Exemple #1
	def test_output_objects(self):
		# test there are no outputs
		self.assertEqual(0, pfio.read_output())

		for led_num in range(1, 5):
			this_led = pfio.LED(led_num)
			expected_output_bpat = 1 << (led_num-1)
			self.assertEqual(expected_output_bpat, pfio.read_output())
			self.assertEqual(0, pfio.read_output())

		for relay_num in range(1, 3):
			this_relay = pfio.Relay(relay_num)
			expected_output_bpat = 1 << (relay_num-1)
			self.assertEqual(expected_output_bpat, pfio.read_output())
			self.assertEqual(0, pfio.read_output())
    def sensor_update(self, data):
        index_is_data = False # ignore the loop contents if not sensor
        zero_bit_mask = 0 # bit mask showing where zeros should be written
        one_bit_mask  = 0 # bit mask showing where ones should be written
        we_should_update_piface = False

        # go through all of the sensors that have been updated
        for i in range(len(data)):

            if index_is_data:
                index_is_data = False

            sensor_name = data[i].strip('"')
            # if this sensor is a piface output then reflect
            # that update on the board
            if sensor_name in SCRATCH_SENSOR_NAME_OUTPUT:
                we_should_update_piface = True
                pin_index = SCRATCH_SENSOR_NAME_OUTPUT.index(sensor_name)
                sensor_value = int(data[i+1])
                index_is_data = True

                # could this be made more efficient by sending a single write
                if sensor_value == 0:
                    zero_bit_mask ^= (1 << pin_index)

                    one_bit_mask ^= (1 << pin_index)

        if we_should_update_piface:
            old_pin_bitp = pfio.read_output() # grab the old values
            new_pin_bitp = old_pin_bitp & ~zero_bit_mask # set the zeros
            new_pin_bitp |= one_bit_mask # set the ones

            if new_pin_bitp != old_pin_bitp:
                pfio.write_output(new_pin_bitp) # write the new bit pattern
    def sensor_update(self, data):
        index_is_data = False  # ignore the loop contents if not sensor
        zero_bit_mask = 0  # bit mask showing where zeros should be written
        one_bit_mask = 0  # bit mask showing where ones should be written
        we_should_update_piface = False

        # go through all of the sensors that have been updated
        for i in range(len(data)):

            if index_is_data:
                index_is_data = False

            sensor_name = data[i].strip('"')

            # if this sensor is a piface output then reflect
            # that update on the board
            if sensor_name in SCRATCH_SENSOR_NAME_OUTPUT:
                we_should_update_piface = True
                pin_index = SCRATCH_SENSOR_NAME_OUTPUT.index(sensor_name)
                sensor_value = int(data[i + 1])
                index_is_data = True

                # could this be made more efficient by sending a single write
                if sensor_value == 0:
                    zero_bit_mask ^= (1 << pin_index)

                    one_bit_mask ^= (1 << pin_index)

        if we_should_update_piface:
            old_pin_bitp = pfio.read_output()  # grab the old values
            new_pin_bitp = old_pin_bitp & ~zero_bit_mask  # set the zeros
            new_pin_bitp |= one_bit_mask  # set the ones

            if new_pin_bitp != old_pin_bitp:
                pfio.write_output(new_pin_bitp)  # write the new bit pattern