Exemple #1
from picsellia.client import Client
from picsellia_yolov5.utils import to_yolo, find_matching_annotations, edit_model_yaml, generate_yaml, Opt, setup_hyp
from picsellia_yolov5.utils import send_run_to_picsellia
from picsellia_yolov5.yolov5.train import train
import argparse 
import sys
import os 
import subprocess 
import yaml 
import torch
from picsellia.pxl_exceptions import AuthenticationError

if 'api_token' not in os.environ:
    raise AuthenticationError("You must set an api_token to run this image")

api_token = os.environ['api_token']

if "host" not in os.environ:
    host = "https://app.picsellia.com/sdk/v2/"
    host = os.environ["host"]

if "experiment_id" in os.environ:
    experiment_id = os.environ['experiment_id']

    experiment = Client.Experiment(api_token=api_token, host=host)
    exp = experiment.checkout(experiment_id, tree=True, with_file=True)
    if "experiment_name" in os.environ and "project_token" in os.environ:
        project_token = os.environ['project_token']
import subprocess
import shlex
from picsellia.client import Client
import os
import re
os.environ["PYTHONUNBUFFERED"] = "1"
import sys
from picsellia.pxl_exceptions import AuthenticationError

# host = ''
if 'api_token' not in os.environ:
    raise AuthenticationError("You must set an api_token to run this image")
api_token = os.environ["api_token"]

if "project_token" not in os.environ:
    raise AuthenticationError(
        "You must set a valid project token to launch runs")
project_token = os.environ["project_token"]

if "run_id" not in os.environ:
    raise AuthenticationError("You must set a valid run id to launch run")
run_id = os.environ["run_id"]

if "host" not in os.environ:
    host = "https://app.picsellia.com/sdk/v2/"
    host = os.environ["host"]

experiment = Client.Experiment(api_token=api_token,