def create_basic_hallway(orientation=0):
    return [
            Position(-2, 6).rotate(orientation),
            Position(-2, -6).rotate(orientation)),
            Position(+2, 6).rotate(orientation),
            Position(+2, -6).rotate(orientation))
 def __init__(self,
              position: Position = Position(),
              orientation: float = 0):
     if type(position) is np.ndarray:
         raise TypeError(
             'You need to pass a Position to Pose. Use Position.from_array() to convert it.'
     self._orientation = orientation
     self._position = position.copy()
def intersection_between_lines(a1: Position, a2: Position, b1: Position,
                               b2: Position) -> Position:
    s = np.vstack([a1.array, a2.array, b1.array, b2.array])
    h = np.hstack((s, np.ones((4, 1))))
    l1 = np.cross(h[0], h[1])  # first line
    l2 = np.cross(h[2], h[3])  # second line
    x, y, z = np.cross(l1, l2)  # point of intersection
    if z == 0:
        raise ValueError('Parallel lines')
    return Position(x / z, y / z)
def create_bumpy_hallway():
    step_x = 0.5
    step_y = 1
    hallway_width = 3
    walls_template = [
        Wall(Position(hallway_width, 0), Position(hallway_width + step_x, 0)),
        Wall(Position(hallway_width, 0), Position(hallway_width, step_y)),
        Wall(Position(hallway_width, step_y),
             Position(hallway_width + step_x, step_y)),
        Wall(Position(hallway_width + step_x, step_y),
             Position(hallway_width + step_x, 2 * step_y))
    walls = []
    walls += walls_template
    walls += [w.copy().move(0, 4 * step_y) for w in walls_template]
    walls += [w.copy().move(0, 2 * step_y) for w in walls_template]
    walls += [w.copy().move(0, -2 * step_y) for w in walls_template]
    walls += [w.copy().move(0, -4 * step_y) for w in walls_template]

    walls += [w.copy().flix_x() for w in walls]
    return walls
Exemple #5
    # poses = [origin,
    #          Pose(Position( 1, 0), 0),
    #          Pose(Position( 2, 0), 0),
    #          Pose(Position( 4, 0), 0),
    #          Pose(Position( 5, 0), 0),
    #          Pose(Position( 6, 0), 0),
    #          Pose(Position( 6, 1), np.deg2rad(90)),
    #          Pose(Position( 6, 4), np.deg2rad(90)),
    #          Pose(Position( 6, 8), np.deg2rad(90)),
    #          ]

    orientation = np.deg2rad(0)
    walls, poses = from_ascii_art(art,
                                  origin_offset=Position(1, 1),
    # poses = [Pose.from_values(p.x, p.y, orientation) for p in poses]
    # poses[0] = origin
    sg = ScanGenerator(walls, nb_beam=180)
    print("Generating map...")

    scans = [sg.generate(p, check_cache=True).transpose() for p in poses]
    # init_tf = move.to_tf()

    icp = ICP()
    no_penalties = [[] for p in poses]
    penalties_x = [
 def from_values(cls, x: float, y: float, orientation: float = 0) -> 'Pose':
     return cls(Position(x, y), orientation)
 def from_dict(cls, my_dict: Dict[str, float]) -> 'Pose':
     return cls(Position(my_dict['x'], my_dict['y']),
def from_ascii_art(ascii_art, origin_offset=None, orientation=0):
    if origin_offset is None:
        origin_offset = Position()
    grid = [[c for c in l] for l in ascii_art.splitlines()]
    cardinals = [(-1, 0), (0, -1)]
    w = len(grid[0])
    h = len(grid)
    cells = []
    origin = None
    checkpoints = {}
    for y, l in enumerate(grid):
        for x, val in enumerate(l):
            is_free = val != WALL
            if val == ORIGIN:
                origin = x, y
                checkpoints[0] = origin
            if val in NUMBERS:
                checkpoints[int(val)] = x, y
            for cx, cy in cardinals:
                px = cx + x
                py = cy + y
                if 0 <= px < w and 0 <= py < h:
                    is_free_c = grid[py][px] != WALL
                    if is_free != is_free_c:
                        # print(f"Add wall at {x},{y} in {cx},{cy}")
                        cells.append((x, y, cy == 0))

    if origin is None:
        raise RuntimeError("No origin found, missing the '*' in map")

    ox, oy = origin

    def to_real_world(cell_x, cell_y, offset=0.4):
        ax = (cell_x - ox - offset) * cell_w
        ay = (cell_y - oy - offset) * cell_h
        x = ax * cos(orientation) - ay * sin(orientation)
        y = ax * sin(orientation) + ay * cos(orientation)
        return x + origin_offset.x, y + origin_offset.y

    cell_w = 3
    cell_h = -3  # Matplotlib has the origin in the lower left corner, not the upper left conner
    walls = []
    for x, y, is_vertical in cells:
        if is_vertical:
            w = Wall(Position(*to_real_world(x, y)),
                     Position(*to_real_world(x, y + 1)))
            w = Wall(Position(*to_real_world(x, y)),
                     Position(*to_real_world(x + 1, y)))

    if len(checkpoints) > 1:
        ordered_checkpoints = list(
        # linear_path += [origin]  # So it loop
        path = [origin]
        for a, b in zip(ordered_checkpoints, ordered_checkpoints[1:]):
            path += find_shortest_path(ascii_art, a, b)
    path = subsample_path(path)
    # path = subsample_path(list(path))
    pose_path = [
        Pose.from_values(*to_real_world(x, y, offset=0.0), orientation)
        for x, y in path
    return walls, pose_path