Exemple #1
def get_depsgraph(manager_id, request_json):
    """Returns the dependency graph of all tasks assigned to the given Manager.

    Use the HTTP header X-Flamenco-If-Updated-Since to limit the dependency
    graph to tasks that have been modified since that timestamp.

    import dateutil.parser
    from pillar.api.utils import jsonify, bsonify
    from flamenco import current_flamenco
    from flamenco.utils import report_duration

    modified_since = request.headers.get('X-Flamenco-If-Updated-Since')

    with report_duration(log, 'depsgraph query'):
        tasks_coll = current_flamenco.db('tasks')
        jobs_coll = current_flamenco.db('jobs')

        # Get runnable jobs first, as non-runnable jobs are not interesting.
        # Note that jobs going from runnable to non-runnable should have their
        # tasks set to cancel-requested, which is communicated to the Manager
        # through a different channel.
        jobs = jobs_coll.find({
            'manager': manager_id,
            'status': {'$in': DEPSGRAPH_RUNNABLE_JOB_STATUSES}},
            projection={'_id': 1},
        job_ids = [job['_id'] for job in jobs]
        if not job_ids:
            log.debug('Returning empty depsgraph')
            return '', 204  # empty response

        log.debug('Requiring jobs to be in %s', job_ids)
        task_query = {
            'manager': manager_id,
            'status': {'$nin': ['active']},
            'job': {'$in': job_ids},

        if modified_since is None:
            # "Clean slate" query.
            task_query['status'] = {'$in': DEPSGRAPH_CLEAN_SLATE_TASK_STATUSES}
            # Not clean slate, just give all updated tasks assigned to this manager.
            log.debug('Modified-since header: %s', modified_since)
            modified_since = dateutil.parser.parse(modified_since)
            task_query['_updated'] = {'$gt': modified_since}
            task_query['status'] = {'$in': DEPSGRAPH_MODIFIED_SINCE_TASK_STATUSES}
            log.debug('Querying all tasks changed since %s', modified_since)

        cursor = tasks_coll.find(task_query)
        depsgraph = list(cursor)

    if len(depsgraph) == 0:
        log.debug('Returning empty depsgraph')
        if modified_since is not None:
            return '', 304  # Not Modified
        log.info('Returning depsgraph of %i tasks', len(depsgraph))

    # Update the task status in the database to move queued tasks to claimed-by-manager.
    # This also erases the link to any previously uploaded log files, to ensure the
    # log is fresh and represents the current execution of the task.
    task_query['status'] = 'queued'
    tasks_coll.update_many(task_query, {
        '$set': {'status': 'claimed-by-manager'},
        '$unset': {'log_file': True},

    # Update the returned task statuses. Unfortunately Mongo doesn't support
    # find_and_modify() on multiple documents.
    for task in depsgraph:
        if task['status'] == 'queued':
            task['status'] = 'claimed-by-manager'

    # Must be a dict to convert to BSON.
    respdoc = {
        'depsgraph': depsgraph,
    if request.accept_mimetypes.best == 'application/bson':
        resp = bsonify(respdoc)
        resp = jsonify(respdoc)

    if depsgraph:
        last_modification = max(task['_updated'] for task in depsgraph)
        log.debug('Last modification was %s', last_modification)
        # We need a format that can handle sub-second precision, which is not provided by the
        # HTTP date format (RFC 1123). This means that we can't use the Last-Modified header, as
        # it may be incorrectly interpreted and rewritten by HaProxy, Apache or other software
        # in the path between client & server.
        resp.headers['X-Flamenco-Last-Updated'] = last_modification.isoformat()
        resp.headers['X-Flamenco-Last-Updated-Format'] = 'ISO-8601'
    return resp
Exemple #2
def get_depsgraph(manager_id, request_json):
    """Returns the dependency graph of all tasks assigned to the given Manager.

    Use the HTTP header X-Flamenco-If-Updated-Since to limit the dependency
    graph to tasks that have been modified since that timestamp.

    import dateutil.parser
    from pillar.api.utils import jsonify, bsonify
    from flamenco import current_flamenco
    from flamenco.utils import report_duration

    modified_since = request.headers.get('X-Flamenco-If-Updated-Since')

    with report_duration(log, 'depsgraph query'):
        tasks_coll = current_flamenco.db('tasks')
        jobs_coll = current_flamenco.db('jobs')

        # Get runnable jobs first, as non-runnable jobs are not interesting.
        # Note that jobs going from runnable to non-runnable should have their
        # tasks set to cancel-requested, which is communicated to the Manager
        # through a different channel.
        jobs = jobs_coll.find({
            'manager': manager_id,
            'status': {'$in': DEPSGRAPH_RUNNABLE_JOB_STATUSES}},
            projection={'_id': 1},
        job_ids = [job['_id'] for job in jobs]
        if not job_ids:
            log.debug('Returning empty depsgraph')
            return '', 204  # empty response

        log.debug('Requiring jobs to be in %s', job_ids)
        task_query = {
            'manager': manager_id,
            'status': {'$nin': ['active']},
            'job': {'$in': job_ids},

        if modified_since is None:
            # "Clean slate" query.
            task_query['status'] = {'$in': DEPSGRAPH_CLEAN_SLATE_TASK_STATUSES}
            # Not clean slate, just give all updated tasks assigned to this manager.
            log.debug('Modified-since header: %s', modified_since)
            modified_since = dateutil.parser.parse(modified_since)
            task_query['_updated'] = {'$gt': modified_since}
            task_query['status'] = {'$in': DEPSGRAPH_MODIFIED_SINCE_TASK_STATUSES}
            log.debug('Querying all tasks changed since %s', modified_since)

        cursor = tasks_coll.find(task_query)
        depsgraph = list(cursor)

    if len(depsgraph) == 0:
        log.debug('Returning empty depsgraph')
        if modified_since is not None:
            return '', 304  # Not Modified
        log.info('Returning depsgraph of %i tasks', len(depsgraph))

    # Update the task status in the database to move queued tasks to claimed-by-manager.
    # This also erases the link to any previously uploaded log files, to ensure the
    # log is fresh and represents the current execution of the task.
    task_query['status'] = 'queued'
    tasks_coll.update_many(task_query, {
        '$set': {'status': 'claimed-by-manager'},
        '$unset': {'log_file': True},

    # Update the returned task statuses. Unfortunately Mongo doesn't support
    # find_and_modify() on multiple documents.
    for task in depsgraph:
        if task['status'] == 'queued':
            task['status'] = 'claimed-by-manager'

    # Must be a dict to convert to BSON.
    respdoc = {
        'depsgraph': depsgraph,
    if request.accept_mimetypes.best == 'application/bson':
        resp = bsonify(respdoc)
        resp = jsonify(respdoc)

    if depsgraph:
        last_modification = max(task['_updated'] for task in depsgraph)
        log.debug('Last modification was %s', last_modification)
        # We need a format that can handle sub-second precision, which is not provided by the
        # HTTP date format (RFC 1123). This means that we can't use the Last-Modified header, as
        # it may be incorrectly interpreted and rewritten by HaProxy, Apache or other software
        # in the path between client & server.
        resp.headers['X-Flamenco-Last-Updated'] = last_modification.isoformat()
        resp.headers['X-Flamenco-Last-Updated-Format'] = 'ISO-8601'
    return resp