.byref(overflow)) status["getValues"] = ps.ps5000aGetValues(chandle, 0, ctypes.byref(cmaxSamples), 0, 0, 0, ctypes.byref(overflow)) assert_pico_ok(status["getValues"]) # convert ADC counts data to mV adc2mVChAMax = adc2mV(bufferAMax, chARange, maxADC) adc2mVChBMax = adc2mV(bufferBMax, chBRange, maxADC) # Create time data time = np.linspace(0, (cmaxSamples.value) * timeIntervalns.value, cmaxSamples.value) # plot data from channel A and B plt.plot(time, adc2mVChAMax[:]) plt.plot(time, adc2mVChBMax[:]) plt.xlabel('Time (ns)')
def autoRange(): global chARange maxSamples = 100 while chARange < max(psVoltageRange.keys()): overrange = False preTriggerSamples = 100 status["runBlock"] = ps.ps5000aRunBlock(chandle, preTriggerSamples, maxSamples, timebase, None, 0, None, None) assert_pico_ok(status["runBlock"]) ready = c_int16(0) check = c_int16(0) while ready.value == check.value: status["isReady"] = ps.ps5000aIsReady(chandle, byref(ready)) bufferA = (c_int16 * maxSamples)() source = ps.PS5000A_CHANNEL["PS5000A_CHANNEL_A"] status["setDataBufferA"] = ps.ps5000aSetDataBuffer( chandle, source, byref(bufferA), maxSamples, 0, 0) assert_pico_ok(status["setDataBufferA"]) overflow = c_int16() cmaxSamples = c_uint32(maxSamples) status["getValues"] = ps.ps5000aGetValues(chandle, 0, byref(cmaxSamples), 0, 0, 0, byref(overflow)) assert_pico_ok(status["getValues"]) maxADC = c_int16() status["maximumValue"] = ps.ps5000aMaximumValue(chandle, byref(maxADC)) assert_pico_ok(status["maximumValue"]) if max(map(abs, adc2mV(bufferA, chARange, maxADC))) == psVoltageRange[chARange]: overrange = True if overrange: chARange += 1 status["setChA"] = ps.ps5000aSetChannel( chandle, channel, 1, coupling_type, chARange, 0) #enabled = 1, analogue offset = 0 V assert_pico_ok(status["setChA"]) else: break while chARange > min(psVoltageRange.keys()): toosmall = False status["setChA"] = ps.ps5000aSetChannel( chandle, channel, 1, coupling_type, chARange - 1, 0) #enabled = 1, analogue offset = 0 V assert_pico_ok(status["setChA"]) preTriggerSamples = 100 status["runBlock"] = ps.ps5000aRunBlock(chandle, preTriggerSamples, maxSamples, timebase, None, 0, None, None) assert_pico_ok(status["runBlock"]) ready = c_int16(0) check = c_int16(0) while ready.value == check.value: status["isReady"] = ps.ps5000aIsReady(chandle, byref(ready)) bufferA = (c_int16 * maxSamples)() source = ps.PS5000A_CHANNEL["PS5000A_CHANNEL_A"] status["setDataBufferA"] = ps.ps5000aSetDataBuffer( chandle, source, byref(bufferA), maxSamples, 0, 0) assert_pico_ok(status["setDataBufferA"]) overflow = c_int16() cmaxSamples = c_uint32(maxSamples) status["getValues"] = ps.ps5000aGetValues(chandle, 0, byref(cmaxSamples), 0, 0, 0, byref(overflow)) assert_pico_ok(status["getValues"]) maxADC = c_int16() status["maximumValue"] = ps.ps5000aMaximumValue(chandle, byref(maxADC)) assert_pico_ok(status["maximumValue"]) if max(map(abs, adc2mV(bufferA, chARange, maxADC))) < psVoltageRange[chARange]: toosmall = True if toosmall: chARange = chARange - 1 else: status["setChA"] = ps.ps5000aSetChannel( chandle, channel, 1, coupling_type, chARange, 0) #enabled = 1, analogue offset = 0 V assert_pico_ok(status["setChA"]) break
def readAmplitude(binWidth, spectrumRange, checkRange, nmbOfAvg): spectrumRange = spectrumRange * 2 requiredMeasureTime = 2 / binWidth requiredSamplingInterval = 1 / spectrumRange timebase = floor(requiredSamplingInterval * 62500000 + 3) timeInternalns = c_float() returnedMaxSamples = c_int32() maxSamples = ceil(spectrumRange / binWidth) status["getTimebase2"] = ps.ps5000aGetTimebase2(chandle, timebase, maxSamples, byref(timeInternalns), byref(returnedMaxSamples), 0) assert_pico_ok(status["getTimebase2"]) assert timeInternalns.value < requiredSamplingInterval * 1e9 for i in range(nmbOfAvg): preTriggerSamples = 100 status["runBlock"] = ps.ps5000aRunBlock(chandle, preTriggerSamples, maxSamples, timebase, None, 0, None, None) assert_pico_ok(status["runBlock"]) ready = c_int16(0) check = c_int16(0) while ready.value == check.value: status["isReady"] = ps.ps5000aIsReady(chandle, byref(ready)) bufferA = (c_int16 * maxSamples)() source = ps.PS5000A_CHANNEL["PS5000A_CHANNEL_A"] status["setDataBufferA"] = ps.ps5000aSetDataBuffer( chandle, source, byref(bufferA), maxSamples, 0, 0) assert_pico_ok(status["setDataBufferA"]) overflow = c_int16() cmaxSamples = c_uint32(maxSamples) status["getValues"] = ps.ps5000aGetValues(chandle, 0, byref(cmaxSamples), 0, 0, 0, byref(overflow)) assert_pico_ok(status["getValues"]) maxADC = c_int16() status["maximumValue"] = ps.ps5000aMaximumValue(chandle, byref(maxADC)) assert_pico_ok(status["maximumValue"]) timeSignal = adc2mV(bufferA, chARange, maxADC) f, newPSD = signal.periodogram(timeSignal, 1 / (timeInternalns.value / 1e9), window=signal.get_window( 'blackman', len(timeSignal))) startIndex = f.searchsorted(checkRange[0]) - 1 endIndex = f.searchsorted(checkRange[1]) + 1 f = f[startIndex:endIndex] newPSD = newPSD[startIndex:endIndex] if i == 0: PSD = np.array(newPSD) else: PSD = PSD + newPSD PSD = PSD / nmbOfAvg PSD = 10 * np.log10(10 * PSD) PSD = PSD - PSD.mean() Index, _ = find_peaks(PSD, distance=PSD.size) return PSD[Index]
def getTimeSignal(self, channel=None, check=True, trigger=None, triggerThreshold=0, reportOverflow=True): # get all channel data but only return required if check: nMaxSamples = c_long() ps.ps5000aMemorySegments(self.chandle, 1, byref(nMaxSamples)) nMaxSamples.value = math.floor(nMaxSamples.value / self.nEnabledChannels()) if self.maxSamples > nMaxSamples.value: raise Exception("samples will be larger than memory") self.status["getTimebase2"] = ps.ps5000aGetTimebase2(self.chandle, \ self.timebase, self.maxSamples, byref(self.timeInternalns),\ None, 0) assert_pico_ok(self.status["getTimebase2"]) if trigger is not None: source = ps.PS5000A_CHANNEL["PS5000A_CHANNEL_{trigCh}".format( trigCh=trigger)] self.status["trigger"] = ps.ps5000aSetSimpleTrigger( self.chandle, 1, source, triggerThreshold, 2, 0, 0) assert_pico_ok(self.status["trigger"]) else: source = ps.PS5000A_CHANNEL["PS5000A_CHANNEL_{trigCh}".format( trigCh='D')] self.status["trigger"] = ps.ps5000aSetSimpleTrigger( self.chandle, 0, source, triggerThreshold, 2, 0, 0) assert_pico_ok(self.status["trigger"]) preTriggerSamples = 0 self.status["runBlock"] = ps.ps5000aRunBlock(self.chandle, \ preTriggerSamples, self.maxSamples, self.timebase, None, 0, None, None) assert_pico_ok(self.status["runBlock"]) ready = c_int16(0) check = c_int16(0) while ready.value == check.value: self.status["isReady"] = ps.ps5000aIsReady(self.chandle, byref(ready)) time.sleep(1e-3) for key in self.chs: if self.chs[key].enabled: self.chs[key].buffer = (c_int16 * self.maxSamples)() self.status["setDataBuffer"+key] = ps.ps5000aSetDataBuffer(self.chandle, \ self.chs[key].channel, byref(self.chs[key].buffer), self.maxSamples, 0, 0) assert_pico_ok(self.status["setDataBuffer" + key]) overflow = c_int16() cmaxSamples = c_uint32(self.maxSamples) self.status["getValues"] = ps.ps5000aGetValues(self.chandle, 0 , \ byref(cmaxSamples), 0, 0, 0, byref(overflow)) assert_pico_ok(self.status["getValues"]) overflow = '{0:04b}'.format(overflow.value) chOF = [bool(int(i)) for i in overflow] self.chs['A'].overflow = chOF[-1] self.chs['B'].overflow = chOF[-2] self.chs['C'].overflow = chOF[-3] self.chs['D'].overflow = chOF[-4] channels = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] if reportOverflow: for i in range(4): if chOF[-(i + 1)]: print('channel {0} overflow'.format(channels[i])) maxADC = c_int16() self.status["maximumValue"] = ps.ps5000aMaximumValue( self.chandle, byref(maxADC)) assert_pico_ok(self.status["maximumValue"]) for key in self.chs: if self.chs[key].enabled: self.chs[key].timeSignal = (np.array(self.chs[key].buffer) / maxADC.value) * \ self.psVoltageRange[self.chs[key].range] * 1e-3 if channel is not None: return self.chs[channel].timeSignal
class BuildModel_M3_Single(object): if __name__ == "__main__": # Serial port communication: look this up in 'device manager' port = '/dev/ttyUSB0' # Serial port step = 1000 # Number of traces N = 5000 * 23 # Number of samples samples = 1000 # 2ns, sampling rate= 500MSa/s(p22 2.7 Timebase) timebase = 1 # post-trigger or before-trigger post_trigger = True # trigger threshold(mV) threshold = 2000 # trigger direction posedge_trigger = True # vertical offset vertical_offset = 0.1 #delay delay = 0 plain_len = 32 # byte length of the plaintext cipher_len = 32 # byte length of the ciphertext # Intiliazed random generator random.seed() # Open serial port ser = serial.Serial(port) # Wait for 200ms time.sleep(0.2) if (post_trigger): preTriggerSamples = 0 postTriggerSamples = samples else: preTriggerSamples = samples postTriggerSamples = 0 # Connect the scope chandle = ctypes.c_int16() status = ps.ps5000aOpenUnit( ctypes.byref(chandle), None, ps.PS5000A_DEVICE_RESOLUTION["PS5000A_DR_8BIT"]) if status != PICO_STATUS['PICO_OK']: raise PicoSDKCtypesError("PicoSDK returned '{}'".format( PICO_STATUS_LOOKUP[status])) # Set up channel A status = ps.ps5000aSetChannel(chandle, ps.PICO_CHANNEL["A"], 1, ps.PICO_COUPLING['DC'], ps.PS5000A_RANGE["PS5000A_1V"], vertical_offset) if status != PICO_STATUS['PICO_OK']: raise PicoSDKCtypesError("PicoSDK returned '{}'".format( PICO_STATUS_LOOKUP[status])) # Set up channel B status = ps.ps5000aSetChannel(chandle, ps.PICO_CHANNEL["B"], 1, ps.PICO_COUPLING['DC'], ps.PS5000A_RANGE["PS5000A_5V"], 0) if status != PICO_STATUS['PICO_OK']: raise PicoSDKCtypesError("PicoSDK returned '{}'".format( PICO_STATUS_LOOKUP[status])) # Set up trigger if (posedge_trigger): status = ps.ps5000aSetSimpleTrigger( chandle, 1, ps.PICO_CHANNEL["B"], mV2adc(threshold, ps.PS5000A_RANGE["PS5000A_5V"], ctypes.c_int16(32512)), ps.PS5000A_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION["PS5000A_RISING"], delay, 0) else: status = ps.ps5000aSetSimpleTrigger( chandle, 1, ps.PICO_CHANNEL["B"], mV2adc(threshold, ps.PS5000A_RANGE["PS5000A_5V"], ctypes.c_int16(32512)), ps.PS5000A_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION["PS5000A_FALLING"], delay, 0) if status != PICO_STATUS['PICO_OK']: raise PicoSDKCtypesError("PicoSDK returned '{}'".format( PICO_STATUS_LOOKUP[status])) # Create buffers ready for assigning pointers for data collection Databuffer = (ctypes.c_int16 * samples)() status = ps.ps5000aSetDataBuffers(chandle, 0, ctypes.byref(Databuffer), None, samples, 0, 0) if status != PICO_STATUS['PICO_OK']: raise PicoSDKCtypesError("PicoSDK returned '{}'".format( PICO_STATUS_LOOKUP[status])) trs = TRS_TraceSet.TRS_TraceSet("BuildModel_M3_Single_1000Samples.trs") trs.write_header(N, samples, True, plain_len + cipher_len, 2E-9, 1 / 65536) for i in range(0, N): # Generate plaintext & mask plaintext = bytearray( [secrets.randbits(8) for j in range(0, plain_len)]) plaintext[28] = int(i / 5000) + 1 # Start status = ps.ps5000aRunBlock(chandle, preTriggerSamples, postTriggerSamples, timebase, None, 0, None, None) if status != PICO_STATUS['PICO_OK']: raise PicoSDKCtypesError("PicoSDK returned '{}'".format( PICO_STATUS_LOOKUP[status])) # Send plaintext ser.write(plaintext) # Read out ciphertext ciphertext = bytearray( # Check for data collection to finish using ps5000aIsReady ready = ctypes.c_int16(0) check = ctypes.c_int16(0) while ready.value == check.value: status = ps.ps5000aIsReady(chandle, ctypes.byref(ready)) # Create overflow location overflow = ctypes.c_int16() # create converted type totalSamples cTotalSamples = ctypes.c_int32(samples) # Retried data from scope to buffers assigned above status = ps.ps5000aGetValues(chandle, 0, ctypes.byref(cTotalSamples), 0, 0, 0, ctypes.byref(overflow)) if status != PICO_STATUS['PICO_OK']: raise PicoSDKCtypesError("PicoSDK returned '{}'".format( PICO_STATUS_LOOKUP[status])) if (overflow.value != 0): print("overflow!") # Write trace trs.write_trace(plaintext, ciphertext, np.array(Databuffer), True) # print to screen if i % step == 0 and i > 0: print("i=" + str(i)) print("Instr=" + str(plaintext[28])) print("plain=") PrintHexData(plaintext) print("cipher=") PrintHexData(ciphertext) trs.close()