def recordInfo(self, tablename_or_query): if not self.isOpen(): return None info = [] if isinstance(tablename_or_query, str): tablename = tablename_or_query doc = QDomDocument(tablename) stream = self.db_.managerModules().contentCached("%s.mtd" % tablename) util = FLUtil() if not util.domDocumentSetContent(doc, stream): print("FLManager : " +"Error al cargar los metadatos para la tabla") + tablename) return self.recordInfo2(tablename) docElem = doc.documentElement() mtd = self.db_.manager().metadata(docElem, True) if not mtd: return self.recordInfo2(tablename) fL = mtd.fieldList() if not fL: del mtd return self.recordInfo2(tablename) for f in mtd.fieldsNames(): field = mtd.field(f) info.append([, field.type(), not field.allowNull(), field.length( ), field.partDecimal(), field.defaultValue(), field.isPrimaryKey()]) del mtd return info
def contentStatic(self, n): str_ret = FLStaticLoader.content(n, self.staticBdInfo_) if str_ret: from pineboolib.fllegacy.FLUtil import FLUtil util = FLUtil() sha = util.sha1(str_ret) if n in self.dictKeyFiles.keys(): s = self.dictKeyFiles[n] if self.dictKeyFiles and s == sha: return None elif self.dictKeyFiles and n.find(".qs") > -1: self.dictKeyFiles[n] = sha if n.endswith(".mtd"): from PyQt5.QtXml import QDomDocument doc = QDomDocument(n) if util.domDocumentSetContent(doc, str_ret): mng = self.conn_.manager() docElem = doc.documentElement() mtd = mng.metadata(docElem, True) if not mtd or mtd.isQuery(): return str_ret if not mng.existTable( mng.createTable(mng) elif (self.conn_.canRegenTables()): self.conn_.regenTable(, mtd) return str_ret
def createTable(self, n_or_tmd): """ Crea una tabla en la base de datos. @param n_tmd Nombre o metadatos de la tabla que se quiere crear @return Un objeto FLTableMetaData con los metadatos de la tabla que se ha creado, o 0 si no se pudo crear la tabla o ya existía """ util = FLUtil() if n_or_tmd is None: return False if isinstance(n_or_tmd, str): tmd = self.metadata(n_or_tmd) if not tmd: return False if self.existsTable( self.listTables_.append(n_or_tmd) return tmd else: qWarning("FLMAnager :: No existe tabla %s" % n_or_tmd) return self.createTable(tmd) else: if n_or_tmd.isQuery() or self.existsTable(, False): return n_or_tmd if not self.db_.createTable(n_or_tmd): logger.warn("FLManager : %s", "No se ha podido crear la tabla ") + return False return n_or_tmd
def setText(self, txt): if not self.labelFunction_: if QtWidgets.QApplication.multiLangEnabled() and txt: self.text_ = txt.decode("utf8") if self.text_ == txt: self.text_ = FLUtil.translate(self, "app", txt) else: self.text_ = txt else: dni = 0 argList = QtCore.QSArgumentList() argList << txt if self.domNodeData_ and not self.domNodeData_.isNull(): dni = FLDomDocument(self.domNodeData_) argList << dni v = self.labelFunction_(*argList) if v: txtFun = str(v) if QtWidgets.QApplication.multiLangEnabled() and txtFun: self.text_ = txtFun.decode("utf8") if self.text_ == txtFun: self.text_ = FLUtil.translate(self, "app", txtFun) else: self.text_ = txtFun if dni: del dni
def formatValue(self, type_, v, upper): util = FLUtil() s = None if v is None: v = "" # TODO: psycopg2.mogrify ??? if type_ == "bool" or type_ == "unlock": s = text2bool(v) elif type_ == "date": s = "'%s'" % util.dateDMAtoAMD(v) elif type_ == "time": s = "'%s'" % v elif type_ == "uint" or type_ == "int" or type_ == "double" or type_ == "serial": s = v else: v = auto_qt_translate_text(v) if upper and type_ == "string": v = v.upper() s = "'%s'" % v # print ("PNSqlDriver(%s).formatValue(%s, %s) = %s" % (self.name_, type_, v, s)) return s
def createTable(self, n_or_tmd): util = FLUtil() if n_or_tmd == None: return False if isinstance(n_or_tmd, str): tmd = self.metadata(n_or_tmd) if not tmd: return False if self.existsTable( self.listTables_.append(n_or_tmd) return tmd else: qWarning("FLMAnager :: No existe tabla %s" % n_or_tmd) return self.createTable(tmd) else: if n_or_tmd.isQuery() or self.existsTable(, False): return n_or_tmd if not self.db_.createTable(n_or_tmd): print( "FLManager :","No se ha podido crear la tabla ") + return False return n_or_tmd
def createSystemTable(self, n): util = FLUtil() if not self.existsTable(n): doc = QDomDocument() _path = filedir("..", "share", "pineboo", "tables") dir = qsatype.Dir(_path) _tables = dir.entryList("%s.mtd" % n) for f in _tables: path = "%s/%s" % (_path, f) _file = QtCore.QFile(path) _in = QtCore.QTextStream(_file) _data = _in.readAll() if not util.domDocumentSetContent(doc, _data): print( "FLManager::createSystemTable :", "Error al cargar los metadatos para la tabla %1"). arg(n)) return False else: docElem = doc.documentElement() mtd = self.createTable(self.metadata(docElem, True)) return mtd f.close() return False
def formatValueLike(self, type_, v, upper): res = "IS NULL" if type_ == "bool": s = str(v[0]).upper() if s == str("Sí")[0]).upper(): res = "=1" elif str("No")[0]).upper(): res = "=0" elif type_ == "date": util = FLUtil() res = "LIKE '%%" + util.dateDMAtoAMD(str(v)) + "'" elif type_ == "time": t = v.toTime() res = "LIKE '" + t.toString(QtCore.Qt.ISODate) + "%%'" else: res = str(v) if upper: res = "%s" % res.upper() res = "LIKE '" + res + "%%'" return res
def formatValue(self, type_, v, upper): util = FLUtil() s = None #if v == None: # v = "" # TODO: psycopg2.mogrify ??? if type_ == "bool" or type_ == "unlock": s = text2bool(v) elif type_ == "date": s = "'%s'" % util.dateDMAtoAMD(v) elif type_ == "time": s = "'%s'" % v elif type_ in ("uint", "int", "double", "serial"): if v == None: s = 0 else: s = v else: v = auto_qt_translate_text(v) if upper == True and type_ == "string": v = v.upper() s = "'%s'" % v #qWarning ("PNSqlDriver(%s).formatValue(%s, %s) = %s" % (self.name_, type_, v, s)) return s
def recordInfo(self, tablename_or_query): if not self.isOpen(): return None info = [] if isinstance(tablename_or_query, str): tablename = tablename_or_query doc = QDomDocument(tablename) stream = self.db_.managerModules().contentCached("%s.mtd" % tablename) util = FLUtil() if not util.domDocumentSetContent(doc, stream): print( "FLManager : " +"Error al cargar los metadatos para la tabla %1").arg(tablename)) return self.recordInfo2(tablename) docElem = doc.documentElement() mtd = self.db_.manager().metadata(docElem, True) if not mtd: return self.recordInfo2(tablename) fL = mtd.fieldList() if not fL: del mtd return self.recordInfo2(tablename) for f in mtd.fieldsNames(): field = mtd.field(f) info.append([, field.type(), not field.allowNull(), field.length( ), field.partDecimal(), field.defaultValue(), field.isPrimaryKey()]) del mtd return info
def content(n, b, only_path=False): global warn_ b.readSettings() util = FLUtil() separator = "\\" if util.getOS().find("WIN") > -1 else "/" for info in b.dirs_: content_path = info.path_ + separator + n if info.active_ and os.path.exists(content_path): if not warn_: warn_ = FLStaticLoaderWarning() timer = QtCore.QTimer() settings = FLSettings() if not warn_.warns_ and settings.readBoolEntry("ebcomportamiento/SLInterface", True): timer.singleShot(500, warn_.popupWarnings) if not warn_.paths_: timer.singleShot(1500, warn_.updateScripts) msg = "%s -> ...%s" % (n, info.path_[0:40]) if not msg in warn_.warns_: warn_.warns_.append(msg) warn_.paths_.append("%s:%s" % (n, info.path_)) if settings.readBoolEntry("ebcomportamiento/SLConsola", False): logger.warn("CARGA ESTATICA ACTIVADA:%s -> %s", n, info.path_) if only_path: return content_path else: from pineboolib.pncontrolsfactory import aqApp return aqApp.db().managerModules().contentFS(info.path_ + separator + n) return None
def recordInfo(self, tablename_or_query): if not self.isOpen(): return None info = [] if isinstance(tablename_or_query, str): tablename = tablename_or_query doc = QDomDocument(tablename) stream = self.db_.managerModules().contentCached("%s.mtd" % tablename) util = FLUtil() if not util.domDocumentSetContent(doc, stream): print("FLManager : " +"Error al cargar los metadatos para la tabla %1" ).arg(tablename)) return self.recordInfo2(tablename) docElem = doc.documentElement() mtd = self.db_.manager().metadata(docElem, True) if not mtd: return self.recordInfo2(tablename) fL = mtd.fieldList() if not fL: del mtd return self.recordInfo2(tablename) for f in mtd.fieldsNames(): field = mtd.field(f) info.append([, field.type(), not field.allowNull(), field.length(), field.partDecimal(), field.defaultValue(), field.isPrimaryKey() ]) del mtd return info else: for columns in tablename_or_query: fName = columns[1] fType = columns[2] fSize = 0 fAllowNull = (columns[3] == 0) if fType.find("VARCHAR(") > -1: fSize = int(fType[fType.find("(") + 1:len(fType) - 1]) info.append( [fName, self.decodeSqlType(fType), not fAllowNull, fSize]) return info
def storeLargeValue(self, mtd, largeValue): if largeValue[0:3] == "RK@" or not mtd: return None tableName = if self.isSystemTable(tableName): return None tableLarge = None if self._prj.singleFLLarge(): tableLarge = "fllarge" else: tableLarge = "fllarge_%s" % tableName if not self.existsTable(tableLarge): mtdLarge = FLTableMetaData(tableLarge, tableLarge) fieldLarge = FLFieldMetaData("refkey", "refkey", False, True, "string", 100) mtdLarge.addFieldMD(fieldLarge) fieldLarge2 = FLFieldMetaData("sha", "sha", True, False, "string", 50) mtdLarge.addFieldMD(fieldLarge2) fieldLarge3 = FLFieldMetaData("contenido", "contenido", True, False, "stringlist") mtdLarge.addFieldMD(fieldLarge3) mtdAux = self.createTable(mtdLarge) mtd.insertChild(mtdLarge) if not mtdAux: return None util = FLUtil() sha = str(util.sha1(largeValue)) refKey = "RK@%s@%s" % (tableName, sha) q = FLSqlQuery() q.setSelect("refkey") q.setFrom("fllarge") q.setWhere(" refkey = '%s'" % refKey) if q.exec_() and q.first(): if not q.value(0) == sha: sql = "UPDATE %s SET contenido = '%s' WHERE refkey ='%s'" % ( tableLarge, largeValue, refKey) if not util.execSql(sql, "Aux"): print("FLManager::ERROR:StoreLargeValue.Update %s.%s" % (tableLarge, refKey)) return None else: sql = "INSERT INTO %s (contenido,refkey) VALUES ('%s','%s')" % ( tableLarge, largeValue, refKey) if not util.execSql(sql, "Aux"): print("FLManager::ERROR:StoreLargeValue.Insert %s.%s" % (tableLarge, refKey)) return None return refKey
def loadSVGStyle(self): fileName = QtCore.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( "", FLUtil.translate(self, "app", "Fichero SVG (*.svg)"), self, FLUtil.translate(self, "app", "Cargar estilo SVG"), FLUtil.translate(self, "app", "Cargar estilo SVG")) if not fileName or fileName == "": return self.ui_.ledStyle.setText("file:" + fileName) self.updateReport()
def init_(self, aclXml=None): """ Lee el fichero "acl.xml" y establece una nueva lista de control de acceso. Si el fichero "acl.xml" no se puede leer, la lista de control de acceso queda vacía y no se procesará ningún control de acceso sobre ningún objeto. @param aclXml Contenido XML con la definición de la lista de control de acceso. """ util = FLUtil() if aclXml is None: aclXml = self._prj.conn.managerModules().content("acl.xml") doc = QDomDocument("ACL") if self.accessControlList_: self.accessControlList_.clear() del self.accessControlList_ self.accessControlList_ = {} if aclXml and not util.domDocumentSetContent(doc, aclXml): logger.error("Lista de control de acceso errónea") return self.accessControlList_ = {} # self.accessControlList_.setAutoDelete(True) docElem = doc.documentElement() no = docElem.firstChild() while not no.isNull(): e = no.toElement() if e: if e.tagName() == "name": self.name_ = e.text() no = no.nextSibling() continue ac = FLAccessControlFactory().create(e.tagName()) if ac: ac.set(e) logger.debug("****************** %s %s %s", ac.type(),, ac.user(), ac) self.accessControlList_["%s::%s::%s" % (ac.type(),, ac.user())] = ac no = no.nextSibling() continue no = no.nextSibling()
def exportToPDF(self): if self.slotsExportedDisabled_: return util = FLUtil() fileName = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, util.translate("app", "Exportar a PDF"), "", util.translate("app", "Fichero PDF (*.pdf)")) if fileName[0] == '': return if fileName[0].upper().find(".PDF") == -1: fileName = fileName[0] + ".pdf" if QtCore.QFile.exists(fileName): q = QMessageBox.question( self, util.translate("app", "Sobreescribir {}").format(fileName), util.translate( "app", "Ya existe un fichero llamado {}. ¿Desea sobreescribirlo?" ).format(fileName), util.translate("app", "&Sí"), util.translate("app", "&No"), "", 0, 1) if q: return self.slotPrintReportToPdf(fileName)
def formatValue(self, type_, v, upper): util = FLUtil() s = None # if v == None: # v = "" # TODO: psycopg2.mogrify ??? if v is None: s = "Null" elif type_ == "bool" or type_ == "unlock": s = text2bool(v) elif type_ == "date": val = util.dateDMAtoAMD(v) if val is None: s = "Null" else: s = "'%s'" % val elif type_ == "time": s = "'%s'" % v elif type_ in ("uint", "int", "double", "serial"): s = v elif type_ in ("string", "stringlist"): if v == "": s = "Null" else: if type_ == "string": v = auto_qt_translate_text(v) if upper and type_ == "string": v = v.upper() s = "'%s'" % v elif type_ == "pixmap": if v.find("'") > -1: v = self.normalizeValue(v) s = "'%s'" % v else: s = v # print ("PNSqlDriver(%s).formatValue(%s, %s) = %s" % (self.name_, type_, v, s)) return s
def loadSVGStyle(self): util = FLUtil() fileName = QtCore.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( "", util.translate(self, "app", "Fichero SVG (*.svg)"), self, util.translate(self, "app", "Cargar estilo SVG"), util.translate(self, "app", "Cargar estilo SVG") ) if not fileName or fileName == "": return self.ui_["ledStyle"].setText("file:" + fileName) self.updateReport()
def recordInfo(self, tablename_or_query): if not self.isOpen(): return None info = [] if isinstance(tablename_or_query, str): tablename = tablename_or_query doc = QDomDocument(tablename) stream = self.db_.managerModules().contentCached("%s.mtd" % tablename) util = FLUtil() if not util.domDocumentSetContent(doc, stream): print( "FLManager : " +"Error al cargar los metadatos para la tabla %1").arg(tablename)) return self.recordInfo2(tablename) docElem = doc.documentElement() mtd = self.db_.manager().metadata(docElem, True) if not mtd: return self.recordInfo2(tablename) fL = mtd.fieldList() if not fL: del mtd return self.recordInfo2(tablename) for f in mtd.fieldsNames(): field = mtd.field(f) info.append([, field.type(), not field.allowNull(), field.length( ), field.partDecimal(), field.defaultValue(), field.isPrimaryKey()]) del mtd return info else: for columns in tablename_or_query: fName = columns[1] fType = columns[2] fSize = 0 fAllowNull = (columns[3] == 0) if fType.find("VARCHAR(") > -1: fSize = int(fType[fType.find("(") + 1: len(fType) - 1]) info.append([fName, self.decodeSqlType( fType), not fAllowNull, fSize]) return info
def init_(self, aclXml=None): """ Lee el fichero "acl.xml" y establece una nueva lista de control de acceso. Si el fichero "acl.xml" no se puede leer, la lista de control de acceso queda vacía y no se procesará ningún control de acceso sobre ningún objeto. @param aclXml Contenido XML con la definición de la lista de control de acceso. """ util = FLUtil() if aclXml is None: aclXml = pineboolib.project.conn.managerModules().content("acl.xml") doc = QDomDocument("ACL") if self.accessControlList_: self.accessControlList_.clear() del self.accessControlList_ self.accessControlList_ = {} if aclXml and not util.domDocumentSetContent(doc, aclXml): logger.error("Lista de control de acceso errónea") return self.accessControlList_ = {} # self.accessControlList_.setAutoDelete(True) docElem = doc.documentElement() no = docElem.firstChild() while not no.isNull(): e = no.toElement() if e: if e.tagName() == "name": self.name_ = e.text() no = no.nextSibling() continue ac = FLAccessControlFactory().create(e.tagName()) if ac: ac.set(e) logger.debug("****************** %s %s %s", ac.type(),, ac.user(), ac) self.accessControlList_["%s::%s::%s" % (ac.type(),, ac.user())] = ac no = no.nextSibling() continue no = no.nextSibling()
def database(self, connectionName="default"): if not self.d: self.d = FLSqlConnectionsPrivate() if connectionName == "default": if not self.d.defaultDB: self.addDatabase(FLSqlDatabase()) return self.d.defaultDB if not self.d.dictDB: self.addDatabase(FLSqlDatabase()) return self.d.defaultDB ret = self.d.dictDB.get(connectionName) if not ret: print( FLUtil.translate( "FLSqlConnections::database : No existe la conexión '%s', se devuelve la conexión por defecto 'default'" % connectionName)) if not self.d.defaultDB: self.addDatabase(FLSqlDatabase()) ret = self.defaultDB return ret
def init1(self, actionName, parent = None): self.setFocusPolicy(QtGui.QWidget.NoFocus) if actionName.isEmpty(): self.action_ = False print(FLUtil.translate("app","FLFormSearchDB : Nombre de acción vacío")) return else: self.action_ = FLSqlConnections.database().manager().action(actionName) if not self.action_: print(FLUtil.translate("app","FLFormSearchDB : No existe la acción %s" % actionName)) return self.cursor_ = FLSqlCursor(self.action_.table(), True,"default", 0, 0, self) self.name_ = self.initForm()
def saveSnapShot(self, pathFile): fi = QtCore.QFile(pathFile) if not print("FLFormDB : " + FLUtil.translate( "sys", "Error I/O al intentar escribir el fichero %s" % pathFile)) return self.snapShot().save(fi, "PNG")
def exportFileCSVData(self): if self.slotsExportedDisabled_: return util = FLUtil() fileName = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, util.translate("app", "Exportar a CSV"), "", util.translate("app", "Fichero CSV (*.csv *.txt)") ) if not fileName or fileName == "": return if not fileName.upper().contains(".CSV"): fileName = fileName + ".csv" q = QtCore.QMessageBox.question( self, util.translate("app", "Sobreescribir {}").format(fileName), util.translate( self, "app", "Ya existe un fichero llamado {}. ¿Desea sobreescribirlo?" ).format(fileName), util.translate("app", "&Sí"), util.translate("app", "&No"), "", 0, 1 ) if QtCore.QFile.exists(fileName) and q: return file = QtCore.QFile(fileName) if stream = QtCore.QTextStream(file) stream << self.csvData() << "\n" file.close() else: QtCore.QMessageBox.critical( self, util.translate("app", "Error abriendo fichero"), util.translate( "app", "No se pudo abrir el fichero {} para escribir: {}" ).format( fileName, QtWidgets.QApplication.translate( "QFile", file.errorString() ) ) )
def formatValue(self, type_, v, upper): util = FLUtil() s = None # TODO: psycopg2.mogrify ??? if type_ == "pixmap" and v.find("'") > -1: v = self.normalizeValue(v) if type_ == "bool" or type_ == "unlock": if isinstance(v, str): if v[0].lower() == "t": s = 1 else: s = 0 elif isinstance(v, bool): if v: s = 1 else: s = 0 elif type_ == "date": s = "'%s'" % util.dateDMAtoAMD(v) elif type_ == "time": if v: s = "'%s'" % v else: s = "" elif type_ in ("uint", "int", "double", "serial"): if v is None: s = 0 else: s = v else: if type_ == "string": v = auto_qt_translate_text(v) if upper and type_ == "string": v = v.upper() # v = v.encode("UTF-8") s = "'%s'" % v # print ("PNSqlDriver(%s).formatValue(%s, %s) = %s" % (self.name_, type_, v, s)) return s
def exportToPdf(self): if self.slotsExportedDisabled_: return fileName = QtCore.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( "", FLUtil.translate(self, "app", "Fichero PDF (*.pdf)"), self, FLUtil.translate(self, "app", "Exportar a PDF"), FLUtil.translate(self, "app", "Exportar a PDF")) if not fileName or fileName == "": return if not fileName.upper().contains(".PDF"): fileName = fileName + ".pdf" q = QtCore.QMessageBox.question( self, FLUtil.translate(self, "app", "Sobreescribir {}").format(fileName), FLUtil.translate( self, "app", "Ya existe un fichero llamado {}. ¿Desea sobreescribirlo?"). format(fileName), FLUtil.translate(self, "app", "&Sí"), FLUtil.translate(self, "app", "&No"), "", 0, 1) if QtCore.QFile.exists(fileName) and q: return self.slotPrintReportToPDF(fileName)
def inicialize2(self, *args, **kwargs): actionName = str(args[0][0]) parent = args[0][1] f = args[1] if parent: self.parent_ = parent else: self.parent_ = QtGui.QWidget(pineboolib.project.mainWidget(), actionName, f) self.layout = None self.mainWidget_ = None self.layoutButtons = None self.pushButtonCancel = None self.showed = False self.iface = None self.oldCursorCtxt = None self.isClosing_ = False self.initFocusWidget_ = None self.oldFormObj = None self.accepted_ = False self.setFocusPolicy(QtGui.QWidget.NoFocus) if actionName.isEmpty(): self.action_ = None print(FLUtil.translate("sys", "FLFormDB : Nombre de acción vacío")) return else: self.action_ = FLSqlConnections.database().manager().action( actionName) if not self.action_: print( FLUtil.translate( "sys", "FLFormDB : No existe la acción %s" % actionName)) return self.cursor_ = FLSqlCursor(self.action_.table(), True, "default", 0, 0, self) self.name_ = self.initForm()
def formatValue(self, type_, v, upper): util = FLUtil() s = None # TODO: psycopg2.mogrify ??? if type_ == "pixmap" and v.find("'") > -1: v = self.normalizeValue(v) if type_ == "bool" or type_ == "unlock": if isinstance(v, str): if v[0].lower() == "t": s = 1 else: s = 0 elif isinstance(v, bool): if v: s = 1 else: s = 0 elif type_ == "date": s = "'%s'" % util.dateDMAtoAMD(v) elif type_ == "time": if v: s = "'%s'" % v else: s = "" elif type_ in ("uint", "int", "double", "serial"): if v: s = 0 else: s = v else: v = auto_qt_translate_text(v) if upper and type_ == "string": v = v.upper() # v = v.encode("UTF-8") s = "'%s'" % v # print ("PNSqlDriver(%s).formatValue(%s, %s) = %s" % (self.name_, type_, v, s)) return s
def installACL(self, idacl): """ Crea un nuevo fichero "acl.xml" y lo almacena sustituyendo el anterior, en el caso de que exista. @param idacl Identificador del registro de la tabla "flacls" a utilizar para crear "acl.xml". """ util = FLUtil() doc = QDomDocument("ACL") root = doc.createElement("ACL") doc.appendChild(root) name = doc.createElement("name") root.appendChild(name) n = doc.createTextNode(idacl) name.appendChild(n) q = FLSqlQuery() q.setTablesList("flacs") q.setSelect("idac,tipo,nombre,iduser,idgroup,degroup,permiso") q.setFrom("flacs") q.setWhere("idacl='%s'" % idacl) q.setOrderBy("prioridad DESC, tipo") q.setForwarOnly(True) if q.exec_(): step = 0 progress = util.ProgressDialog("Instalando control de acceso..."), None, q.size(), None, None, True) progress.setCaption("Instalando ACL")) progress.setMinimumDuration(0) progress.setProgress(++step) while self.makeRule(q, doc) progress.setProgress(++step) self.database().managerModules().setContent( "acl.xml", "sys", doc.toString())
def exportFileCSVData(self): if self.slotsExportedDisabled_: return util = FLUtil() fileName = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, util.translate("app", "Exportar a CSV"), "", util.translate("app", "Fichero CSV (*.csv *.txt)")) if not fileName or fileName == "": return if not fileName.upper().contains(".CSV"): fileName = fileName + ".csv" q = QtCore.QMessageBox.question( self, util.translate("app", "Sobreescribir {}").format(fileName), util.translate( self, "app", "Ya existe un fichero llamado {}. ¿Desea sobreescribirlo?"). format(fileName), util.translate("app", "&Sí"), util.translate("app", "&No"), "", 0, 1) if QtCore.QFile.exists(fileName) and q: return file = QtCore.QFile(fileName) if stream = QtCore.QTextStream(file) stream << self.csvData() << "\n" file.close() else: QtCore.QMessageBox.critical( self, util.translate("app", "Error abriendo fichero"), util.translate( "app", "No se pudo abrir el fichero {} para escribir: {}").format( fileName, QtWidgets.QApplication.translate( "QFile", file.errorString())))
def createSystemTable(self, n): """ Crea una tabla del sistema. Este método lee directamente de disco el fichero con la descripción de una tabla del sistema y la crea en la base de datos. Su uso normal es para inicializar el sistema con tablas iniciales. @param n Nombre de la tabla. @return Un objeto FLTableMetaData con los metadatos de la tabla que se ha creado, o False si no se pudo crear la tabla o ya existía """ util = FLUtil() if not self.existsTable(n): doc = QDomDocument() _path = filedir("..", "share", "pineboo", "tables") dir = qsatype.Dir_Class(_path) _tables = dir.entryList("%s.mtd" % n) for f in _tables: path = "%s/%s" % (_path, f) _file = QtCore.QFile(path) _in = QtCore.QTextStream(_file) _data = _in.readAll() if not util.domDocumentSetContent(doc, _data): logger.warn( "FLManager::createSystemTable: %s", "Error al cargar los metadatos para la tabla %1"). arg(n)) return False else: docElem = doc.documentElement() mtd = self.createTable(self.metadata(docElem, True)) return mtd f.close() return False
def init(self, aclXml=None): util = FLUtil() if not aclXml: self.init(self.database().managerModules().content("acl.xml")) return doc = QDomDocument("ACL") if self.accessControlList_: self.accessControlList_.clear() del self.accessControlList_ self.accessControlList_ = {} if not util.domDocumentSetContent(doc, aclXml): qWarning("FLAccessControlList : " +"Lista de control de acceso vacia o errónea")) return self.accessControlList_ = {} self.accessControlList_.setAutoDelete(True) docElem = doc.documentElement() no = docElem.firstChild() while no: e = no.toElement() if e: if e.tagName() == "name": self.name_ = e.text() no = no.nextSibling() continue ac = FLAccessControlFactory.create(e.tagName()) if ac: ac.set(e) self.accessControlList_.replace( "%s::%s::%s" % (ac.type(),, ac.user()), ac) no = no.nextSibling() continue no = no.nextSibling()
def installACL(self, idacl): """ Crea un nuevo fichero "acl.xml" y lo almacena sustituyendo el anterior, en el caso de que exista. @param idacl Identificador del registro de la tabla "flacls" a utilizar para crear "acl.xml". """ util = FLUtil() doc = QDomDocument("ACL") root = doc.createElement("ACL") doc.appendChild(root) name = doc.createElement("name") root.appendChild(name) n = doc.createTextNode(idacl) name.appendChild(n) q = FLSqlQuery() q.setTablesList("flacs") q.setSelect("idac,tipo,nombre,iduser,idgroup,degroup,permiso") q.setFrom("flacs") q.setWhere("idacl='%s'" % idacl) q.setOrderBy("prioridad DESC, tipo") q.setForwarOnly(True) if q.exec_(): step = 0 progress = util.ProgressDialog("Instalando control de acceso..."), None, q.size(), None, None, True) progress.setCaption("Instalando ACL")) progress.setMinimumDuration(0) progress.setProgress(++step) while self.makeRule(q, doc) progress.setProgress(++step) self.database().managerModules().setContent("acl.xml", "sys", doc.toString())
def inicialize2(self,*args, **kwargs): actionName = str(args[0][0]) parent = args[0][1] f = args[1] if parent: self.parent_ = parent else: self.parent_ = QtGui.QWidget(pineboolib.project.mainWidget(), actionName, f) self.layout = None self.mainWidget_ = None self.layoutButtons = None self.pushButtonCancel = None self.showed = False self.iface = None self.oldCursorCtxt = None self.isClosing_ = False self.initFocusWidget_ = None self.oldFormObj = None self.accepted_ = False self.setFocusPolicy(QtGui.QWidget.NoFocus) if actionName.isEmpty(): self.action_ = None print(FLUtil.translate("sys","FLFormDB : Nombre de acción vacío")) return else: self.action_ = FLSqlConnections.database().manager().action(actionName) if not self.action_: print(FLUtil.translate("sys","FLFormDB : No existe la acción %s" % actionName)) return self.cursor_ = FLSqlCursor(self.action_.table(), True, "default", 0, 0, self) self.name_ = self.initForm()
def init1(self, actionName, parent=None): self.setFocusPolicy(QtGui.QWidget.NoFocus) if actionName.isEmpty(): self.action_ = False print( FLUtil.translate("app", "FLFormSearchDB : Nombre de acción vacío")) return else: self.action_ = FLSqlConnections.database().manager().action( actionName) if not self.action_: print( FLUtil.translate( "app", "FLFormSearchDB : No existe la acción %s" % actionName)) return self.cursor_ = FLSqlCursor(self.action_.table(), True, "default", 0, 0, self) self.name_ = self.initForm()
def saveSVGStyle(self): util = FLUtil() if self.report_: fileName = QtCore.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( "", util.translate(self, "app", "Fichero SVG (*.svg)"), self, util.translate(self, "app", "Guardar en SVG"), util.translate(self, "app", "Guardar en SVG")) if not fileName or fileName == "": return if not fileName.upper().contains(".SVG"): fileName = fileName + ".svg" q = QtCore.QMessageBox.question( self, util.translate(self, "app", "Sobreescribir {}").format(fileName), util.translate( self, "app", "Ya existe un fichero llamado {}. ¿Desea sobreescribirlo?" ).format(fileName), util.translate(self, "app", "&Sí"), util.translate(self, "app", "&No"), "", 0, 1) if QtCore.QFile.exists(fileName) and q: return FLStylePainter.setSVGMode(True) self.updateReport() FLStylePainter.setSVGMode(False) fileNames = [] for i in range(self.report_.pageCount()): fname = fileName + str(i) fileNames.append(fname) page = self.report_.getPageAt(i) psize = self.report_.pageDimensions() page.setBoundingRect(QtCore.QRect(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0), psize)), "svg") FLStylePainter.normalizeSVGFile(fileName, fileNames) self.updateReport()
def saveSVGStyle(self): util = FLUtil() if self.report_: fileName = QtCore.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( "", util.translate(self, "app", "Fichero SVG (*.svg)"), self, util.translate(self, "app", "Guardar en SVG"), util.translate(self, "app", "Guardar en SVG") ) if not fileName or fileName == "": return if not fileName.upper().contains(".SVG"): fileName = fileName + ".svg" q = QtCore.QMessageBox.question( self, util.translate( self, "app", "Sobreescribir {}").format(fileName), util.translate( self, "app", "Ya existe un fichero llamado {}. ¿Desea sobreescribirlo?" ).format(fileName), util.translate(self, "app", "&Sí"), util.translate(self, "app", "&No"), "", 0, 1 ) if QtCore.QFile.exists(fileName) and q: return FLStylePainter.setSVGMode(True) self.updateReport() FLStylePainter.setSVGMode(False) fileNames = [] for i in range(self.report_.pageCount()): fname = fileName + str(i) fileNames.append(fname) page = self.report_.getPageAt(i) psize = self.report_.pageDimensions() page.setBoundingRect(QtCore.QRect(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0), psize)), "svg") FLStylePainter.normalizeSVGFile(fileName, fileNames) self.updateReport()
def exec(self, n=QString.null): if not self.cursor_: return QVariant() if self.loop and self.inExec_: print( FLUtil.translate( "app", "FLFormSearchDB::exec(): Se ha detectado una llamada recursiva" )) if self.initFocusWidget_: self.initFocusWidget_.setFocus() return QVariant() self.inExec_ = True self.acceptingRejecting_ = False if self.initFocusWidget_: self.initFocusWidget_.setFocus() if self.iface:"init", self.QSArgumentList(), self.iface) #if (!isClosing_ && !aqApp->project()->interpreter()->hadError()) #FIXME # QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(emitFormReady())); #FIXME self.accepted_ = False self.loop = True if not self.isClosing_ and not self.acceptingRejecting_: QtGui.QApplication.eventLoop().enterLoop() self.loop = False self.clearWFlags(Qt.WShowModal) v = None if self.accepted_ and not n.isEmpty(): v = self.cursor_.valueBuffer(n) else: v = QVariant() self.inExec_ = False return v
def initForm(self): if self.cursor_ and self.cursor_.metadata(): caption = None if self.action_: self.cursor_.setAction(self.action_) caption = self.action_.caption() if not self.action_.description().isEmpty(): self.QtGui.QWhatsThis.add(self, self.action_.description()) self.idMDI_ = if caption.isEmpty(): caption = self.cursor_.metadata().alias() self.setCaption(caption) self.bindIface() self.setCursor(self.cursor_) else: self.setCaption(FLUtil.translate("sys", "No hay metadatos"))
def initForm(self): if self.cursor_ and self.cursor_.metadata(): caption = None if self.action_: self.cursor_.setAction(self.action_) caption = self.action_.caption() if not self.action_.description().isEmpty(): self.QtGui.QWhatsThis.add(self, self.action_.description()) self.idMDI_ = if caption.isEmpty(): caption = self.cursor_.metadata().alias() self.setCaption(caption) self.bindIface() self.setCursor(self.cursor_) else: self.setCaption(FLUtil.translate("sys" ,"No hay metadatos"))
def slotRenderProgress(self, p): util = FLUtil() if not self.rptEngine_: return if not self.progress_: self.totalSteps_ = self.rptEngine_.getRenderSteps() if self.totalSteps_ <= 0: self.totalSteps_ = 1 self.progress_ = util.createProgressDialog( util.translate("app", "Creando informe..."), self.totalSteps_) # self.progress_.setMinimunDuration(self.M_PROGRESS_DELAY) self.progress_.canceled.connect(self.slotCancelPrinting) util.setProgress(p) QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents()
def renderReport(self, initRow=0, initCol=0, fRec=False, pages=None): fr = MReportEngine.RenderReportFlags.FillRecords.value pgs = FLReportPages() if pages: pgs.setPageCollection(pages) pgc = super(FLReportEngine, self).renderReport( initRow, initCol, pgs, fr if fRec else 0 ) pgs.setPageCollection(pgc) if not fRec or not self.d_.qry_ or not self.d_.qFieldMtdList_ or not self.d_.qDoubleFieldList_: return pgs nl = QtXml.QDomNodeList(self.rd.elementsByTagName("Row")) for i in range(nl.count()): itm = nl.item(i) if itm.isNull(): continue nm = itm.attributes() for it in self.d_.qDoubleFieldList_: ita = nm.namedItem(it) if ita.isNull(): continue sVal = ita.nodeValue() if not sVal or sVal == "" or sVal.upper() == "NAN": continue dVal = float(sVal) if not dVal: dVal = 0 decimals = self.d_.qFieldMtdList_.find( it.section('.', 1, 1).lower()).partDecimal() ita.setNodeValue(FLUtil.formatoMiles(round(dVal, decimals))) return pgs
def exec(self, n = QString.null): if not self.cursor_: return QVariant() if self.loop and self.inExec_: print(FLUtil.translate("app","FLFormSearchDB::exec(): Se ha detectado una llamada recursiva")) if self.initFocusWidget_: self.initFocusWidget_.setFocus() return QVariant() self.inExec_ = True self.acceptingRejecting_ = False if self.initFocusWidget_: self.initFocusWidget_.setFocus() if self.iface:"init", self.QSArgumentList(), self.iface) #if (!isClosing_ && !aqApp->project()->interpreter()->hadError()) #FIXME # QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(emitFormReady())); #FIXME self.accepted_ = False self.loop = True if not self.isClosing_ and not self.acceptingRejecting_: QtGui.QApplication.eventLoop().enterLoop() self.loop = False self.clearWFlags(Qt.WShowModal) v = None if self.accepted_ and not n.isEmpty(): v = self.cursor_.valueBuffer(n) else: v = QVariant() self.inExec_ = False return v
def database(self, connectionName="default"): if not self.d: self.d = FLSqlConnectionsPrivate() if connectionName == "default": if not self.d.defaultDB: self.addDatabase(FLSqlDatabase()) return self.d.defaultDB if not self.d.dictDB: self.addDatabase(FLSqlDatabase()) return self.d.defaultDB ret = self.d.dictDB.get(connectionName) if not ret: print(FLUtil.translate("FLSqlConnections::database : No existe la conexión '%s', se devuelve la conexión por defecto 'default'" % connectionName)) if not self.d.defaultDB: self.addDatabase(FLSqlDatabase()) ret = self.defaultDB return ret
def exportToPDF(self): if self.slotsExportedDisabled_: return util = FLUtil() fileName = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, util.translate("app", "Exportar a PDF"), "", util.translate("app", "Fichero PDF (*.pdf)") ) if fileName[0] == '': return if fileName[0].upper().find(".PDF") == -1: fileName = fileName[0] + ".pdf" if QtCore.QFile.exists(fileName): q = QMessageBox.question( self, util.translate("app", "Sobreescribir {}").format(fileName), util.translate( "app", "Ya existe un fichero llamado {}. ¿Desea sobreescribirlo?" ).format(fileName), util.translate("app", "&Sí"), util.translate("app", "&No"), "", 0, 1 ) if q: return self.slotPrintReportToPdf(fileName)
def Mr_Proper(self): util = FLUtil() self.db_.dbAux().transaction() qry = FLSqlQuery(None, self.db_.dbAux()) qry2 = FLSqlQuery(None, self.db_.dbAux()) steps = 0 rx = QRegExp("^.*\\d{6,9}$") if rx in self.tables() is not False: listOldBks = rx in self.tables() else: listOldBks = [] qry.exec_("select nombre from flfiles where nombre similar to" "'%[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]-[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]%:[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]%' or nombre similar to" "'%alteredtable[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]%' or (bloqueo='f' and nombre like '%.mtd')") util.createProgressDialog("Borrando backups"), len(listOldBks) + qry.size() + 2) while item = qry.value(0) util.setLabelText("Borrando registro %1").arg(item)) qry2.exec_("DELETE FROM flfiles WERE nombre ='%s'" % item) if item.find("alteredtable") > -1: if self.existsTable(item.replace(".mtd", "")): util.setLabelText("Borrando tabla %1").arg(item)) qry2.exec_("DROP TABLE %s CASCADE" % item.replace(".mtd", "")) steps = steps + 1 util.setProgress(steps) for item in listOldBks: if self.existsTable(item): util.setLabelText("Borrando tabla %s" % item)) qry2.exec_("DROP TABLE %s CASCADE" % item) steps = steps + 1 util.setProgress(steps) util.setLabelText("Inicializando cachés")) steps = steps + 1 util.setProgress(steps) qry.exec_("DELETE FROM flmetadata") qry.exec_("DELETE FROM flvar") self.db_.manager().cleanupMetaData() # self.db_.driver().commit() util.destroyProgressDialog() steps = 0 qry.exec_("select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname='public'") util.createProgressDialog("Comprobando base de datos"), qry.size()) while item = qry.value(0) util.setLabelText("Comprobando tabla %s" % item)) mustAlter = self.mismatchedTable(item, item) if mustAlter: conte = self.db_.managerModules().content("%s.mtd" % item) if conte: msg ="La estructura de los metadatos de la tabla '%s' y su " "estructura interna en la base de datos no coinciden. " "Intentando regenerarla." % item) print(msg) self.alterTable2(conte, conte, None, True) steps = steps + 1 util.setProgress(steps) self.db_.dbAux().driver().transaction() steps = 0 sqlCursor = FLSqlCursor(None, True, self.db_.dbAux()) sqlQuery = FLSqlQuery(None, self.db_.dbAux()) if sqlQuery.exec_("select relname from pg_class where ( relkind = 'r' ) " "and ( relname !~ '^Inv' ) " "and ( relname !~ '^pg_' ) and ( relname !~ '^sql_' )"): util.setTotalSteps(sqlQuery.size()) while item = sqlQuery.value(0) steps = steps + 1 util.setProgress(steps) util.setLabelText("Creando índices para %s" % item)) mtd = self.db_.manager().metadata(item) fL = mtd.fieldList() if not mtd or not fL: continue for it in fL: if not it or not it.type() == "pixmap": continue cur = FLSqlCursor(item, True, self.db_.dbAux()) + " not like 'RK@%'") while v = cur.value( if v is None: continue v = self.db_.manager().storeLargeValue(mtd, v) if v: buf = cur.primeUpdate() buf.setValue(, v) cur.update(False) sqlCursor.setName(item, True) # self.db_.dbAux().driver().commit() steps = 0 qry.exec_("select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname='public'") util.createProgressDialog("Analizando base de datos"), qry.size()) while item = qry.value(0) util.setLabelText("Analizando tabla %s" % item)) qry2.exec_("vacuum analyze %s" % item) steps = steps + 1 util.setProgress(steps) util.destroyProgressDialog()
def saveSnapShot(self, pathFile): fi = QtCore.QFile(pathFile) if not print("FLFormDB : " + FLUtil.translate("sys", "Error I/O al intentar escribir el fichero %s" % pathFile)) return self.snapShot().save(fi, "PNG")
def load(self): self.ui_ = pineboolib.project.conn.managerModules().createUI( filedir('plugins/mainform/pineboo/mainform.ui'), None, self) self.w_ = self frameGm = self.frameGeometry() screen = QApplication.desktop().screenNumber( QApplication.desktop().cursor().pos()) centerPoint = QApplication.desktop().screenGeometry(screen).center() frameGm.moveCenter(centerPoint) self.move(frameGm.topLeft()) self.areasTab = QTabWidget() self.areasTab.setTabPosition(QTabWidget.West) self.formTab = QTabWidget() try: self.areasTab.removeItem = self.areasTab.removeTab self.areasTab.addItem = self.areasTab.addTab except Exception: pass self.dockAreasTab = QDockWidget() self.dockAreasTab.setWindowTitle("Módulos") #self.dockAreas = QtWidgets.QDockWidget() self.dockFavoritos = QDockWidget() self.dockFavoritos.setWindowTitle("Favoritos") self.dockForm = QDockWidget() self.dockConsole = None self.dockAreasTab.setWidget(self.areasTab) self.dockAreasTab.setMaximumWidth(400) self.dockFavoritos.setMaximumWidth(400) self.dockFavoritos.setMaximumHeight(500) # self.dockAreasTab.setMinimumWidth(400) # self.dockAreasTab.setMaximumHeight(500) self.dockForm.setWidget(self.formTab) self.addDockWidget(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, self.dockForm) # self.dockForm.setMaximumWidth(950) self.addDockWidget(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, self.dockFavoritos) self.addDockWidget(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, self.dockAreasTab) # # # self.areasTab.removeItem(0) #Borramos tab de ejemplo. self.formTab.setTabsClosable(True) self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.formTab.tabCloseRequested[int].connect(self.closeFormTab) self.formTab.removeTab(0) #app_icon = QtGui.QIcon('share/icons/pineboo-logo-16.png') # app_icon.addFile(filedir('share/icons/pineboo-logo-16.png'), # QtCore.QSize(16, 16)) # app_icon.addFile(filedir('share/icons/pineboo-logo-24.png'), # QtCore.QSize(24, 24)) # app_icon.addFile(filedir('share/icons/pineboo-logo-32.png'), # QtCore.QSize(32, 32)) # app_icon.addFile(filedir('share/icons/pineboo-logo-48.png'), # QtCore.QSize(48, 48)) # app_icon.addFile(filedir('share/icons/pineboo-logo-64.png'), # QtCore.QSize(64, 64)) # app_icon.addFile(filedir('share/icons/pineboo-logo-128.png'), # QtCore.QSize(128, 128)) # app_icon.addFile(filedir('share/icons/pineboo-logo-256.png'), # QtCore.QSize(256, 256)) # self.setWindowIcon(app_icon) self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon('share/icons/pineboo-logo-16.png')) self.actionAcercaQt.triggered.connect(pineboolib.project.aboutQt) self.actionAcercaPineboo.triggered.connect(pineboolib.project.aboutPineboo) self.actionFavoritos.triggered.connect(self.changeStateDockFavoritos) self.dockFavoritos.visibilityChanged.connect(self.changeStateActionFavoritos) self.actionModulos.triggered.connect(self.changeStateDockAreas) self.dockAreasTab.visibilityChanged.connect(self.changeStateActionAreas) self.actionTipografia.triggered.connect(pineboolib.project.chooseFont) self.menuPineboo.addSeparator() # self.actionEstilo.triggered.connect(pineboolib.main.styleDialog) # pineboolib.pnapplication.initStyle(self.configMenu) self.setWindowTitle("Pineboo")"Módulos y pestañas ...") for k, area in sorted(pineboolib.project.areas.items()): self.loadArea(area) for k, module in sorted(pineboolib.project.modules.items()): self.loadModule(module) # Cargando Area desarrollo si procede ... sett_ = FLSettings() if (sett_.readBoolEntry("application/isDebuggerMode", False)): areaDevelop = Struct(idarea="dvl", descripcion="Desarrollo") self.loadArea(areaDevelop) self.loadDevelop() self.restoreOpenedTabs() self.loadState() # Cargamos nombre de vertical util = FLUtil() verticalName = util.sqlSelect("flsettings", "valor", "flkey='verticalName'") cbPosInfo = util.sqlSelect("flsettings", "valor", "flkey='PosInfo'") statusText = "" if verticalName != None: statusText = verticalName if cbPosInfo == 'True': from pineboolib.pncontrolsfactory import SysType sys_ = SysType() statusText += "\t\t\t" + sys_.nameUser() + "@" + sys_.nameBD() self.statusBar().showMessage(statusText)
def run(self): # TODO: Refactorizar esta función en otras más sencillas # Preparar temporal if self.deleteCache and not not os.path.exists( self.dir("cache/%s" % self.dbname)): self.logger.debug("DEVELOP: DeleteCache Activado\nBorrando %s", self.dir("cache/%s" % self.dbname)) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.dir("cache/%s" % self.dbname), topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) # borrando de share # for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.dir("../share/pineboo"), topdown=False): # for name in files: # if name.endswith("") or name.endswith("") or name.endswith("qs.xml"): # os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) if not os.path.exists(self.dir("cache")): os.makedirs(self.dir("cache")) # Conectar: if not self.conn: self.conn = PNConnection(self.dbname,, self.dbserver.port, self.dbauth.username, self.dbauth.password, self.dbserver.type) if self.conn.conn is False: return False # Se verifica que existen estas tablas for table in ("flareas", "flmodules", "flfiles", "flgroups", "fllarge", "flserial", "flusers", "flvar"): self.conn.manager().createSystemTable(table) util = FLUtil() util.writeSettingEntry(u"DBA/lastDB", self.dbname) self.cur = self.conn.cursor() self.areas = {} self.cur.execute( """ SELECT idarea, descripcion FROM flareas WHERE 1 = 1""") for idarea, descripcion in self.cur: self.areas[idarea] = Struct(idarea=idarea, descripcion=descripcion) self.areas["sys"] = Struct(idarea="sys", descripcion="Area de Sistema") # Obtener modulos activos self.cur.execute( """ SELECT idarea, idmodulo, descripcion, icono FROM flmodules WHERE bloqueo = %s """ % self.conn.driver().formatValue("bool", "True", False)) self.modules = {} for idarea, idmodulo, descripcion, icono in self.cur: icono = clearXPM(icono) self.modules[idmodulo] = Module(self, idarea, idmodulo, descripcion, icono) file_object = open(filedir("..", "share", "pineboo", "sys.xpm"), "r") icono = file_object.close() icono = clearXPM(icono) self.modules["sys"] = Module(self, "sys", "sys", "Administración", icono) # Descargar proyecto . . . self.cur.execute( """ SELECT idmodulo, nombre, sha FROM flfiles ORDER BY idmodulo, nombre """ ) size_ = len(self.cur.fetchall()) self.cur.execute( """ SELECT idmodulo, nombre, sha FROM flfiles ORDER BY idmodulo, nombre """ ) f1 = open(self.dir("project.txt"), "w") self.files = {} if self._DGI.useDesktop() and self._DGI.localDesktop(): tiempo_ini = time.time() if not os.path.exists(self.dir("cache")): raise AssertionError # if self.parseProject: if self._DGI.useDesktop() and self._DGI.localDesktop(): util.createProgressDialog("Pineboo", size_) p = 0 for idmodulo, nombre, sha in self.cur: p = p + 1 if self._DGI.useDesktop() and self._DGI.localDesktop(): util.setProgress(p) util.setLabelText("Convirtiendo %s." % nombre) if idmodulo not in self.modules: continue # I fileobj = File(self, idmodulo, nombre, sha) if nombre in self.files: self.logger.warn( "run: file %s already loaded, overwritting..." % nombre) self.files[nombre] = fileobj self.modules[idmodulo].add_project_file(fileobj) f1.write(fileobj.filekey + "\n") if os.path.exists(self.dir("cache", fileobj.filekey)): continue fileobjdir = os.path.dirname(self.dir("cache", fileobj.filekey)) if not os.path.exists(fileobjdir): os.makedirs(fileobjdir) cur2 = self.conn.cursor() sql = "SELECT contenido FROM flfiles WHERE idmodulo = %s AND nombre = %s AND sha = %s" % ( self.conn.driver().formatValue("string", idmodulo, False), self.conn.driver().formatValue("string", nombre, False), self.conn.driver().formatValue("string", sha, False)) cur2.execute(sql) for (contenido, ) in cur2: f2 = open(self.dir("cache", fileobj.filekey), "wb") # La cadena decode->encode corrige el bug de guardado de # AbanQ/Eneboo txt = "" try: # txt = contenido.decode("UTF-8").encode("ISO-8859-15") txt = contenido.encode("ISO-8859-15") except Exception: self.logger.exception("Error al decodificar %s %s", idmodulo, nombre) # txt = contenido.decode("UTF-8","replace").encode("ISO-8859-15","replace") txt = contenido.encode("ISO-8859-15", "replace") f2.write(txt) if self.parseProject and nombre.endswith(".qs"): self.parseScript(self.dir("cache", fileobj.filekey)) if self._DGI.useDesktop() and self._DGI.localDesktop(): tiempo_fin = time.time() "Descarga del proyecto completo a disco duro: %.3fs", (tiempo_fin - tiempo_ini)) # Cargar el núcleo común del proyecto idmodulo = 'sys' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(filedir("..", "share", "pineboo")): for nombre in files: if root.find("modulos") == -1: fileobj = File(self, idmodulo, nombre, basedir=root) self.files[nombre] = fileobj self.modules[idmodulo].add_project_file(fileobj) if self.parseProject and nombre.endswith(".qs"): self.parseScript(self.dir(root, nombre)) if self._DGI.useDesktop() and self._DGI.localDesktop(): try: util.destroyProgressDialog() except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) self.loadTranslations() self.readState() self.acl_ = FLAccessControlLists() self.acl_.init_()
def singleFLLarge(self): return FLUtil().sqlSelect("flsettings", "valor", "flkey='FLLargeMode'") == "False"
def metadata(self, n, quick): if quick is None: quick = False ret = self.metadataDev(n, quick) if not quick and ret and not ret.isQuery() and self.db_.mismatchedTable(n, ret): msg = FLUtil.translate("sys","La estructura de los metadatos de la tabla '%s' y su estructura interna en la base de datos no coinciden. Debe regenerar la base de datos." % n) print(msg) if n.isEmpty() or not self.db_.dbAux(): return False ret = False acl = False key = n stream = QString isSysTable = False if n[0:2] is "sys" or self.isSystemTable(n): isSysTable = True if not isSysTable: stream = self.db_.managerModules().contentCached(n + ".mtd", key) if stream.isEmpty(): print("FLManager : " + FLUtil.translate("sys","Error al cargar los metadatos para la tabla %s" % n)) return False if key.isEmpty(): key = n if self.cacheMetaData_ and not isSysTable: ret = self.cacheMetaData_.find(key) else if self.cacheMetaDataSys_ and isSysTable: ret = self.cacheMetaDataSys_.find(key) if not ret: if isSysTable: stream = self.db_.managerModules().contentCached(n + ".mtd") if stream.isEmpty(): print("FLManager : " + FLUtil.translate("sys","Error al cargar los metadatos para la tabla %s" % n)) return False ret = metadata(stream) if not ret: return False if self.cacheMetaData_ and not isSysTable and not ret.isQuery(): ret.setInCache() self.cacheMetaData_.insert(key, ret) else if self.cacheMetaDataSys_ and isSysTable: ret.setInCache() self.cacheMetaDataSys_.insert(key.ret) else: acl = aqApp.acl() if not ret.fieldsNamesUnlock().isEmpty(): ret = FLTableMetaData(ret) if acl: acl.process(ret) if not quick and not isSysTable and aqApp.consoleShow() and not ret.isQuery() and self.db_.mismatchedTable(n, ret): msg = FLUtil.translate("sys","La estructura de los metadatos de la tabla '%s' y su estructura interna en la base de datos no coinciden. Debe regenerar la base de datos." % n) print(msg) return ret
def doCommit(self, cur, notify=True): #if not cur or not aqApp or not qApp: #FIXMME if not cur: return False if not notify: self.emit(cur.autocommit()) if self.transaction_ > 0: if not cur.d.transactionsOpened_ == []: trans = cur.d.transactionsOpened_.pop() if not trans == self.transaction_: print( FLUtil.translate( "app", "FLSqlDatabase : El cursor va a terminar la transacción %s pero la última que inició es la %s" % (self.transaction_, trans))) else: print( FLUtil.translate( "app", "FLSqlDatabase : El cursor va a terminar la transacción %s pero no ha iniciado ninguna" % self.transaction_)) self.transaction_ = self.transaction_ - 1 else: return True if self.transaction_ == 0 and self.canTransaction(): #aqApp->statusHelpMsg(qApp->tr("Terminando transacción...")); #FIXME if self.db_.commit(): self.lastActiveCursor_ = None if not self.canSavePoint(): if self.currentSavePoint_: del self.currentSavePoint_ self.currentSavePoint_ = None self.stackSavePoints_.clear() self.queueSavePoints_.clear() if notify: cur.d.modeAccess_ = FLSqlCursor.BROWSE #aqApp.emitTransactionEnd(cur) cur.d.md5Tuples_ = self.db_.md5TuplesStateTable(cur.d.curName_) return True else: print( FLUtil.translate( "app", "FLSqlDatabase::doCommit : Fallo al intentar terminar transacción" )) return False else: #aqApp->statusHelpMsg(qApp->tr("Liberando punto de salvaguarda %1...").arg(transaction_)); if (self.transaction_ == 1 and self.canTransaction()) or ( self.transaction_ == 0 and not self.canTransaction()): if not self.canSavePoint(): if self.currentSavePoint_: del self.currentSavePoint_ self.currentSavePoint_ = None self.stackSavePoints_.clear() self.queueSavePoints_.clear() else: self.releaseSavePoint(self.transaction_) if notify: cur.d.modeAccess_ = FLSqlCursor.BROWSE return True if not self.canSavePoint(): for tempSavePoint in self.queueSavePoints_: tempSavePoint.setId(self.transaction_ - 1) if self.currentSavePoint_: self.queueSavePoints_.append(self.currentSavePoint_) self.currentSavePoint_ = None if not self.stackSavePoints_ == []: self.currentSavePoint_ = self.stackSavePoints_.pop() else: self.releaseSavePoint(self.transaction_) if notify: cur.d.modeAccess_ = FLSqlCursor.BROWSE return True
def doRollback(self, cur): #if not cur or not self.db_ or not aqApp or not qApp: #FIXME if not cur: return False cancel = False if self.interactiveGUI() and (cur.d.modeAccess() == FLSqlCursor.INSERT or cur.d.modeAccess_ == FLSqlCursor.EDIT) and cur.isModifiedBuffer() and cur.d.askForCancelChanges_: res = QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self,FLUtil.translate("app","Cancelar cambios"),FLUtil.translate("app","Todos los cambios efectuados se cancelarán.¿Está seguro?"), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No | QtGui.QMessageBox.Default | QtGui.QMessageBox.Escape) if res == QtGui.QMessageBox.No: return False cancel = True if self.transaction_ > 0: if not cur.d.transactionsOpened_ == []: trans = cur.d.transactionsOpened_.pop() if not trans == self.transaction_: print(FLUtil.translate("app","FLSqlDatabase : El cursor va a deshacer la transacción %s pero la última que inició es la %s" % (self.transaction_, trans))) else: print(FLUtil.translate("app","FLSqlDatabase : El cursor va a deshacer la transacción %1 pero no ha iniciado ninguna" % self.transaction_)) self.transaction_ = self.transaction_ -1 else: return True if self.transaction_ == 0 and self.canTransaction(): #aqApp->statusHelpMsg(qApp->tr("Deshaciendo transacción...")); #FIXME if self.db_.rollback(): self.lastActiveCursor_ = None if not self.canSavePoint(): if self.currentSavePoint_: del self.currentSavePoint_ self.currentSavePoint_ = None self.stackSavePoints_.clear() self.queueSavePoints_.clear() cur.d.modeAccess_ = FLSqlCursor.BROWSE if cancel: #aqApp->emitTransactionRollback(cur); return True else: print(FLUtil.translate("app","FLSqlDatabase::doRollback : Fallo al intentar deshacer transacción")) return False else: #aqApp->statusHelpMsg(qApp->tr("Restaurando punto de salvaguarda %1...").arg(transaction_)); if not self.canSavePoint(): for tempSavePoint in self.queueSavePoints_: tempId = if tempId > self.transaction_ or self.transaction_ == 0: tempSavePoint.undo() del tempSavePoint else: self.queueSavePoints_ if self.currentSavePoint_: self.currentSavePoint_.undo() del self.currentSavePoint_ self.currentSavePoint_ = None if not self.stackSavePoints_ == []: self.currentSavePoint_ = self.stackSavePoints_.pop() if self.transaction_ == 0: if self.currentSavePoint_: del self.currentSavePoint_ self.currentSavePoint_ = None self.stackSavePoints_.clear() self.queueSavePoints_.clear() else: self.rollbackSavePoint(self.transaction_) cur.d.modeAccess_ = FLSqlCursor.BROWSE return True
def Mr_Proper(self): util = FLUtil() self.db_.dbAux().transaction() rx = QRegExp("^.*[\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d].[\\d][\\d].*[\\d][\\d]$") rx2 = QRegExp("^.*alteredtable[\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d].*$") qry = FLSqlQuery(None, self.db_.dbAux()) qry2 = FLSqlQuery(None, self.db_.dbAux()) steps = 0 item = "" rx3 = QRegExp("^.*\\d{6,9}$") listOldBks = rx3 in self.tables("") qry.exec_("select nombre from flfiles") util.createProgressDialog("Borrando backups"), len(listOldBks) + qry.size() + 5) while item = qry.value(0) if item.find(rx) > -1 or item.find(rx2) > -1: util.setLabelText("Borrando regisro %1").arg(item)) qry2.exec_("delete from flfiles where nombre = '%s'" % item) if item.find("alteredtable") > -1: if item.replace(".mtd", "") in self.tables(""): util.setLabelText("Borrando tabla %1").arg(item)) qry2.exec_("drop table %s" % (item.replace(".mtd", ""))) steps = steps + 1 util.setProgress(steps) for item in listOldBks: if item in self.tables(""): util.setLabelText("Borrando tabla %1").arg(item)) qry2.exec_("drop table %s" % item) steps = steps + 1 util.setProgress(steps) util.setLabelText("Inicializando cachés")) steps = steps + 1 util.setProgress(steps) qry.exec_("delete from flmetadata") qry.exec_("delete from flvar") self.db_.manager().cleanupMetaData() self.db_.dbAux().commit() util.setLabelText("Vacunando base de datos")) steps = steps + 1 util.setProgress(steps) qry2.exec_("vacuum") steps = steps + 1 util.setProgress(steps) util.destryProgressDialog()
def doCommit(self, cur,notify = True): #if not cur or not aqApp or not qApp: #FIXMME if not cur: return False if not notify: self.emit(cur.autocommit()) if self.transaction_ > 0: if not cur.d.transactionsOpened_ == []: trans = cur.d.transactionsOpened_.pop() if not trans == self.transaction_: print(FLUtil.translate("app","FLSqlDatabase : El cursor va a terminar la transacción %s pero la última que inició es la %s" % (self.transaction_, trans))) else: print(FLUtil.translate("app","FLSqlDatabase : El cursor va a terminar la transacción %s pero no ha iniciado ninguna" % self.transaction_)) self.transaction_ = self.transaction_ -1 else: return True if self.transaction_ == 0 and self.canTransaction(): #aqApp->statusHelpMsg(qApp->tr("Terminando transacción...")); #FIXME if self.db_.commit(): self.lastActiveCursor_ = None if not self.canSavePoint(): if self.currentSavePoint_: del self.currentSavePoint_ self.currentSavePoint_ = None self.stackSavePoints_.clear() self.queueSavePoints_.clear() if notify: cur.d.modeAccess_ = FLSqlCursor.BROWSE #aqApp.emitTransactionEnd(cur) cur.d.md5Tuples_ = self.db_.md5TuplesStateTable(cur.d.curName_) return True else: print(FLUtil.translate("app","FLSqlDatabase::doCommit : Fallo al intentar terminar transacción")) return False else: #aqApp->statusHelpMsg(qApp->tr("Liberando punto de salvaguarda %1...").arg(transaction_)); if (self.transaction_ == 1 and self.canTransaction()) or (self.transaction_ == 0 and not self.canTransaction()): if not self.canSavePoint(): if self.currentSavePoint_: del self.currentSavePoint_ self.currentSavePoint_ = None self.stackSavePoints_.clear() self.queueSavePoints_.clear() else: self.releaseSavePoint(self.transaction_) if notify: cur.d.modeAccess_ = FLSqlCursor.BROWSE return True if not self.canSavePoint(): for tempSavePoint in self.queueSavePoints_: tempSavePoint.setId(self.transaction_ - 1) if self.currentSavePoint_: self.queueSavePoints_.append(self.currentSavePoint_) self.currentSavePoint_ = None if not self.stackSavePoints_ == []: self.currentSavePoint_ = self.stackSavePoints_.pop() else: self.releaseSavePoint(self.transaction_) if notify: cur.d.modeAccess_ = FLSqlCursor.BROWSE return True
def setFromObject(self, object): print("FLAccessControlMainWindow::setFromObject %s" % FLUtil.translate(self,"app","No implementado todavía."))
def alterTable2(self, mtd1, mtd2, key, force=False): util = FLUtil() oldMTD = None newMTD = None doc = QDomDocument("doc") docElem = None if not util.docDocumentSetContect(doc, mtd1): print("FLManager::alterTable : " +"Error al cargar los metadatos.")) else: docElem = doc.documentElement() oldMTD = self.db_.manager().metadata(docElem, True) if oldMTD and oldMTD.isQuery(): return True if not util.docDocumentSetContect(doc, mtd2): print("FLManager::alterTable : " +"Error al cargar los metadatos.")) return False else: docElem = doc.documentElement() newMTD = self.db_.manager().metadata(docElem, True) if not oldMTD: oldMTD = newMTD if not == print("FLManager::alterTable : " +"Los nombres de las tablas nueva y vieja difieren.")) if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return False oldPK = oldMTD.primaryKey() newPK = newMTD.primaryKey() if not oldPK == newPK: print("FLManager::alterTable : " +"Los nombres de las claves primarias difieren.")) if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return False if not self.db_.manager().checkMetaData(oldMTD, newMTD): if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return True if not self.db_.manager().existsTable( print("FLManager::alterTable : " + "La tabla %1 antigua de donde importar los registros no existe.").arg( if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return False fieldList = oldMTD.fieldList() oldField = None if not fieldList: print("FLManager::alterTable : " +"Los antiguos metadatos no tienen campos.")) if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return False renameOld = "%salteredtable%s" % ([0:5], QDateTime().currentDateTime().toString("ddhhssz")) if not self.db_.dbAux(): if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return False self.db_.dbAux().transaction() if key and len(key) == 40: c = FLSqlCursor("flfiles", True, self.db_.dbAux()) c.setForwardOnly(True) c.setFilter("nombre = '%s.mtd'" % renameOld) if not buffer = c.primeInsert() buffer.setValue("nombre", "%s.mtd" % renameOld) buffer.setValue("contenido", mtd1) buffer.setValue("sha", key) c.insert() q = FLSqlQuery("", self.db_.dbAux()) constraintName = "%s_pkey" % if self.constraintExists(constraintName) and not q.exec_("ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s" % (, constraintName)): print("FLManager : " +"En método alterTable, no se ha podido borrar el índice %1_pkey de la tabla antigua.").arg( self.db_.dbAux().rollback() if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return False fieldsNamesOld = [] for it in fieldList: if newMTD.field( fieldsNamesOld.append( if it.isUnique(): constraintName = "%s_%s_key" % (, if self.constraintExists(constraintName) and not q.exec_("ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s" % (, constraintName)): print("FLManager : " +"En método alterTable, no se ha podido borrar el índice %1_%2_key de la tabla antigua.") .arg(, self.db_.dbAux().rollback() if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return False if not q.exec_("ALTER TABLE %s RENAME TO %s" % (, renameOld)): print("FLManager::alterTable : " +"No se ha podido renombrar la tabla antigua.")) self.db_.dbAux().rollback() if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return False if not self.db_.manager().createTable(newMTD): self.db_.dbAux().rollback() if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return False v = None ok = False if not force and not fieldsNamesOld: self.db_.dbAux().rollback() if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return self.alterTable2(mtd1, mtd2, key, True) oldCursor = FLSqlCursor(renameOld, True, self.db_.dbAux()) oldCursor.setModeAccess(oldCursor.Browse) newCursor = FLSqlCursor(, True, self.db_.dbAux()) newCursor.setMode(newCursor.Insert) totalSteps = oldCursor.size() progress = QProgressDialog("Reestructurando registros para %1...").arg( newMTD.alias()),"Cancelar"), 0, totalSteps) progress.setLabelText("Tabla modificada")) step = 0 newBuffer = None newField = None listRecords = [] newBufferInfo = self.recordInfo2( oldFieldsList = {} newFieldsList = {} defValues = {} v = None for newField in fieldList: oldField = oldMTD.field( defValues[str(step)] = None if not oldField or not oldCursor.field( if not oldField: oldField = newField if not newField.type() == "serial": v = newField.defaultValue() defValues[str(step)] = v newFieldsList[str(step)] = newField oldFieldsList[str(step)] = oldField step = step + 1 step = 0 ok = True while newBuffer = newBufferInfo for reg in defValues.keys(): newField = newFieldsList[reg] oldField = oldFieldsList[reg] if defValues[reg]: v = defValues[reg] else: v = oldCursor.value( if (not oldField.allowNull or not newField.allowNull()) and not v and not newField.type() == "serial": defVal = newField.defaultValue() if defVal is not None: v = defVal if v is not None and not newBuffer.field( == newField.type(): print("FLManager::alterTable : " + "Los tipos del campo %1 no son compatibles. Se introducirá un valor nulo.").arg( if v is not None and newField.type() == "string" and newField.length() > 0: v = str(v)[0:newField.length()] if (not oldField.allowNull() or not newField.allowNull()) and v is None: if oldField.type() == "serial": v = int(self.nextSerialVal(, elif oldField.type() in ("int", "uint", "bool", "unlock"): v = 0 elif oldField.type() == "double": v = 0.0 elif oldField.type() == "time": v = QTime().currentTime() elif oldField.type() == "date": v = QDate().currentDate() else: v = "NULL"[0:newField.length()] newBuffer.setValue(, v) listRecords.append(newBuffer) if not self.insertMulti(, listRecords): ok = False listRecords.clear() break listRecords.clear() if len(listRecords) > 0: if not self.insertMulti(, listRecords): ok = False listRecords.clear() progress.setProgress(totalSteps) if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD if ok: self.db_.dbAux().commit() else: self.db_.dbAux().rollback() return False if force and ok: q.exec_("DROP TABLE %s CASCADE" % renameOld) return True
def osName(self): from pineboolib.fllegacy.FLUtil import FLUtil util = FLUtil() return util.getOS()
def alterTable(self, mtd1, mtd2, key): util = FLUtil() oldMTD = None newMTD = None doc = QDomDocument("doc") docElem = None if not util.docDocumentSetContect(doc, mtd1): print("FLManager::alterTable : " +"Error al cargar los metadatos.")) else: docElem = doc.documentElement() oldMTD = self.db_.manager().metadata(docElem, True) if oldMTD and oldMTD.isQuery(): return True if not util.docDocumentSetContect(doc, mtd2): print("FLManager::alterTable : " +"Error al cargar los metadatos.")) return False else: docElem = doc.documentElement() newMTD = self.db_.manager().metadata(docElem, True) if not oldMTD: oldMTD = newMTD if not == print("FLManager::alterTable : " +"Los nombres de las tablas nueva y vieja difieren.")) if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return False oldPK = oldMTD.primaryKey() newPK = newMTD.primaryKey() if not oldPK == newPK: print("FLManager::alterTable : " +"Los nombres de las claves primarias difieren.")) if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return False if not self.db_.manager().checkMetaData(oldMTD, newMTD): if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return True if not self.db_.manager().existsTable( print("FLManager::alterTable : " + "La tabla %1 antigua de donde importar los registros no existe.").arg( if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return False fieldList = oldMTD.fieldList() oldField = None if not fieldList: print("FLManager::alterTable : " +"Los antiguos metadatos no tienen campos.")) if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return False renameOld = "%salteredtable%s" % ([0:5], QDateTime().currentDateTime().toString("ddhhssz")) if not self.db_.dbAux(): if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return False self.db_.dbAux().transaction() if key and len(key) == 40: c = FLSqlCursor("flfiles", True, self.db_.dbAux()) c.setForwardOnly(True) c.setFilter("nombre = '%s.mtd'" % renameOld) if not buffer = c.primeInsert() buffer.setValue("nombre", "%s.mtd" % renameOld) buffer.setValue("contenido", mtd1) buffer.setValue("sha", key) c.insert() q = FLSqlQuery("", self.db_.dbAux()) if not q.exec_("CREATE TABLE %s AS SELECT * FROM %s;" % (renameOld, or not q.exec_("DROP TABLE %s;" % print("FLManager::alterTable : " +"No se ha podido renombrar la tabla antigua.")) self.db_.dbAux().rollback() if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return False if not self.db_.manager().createTable(newMTD): self.db_.dbAux().rollback() if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return False oldCursor = FLSqlCursor(renameOld, True, self.db_.dbAux()) oldCursor.setModeAccess(oldCursor.Browse) newCursor = FLSqlCursor(, True, self.db_.dbAux()) newCursor.setMode(newCursor.Insert) totalSteps = oldCursor.size() progress = QProgressDialog("Reestructurando registros para %1...").arg( newMTD.alias()),"Cancelar"), 0, totalSteps) progress.setLabelText("Tabla modificada")) step = 0 newBuffer = None # sequence = "" fieldList = newMTD.fieldList() newField = None if not fieldList: print("FLManager::alterTable : " +"Los nuevos metadatos no tienen campos.")) self.db_.dbAux().rollback() if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD return False v = None ok = True while v = None newBuffer = newCursor.primeInsert() for it in fieldList: oldField = oldMTD.field( if not oldField or not oldCursor.field( if not oldField: oldField = newField v = newField.defaultValue() else: v = oldCursor.value( if (not oldField.allowNull() or not newField.allowNull()) and (v is None): defVal = newField.defaultValue() if defVal is not None: v = defVal if not newBuffer.field( == newField.type(): print("FLManager::alterTable : " +"Los tipos del campo %1 no son compatibles. Se introducirá un valor nulo.") .arg( if not oldField.allowNull() or not newField.allowNull() and v is not None: if oldField.type() in ("int", "serial", "uint", "bool", "unlock"): v = 0 elif oldField.type() == "double": v = 0.0 elif oldField.type() == "time": v = QTime().currentTime() elif oldField.type() == "date": v = QDate().currentDate() else: v = "NULL"[0:newField.length()] newBuffer.setValue(, v) if not newCursor.insert(): ok = False break step = step + 1 progress.setProgress(step) progress.setProgress(totalSteps) if oldMTD and not oldMTD == newMTD: del oldMTD if newMTD: del newMTD if ok: self.db_.dbAux().commit() else: self.db_.dbAux().rollback() return False return True