Exemple #1
    def __init__(self):
        self.mode = "m"

        self.pitch_hold = False
        # self.hdg_hold=False
        self.alt_hold = False
        self.auto_hold = False
        self.speed_hold = False
        self.is_connected = 0

        self.status = c.OK
        self.servos_init = False
        self.throttle_updated = False

        self.pitch = 0.0
        self.roll = 0.0
        self.throttle = 0.0
        self.heading = 0.0
        self.altittude = 0.0
        self.speed = 0

        self.altPID = pid(0, 0)
        self.hdgPID = pid(0, 0)
        self.throttlePID = pid(0, 0)

        self.elevons = elevons()
        self.sensors = sensors()
        self.gps = gpsdata()
        self.motor = motor_handler(0)
        self.camera = camera()
Exemple #2
	def _reset(self):
		self.point = None
		self.canvas.itemconfig(self.point_p, state=tk.HIDDEN)

		self.pid_s = pid(*self.init_k_s)	
		self.pid_v = pid(*self.init_k_v)	
     def __init__(self):

        # First get an instance of the API endpoint (the connect via web case will be similar)
        self.api = local_connect()    #from droneapi.lib-->__init__.py,commented by ljx 

        # Our vehicle (we assume the user is trying to control the first vehicle attached to the GCS)
        self.vehicle = self.api.get_vehicles()[0]



        # horizontal velocity pid controller.  maximum effect is 10 degree lean
        xy_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_P',1.0)
        xy_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_I',0.0)
        xy_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_D',0.0)
        xy_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_IMAX',10.0)
        self.vel_xy_pid = pid.pid(xy_p, xy_i, xy_d, math.radians(xy_imax))

        # vertical velocity pid controller.  maximum effect is 10 degree lean
        z_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_P',2.5)
        z_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_I',0.0)
        z_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_D',0.0)
        z_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_IMAX',10.0)
        self.vel_z_pid = pid.pid(z_p, z_i, z_d, math.radians(z_imax))

        # velocity controller min and max speed
        self.vel_speed_min = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_SPEED_MIN',1.0)
        self.vel_speed_max = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_SPEED_MAX',4.0)
        self.vel_speed_last = 0.0   # last recorded speed
        self.vel_accel = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_ACCEL', 0.5)    # maximum acceleration in m/s/s
        self.vel_dist_ratio = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_DIST_RATIO', 0.5)
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self):
        self.mode = "m"

        self.pitch_hold = False
        # self.hdg_hold=False
        self.alt_hold = False
        self.auto_hold = False
        self.speed_hold = False
        self.is_connected = 0

        self.status = c.OK
        self.servos_init = False
        self.throttle_updated = False

        self.pitch = 0.0
        self.roll = 0.0
        self.throttle = 0.0
        self.heading = 0.0
        self.altittude = 0.0
        self.speed = 0


        self.elevons = elevons()
        self.sensors = sensors()
        self.gps = gpsdata()
        self.motor = motor_handler(0)
        self.camera = camera()
Exemple #5
	def __init__(self):	
		self.root.bind('<Button-1>', self.__click)

		self.point = None
		self.init_k_s = [1, 5, 0]
		self.init_k_v = [50, 20, 0.1]
		self.init_v = 3.0

		self.pid_s = pid(*self.init_k_s)
		self.pid_v = pid(*self.init_k_v)

		self.para_kp_s = tk.StringVar()
		self.para_kd_s = tk.StringVar()

		self.para_kp_v = tk.StringVar()
		self.para_kd_v = tk.StringVar()
		self.para_ki_v = tk.StringVar()

		self.para_v = tk.StringVar()

		tk.Label(self.params, text='Kp (s)').grid(row=0, column=2)
		tk.Entry(self.params, width=5, textvariable=self.para_kp_s).grid(row=1, column=2)

		tk.Label(self.params, text='Kd (s)').grid(row=0, column=3)
		tk.Entry(self.params, width=5, textvariable=self.para_kd_s).grid(row=1, column=3)

		tk.Label(self.params, text='Kp (v)').grid(row=0, column=4)
		tk.Entry(self.params, width=5, textvariable=self.para_kp_v).grid(row=1, column=4)

		tk.Label(self.params, text='Kd (v)').grid(row=0, column=5)
		tk.Entry(self.params, width=5, textvariable=self.para_kd_v).grid(row=1, column=5)

		tk.Label(self.params, text='Ki (v)').grid(row=0, column=6)
		tk.Entry(self.params, width=5, textvariable=self.para_ki_v).grid(row=1, column=6)

		tk.Label(self.params, text='v').grid(row=0, column=7)
		tk.Entry(self.params, width=5, textvariable=self.para_v).grid(row=1, column=7)

		self.text_e = self.canvas.create_text((10, 40), anchor='nw')

		self.point_p = self.canvas.create_oval([0, 0, 0, 0], fill='red', state=tk.HIDDEN) 
Exemple #6
def control(gmsg,robot,ball):
    mybotpid = pid.pid(x=robot.x,y=robot.y,ball = ball,angle=robot.theta)
    if gmsg.status == 1 or gmsg.status == 2:
        th = 2*m.atan(gmsg.posetogo.orientation.z)
        if abs(robot.x - gmsg.posetogo.position.x)<40 and abs(robot.y - gmsg.posetogo.position.y)<40 and abs(robot.theta - 2*m.atan(gmsg.posetogo.orientation.z))< 1:
            if gmsg.status == 2:
                print('ball kicked')
                gmsg.status = 0
        if robot.dribble == 0:

    if gmsg.status == 0:
        if robot.dribble == 0:

            if robot.dribble == 0:
            gmsg.status = 0
Exemple #7
def ex():
    UDP_IP = ""
    UDP_PORT = 48001

    sock = socket.socket(
        socket.AF_INET,  # Internet
        socket.SOCK_DGRAM)  # UDP
    sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))

    p = pid.pid(kp=2000.0,
    setpoint = 2000.0

    while True:
        # Receive packet and parse to basic values
        data, _addr = sock.recvfrom(1024)
        (dataref, value) = parse_raw_packet(data)

        if dataref == 'sim/cockpit2/gauges/indicators/altitude_ft_pilot':
            measurement = value
            yoke_pitch_ratio = p.update(setpoint, measurement)
            print('current altitude: ' + str(value) +
                  ' computed yoke pitch ratio: ' + str(yoke_pitch_ratio))

            packet = create_raw_packet(
                'sim/cockpit2/controls/yoke_pitch_ratio', yoke_pitch_ratio)
            sock.sendto(packet, ('', 49000))
    def calculatePowerUpdate(self, position):
        # x+=1
        # print(position)
        # # The "proportional" term should be 0 when we are on the line.
        # proportional = position - 2000
        # # Compute the derivative (change) and integral (sum) of the position.
        # derivative = proportional - last_proportional
        # integral += proportional
        # # Remember the last position.
        # last_proportional = proportional
                    // Compute the difference between the two motor power settings,
                    // m1 - m2.  If this is a positive number the robot will turn
                    // to the right.  If it is a negative number, the robot will
                    // turn to the left, and the magnitude of the number determines
                    // the sharpness of the turn.  You can adjust the constants by which
                    // the proportional, integral, and derivative terms are multiplied to
                    // improve performance.
        # power_difference = proportional/25 + derivative/100 #+ integral/1000;
        pidObj = pid.pid()
        power_difference = pidObj.calculateDifference(position, self.proportionalCoefficient,
        pwmaPower, pwmbPower = self.calculateNewPower( power_difference)
        print(position, power_difference)

        return pwmaPower, pwmbPower
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self):
        self.cfgName = "temp_reg.config"
        self.dataName = "data.csv"
        self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()

        self.sysinfo = sysinfo.Sysinfo()

        self.logfile =self.dataName
        self.fh=open(self.logfile, "a+")


        self.stirrer1 = stirrer(13,26)

        self.t1 = pt100.PT100()


        self.ntc1 = ntc.Ntc('P9_39',beta=3889)
        self.ntc2 = ntc.Ntc('P9_37')



        self.ctl1 = relay_ctrl(self.comm,self.pid1,self.t1,self.ctlConfig.get("HeaterPort",16),

        self.tilt = tilt2_client.Tilt2()
        self.http1= http_comm(self.serverConfig,self.comm)

        self.socket_comm = socket_comm.Socket_comm(self.comm)
 def __init__(self, monitor, comedi):
     self.lock = threading.Lock()
     self.time_sleep = 0
     self.com = comedi
     self.mon = monitor
     self.pid = pid()
     self.pi = pi()
     self.Ts = 0.01
     self.lqg = lqg(self.mon)
     self.offset = 0 # offset mittpunkt bom i volt, bom 2 lördag
Exemple #11
def CallbackPID(msg):
    global pub
    global lastTime
    global pso
    # print("PID Callback OK")
    velX = msg.velX * 1000
    velY = msg.velY * 1000
    flag = msg.flag
    if flag:
        pso = PSO(15, 20, 1000, 1, 1, 0.5)

    errorInfo.errorX = msg.errorX
    errorInfo.errorY = msg.errorY
    # print("INitial",velX,velY)
    vX, vY = pid(velX, velY, errorInfo, pso)
    # vX,vY = velX,velY
    # print("Changed",vX,vY)
    botAngle = msg.botAngle
    # print("BotAngle ", botAngle)
    vXBot = vX * cos(botAngle) + vY * sin(botAngle)
    vYBot = -vX * sin(botAngle) + vY * cos(botAngle)
    # print("Velocity ",vXBot,vYBot)

    command_msgs = gr_Robot_Command()
    final_msgs = gr_Commands()
    command_msgs.id = 0
    command_msgs.wheelsspeed = 0
    command_msgs.veltangent = vXBot / 1000
    command_msgs.velnormal = vYBot / 1000
    command_msgs.velangular = 0
    command_msgs.kickspeedx = 0
    command_msgs.kickspeedz = 0
    command_msgs.spinner = False

    if (msg.velX == msg.velY and msg.velX == 0):
        command_msgs.velnormal = command_msgs.veltangent = 0
    # t = rospy.get_rostime()
    # currTime = t.secs + t.nsecs/pow(10,9)
    # diffT = float(currTime - lastTime)
    # command_msgs.nextExpectedX = vXBot*diffT + homePos[0][0];
    # command_msgs.nextExpectedY = vYBot*diffT + homePos[0][1];

    # final_msgs.timestamp      = ros::Time::now().toSec()
    final_msgs.isteamyellow = False
    final_msgs.robot_commands = command_msgs
    # lastTime = currTime
Exemple #12
    def __init__(self):
        self.cfgName = "temp_reg.config"
        self.dataName = "data.csv"
        self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        self.config['Controller'] = {}
        self.config['Server'] = {}
        self.ctlConfig = self.config['Controller']
        self.serverConfig = self.config['Server']

        self.logfile = self.dataName
        self.fh = open(self.logfile, "a+")


        self.stirrer1 = stirrer("P9_14", "P9_12")

        self.t1 = pt100.PT100()
        self.ntc1 = ntc.Ntc('P9_39', beta=3889)
        self.ntc2 = ntc.Ntc('P9_37')

        self.pid1 = pid()
        self.pid1.setSetPoint(float(self.ctlConfig.get("SetPoint", "20")))
        self.pid1.setK_p(float(self.ctlConfig.get("K_p", "6")))
        self.pid1.setK_i(float(self.ctlConfig.get("K_i", "0.01")))
        self.pid1.setI_sat_p(float(self.ctlConfig.get("I_sat_p", "60")))
        self.pid1.setI_sat_n(float(self.ctlConfig.get("I_sat_n", "-60")))

        self.ramp = float(self.ctlConfig.get("Ramp", "0"))
        self.setPoint = self.pid1.getSetPoint()

        self.ctl1 = relay_ctrl(self.pid1, self.t1,
                               self.ctlConfig.get("HeaterPort", "P8_13"),
                               self.ctlConfig.get("CoolerPort", "P9_42"),
                               float(self.ctlConfig.get("CtlPeriod", "10")))

        print("tilt start", flush=True)
        self.tilt = tilt2_client.Tilt2()

        print("http start", flush=True)
        self.http1 = http_comm(self)


Exemple #13
def test_controller():
    control		= pid.pid( Kpid = ( 2.0, 1.0, 2.0 ), now = 0. )

    assert near( control.loop( 1.0, 1.0, now = 1. ),   0.0000 )
    assert near( control.loop( 1.0, 1.0, now = 2. ),   0.0000 )
    assert near( control.loop( 1.0, 1.1, now = 3. ),  -0.5000 )
    assert near( control.loop( 1.0, 1.1, now = 4. ),  -0.4000 )
    assert near( control.loop( 1.0, 1.1, now = 5. ),  -0.5000 )
    assert near( control.loop( 1.0, 1.05,now = 6. ),  -0.3500 )
    assert near( control.loop( 1.0, 1.05,now = 7. ),  -0.5000 )
    assert near( control.loop( 1.0, 1.01,now = 8. ),  -0.3500 )
    assert near( control.loop( 1.0, 1.0, now = 9. ),  -0.3900 )
    assert near( control.loop( 1.0, 1.0, now =10. ),  -0.4100 )
    assert near( control.loop( 1.0, 1.0, now =11. ),  -0.4100 )
    assert near( control.loop( 1.0, 1.0, now =12. ),  -0.4100 )
    assert near( control.loop( 1.0, 1.0, now =13. ),  -0.4100 )
    assert near( control.loop( 1.0, 1.0, now =14. ),  -0.4100 )
Exemple #14
def posepub(xtg, ytg, x, y, ango, bx, by, ang, k):
    pub = rospy.Publisher('robot1n1/pose', Pose, queue_size=10)
    pubball = rospy.Publisher('ballpose', Pose, queue_size=10)
    pose = Pose()
    bpose = Pose()
    k = k
    rate = rospy.Rate(60)
    ball = p.ball(x=bx, y=by)
    mybot = p.robot(x=x, y=y, yaw=ango, ball=ball)
    mybotpid = pid.pid(x=x, y=y, ball=ball, angle=ango)
    ko = 0
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        for event in pg.event.get():
            if event.type == pg.QUIT:
        mybotpid.gtg(xtg, ytg, mybot, ball, thtg=ang)
        if mybot.dribble == 0:
            p.collRb(mybot, ball)
        bpose.position.x = ball.x
        bpose.position.y = ball.y
        pose.position.x = mybot.x
        pose.position.y = mybot.y
        pose.orientation.z = m.tan(mybot.theta / 2)
        pose.orientation.w = 1
        bpose.orientation.w = 1
        if (p.dist(mybot.x, mybot.y, xtg, ytg) < 10
                and abs(mybot.theta - angle) < 0.1 and ball.speed <= 3
                and ko == 0):
            if k == 1 and mybot.dribble == 1:
                mybot.kick(ball, 5)
            ko = 1
        #print ball.speed
        if (p.dist(mybot.x, mybot.y, xtg, ytg) < 10
                and abs(mybot.theta - angle) < 0.1 and ball.speed <= 3
                and ko == 1):
            return mybot.x, mybot.y, mybot.theta, ball.x, ball.y
        oldx = mybot.x
        oldy = mybot.y
Exemple #15
    def __init__(
        symbol,  # eg. '$'
        label,  # eg. 'USD'
        commodities={},  # The definition of the backing commodities
        basket={},  # Reference basket, specifying # Units and Proportion of value
        multiplier=1,  # How many units of currency does 'basket' represent
        K=0.5,  # Initial credit/wealth ratio
        Lk=(0.0, math.nan),  # Allowed range of K (math.nan means no limit)
        damping=3.0,  # Amplify corrective movement by this factor (too much: oscillation)
        window=7 * 24 * 60 *
        60,  # Default to 1 week sliding average to filter currency value
        now=time.time()):  # Initial time (default to seconds)
        """ Establish the fundamentals and initial conditions of the currency.  It will always be
        valued based on the initial proportional relationship between the commodities. """

        self.symbol = symbol
        self.label = label
        self.commodities = commodities.copy()
        self.basket = basket.copy()
        self.multiplier = multiplier
        self.window = window

        # Remember the latest commodity prices and total basket cost; used for computing how much
        # credit can be issued for pledges of any commodities.

        self.price = {}
        self.total = 0.

        # Create the PID loop, and pre-load the integral to produce the initial K.  If there is 0
        # error (P term) and 0 error rate of change (D term), then only the I term influences the
        # output.  So, if the next update() supplies prices that show that the value of the currency
        # is 1.0, then the error term will be 0, P and D will remain 0, and I will not change, K
        # will remain at the current value.

        #			    P        I        D
        Kpid = (damping, 0.1, damping / 2.)

        self.stabilizer = pid.pid(Kpid=Kpid, Finp=window, Lout=Lk, now=now)
        self.stabilizer.I = K / self.stabilizer.Kpid[1]

        #                           time	value	K
        self.trend = [(now, 1.0, K)]
Exemple #16
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('follow_face', anonymous=True)
        # real_drone = bool(rospy.get_param('~real_drone', 'false'))

        rospy.Subscriber("/face_tracker/bbox", rlist, self.maintain_coords)
        self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(2), self.timer_callback, True)

        self.servo_down_pub = rospy.Publisher('servo_down',
        self.servo_up_pub = rospy.Publisher('servo_up', UInt16, queue_size=10)

        # servo angles
        self.up = 90
        self.down = 110

        # set default servo angles

        # init pid
        self.pid = pid()
Exemple #17
 def testOnLine(self):
     pidObj = pid.pid()
     self.assertEqual(pidObj.calculateDifference(2000, 25, 100, 1000), 0)
    def __init__(self):

        # First get an instance of the API endpoint (the connect via web case will be similar)
        self.api = local_connect()

        # Our vehicle (we assume the user is trying to control the virst vehicle attached to the GCS)
        self.vehicle = self.api.get_vehicles()[0]

        # initialised flag
        self.home_initialised = False
        # timer to intermittently check for home position
        self.last_home_check = time.time()

        # historical attitude
        self.att_hist = AttitudeHistory(self.vehicle, 2.0)
        self.attitude_delay = 0.0               # expected delay between image and attitude

        # search variables
        self.search_state = 0                   # 0 = not search, 1 = spinning and looking, 2 = rotating to best balloon and double checking, 3 = finalise yaw 
        self.search_start_heading = None        # initial heading of vehicle when search began
        self.search_target_heading = None       # the vehicle's current target heading (updated as vehicle spins during search)
        self.search_heading_change = None       # heading change (in radians) performed so far during search
        self.search_balloon_pos = None          # position (as an offset from home) of closest balloon (so far) during search
        self.search_balloon_heading = None      # earth-frame heading (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon
        self.search_balloon_pitch_top = None        # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon
        self.search_balloon_distance = None     # distance (in meters) from vehicle to closest balloon
        self.targeting_start_time = 0           # time vehicle first pointed towards final target (used with delay_time below)
        self.targeting_delay_time = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','SEARCH_TARGET_DELAY',2.0)    # time vehicle waits after pointing towards ballon and before heading towards it
        self.search_yaw_speed = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','SEARCH_YAW_SPEED',5.0) 

        # vehicle mission
        self.mission_cmds = None
        self.mission_alt_min = 0                # min altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons below this altitude).  "0" means no limit
        self.mission_alt_max = 0                # max altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons above this altitude).  "0" means no limit
        self.mission_distance_max = 0           # max distance from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons further than this distance).  "0" means no limit

        # we are not in control of vehicle
        self.controlling_vehicle = False

        # vehicle position captured at time camera image was captured
        self.vehicle_pos = None

        # balloon direction and position estimate from latest call to analyse_image
        self.balloon_found = False
        self.balloon_pitch = None
        self.balloon_pitch_top = None           # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to top of closest balloon
        self.balloon_heading = None
        self.balloon_distance = None
        self.balloon_pos = None             # last estimated position as an offset from home

        # time of the last target update sent to the flight controller
        self.guided_last_update = time.time()

        # latest velocity target sent to flight controller
        self.guided_target_vel = None

        # time the target balloon was last spotted
        self.last_spotted_time = 0

        # if we lose sight of a balloon for this many seconds we will consider it lost and give up on the search
        self.lost_sight_timeout = 3

        # The module only prints log messages unless the vehicle is in GUIDED mode (for testing).
        # Once this seems to work reasonablly well change self.debug to False and then it will
        # actually _enter_ guided mode when it thinks it sees a balloon
        self.debug = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general','debug',True)

        # use the simulator to generate fake balloon images
        self.use_simulator = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general','simulate',False)

        # start background image grabber
        if not self.use_simulator:

        # initialise video writer
        self.writer = None

        # horizontal velocity pid controller.  maximum effect is 10 degree lean
        xy_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_P',1.0)
        xy_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_I',0.0)
        xy_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_D',0.0)
        xy_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_IMAX',10.0)
        self.vel_xy_pid = pid.pid(xy_p, xy_i, xy_d, math.radians(xy_imax))

        # vertical velocity pid controller.  maximum effect is 10 degree lean
        z_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_P',2.5)
        z_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_I',0.0)
        z_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_D',0.0)
        z_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_IMAX',10.0)
        self.vel_z_pid = pid.pid(z_p, z_i, z_d, math.radians(z_imax))

        # velocity controller min and max speed
        self.vel_speed_min = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_SPEED_MIN',1.0)
        self.vel_speed_max = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_SPEED_MAX',4.0)
        self.vel_speed_last = 0.0   # last recorded speed
        self.vel_accel = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_ACCEL', 0.5)    # maximum acceleration in m/s/s
        self.vel_dist_ratio = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_DIST_RATIO', 0.5) 

        # pitch angle to hit balloon at.  negative means come down from above
        self.vel_pitch_target = math.radians(balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_PITCH_TARGET',-5.0))

        # velocity controller update rate
        self.vel_update_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_UPDATE_RATE_SEC',0.2)
Exemple #19
def test(inp):
    ALPHA = 0.02

    test.output = (SAMPLE_TIME_S * inp + test.output) / (1.0 +
                                                         ALPHA * SAMPLE_TIME_S)

    return test.output

test.output = 0.0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    p = pid.pid(kp=2.0,

    setpoint = 1.0

    print("Time (s)\tSystem Output\tControllerOutput")
    t = 0.0
    while t < SIMULATION_TIME_MAX:
        # Get measurement from system
        measurement = test(p.output)

        # Compute new control signal
        p.update(setpoint, measurement)
    def __init__(self):

        # connect to vehicle with dronekit
        self.vehicle = self.get_vehicle_with_dronekit()

        # initialised flag
        self.home_initialised = False
        # timer to intermittently check for home position
        self.last_home_check = time.time()

        # historical attitude
        self.att_hist = AttitudeHistory(self.vehicle, 2.0)
        self.attitude_delay = 0.0  # expected delay between image and attitude

        # search variables
        self.search_state = 0  # 0 = not search, 1 = spinning and looking, 2 = rotating to best balloon and double checking, 3 = finalise yaw
        self.search_start_heading = None  # initial heading of vehicle when search began
        self.search_target_heading = None  # the vehicle's current target heading (updated as vehicle spins during search)
        self.search_heading_change = None  # heading change (in radians) performed so far during search
        self.search_balloon_pos = None  # position (as an offset from home) of closest balloon (so far) during search
        self.search_balloon_heading = None  # earth-frame heading (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon
        self.search_balloon_pitch_top = None  # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon
        self.search_balloon_distance = None  # distance (in meters) from vehicle to closest balloon
        self.targeting_start_time = 0  # time vehicle first pointed towards final target (used with delay_time below)
        self.targeting_delay_time = balloon_config.config.get_float(
            'general', 'SEARCH_TARGET_DELAY', 2.0
        )  # time vehicle waits after pointing towards ballon and before heading towards it
        self.search_yaw_speed = balloon_config.config.get_float(
            'general', 'SEARCH_YAW_SPEED', 5.0)

        # vehicle mission
        self.mission_cmds = None
        self.mission_alt_min = 0  # min altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons below this altitude).  "0" means no limit
        self.mission_alt_max = 0  # max altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons above this altitude).  "0" means no limit
        self.mission_distance_max = 0  # max distance from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons further than this distance).  "0" means no limit

        # we are not in control of vehicle
        self.controlling_vehicle = False

        # vehicle position captured at time camera image was captured
        self.vehicle_pos = None

        # balloon direction and position estimate from latest call to analyse_image
        self.balloon_found = False
        self.balloon_pitch = None
        self.balloon_pitch_top = None  # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to top of closest balloon
        self.balloon_heading = None
        self.balloon_distance = None
        self.balloon_pos = None  # last estimated position as an offset from home

        # time of the last target update sent to the flight controller
        self.guided_last_update = time.time()

        # latest velocity target sent to flight controller
        self.guided_target_vel = None

        # time the target balloon was last spotted
        self.last_spotted_time = 0

        # if we lose sight of a balloon for this many seconds we will consider it lost and give up on the search
        self.lost_sight_timeout = 3

        # The module only prints log messages unless the vehicle is in GUIDED mode (for testing).
        # Once this seems to work reasonablly well change self.debug to False and then it will
        # actually _enter_ guided mode when it thinks it sees a balloon
        self.debug = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general', 'debug',

        # use the simulator to generate fake balloon images
        self.use_simulator = balloon_config.config.get_boolean(
            'general', 'simulate', False)

        # start background image grabber
        if not self.use_simulator:

        # initialise video writer
        self.writer = None

        # horizontal velocity pid controller.  maximum effect is 10 degree lean
        xy_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_XY_P', 1.0)
        xy_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_XY_I', 0.0)
        xy_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_XY_D', 0.0)
        xy_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_XY_IMAX',
        self.vel_xy_pid = pid.pid(xy_p, xy_i, xy_d, math.radians(xy_imax))

        # vertical velocity pid controller.  maximum effect is 10 degree lean
        z_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_Z_P', 2.5)
        z_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_Z_I', 0.0)
        z_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_Z_D', 0.0)
        z_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_IMAX', 10.0)
        self.vel_z_pid = pid.pid(z_p, z_i, z_d, math.radians(z_imax))

        # velocity controller min and max speed
        self.vel_speed_min = balloon_config.config.get_float(
            'general', 'VEL_SPEED_MIN', 1.0)
        self.vel_speed_max = balloon_config.config.get_float(
            'general', 'VEL_SPEED_MAX', 4.0)
        self.vel_speed_last = 0.0  # last recorded speed
        self.vel_accel = balloon_config.config.get_float(
            'general', 'VEL_ACCEL', 0.5)  # maximum acceleration in m/s/s
        self.vel_dist_ratio = balloon_config.config.get_float(
            'general', 'VEL_DIST_RATIO', 0.5)

        # pitch angle to hit balloon at.  negative means come down from above
        self.vel_pitch_target = math.radians(
            balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_PITCH_TARGET',

        # velocity controller update rate
        self.vel_update_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float(
            'general', 'VEL_UPDATE_RATE_SEC', 0.2)

        # stats
        self.num_frames_analysed = 0
        self.stats_start_time = 0
def setup_pid(control_rate, kp, ki, kd):
    pid = p.pid()
    # pid_pos_x.set_derivative_term_low_pass_frequency(control_rate/2)
    pid.pid_set_gains(kp, ki, kd)
    return pid
Exemple #22
 def testCalculateDifference(self):
     pidObj = pid.pid()
     print(pidObj.calculateDifference(1000, 25, 100, 1000))
Exemple #23
 def __init__(self):
     self.x_PID = pid(0.070, 0.025, 0.010, 15)
     self.y_PID = pid(0.070, 0.025, 0.010, 15)
     self.x_corr = 0
     self.y_corr = 0
     self.target_angle = [0,0]
Exemple #24
    global sock, pv
        msg = 'READ %d' % channel
        pv = float(sock.recv(64)) * 6.25
    except socket.error, (value, message):
        print "Error socket receiving. " + message
        connected = False

# Socket
ip = ''
port = 20081
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    sock.connect((ip, port))
    print "Connected with Simutank!\n"
except socket.error, (value, message):
    print "Error opening socket. " + message

while True:
    integral_ = pid.integral(error, sampleTime, integral_, ki)
    mv = pid.pid(error, errorPrevious, sampleTime, integral_, kp, ki, kd)
    errorPrevious = error
    error = setPoint - pv
Exemple #25
pitch_init = pitch_init+180 if pitch_init <= 0 else pitch_init-180
roll_init = bno055.readEuler().angle_y
# Write to file
with open("/Web/www/autre.json", "r") as f:
    autre_file = ujson.load(f)
with open("/Web/www/autre.json", "w") as f:
    autre_file[2]["data"]["target"] = pitch_init
    autre_file[1]["data"]["target"] = roll_init
    ujson.dump(autre_file, f)

# Airspeed
speed = airspeed(bmp180)
speed_init = 10

# PID controllers
pitch_pid = pid(0, 0, 0)
roll_pid = pid(0, 0, 0)
speed_pid = pid(0, 0, 0)

# Read configuration
pid_counter = 0
#config.readConfig(pitch_pid, roll_pid, speed_pid)

# Setup mode object
mode = modes.mode(receiver, speed, bno055, speed_pid, pitch_pid, roll_pid,
                pitch_servo, roll_servo, throttle_servo, yaw_servo)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main loop
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global sock,pv
        msg = 'READ %d' % channel
        pv = float(sock.recv(64))*6.25
    except socket.error, (value,message):
        print "Error socket receiving. " + message
        connected = False

# Socket
ip = ''
port = 20081
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    sock.connect((ip, port))
    print "Connected with Simutank!\n"
except socket.error, (value,message):
    print "Error opening socket. " + message

while True: 
    integral_ = pid.integral(error,sampleTime,integral_,ki)
    mv = pid.pid(error,errorPrevious,sampleTime,integral_,kp,ki,kd)
    errorPrevious = error
    error = setPoint-pv

Exemple #27
    def update_controls(self):
        x = self._current_x
        y = self._current_y
        yaw = self._current_yaw
        v = self._current_speed
        v_desired = self._desired_speed
        yaw_desired = self._desired_yaw
        cross_error = self._lookahead_cross_error
        t = self._current_timestamp
        waypoints = self._waypoints
        throttle_output = 0
        steer_output = 0
        brake_output = 0

            Use 'self.vars.create_var(<variable name>, <default value>)'
            to create a persistent variable (not destroyed at each iteration).
            This means that the value can be stored for use in the next
            iteration of the control loop.

            Example: Creation of 'v_previous', default value to be 0
            self.vars.create_var('v_previous', 0.0)

            Example: Setting 'v_previous' to be 1.0
            self.vars.v_previous = 1.0

            Example: Accessing the value from 'v_previous' to be used
            throttle_output = 0.5 * self.vars.v_previous

        # Init global function
        if not self._init_param:
            # Throttle Self - Tuning and Model Reference vars
            self.vars.create_var('v_previous', np.zeros(2))
            self.vars.create_var('v_desired_previous', 0.0)

            self.vars.create_var('u_previous', 0.0)

            self.vars.create_var('throttle_output_previous', np.zeros(2))

            # self.vars.create_var('b0', INIT_GUESS_THROTTLE[0, 0])
            # self.vars.create_var('b1', INIT_GUESS_THROTTLE[0, 1])
            # self.vars.create_var('b2', INIT_GUESS_THROTTLE[0, 2])
            # self.vars.create_var('a1', INIT_GUESS_THROTTLE[1, 1])
            # self.vars.create_var('a2', INIT_GUESS_THROTTLE[1, 2])
            self.vars.create_var('plant', INIT_GUESS_THROTTLE)
            self.vars.create_var('P_k_1', np.eye(4, dtype=float))

            # # Throttle controller vars
            # self.vars.create_var('throttle_pid_previous', 0.0)
            # self.vars.create_var('throttle_e_previous', 0.0)
            # self.vars.create_var('throttle_e_previous_2', 0.0)

            # Brake controller vars
            self.vars.create_var('brake_previous', 0.0)
            self.vars.create_var('brake_e_previous', np.zeros(2))
            self.vars.create_var('last_brake', False)

            # Stanley controller vars
            self.vars.create_var('e_yaw_previous', np.zeros(2))
            self.vars.create_var('cross_error_previous', np.zeros(2))
            self.vars.create_var('u_yaw_previous', 0.0)
            self.vars.create_var('u_cross_previous', 0.0)

            self._init_param = True

        # Skip the first frame to store previous values properly
        if self._start_control_loop:
                Controller iteration code block.

                Controller Feedback Variables:
                    x               : Current X position (meters)
                    y               : Current Y position (meters)
                    yaw             : Current yaw pose (radians)
                    v               : Current forward speed (meters per second)
                    t               : Current time (seconds)
                    v_desired       : Current desired speed (meters per second)
                                      (Computed as the speed to track at the
                                      closest waypoint to the vehicle.)
                    waypoints       : Current waypoints to track
                                      (Includes speed to track at each x,y
                                      Format: [[x0, y0, v0],
                                               [x1, y1, v1],
                                               [xn, yn, vn]]
                                          Returns the 3rd waypoint's y position

                                          Returns [x5, y5, v5] (6th waypoint)
                Controller Output Variables:
                    throttle_output : Throttle output (0 to 1)
                    steer_output    : Steer output (-1.22 rad to 1.22 rad)
                    brake_output    : Brake output (0 to 1)

                Implement a longitudinal controller here. Remember that you can
                access the persistent variables declared above here. For
                example, can treat self.vars.v_previous like a "global variable".

            # Change these outputs with the longitudinal controller. Note that
            # brake_output is optional and is not required to pass the
            # assignment, as the car will naturally slow down over time.

            # Throttle controller based on Model Predictive Control
            # model = longitudinal_model.longitudinal_model()
            # throttle_controller = mpc.mpc(model, T_SAMP, v_desired)
            # # estimator = mhe.mhe(model, T_SAMP)
            # # estimator.y0 = v
            # # x0 = estimator.make_step(y0)
            # x0 = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(model.C), v)
            # x0 = np.append(x0, [[v]], axis=0)
            # throttle_controller.x0 = x0
            # throttle_controller.set_initial_guess()
            # u0 = throttle_controller.make_step(x0)

            # throttle_output = throttle_controller.u0['u']

            # # Throttle controller is Complementary of PID and Feed Forward Controller
            # # Feed Forward Controller
            # # Relationship between Car's speed and Throttle var is linear regressed as below equation
            # # speed = FF_A * throttle_var + FF_B
            # FF_A = 20.3713
            # FF_B = -4.9084
            # throttle_FF_output = (v_desired - FF_B) / FF_A

            # # PID Controller
            # throttle_P = 1.5
            # throttle_I = 8
            # throttle_D = 2
            # throttle_PID_controller = pid.pid(T_SAMP, throttle_P, throttle_I, throttle_D)
            # throttle_k_1 = self.vars.throttle_pid_previous
            # throttle_e_k_1 = self.vars.throttle_e_previous
            # throttle_e_k_2 = self.vars.throttle_e_previous_2

            # throttle_e_k = v_desired - v

            # throttle_PID_output = throttle_PID_controller.make_control(throttle_k_1, throttle_e_k, throttle_e_k_1, throttle_e_k_2)
            # self.vars.throttle_pid_previous = throttle_PID_output
            # self.vars.throttle_e_previous_2 = self.vars.throttle_e_previous
            # self.vars.throttle_e_previous = throttle_e_k

            # complement_ratio = 0.5          # Ratio of FF Controller in the Complementary Controller
            # throttle_output = complement_ratio * throttle_FF_output + (1 - complement_ratio) * throttle_PID_output

            # Throttel Controller based on Self - Tuning and Model Reference
            # Estimate Model
            # Model estimation excutes if brake was unactive, last command
            if not self.vars.last_brake:
                phi = np.array([[-self.vars.v_previous[0]],

                theta = self.vars.plant.flatten()
                theta = theta[[2, 3, 0, 1]].reshape(4, 1)

                estimated_model = model_estimator.model(phi, theta)
                estimated_model.make_control(v, self.vars.P_k_1)

                theta = estimated_model.get_theta()
                self.vars.plant = theta[[2, 3, 0, 1]].reshape((2, 2))
                self.vars.P_k_1 = estimated_model.get_P_k_1()

            # Model Reference Control
            throttle_controller = mrac.mrac(THROTTLE_REF_MODEL,

            uc = np.array([v_desired, self.vars.v_desired_previous])
            y = np.array([v, self.vars.v_previous[0]])

            throttle_output = throttle_controller.make_control(
                uc, y, self.vars.u_previous)

            self.vars.v_desired_previous = v_desired
            self.vars.v_previous[1] = self.vars.v_previous[0]
            self.vars.v_previous[0] = v
            self.vars.u_previous = throttle_output

                1] = self.vars.throttle_output_previous[0]
            self.vars.throttle_output_previous[0] = np.fmax(
                np.fmin(throttle_output, 1.0), 0.0)

            # Brake controller is a PID Controller
            if throttle_output < 0:
                brake_P = 3.7618
                brake_I = 0.9738
                brake_D = 0.3308
                brake_controller = pid.pid(T_SAMP, brake_P, brake_I, brake_D)

                brake_e = np.insert(self.vars.brake_e_previous, 0,
                                    v - v_desired)

                brake_output = brake_controller.make_control(
                    self.vars.brake_previous, brake_e)

                self.vars.brake_previous = brake_output
                self.vars.brake_e_previous[1] = self.vars.brake_e_previous[0]
                self.vars.brake_e_previous[0] = v - v_desired

                if brake_output > 0:
                    self.vars.last_brake = True
                    self.vars.last_brake = False
                self.vars.last_brake = False
                brake_output = 0

                Implement a lateral controller here. Remember that you can
                access the persistent variables declared above here. For
                example, can treat self.vars.v_previous like a "global variable".

            # Change the steer output with the lateral controller.
            # Lateral Controller is based on Stanley Controller
            steer_yaw_P = 1
            steer_yaw_I = 0.15
            steer_yaw_D = 0.9
            steer_cross_P = 1.281
            steer_cross_I = 0.25
            steer_cross_D = 1.5
            steer_K_s = 10
            steer_controller = stanley_controller.stanley_controller(steer_yaw_P, steer_yaw_I, steer_yaw_D,\
                                                                     steer_cross_P, steer_cross_I, steer_cross_D,\

            # e_yaw = np.array([yaw_desired - yaw, self.vars.e_yaw_previous])
            e_yaw = np.insert(self.vars.e_yaw_previous, 0, yaw_desired - yaw)
            error = np.insert(self.vars.cross_error_previous, 0, cross_error)
            # error = np.array([cross_error, self.vars.cross_error_previous])

            steer_output = steer_controller.make_control(self.vars.u_yaw_previous,\
                                                         e_yaw, v, error)

            self.vars.u_yaw_previous, self.vars.u_cross_previous = steer_controller.get_u_previous(

            self.vars.e_yaw_previous[1] = self.vars.e_yaw_previous[0]
            self.vars.e_yaw_previous[0] = yaw_desired - yaw
            self.vars.cross_error_previous[1] = self.vars.cross_error_previous[
            self.vars.cross_error_previous[0] = cross_error

            self.set_throttle(throttle_output)  # in percent (0 to 1)
            self.set_steer(steer_output)  # in rad (-1.22 to 1.22)
            self.set_brake(brake_output)  # in percent (0 to 1)

Exemple #28
    def execute(self, t, kub_id, target, homePos_, awayPos_,avoid_ball=False):

        # Return vx,vy,vw,self.replan,remainingDistance
        self.target = target

        self.REPLAN = 0
        self.homePos = homePos_
        self.awayPos = awayPos_
        self.kubid = kub_id
        #self.FIRST_CALL = int(os.environ.get('fc'+str(self.kubid)))
        # if not self.prev_target==None:
        if isinstance(self.prev_target, Vector2D):
            dist = distance_(self.target, self.prev_target)
                self.REPLAN = 1
        self.prev_target = self.target        
        # print("in getVelocity, self.FIRST_CALL = ",self.FIRST_CALL)
        curPos = Vector2D(int(self.homePos[self.kubid].x),int(self.homePos[self.kubid].y))
        distance = sqrt(pow(self.target.x - self.homePos[self.kubid].x,2) + pow(self.target.y - self.homePos[self.kubid].y,2))
            print("BOT id:{}, in first call, timeIntoLap: {}".format(self.kubid, t-self.start_time))
            startPt = point_2d()
            startPt.x = self.homePos[self.kubid].x
            startPt.y = self.homePos[self.kubid].y
            self.findPath(startPt, self.target, avoid_ball)
            self.FIRST_CALL = 0

            print("Bot id:{}, not first call, timeIntoLap: {}".format(self.kubid,t-self.start_time))
        if distance < 1.5*BOT_BALL_THRESH:
            return [0,0,0,0,0]
        # print("ex = ",self.expectedTraverseTime) 
        # print("t = ",t," start = ",start)
        remainingDistance = 0
        # print("ex = ",self.expectedTraverseTime) 
        # print("t = ",t," start = ",start)
        if (t-self.start_time< self.expectedTraverseTime):
            if self.v.trapezoid(t-self.start_time,curPos):
                index = self.v.GetExpectedPositionIndex()
                if index == -1:
                    vX,vY,eX,eY = self.v.sendVelocity(self.v.getVelocity(),self.v.motionAngle[index],index)
                    vX,vY = 0,0

                    remainingDistance = self.v.GetPathLength(startIndex=index)
                    vX,vY,eX,eY = self.v.sendVelocity(self.v.getVelocity(),self.v.motionAngle[index],index)

                # print(t-self.start_time, self.expectedTraverseTime)
                if self.expectedTraverseTime == 'self.REPLAN':
                    self.REPLAN = 1
                # print("Motion Not Possible")
                vX,vY,eX,eY = 0,0,0,0
                flag = 1
            # print("TimeOUT, self.REPLANNING")
            vX,vY,eX,eY = 0,0,0,0
            self.errorInfo.errorIX = 0.0
            self.errorInfo.errorIY = 0.0
            self.errorInfo.lastErrorX = 0.0
            self.errorInfo.lastErrorY = 0.0
            startPt = point_2d()
            startPt.x = self.homePos[self.kubid].x
            startPt.y = self.homePos[self.kubid].y
            self.findPath(startPt,self.target, avoid_ball)

        errorMag = sqrt(pow(eX,2) + pow(eY,2))

        should_replan = self.shouldReplan()
        if(should_replan == True):
            self.v.velocity = 0
            # print("self.v.velocity now = ",self.v.velocity)
        # print("entering if, should_replan = ", should_replan)
        if  should_replan or \
            (errorMag > 350 and distance > 1.5* BOT_BALL_THRESH) or \
            self.REPLAN == 1:
                # print("______________here____________________")
                # print("condition 1",should_replan)
                # print("error magnitude", errorMag)
                # print("distance threshold",distance > 1.5* BOT_BALL_THRESH)
                # print("condition 2",errorMag > 350 and distance > 1.5* BOT_BALL_THRESH)
                # print("condition 3",self.REPLAN)
                # print("Should self.Replan",should_replan)
                # print("ErrorMag",errorMag > 350 and distance > 2*BOT_BALL_THRESH)
                self.REPLAN = 1
                startPt = point_2d()
                startPt.x = self.homePos[self.kubid].x
                startPt.y = self.homePos[self.kubid].y
                self.findPath(startPt,self.target, avoid_ball)
                return [0,0,0, self.REPLAN,0]  

            self.errorInfo.errorX = eX
            self.errorInfo.errorY = eY
            vX,vY = pid(vX,vY,self.errorInfo,self.pso)
            botAngle = self.homePos[self.kubid].theta
            vXBot = vX*cos(botAngle) + vY*sin(botAngle)
            vYBot = -vX*sin(botAngle) + vY*cos(botAngle)

            return [vXBot, vYBot, 0, self.REPLAN,remainingDistance]            

            return [vXBot, vYBot, 0, self.REPLAN]            
Exemple #29
phi = -math.pi                  # face backwards initially

# this is the base velocity of the robot
base_velocity = 1.0

# this is the actual velocity, which may be a percentage of base_velocity
v = base_velocity

# shorthand for goal
g = goal_position

# time step for simulation
dt = 0.01

# create some pid controllers, one for the robot, and one for the camera
dir_pid = pid.pid(2.0, 0, 0)

    pts = points(pos=[], size=.5, color=color.red, retain=50)

seen_obstacles = set()

environment = { 
    'BASE_VELOCITY' : base_velocity, 
    'CLEAR_PATH'    : clear_path,
    'PHI'           : 0,
    'TARGET'        : target,
Exemple #30
def Get_Vel(start, t, kub_id, target, homePos_, awayPos_, avoid_ball=False):
    global expectedTraverseTime, REPLAN, v, errorInfo, pso, FIRST_CALL, homePos, awayPos, kubid
    REPLAN = 0
    homePos = homePos_
    awayPos = awayPos_
    kubid = kub_id

    curPos = Vector2D(int(homePos[kubid].x), int(homePos[kubid].y))
    distance = sqrt(
        pow(target.x - homePos[kubid].x, 2) +
        pow(target.y - homePos[kubid].y, 2))
    if (FIRST_CALL):
        startPt = point_2d()
        startPt.x = homePos[kubid].x
        startPt.y = homePos[kubid].y
        findPath(startPt, target, avoid_ball)
        FIRST_CALL = 0

    if distance < 1.5 * BOT_BALL_THRESH:
        return [0, 0, 0, 0]
    # print("ex = ",expectedTraverseTime)
    # print("t = ",t," start = ",start)
    # print("t - start = ",t-start)
    if (t - start < expectedTraverseTime):
        if v.trapezoid(t - start, curPos):
            index = v.GetExpectedPositionIndex()
            if index == -1:
                vX, vY, eX, eY = v.sendVelocity(v.getVelocity(),
                                                v.motionAngle[index], index)
                vX, vY = 0, 0

                vX, vY, eX, eY = v.sendVelocity(v.getVelocity(),
                                                v.motionAngle[index], index)

            # print(t-start, expectedTraverseTime)
            if expectedTraverseTime == 'REPLAN':
                REPLAN = 1
            # print("Motion Not Possible")
            vX, vY, eX, eY = 0, 0, 0, 0
            flag = 1
        # print("TimeOUT, REPLANNING")
        vX, vY, eX, eY = 0, 0, 0, 0
        errorInfo.errorIX = 0.0
        errorInfo.errorIY = 0.0
        errorInfo.lastErrorX = 0.0
        errorInfo.lastErrorY = 0.0
        startPt = point_2d()
        startPt.x = homePos[kubid].x
        startPt.y = homePos[kubid].y
        findPath(startPt, target, avoid_ball)

    errorMag = sqrt(pow(eX, 2) + pow(eY, 2))
    if  shouldReplan() or \
        (errorMag > 350 and distance > 2* BOT_BALL_THRESH) or \
        REPLAN == 1:
        # print("Should Replan",shouldReplan())
        # print("ErrorMag",errorMag > 350 and distance > 2*BOT_BALL_THRESH)
        REPLAN = 1
        startPt = point_2d()
        startPt.x = homePos[kubid].x
        startPt.y = homePos[kubid].y
        findPath(startPt, target, avoid_ball)
        return [0, 0, 0, REPLAN]
        errorInfo.errorX = eX
        errorInfo.errorY = eY
        vX, vY = pid(vX, vY, errorInfo, pso)
        botAngle = homePos[kubid].theta
        vXBot = vX * cos(botAngle) + vY * sin(botAngle)
        vYBot = -vX * sin(botAngle) + vY * cos(botAngle)
        return [vXBot, vYBot, 0, REPLAN]
from dronekit import connect, VehicleMode, LocationGlobalRelative, LocationGlobal, Command
from pymavlink import mavutil

#Common Library Imports
from flight_assist import send_velocity
from position_vector import PositionVector
import pid
import sim

#Python Imports
import math
import time
import argparse

#Global Variables
x_pid = pid.pid(0.1, 0.005, 0.1, 50)
y_pid = pid.pid(0.1, 0.005, 0.1, 50)
hfov = 60
hres = 640
vfov = 60
vres = 480
x_pre = 0
y_pre = 0

def pixels_per_meter(fov, res, alt):
    return ((alt * math.tan(math.radians(fov / 2))) / (res / 2))

def land(vehicle, target, attitude, location):
    if (vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt <= 2.7):
    def move_to_waypoint(self, waypoint):
        """Get the drone to actually move to a waypoint.

        Takes the waypoint and the current pose of controls pid
        It calls pid until the current pose is equal to the waypoint
        with a cetatin error tolerence.

            waypoint (numpy.array): contains the waypoint to travel to
        # checking if using aruco mapping or odometry for localisation
        if self.aruco_mapping:
            current_pose = self.camera_pose.as_waypoints()
            current_pose = self.moniter_transform()

        # dict for PID
        state = dict()
        # initialisation of various variables for PID
        state['lastError'] = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0.])
        state['integral'] = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0.])
        state['derivative'] = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0.])

        # set pid gains
        xy_pid = [2, 0.0, 0.]
        # xy_pid = [0.2, 0.00, 0.1]
        state['p'] = np.array([xy_pid[0], xy_pid[0], 0.3, 1.0], dtype=float)
        state['i'] = np.array([xy_pid[1], xy_pid[1], 0.0025, 0.0], dtype=float)
        state['d'] = np.array([xy_pid[2], xy_pid[2], 0.15, 0.0], dtype=float)

        # to avoid huge jump for the first iteration
        state['last_time'] = time.time()
        last_twist = np.zeros(4)
        marker_not_detected_count = 0

        # not controlling yaw since drone was broken
        # stay in the loop until staisfactory error range attained
        while not np.allclose(current_pose[0:-1], waypoint[0:-1], atol=0.1):
            # check if using aruco_mapping or odometry
            if self.aruco_mapping:
                current_pose = self.camera_pose.as_waypoints()
                pid_twist, state = pid(current_pose, waypoint, state)

                # if no aruco is being detected
                if (current_pose == np.array([0., 0., 0., 0.])).all():
                    marker_not_detected_count += 1

                # if the feed is stuck
                if (last_twist == np.array([
                        pid_twist.linear.x, pid_twist.linear.y,
                        pid_twist.linear.z, pid_twist.angular.z
                    marker_not_detected_count += 1

                # if we are sure it is stuck or no aruco found
                if marker_not_detected_count > 2:
                    marker_not_detected_count = 0
                    print('feed stuck!!!')

                # store last twist values to check if feed is stuck or not
                last_twist[0] = pid_twist.linear.x
                last_twist[1] = pid_twist.linear.y
                last_twist[2] = pid_twist.linear.z
                last_twist[3] = pid_twist.angular.z
                current_pose = self.moniter_transform()
                pid_twist, state = pid(current_pose, waypoint, state)

            # publish the feedback
            self._feedback.difference = waypoint - current_pose
    def __init__(self,

        #GPIO: 18 23 24 25
        #pin : 12 16 18 22

        self.logger = logging.getLogger('myQ.quadcptr')
        self.name = name
        self.simulation = simulation

        self.version = 1

        self.motor = [motor('M' + str(i), 0) for i in xrange(4)]
        self.motor[0] = motor('M0',
        self.motor[1] = motor('M1',
        self.motor[2] = motor('M2',
        self.motor[3] = motor('M3',

        self.sensor = sensor(simulation=self.simulation)

        self.pidR = pid()
        self.pidP = pid()
        self.pidY = pid()
        self.pidR_rate = pid()
        self.pidP_rate = pid()
        self.pidY_rate = pid()

        self.ip = ''

        self.netscan = netscan(self.ip)

        self.webserver = webserver(self)

        self.display = display(self)

        self.rc = rc(self.display.screen)

        self.imulog = False
        self.savelog = False
        self.calibIMU = False
        self.debuglev = 0
        self.netscanning = False

        #for quadricopter phisics calculations- not used yet
        self.prop = prop(9, 4.7, 1)
        self.voltage = 12  # [V]
        self.mass = 2  # [Kg]
        self.barLenght = 0.23  # [mm]
        self.barMass = 0.15  # [kg]

        self.datalog = ''
Exemple #34
def Get_Vel(start, t, kub_id, target, homePos_, awayPos_, avoid_ball=False):

    # Return vx,vy,vw,replan,remainingDistance

    global expectedTraverseTime, REPLAN, v, errorInfo, pso, FIRST_CALL, homePos, awayPos, kubid, prev_target
    REPLAN = 0
    homePos = homePos_
    awayPos = awayPos_
    kubid = kub_id
    # if not prev_target==None:
    if isinstance(prev_target, Vector2D):
        dist = distance_(target, prev_target)
        if (dist > DESTINATION_THRESH):
            REPLAN = 1
    prev_target = target
    # print("in getVelocity, FIRST_CALL = ",FIRST_CALL)
    curPos = Vector2D(int(homePos[kubid].x), int(homePos[kubid].y))
    distance = sqrt(
        pow(target.x - homePos[kubid].x, 2) +
        pow(target.y - homePos[kubid].y, 2))
    if (FIRST_CALL):
        startPt = point_2d()
        startPt.x = homePos[kubid].x
        startPt.y = homePos[kubid].y
        findPath(startPt, target, avoid_ball)
        FIRST_CALL = 0

    if distance < 1.5 * BOT_BALL_THRESH:
        return [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    # print("ex = ",expectedTraverseTime)
    # print("t = ",t," start = ",start)
    remainingDistance = 0
    # print("ex = ",expectedTraverseTime)
    # print("t = ",t," start = ",start)
    if (t - start < expectedTraverseTime):
        if v.trapezoid(t - start, curPos):
            index = v.GetExpectedPositionIndex()
            if index == -1:
                vX, vY, eX, eY = v.sendVelocity(v.getVelocity(),
                                                v.motionAngle[index], index)
                vX, vY = 0, 0

                remainingDistance = v.GetPathLength(startIndex=index)
                vX, vY, eX, eY = v.sendVelocity(v.getVelocity(),
                                                v.motionAngle[index], index)

            # print(t-start, expectedTraverseTime)
            if expectedTraverseTime == 'REPLAN':
                REPLAN = 1
            # print("Motion Not Possible")
            vX, vY, eX, eY = 0, 0, 0, 0
            flag = 1
        # print("TimeOUT, REPLANNING")
        vX, vY, eX, eY = 0, 0, 0, 0
        errorInfo.errorIX = 0.0
        errorInfo.errorIY = 0.0
        errorInfo.lastErrorX = 0.0
        errorInfo.lastErrorY = 0.0
        startPt = point_2d()
        startPt.x = homePos[kubid].x
        startPt.y = homePos[kubid].y
        findPath(startPt, target, avoid_ball)

    errorMag = sqrt(pow(eX, 2) + pow(eY, 2))

    should_replan = shouldReplan()
    if (should_replan == True):
        v.velocity = 0
        # print("v.velocity now = ",v.velocity)
    # print("entering if, should_replan = ", should_replan)
    if  should_replan or \
        (errorMag > 350 and distance > 1.5* BOT_BALL_THRESH) or \
        REPLAN == 1:
        # print("______________here____________________")
        # print("condition 1",should_replan)
        # print("error magnitude", errorMag)
        # print("distance threshold",distance > 1.5* BOT_BALL_THRESH)
        # print("condition 2",errorMag > 350 and distance > 1.5* BOT_BALL_THRESH)
        # print("condition 3",REPLAN)
        # print("Should Replan",should_replan)
        # print("ErrorMag",errorMag > 350 and distance > 2*BOT_BALL_THRESH)
        REPLAN = 1
        startPt = point_2d()
        startPt.x = homePos[kubid].x
        startPt.y = homePos[kubid].y
        findPath(startPt, target, avoid_ball)
        return [0, 0, 0, REPLAN, 0]

        errorInfo.errorX = eX
        errorInfo.errorY = eY
        vX, vY = pid(vX, vY, errorInfo, pso)
        botAngle = homePos[kubid].theta
        vXBot = vX * cos(botAngle) + vY * sin(botAngle)
        vYBot = -vX * sin(botAngle) + vY * cos(botAngle)

        return [vXBot, vYBot, 0, REPLAN, remainingDistance]

        return [vXBot, vYBot, 0, REPLAN]
                last_twist = np.zeros(4)
                marker_not_detected_count = 0
                # continue PID indefinatly until stopped of node exits
                while True:
                    # check if using aruco_mapping.
                    if aruco_mapping:
                        # get the marker to be the new set array
                        set_array = marker_pose.as_waypoints()
                        # offest x axis by 1.5 to maintain 1.5m distance
                        # from drone.
                        set_array[0] += 1.5
                        # get current pose
                        current_pose = global_pose.as_waypoints()

                        # run one iteration of PID
                        pid_twist, state = pid(current_pose, set_array, state)

                        # if no aruco is being detected
                        if (current_pose == np.array([0., 0., 0., 0.])).all():
                            marker_not_detected_count += 1

                        # if the feed is stuck
                        if (last_twist == np.array([
                                pid_twist.linear.x, pid_twist.linear.y,
                                pid_twist.linear.z, pid_twist.angular.z
                            marker_not_detected_count += 1

                        # if we are sure it is stuck or no aruco found
                        if marker_not_detected_count > 2:
Exemple #36
class omu3(object):
    """docstring fs 3omu."""
    pidX = pid()
    pidY = pid()
    pidTh = pid()

    adjustmentX = 0
    adjustmentY = 0
    adjustmentTh = 0

    enlargement_vx = 0
    enlargement_vy = 0

    v1 = 0
    v2 = 0
    v3 = 0
    r = 0.20

    sqrt3 = np.sqrt(3)
    xsta = 0
    ysta = 0
    alfasta = 0

    def __init__(self):
        #//+++++PID GAIN SET+++++//
        self.pidX.set_gain(1, 0, 0.3)
        self.pidY.set_gain(1, 0, 0.3)
        self.pidTh.set_gain(0.3, 0, 0.1)

    #sups 3omu, self).__init__()
    def inverse_kinematics_model(self, vx, vy,
                                 theta):  #theta := ref, alfa := state
        #4-omuni no inverse_kinematics_model
        self.enlargement_vx = vx * np.cos(self.alfasta) + vy * np.sin(
        self.enlargement_vy = -1 * vx * np.sin(self.alfasta) + vy * np.cos(
        self.v1 = 1 / 2 * self.enlargement_vx - self.sqrt3 / 2 * self.enlargement_vy + self.r * theta
        self.v2 = -1 * self.enlargement_vx - 0 * self.enlargement_vy + self.r * theta
        self.v3 = 1 / 2 * self.enlargement_vx + self.sqrt3 / 2 * self.enlargement_vy + self.r * theta

    def get_v1(self):
        return self.v1

    def get_v2(self):
        return self.v2

    def get_v3(self):
        return self.v3

    def set_state(self, xsta, ysta, alfasta):
        self.xsta = xsta
        self.ysta = ysta
        self.alfasta = alfasta

    def using_model(self, xref, yref, thref, index):

        self.adjustmentX = self.pidX.run_pid(xref)
        self.adjustmentY = self.pidY.run_pid(yref)
        self.adjustmentTh = self.pidTh.run_pid(thref)

            self.adjustmentX, self.adjustmentY,
            self.adjustmentTh)  #theta to alfa no tigai ga wakaranai.
Exemple #37
import time, config, pid, irc, db, log

pid = pid.pid()
irc = irc.irc()
db = db.db()
log = log.log()


if pid.oktorun:
        while True:
            # Output
            out = db.get_next_output(time.time())
            if out:
                sendStr = 'PRIVMSG '+ out[1] +' :'+ out[2] +'\n'
                log.logmsg(sendStr, False)

                msg = irc.getmsg()

                # Reconnect if disconnected
                if len(msg) == 0:

                # Prevent Timeout
	def __init__(self):

		#load config file

		#get camera specs
		self.camera_index = sc_config.config.get_integer('camera','camera_index',0)
		self.camera_width = sc_config.config.get_integer('camera', 'camera_width', 640)
		self.camera_height = sc_config.config.get_integer('camera', 'camera_height', 480)
		self.camera_hfov = sc_config.config.get_float('camera', 'horizontal-fov', 72.42)
		self.camera_vfov = sc_config.config.get_float('camera', 'vertical-fov', 43.3)

		#use simulator
		#self.simulator = sc_config.config.get_boolean('simulator','use_simulator',True)
		self.simulator = sc_config.config.get_boolean('simulator','use_simulator',True)
		#how many times to attempt a land before giving up
		self.search_attempts = sc_config.config.get_integer('general','search_attempts', 5)

		#The timeout between losing the target and starting a climb/scan
		self.settle_time = sc_config.config.get_integer('general','settle_time', 1.5)

		#how high to climb in meters to complete a scan routine
		self.climb_altitude = sc_config.config.get_integer('general','climb_altitude', 20)

		#the max horizontal speed sent to autopilot
		self.vel_speed_max = sc_config.config.get_float('general', 'vel_speed_max', 5)

		#P term of the horizontal distance to velocity controller
		#Pid P canshu 0.15
		self.dist_to_vel = sc_config.config.get_float('general', 'dist_to_vel', 0.15)

		#Descent velocity
		self.descent_rate = sc_config.config.get_float('general','descent_rate', 0.5)

		#roll/pitch value that is considered stable
		self.stable_attitude = sc_config.config.get_float('general', 'stable_attitude', 0.18)

		#Climb rate when executing a search
		self.climb_rate = sc_config.config.get_float('general','climb_rate', -0.5)

		#The height at a climb is started if no target is detected
		self.abort_height = sc_config.config.get_integer('general', 'abort_height', 10)

		#when we have lock on target, only descend if within this radius
		self.descent_radius = sc_config.config.get_float('general', 'descent_radius', 2.0)

		#The height at which we lock the position on xy axis
		self.landing_area_min_alt = sc_config.config.get_integer('general', 'landing_area_min_alt', 0.5)

		#The radius of the cylinder surrounding the landing pad
		self.landing_area_radius = sc_config.config.get_integer('general', 'landing_area_radius', 20)

		#Whether the landing program can be reset after it is disabled
		self.allow_reset = sc_config.config.get_boolean('general', 'allow_reset', True)

		#Run the program no matter what mode or location; Useful for debug purposes
		self.always_run = sc_config.config.get_boolean('general', 'always_run', True)

		#whether the companion computer has control of the autopilot or not
		self.in_control = False

		#how many frames have been captured
		self.frame_count = 0
		self.last_time = 0
		self.cur_time = 0
		# horizontal velocity pid controller.  maximum effect is 10 degree lean
        	xy_p = sc_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_P',10.0)
        	xy_i = sc_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_I',0.0)
       	 	xy_d = sc_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_D',0.0)
        	xy_imax = sc_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_IMAX',10.0)
        	self.vel_xy_pid = pid.pid(xy_p, xy_i, xy_d, math.radians(xy_imax))

		#Reset state machine

		self.kill_camera = False
Exemple #39
    def __init__(self):

        # connect to vehicle with dronekit
        self.vehicle = self.get_vehicle_with_dronekit()
        # mode 0 = balloon finder ; mode 1 = Precision Land & Landing on moving platform ; mode 2 = detection & following mode
        # mode 3 = Precision Land without timout ; mode 4 = Fire Detetction
        self.mission_on_guide_mode = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','mode_on_guide',4)

        self.camera_width = balloon_config.config.get_integer('camera','width',640)
        self.camera_height = balloon_config.config.get_integer('camera','height',480)
        self.camera_hfov = balloon_config.config.get_float('camera', 'horizontal-fov', 72.42)
        self.camera_vfov = balloon_config.config.get_float('camera', 'vertical-fov', 43.3)

        # initialised flag
        self.home_initialised = False
        # timer to intermittently check for home position
        self.last_home_check = time.time()

        # historical attitude
        self.att_hist = AttitudeHistory(self.vehicle, 2.0)
        self.attitude_delay = 0.0               # expected delay between image and attitude

        # search variables
        self.search_state = 0                   # 0 = not search, 1 = spinning and looking, 2 = rotating to best balloon and double checking, 3 = finalise yaw 
        self.search_start_heading = None        # initial heading of vehicle when search began
        self.search_target_heading = None       # the vehicle's current target heading (updated as vehicle spins during search)
        self.search_heading_change = None       # heading change (in radians) performed so far during search
        self.search_balloon_pos = None          # position (as an offset from home) of closest balloon (so far) during search
        self.search_balloon_heading = None      # earth-frame heading (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon
        self.search_balloon_pitch_top = None        # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon
        self.search_balloon_distance = None     # distance (in meters) from vehicle to closest balloon
        self.targeting_start_time = 0           # time vehicle first pointed towards final target (used with delay_time below)
        self.targeting_delay_time = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','SEARCH_TARGET_DELAY',2.0)    # time vehicle waits after pointing towards ballon and before heading towards it
        self.search_yaw_speed = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','SEARCH_YAW_SPEED',5.0) 

        # vehicle mission
        self.mission_cmds = None
        self.mission_alt_min = 0                # min altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons below this altitude).  "0" means no limit
        self.mission_alt_max = 0                # max altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons above this altitude).  "0" means no limit
        self.mission_distance_max = 0           # max distance from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons further than this distance).  "0" means no limit

        # we are not in control of vehicle
        self.controlling_vehicle = False

        # vehicle position captured at time camera image was captured
        self.vehicle_pos = None

        # balloon direction and position estimate from latest call to analyse_image
        self.balloon_found = False
        self.fire_found = False
        self.balloon_pitch = None
        self.balloon_pitch_top = None           # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to top of closest balloon
        self.balloon_heading = None
        self.balloon_distance = None
        self.balloon_pos = None             # last estimated position as an offset from home

        # time of the last target update sent to the flight controller
        self.guided_last_update = time.time()

        # latest velocity target sent to flight controller
        self.guided_target_vel = None

        # time the target balloon was last spotted
        self.last_spotted_time = 0

        # if we lose sight of a balloon for this many seconds we will consider it lost and give up on the search
        self.lost_sight_timeout = 15

        # The module only prints log messages unless the vehicle is in GUIDED mode (for testing).
        # Once this seems to work reasonablly well change self.debug to False and then it will
        # actually _enter_ guided mode when it thinks it sees a balloon
        self.debug = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general','debug',True)

        # use the simulator to generate fake balloon images
        self.use_simulator = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general','simulate',False)

        # start background image grabber
        if not self.use_simulator:

        # initialise video writer
        self.writer = None

        # horizontal velocity pid controller.  maximum effect is 10 degree lean
        xy_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_P',1.0)
        xy_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_I',0.0)
        xy_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_D',0.0)
        xy_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_IMAX',10.0)
        self.vel_xy_pid = pid.pid(xy_p, xy_i, xy_d, math.radians(xy_imax))

        # vertical velocity pid controller.  maximum effect is 10 degree lean
        z_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_P',2.5)
        z_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_I',0.0)
        z_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_D',0.0)
        z_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_IMAX',10.0)
        self.vel_z_pid = pid.pid(z_p, z_i, z_d, math.radians(z_imax))

        # velocity controller min and max speed
        self.vel_speed_min = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_SPEED_MIN',1.0)
        self.vel_speed_max = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_SPEED_MAX',4.0)
        self.vel_speed_last = 0.0   # last recorded speed
        self.vel_accel = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_ACCEL', 0.5)    # maximum acceleration in m/s/s
        self.vel_dist_ratio = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_DIST_RATIO', 0.5) 

        # pitch angle to hit balloon at.  negative means come down from above
        self.vel_pitch_target = math.radians(balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_PITCH_TARGET',-5.0))

        # velocity controller update rate
        self.vel_update_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_UPDATE_RATE_SEC',0.2)

        # stats
        self.num_frames_analysed = 0
        self.stats_start_time = 0
        #self.attitude = (0,0,0)

        #FROM PRECISION LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        #how many times to attempt a land before giving up
        self.search_attempts = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','search_attempts', 5)

        #The timeout between losing the target and starting a climb/scan
        self.settle_time = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','settle_time', 1.5)

        #how high to climb in meters to complete a scan routine
        self.climb_altitude = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','climb_altitude', 20)

        #the max horizontal speed sent to autopilot
        #self.vel_speed_max = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'vel_speed_max', 5)

        #P term of the horizontal distance to velocity controller
        self.dist_to_vel = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'dist_to_vel', 0.15)

        #Descent velocity
        self.descent_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','descent_rate', 0.5)

        #roll/pitch valupixee that is considered stable
        self.stable_attitude = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'stable_attitude', 0.18)

        #Climb rate when executing a search
        self.climb_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','climb_rate', -2.0)

        #The height at a climb is started if no target is detected
        self.abort_height = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general', 'abort_height', 10)

        #when we have lock on target, only descend if within this radius
        self.descent_radius = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'descent_radius', 1.0)

        #The height at which we lock the position on xy axis, default = 1
        self.landing_area_min_alt = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general', 'landing_area_min_alt', 0)

        #The radius of the cylinder surrounding the landing pad
        self.landing_area_radius = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general', 'landing_area_radius', 20)

        #Whether the landing program can be reset after it is disabled
        self.allow_reset = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general', 'allow_reset', True)

        #Run the program no matter what mode or location; Useful for debug purposes
        self.always_run = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general', 'always_run', True)

        #whether the companion computer has control of the autopilot or not
        self.in_control = False

        #The timeout between losing the target and starting a climb/scan
        self.settle_time = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','settle_time', 1.5)
        #how many frames have been captured
        self.frame_count = 0
        #Reset state machine

        # Variable sendiri
        self.lanjut_cmd = 1
        self.arm = True
        self.a = False
        self.b = 0
        self.c = False
        self.relay(0)  #servo
        self.relay1(0) #indikator
        self.relay2(0) #magnet
        self.waktu = 0
        self.waktu1 = 0
        self.drop = 0
Exemple #40
motorA = motor(17,27)
motorB = motor(22,10)


greenLed = led(24)
yellowLed = led(25)


# regulator settings
Ta = 0.05
Time =120 / Ta
regulator = pid()
pwmActive = False

angle = 0
plotDataiFile = open("plot.dat", "w")

def blueButtonPressed(channel):
  print "blue Button pressed"
  while GPIO.input(18) != GPIO.LOW: