Exemple #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.SendNow = False
     self.controlInfoUrl = (
     )  # hardcoding is not recommended store in json //todo
     self.response = None
     self.imageResponse = None
     self.imagePostUrl = "http://localhost/python/uploder.php"
     self.authToken = None
     self.authUrl = "http://someurl"
     self.encryptor = AESCipher("rishabh")  # rishabh is the symmetric key // to be replaced with original secret key
Exemple #2
class RequestManager:
    def __init__(self):
        self.SendNow = False
        self.controlInfoUrl = (
        )  # hardcoding is not recommended store in json //todo
        self.response = None
        self.imageResponse = None
        self.imagePostUrl = "http://localhost/python/uploder.php"
        self.authToken = None
        self.authUrl = "http://someurl"
        self.encryptor = AESCipher("rishabh")  # rishabh is the symmetric key // to be replaced with original secret key

    def authenticate(self):
            mac_Of_Pi = hardware.getMAC("eth0")
            enc_mac = self.encryptor.encrypt(mac_Of_Pi)
            # comment following 2 lines in prod mode
            print "encrypted mac"
            print enc_mac
            payload = {"CODE": "000", "MSG": "SUCCESS", "RESPONSE": {"DATA": enc_mac}}  # encrypted mac to be sent
            headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
            # following to be uncommented when proper http functioninng is achieved
            # 	self.response = requests.post(self.authUrl, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers) #json response is returned
            # 	try:
            # 		res_json = json.loads(self.response)
            # 		if(res_json['MSG'] == 'SUCCESS'):
            # 			return res_json['RESPONSE']['token']    # returns the token to be used for further comm
            # 	except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError):
            # 		print 'error in json'
            # 		return 'error in json'

            # use following random json till then:
                res_json = open("res.json", "w").read
                res = json.loads(res_json)
                if res["MSG"] == "SUCCESS":
                    return res["RESPONSE"]["token"]
            except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError):
                print "error in json"
        except requests.ConnectionError:
            print "Connection Error"

    def getApplianceControlInfo(self):
            payload = {
                "CODE": "000",
                "MSG": "SUCCESS",
                "RESPONSE": {"token": "SFSasfiojoij32432oi3jiojsa", "command_name": []},
            headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
            # self.response = requests.post(self.controlInfoUrl, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
            # return self.response.text
            json_res = open("controlInfo.json", "w").read()
            res = json.loads(json_res)
            return res
        except requests.ConnectionError:
            print "No Connection"

    def postImage(self, file):
            self.imageResponse = requests.post(self.imagePostUrl, files=file)
            print self.imageResponse.text
        except requests.ConnectionError:
            print "No Connection"