Exemple #1
 def test_explog(self):
     self.assertApprox(exp(42), math.exp(42))
     self.assertApprox(log(42), math.log(42))
     self.assertApprox(exp(log(42)), 42)
     self.assertApprox(log(exp(42)), 42)
     m = rand(3)
     self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(m) < np.pi) # necessary for next test
     self.assertApprox(log(exp(m)), m)
     m = pin.SE3.Random()
     self.assertApprox(exp(log(m)), m)
     m = rand(6)
     self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(m) < np.pi) # necessary for next test (actually, only angular part)
     self.assertApprox(log(exp(m)), m)
     m = eye(4)
     self.assertApprox(exp(log(m)).homogeneous, m)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Exemple #2
 def test_explog(self):
     self.assertApprox(exp(42), math.exp(42))
     self.assertApprox(log(42), math.log(42))
     self.assertApprox(exp(log(42)), 42)
     self.assertApprox(log(exp(42)), 42)
     m = rand(3)
     self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(m) < np.pi)  # necessary for next test
     self.assertApprox(log(exp(m)), m)
     m = pin.SE3.Random()
     self.assertApprox(exp(log(m)), m)
     m = rand(6)
         np.linalg.norm(m) <
         np.pi)  # necessary for next test (actually, only angular part)
     self.assertApprox(log(exp(m)), m)
     m = eye(4)
     self.assertApprox(exp(log(m)).homogeneous, m)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         log(zero((3, 1)))
Exemple #3
 def test_identity(self):
     transform = se3.SE3.Identity()
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(zero(3), transform.translation))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(eye(3), transform.rotation))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(eye(4), transform.homogeneous))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(eye(6), transform.action))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(eye(4), transform.homogeneous))
Exemple #4
 def test_identity(self):
     transform = pin.SE3.Identity()
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(eye(3), transform.rotation))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(eye(4), transform.homogeneous))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(eye(6), transform.action))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(eye(4), transform.homogeneous))
Exemple #5
    def PlaySequence(self, vis_forces=False, pause=False):
        Visualize the human joints extracted from c3d.
        for i in range(self.num_frames_in_video):
            joint_3d_positions_reshaped = np.matrix(
            if vis_forces:
                for n in range(self.num_contact_forces):
                    joint_id = self.contact_force_joint_map[n]
                    oMc = se3.SE3(
                        np.matrix(self.joint_3d_positions[i, joint_id, :]).T)
                    cPhic = np.matrix(self.contact_forces_local[i, n, :]).T
                    if self.mask_uncaptured_forces[i, n] == 1:
                        color_linear_force = self.force_colors[2]
                        color_linear_force = self.force_colors[0]

            time.sleep(1 / self.fps_video)
            if pause:
                raw_input('#{}. Press any key to continue...'.format(i))

Exemple #6
    def test_Jexp6(self):
        v = pin.Motion.Zero()
        J = pin.Jexp6(v)
        self.assertApprox(J, eye(6))

        J2 = pin.Jexp6(np.array(v))
        self.assertApprox(J, J2)
class TestFrameBindings(unittest.TestCase):

    v3zero = zero(3)
    v6zero = zero(6)
    v3ones = ones(3)
    m3zero = zero([3, 3])
    m6zero = zero([6, 6])
    m3ones = eye(3)
    m4ones = eye(4)

    current_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    pinocchio_models_dir = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(current_file, '../models/romeo'))
    romeo_model_path = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(pinocchio_mdoels_dir, '/urdf/romeo.urdf'))
    hint_list = [pinocchio_models_dir, "wrong/hint"]  # hint list
    robot = RobotWrapper(romeo_model_path, hint_list,

    def test_type_get_set(self):
        f = self.robot.model.frames[5]
        self.assertTrue(f.type == se3.FrameType.JOINT)
        f.type = se3.FrameType.BODY
        self.assertTrue(f.type == se3.FrameType.BODY)

    def test_name_get_set(self):
        f = self.robot.model.frames[5]
        self.assertTrue(f.name == 'LHipYaw')
        f.name = 'new_hip_frame'
        self.assertTrue(f.name == 'new_hip_frame')

    def test_parent_get_set(self):
        f = self.robot.model.frames[5]
        self.assertTrue(f.parent == 2)
        f.parent = 5
        self.assertTrue(f.parent == 5)

    def test_placement_get_set(self):
        m = se3.SE3(self.m3ones, np.array([0, 0, 0], np.double))
        new_m = se3.SE3(rand([3, 3]), rand(3))
        f = self.robot.model.frames[2]
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(f.placement.homogeneous, m.homogeneous))
        f.placement = new_m
class TestGeometryObjectBindings(unittest.TestCase):

    v3zero = zero(3)
    v6zero = zero(6)
    v3ones = ones(3)
    m3zero = zero([3, 3])
    m6zero = zero([6, 6])
    m3ones = eye(3)
    m4ones = eye(4)

    current_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    pinocchio_models_dir = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(current_file, '../models/romeo'))
    romeo_model_path = os.path.abspath(pinocchio_models_dir,
    hint_list = [pinocchio_models_dir, "wrong/hint"]  # hint list
    robot = RobotWrapper(romeo_model_path, hint_list,

    def test_name_get_set(self):
        col = self.robot.collision_model.geometryObjects[1]
        self.assertTrue(col.name == 'LHipPitchLink_0')
        col.name = 'new_collision_name'
        self.assertTrue(col.name == 'new_collision_name')

    def test_parent_get_set(self):
        col = self.robot.collision_model.geometryObjects[1]
        self.assertTrue(col.parentJoint == 4)
        col.parentJoint = 5
        self.assertTrue(col.parentJoint == 5)

    def test_placement_get_set(self):
        m = se3.SE3(self.m3ones, self.v3zero)
        new_m = se3.SE3(rand([3, 3]), rand(3))
        col = self.robot.collision_model.geometryObjects[1]
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(col.placement.homogeneous, m.homogeneous))
        col.placement = new_m
            np.allclose(col.placement.homogeneous, new_m.homogeneous))

    def test_meshpath_get(self):
        expected_mesh_path = os.path.join(
            self.pinocchio_models_dir, 'meshes/romeo/collision/LHipPitch.dae')
        col = self.robot.collision_model.geometryObjects[1]
        self.assertTrue(col.meshPath == expected_mesh_path)
Exemple #9
 def solve(self, eps=1e-8):
     Implement a LCQP solver, with numerical threshold eps.
     Cp = npl.pinv(self.C, eps)
     xopt = Cp * self.d
     P = eye(self.nx * self.N) - Cp * self.C
     xopt += npl.pinv(self.A * P, eps) * (self.b - self.A * xopt)
     return xopt
 def solve(self, eps=1e-8):
     Implement a LCQP solver, with numerical threshold eps.
     Cp = npl.pinv(self.C, eps)
     xopt = Cp * self.d
     P = eye(self.nx * self.N) - Cp * self.C
     xopt += npl.pinv(self.A * P, eps) * (self.b - self.A * xopt)
     return xopt
    def __init__(self, urdf, pkgs):
        super(MobileRobotWrapper, self).__init__(self, urdf, pkgs, pin.JointModelPlanar())

        M0 = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([.0, .0, .6]).T)
        self.model.jointPlacements[2] = M0 * self.model.jointPlacements[2]
        self.visual_model.geometryObjects[0].placement = M0 * self.visual_model.geometryObjects[0].placement
        self.visual_data.oMg[0] = M0 * self.visual_data.oMg[0]

        # Placement of the "mobile" frame wrt basis center.
        basisMop = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([.3, .0, .1]).T)
        self.model.addFrame(pin.Frame('mobile', 1, 1, basisMop, pin.FrameType.OP_FRAME))

        # Placement of the tool frame wrt end effector frame (located at the center of the wrist)
        effMop = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([.0, .08, .095]).T)
        self.model.addFrame(pin.Frame('tool', 6, 6, effMop, pin.FrameType.OP_FRAME))

        # Create data again after setting frames
        self.data = self.model.createData()
    def __init__(self, urdf, pkgs):
        self.initFromURDF(urdf, pkgs, pin.JointModelPlanar())

        M0 = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([.0, .0, .6]).T)
        self.model.jointPlacements[2] = M0 * self.model.jointPlacements[2]
            0].placement = M0 * self.visual_model.geometryObjects[0].placement
        self.visual_data.oMg[0] = M0 * self.visual_data.oMg[0]

        # Placement of the "mobile" frame wrt basis center.
        basisMop = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([.3, .0, .1]).T)
            pin.Frame('mobile', 1, 1, basisMop, pin.FrameType.OP_FRAME))

        # Placement of the tool frame wrt end effector frame (located at the center of the wrist)
        effMop = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([.0, .08, .095]).T)
            pin.Frame('tool', 6, 6, effMop, pin.FrameType.OP_FRAME))

        # Create data again after setting frames
        self.data = self.model.createData()
class TestFrameBindings(unittest.TestCase):

    v3zero = zero(3)
    v6zero = zero(6)
    v3ones = ones(3)
    m3zero = zero([3, 3])
    m6zero = zero([6, 6])
    m3ones = eye(3)
    m4ones = eye(4)

    PKG = '/opt/openrobots/share'
    URDF = join(PKG, 'romeo_description/urdf/romeo.urdf')
    robot = RobotWrapper(URDF, [PKG])

    def test_type_get_set(self):
        f = self.robot.model.frames[5]
        self.assertTrue(f.type == se3.FrameType.JOINT)
        f.type = se3.FrameType.BODY
        self.assertTrue(f.type == se3.FrameType.BODY)

    def test_name_get_set(self):
        f = self.robot.model.frames[5]
        self.assertTrue(f.name == 'LHipYaw')
        f.name = 'new_hip_frame'
        self.assertTrue(f.name == 'new_hip_frame')

    def test_parent_get_set(self):
        f = self.robot.model.frames[5]
        self.assertTrue(f.parent == 2)
        f.parent = 5
        self.assertTrue(f.parent == 5)

    def test_placement_get_set(self):
        m = se3.SE3(self.m3ones, np.array([0, 0, 0], np.double))
        new_m = se3.SE3(rand([3, 3]), rand(3))
        f = self.robot.model.frames[2]
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(f.placement.homogeneous, m.homogeneous))
        f.placement = new_m
Exemple #14
class TestFrameBindings(unittest.TestCase):

    v3zero = zero(3)
    v6zero = zero(6)
    v3ones = ones(3)
    m3zero = zero([3, 3])
    m6zero = zero([6, 6])
    m3ones = eye(3)
    m4ones = eye(4)

    current_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    pinocchio_models_dir = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(current_file, '../models'))
    romeo_model_path = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(current_file, '../models/romeo.urdf'))
    hint_list = [pinocchio_models_dir, "wrong/hint"]  # hint list
    robot = RobotWrapper(romeo_model_path, hint_list,

    def test_name_get_set(self):
        f = self.robot.model.operational_frames[1]
        self.assertTrue(f.name == 'r_sole_joint')
        f.name = 'new_sole_joint'
        self.assertTrue(f.name == 'new_sole_joint')

    def test_parent_get_set(self):
        f = self.robot.model.operational_frames[1]
        self.assertTrue(f.parent == 13)
        f.parent = 5
        self.assertTrue(f.parent == 5)

    def test_placement_get_set(self):
        m = se3.SE3(self.m3ones, np.array([0, 0, -0.0684], np.double))
        new_m = se3.SE3(rand([3, 3]), rand(3))
        f = self.robot.model.operational_frames[1]
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(f.placement.homogeneous, m.homogeneous))
        f.placement = new_m
class TestGeometryObjectBindings(unittest.TestCase):

    v3zero = zero(3)
    v6zero = zero(6)
    v3ones = ones(3)
    m3zero = zero([3,3])
    m6zero = zero([6,6])
    m3ones = eye(3)
    m4ones = eye(4)

    PKG = '/opt/openrobots/share'
    URDF = join(PKG, 'romeo_description/urdf/romeo.urdf')
    robot = RobotWrapper(URDF, [PKG])

    def test_name_get_set(self):
        col = self.robot.collision_model.geometryObjects[1]
        self.assertTrue(col.name == 'LHipPitchLink_0')
        col.name = 'new_collision_name'
        self.assertTrue(col.name == 'new_collision_name')

    def test_parent_get_set(self):
        col = self.robot.collision_model.geometryObjects[1]
        self.assertTrue(col.parentJoint == 4)
        col.parentJoint = 5
        self.assertTrue(col.parentJoint == 5)

    def test_placement_get_set(self):
        m = se3.SE3(self.m3ones, self.v3zero)
        new_m = se3.SE3(rand([3,3]), rand(3))
        col = self.robot.collision_model.geometryObjects[1]
        col.placement = new_m
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(col.placement.homogeneous , new_m.homogeneous))

    def test_meshpath_get(self):
        expected_mesh_path = os.path.join(self.pinocchio_models_dir,'meshes/romeo/collision/LHipPitch.dae')
        col = self.robot.collision_model.geometryObjects[1]
        self.assertTrue(col.meshPath == expected_mesh_path)
Exemple #16
def runningModel(contactIds, effectors, com=None, integrationStep=1e-2):
    Creating the action model for floating-base systems. A walker system
    is by default a floating-base system.
    contactIds is a list of frame Ids of points that should be in contact.
    effectors is a dict of key frame ids and SE3 values of effector references.
    actModel = ActuationModelFreeFloating(rmodel)
    State = StatePinocchio(rmodel)

    # Creating a 6D multi-contact model, and then including the supporting foot
    contactModel = ContactModelMultiple(rmodel)
    for cid in contactIds:
        contactModel.addContact('contact%d' % cid,
                                ContactModel6D(rmodel, cid, ref=None))

    # Creating the cost model for a contact phase
    costModel = CostModelSum(rmodel, actModel.nu)
    wx = np.array([0] * 6 + [.1] * (rmodel.nv - 6) + [10] * rmodel.nv)
                      cost=CostModelControl(rmodel, nu=actModel.nu))
    for fid, ref in effectors.items():
        if not isinstance(ref, SE3):
            ref = SE3(eye(3), a2m(ref))
        costModel.addCost("track%d" % fid,
                          cost=CostModelFramePlacement(rmodel, fid, ref,

    if com is not None:
                          cost=CostModelCoM(rmodel, ref=com, nu=actModel.nu))

    # Creating the action model for the KKT dynamics with simpletic Euler
    # integration scheme
    dmodel = DifferentialActionModelFloatingInContact(rmodel, actModel,
                                                      contactModel, costModel)
    model = IntegratedActionModelEuler(dmodel)
    model.timeStep = integrationStep
    return model
Exemple #17
 def test_Jlog3(self):
     m = eye(3)
     J = pin.Jlog3(m)
     self.assertApprox(J, eye(3))
Exemple #18
 def test_setRandom(self):
     Y = pin.Inertia.Identity()
     self.assertFalse(Y.mass == 1)
     self.assertFalse(np.allclose(zero(3), Y.lever))
     self.assertFalse(np.allclose(eye(3), Y.inertia))
Exemple #19
 def test_log3(self):
     m = eye(3)
     v = pin.log3(m)
     self.assertApprox(v, zero(3))
 def trans(x, y, z):
     return pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([x, y, z]).T)
Exemple #21
 def test_Jlog3(self):
     m = eye(3)
     J = pin.Jlog3(m)
     self.assertApprox(J, eye(3))
Exemple #22
 def test_Jlog6(self):
     m = pin.SE3.Identity()
     J = pin.Jlog6(m)
     self.assertApprox(J, eye(6))
Exemple #23
        print('===CBK=== {0:4d}   {1: 3.2f}   {2: 3.2f}'.format(
            self.nfeval, q[0], q[1]))
        q = np.matrix(q).T
        # place('world/blue', robot.placement(q, robot.rh))
        self.nfeval += 1

# Question 1-2-3
rh = np.matrix([1.5, 0.1, 1.5]).T  # x,y,z
rf = np.matrix([0., -0.1, 0.0]).T  # x,y,z
lf = np.matrix([0., 0.1, 0.0]).T  # x,y,z
com = np.matrix([0.0, 0.0, 0.5]).T  # x,y,z

place('world/red', SE3(eye(3), rh))
place('world/blue', SE3(eye(3), rf))
place('world/green', SE3(eye(3), lf))
place('world/yellow', SE3(eye(3), com))

cost = Cost(rh, rf, lf, com)

# If the quaternion is not unitary, it does not correspond a valid rotation. The
# behavior is then not mathematically valid and is implementation dependant. In
# our implementation, quaternions with norm larger than one are interpreted as
# rotation+scaling.
print('Optimize with any (non unitary) quaternion')
cost.weightQuat = 0.0
qopt = fmin_bfgs(cost, robot.q0, callback=CallbackLogger(.1))

# We implement the constraint as a cost with high weight. The quaternion is now unitary.
Exemple #24
 def test_setRandom(self):
     Y = pin.Inertia.Identity()
     self.assertFalse(Y.mass == 1)
     self.assertFalse(np.allclose(zero(3), Y.lever))
     self.assertFalse(np.allclose(eye(3), Y.inertia))
Exemple #25
 def test_set_rotation(self):
     transform = se3.SE3.Identity()
     transform.rotation = zero([3, 3])
     self.assertFalse(np.allclose(transform.rotation, eye(3)))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(transform.rotation, zero([3, 3])))
Exemple #26
 def test_Jexp3(self):
     v = zero(3)
     m = pin.Jexp3(v)
     self.assertApprox(m, eye(3))
Exemple #27
 def test_identity_getters(self):
     Y = pin.Inertia.Identity()
     self.assertTrue(Y.mass == 1)
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(zero(3), Y.lever))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(eye(3), Y.inertia))
Exemple #28
 def test_Jlog6(self):
     m = pin.SE3.Identity()
     J = pin.Jlog6(m)
     self.assertApprox(J, eye(6))
Exemple #29
 def test_log6_homogeneous(self):
     m = eye(4)
     v = pin.log6(m)
     self.assertApprox(v.vector, zero(6))
Exemple #30
 def test_Jexp6(self):
     v = pin.Motion.Zero()
     J = pin.Jexp6(v)
Exemple #31
 def test_Jexp6(self):
     v = pin.Motion.Zero()
     J = pin.Jexp6(v)
     self.assertApprox(J, eye(6))
    def createHand(self, root_id=0, prefix='', joint_placement=None):
        def trans(x, y, z):
            return pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([x, y, z]).T)

        def inertia(m, c):
            return pin.Inertia(m, np.matrix(c, np.double).T, eye(3) * m ** 2)

        def joint_name(body):
            return prefix + body + '_joint'

        def body_name(body):
            return 'world/' + prefix + body

        color = [red, green, blue, transparency] = [1, 1, 0.78, 1.0]
        joint_id = root_id
        cm = 1e-2

        joint_placement = joint_placement if joint_placement is not None else pin.SE3.Identity()
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name('wrist'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(3, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity())

        L, W, H = 3 * cm, 5 * cm, 1 * cm
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addSphere(body_name('wrist'), .02, color)
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addBox(body_name('wpalm'), L / 2, W / 2, H, color)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('wpalm'), joint_id, trans(L / 2, 0, 0)))

        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('wpalmb'), H, W, color)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('wpalmb'), joint_id, pin.SE3(rotate('x', pi / 2), zero(3)), H, W))

        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('wpalmt'), H, W, color)
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('x', pi / 2), np.matrix([L, 0, 0]).T)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('wpalmt'), joint_id, pos, H, W))

        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('wpalml'), H, L, color)
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('y', pi / 2), np.matrix([L / 2, -W / 2, 0]).T)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('wpalml'), joint_id, pos, H, L))

        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('wpalmr'), H, L, color)
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('y', pi / 2), np.matrix([L / 2, +W / 2, 0]).T)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('wpalmr'), joint_id, pos, H, L))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([5 * cm, 0, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name('palm'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(2, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity())
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('palm2'), 1 * cm, W, color)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('palm2'), joint_id, pin.SE3(rotate('x', pi / 2), zero(3)), H, W))

        FL = 4 * cm
        palmIdx = joint_id

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([2 * cm, W / 2, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(palmIdx, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name('finger11'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity())
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('finger11'), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('finger11'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL, 0, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name('finger12'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity())

        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('finger12'), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('finger12'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL - 2 * H, 0, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name('finger13'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.3, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity())
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addSphere(body_name('finger13'), H, color)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('finger13'), joint_id, trans(2 * H, 0, 0), H, 0))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([2 * cm, 0, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(palmIdx, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name('finger21'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity())
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('finger21'), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('finger21'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL, 0, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name('finger22'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity())
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('finger22'), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('finger22'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL - H, 0, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name('finger23'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.3, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity())
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addSphere(body_name('finger23'), H, color)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('finger23'), joint_id, trans(H, 0, 0), H, 0))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([2 * cm, -W / 2, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(palmIdx, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name('finger31'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity())
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('finger31'), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('finger31'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL, 0, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name('finger32'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity())
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('finger32'), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('finger32'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL - 2 * H, 0, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name('finger33'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.3, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity())
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addSphere(body_name('finger33'), H, color)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('finger33'), joint_id, trans(2 * H, 0, 0), H, 0))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([1 * cm, -W / 2 - H * 1.5, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(1, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name('thumb1'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity())
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('thumb1'), H, 2 * cm, color)
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('z', pi / 3) * rotate('x', pi / 2), np.matrix([1 * cm, -1 * cm, 0]).T)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('thumb1'), joint_id, pos, 2 * cm))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(rotate('z', pi / 3) * rotate('x', pi), np.matrix([3 * cm, -1.8 * cm, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRZ(), joint_placement, joint_name('thumb2'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.4, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity())
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('thumb2'), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('x', pi / 3), np.matrix([-0.7 * cm, .8 * cm, -0.5 * cm]).T)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('thumb2'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))

        # Prepare some patches to represent collision points. Yet unvisible.
        for i in range(10):
            self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCylinder('world/wa%i' % i, .01, .003, [1.0, 0, 0, 1])
            self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCylinder('world/wb%i' % i, .01, .003, [1.0, 0, 0, 1])
            self.viewer.viewer.gui.setVisibility('world/wa%i' % i, 'OFF')
            self.viewer.viewer.gui.setVisibility('world/wb%i' % i, 'OFF')
Exemple #33
 def test_log6_homogeneous(self):
     m = eye(4)
     v = pin.log6(m)
     self.assertApprox(v.vector, zero(6))
 def inertia(m, c):
     return pin.Inertia(m, np.matrix(c, np.double).T, eye(3) * m ** 2)
Exemple #35
 def test_identity_getters(self):
     Y = pin.Inertia.Identity()
     self.assertTrue(Y.mass == 1)
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(zero(3), Y.lever))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(eye(3), Y.inertia))
Exemple #36
 def test_get_rotation(self):
     transform = se3.SE3.Identity()
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(transform.rotation, eye(3)))
    def createHand(self, root_id=0, prefix='', joint_placement=None):
        def trans(x, y, z):
            return pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([x, y, z]).T)

        def inertia(m, c):
            return pin.Inertia(m, np.matrix(c, np.double).T, eye(3) * m**2)

        def joint_name(body):
            return prefix + body + '_joint'

        def body_name(body):
            return 'world/' + prefix + body

        color = [red, green, blue, transparency] = [1, 1, 0.78, 1.0]
        joint_id = root_id
        cm = 1e-2

        joint_placement = joint_placement if joint_placement is not None else pin.SE3.Identity(
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(),
                                       joint_placement, joint_name('wrist'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(3, [0, 0, 0]),

        L, W, H = 3 * cm, 5 * cm, 1 * cm
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addSphere(body_name('wrist'), .02, color)
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addBox(body_name('wpalm'), L / 2, W / 2, H,
            Visual(body_name('wpalm'), joint_id, trans(L / 2, 0, 0)))

        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('wpalmb'), H, W, color)
            Visual(body_name('wpalmb'), joint_id,
                   pin.SE3(rotate('x', pi / 2), zero(3)), H, W))

        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('wpalmt'), H, W, color)
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('x', pi / 2), np.matrix([L, 0, 0]).T)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('wpalmt'), joint_id, pos, H, W))

        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('wpalml'), H, L, color)
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('y', pi / 2), np.matrix([L / 2, -W / 2, 0]).T)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('wpalml'), joint_id, pos, H, L))

        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('wpalmr'), H, L, color)
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('y', pi / 2), np.matrix([L / 2, +W / 2, 0]).T)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('wpalmr'), joint_id, pos, H, L))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([5 * cm, 0, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(),
                                       joint_placement, joint_name('palm'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(2, [0, 0, 0]),
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('palm2'), 1 * cm, W, color)
            Visual(body_name('palm2'), joint_id,
                   pin.SE3(rotate('x', pi / 2), zero(3)), H, W))

        FL = 4 * cm
        palmIdx = joint_id

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([2 * cm, W / 2, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(palmIdx, pin.JointModelRY(),
                                       joint_placement, joint_name('finger11'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]),
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('finger11'), H, FL - 2 * H,
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
            Visual(body_name('finger11'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL, 0, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(),
                                       joint_placement, joint_name('finger12'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]),

        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('finger12'), H, FL - 2 * H,
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
            Visual(body_name('finger12'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL - 2 * H, 0, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(),
                                       joint_placement, joint_name('finger13'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.3, [0, 0, 0]),
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addSphere(body_name('finger13'), H, color)
            Visual(body_name('finger13'), joint_id, trans(2 * H, 0, 0), H, 0))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([2 * cm, 0, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(palmIdx, pin.JointModelRY(),
                                       joint_placement, joint_name('finger21'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]),
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('finger21'), H, FL - 2 * H,
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
            Visual(body_name('finger21'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL, 0, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(),
                                       joint_placement, joint_name('finger22'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]),
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('finger22'), H, FL - 2 * H,
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
            Visual(body_name('finger22'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL - H, 0, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(),
                                       joint_placement, joint_name('finger23'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.3, [0, 0, 0]),
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addSphere(body_name('finger23'), H, color)
            Visual(body_name('finger23'), joint_id, trans(H, 0, 0), H, 0))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([2 * cm, -W / 2, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(palmIdx, pin.JointModelRY(),
                                       joint_placement, joint_name('finger31'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]),
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('finger31'), H, FL - 2 * H,
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
            Visual(body_name('finger31'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL, 0, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(),
                                       joint_placement, joint_name('finger32'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]),
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('finger32'), H, FL - 2 * H,
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
            Visual(body_name('finger32'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL - 2 * H, 0, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(),
                                       joint_placement, joint_name('finger33'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.3, [0, 0, 0]),
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addSphere(body_name('finger33'), H, color)
            Visual(body_name('finger33'), joint_id, trans(2 * H, 0, 0), H, 0))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3),
                                  np.matrix([1 * cm, -W / 2 - H * 1.5, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(1, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement,
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]),
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('thumb1'), H, 2 * cm,
        pos = pin.SE3(
            rotate('z', pi / 3) * rotate('x', pi / 2),
            np.matrix([1 * cm, -1 * cm, 0]).T)
        self.visuals.append(Visual(body_name('thumb1'), joint_id, pos, 2 * cm))

        joint_placement = pin.SE3(
            rotate('z', pi / 3) * rotate('x', pi),
            np.matrix([3 * cm, -1.8 * cm, 0]).T)
        joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id, pin.JointModelRZ(),
                                       joint_placement, joint_name('thumb2'))
        self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.4, [0, 0, 0]),
        self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name('thumb2'), H, FL - 2 * H,
        pos = pin.SE3(rotate('x', pi / 3),
                      np.matrix([-0.7 * cm, .8 * cm, -0.5 * cm]).T)
            Visual(body_name('thumb2'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))

        # Prepare some patches to represent collision points. Yet unvisible.
        for i in range(10):
            self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCylinder('world/wa%i' % i, .01, .003,
                                               [1.0, 0, 0, 1])
            self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCylinder('world/wb%i' % i, .01, .003,
                                               [1.0, 0, 0, 1])
            self.viewer.viewer.gui.setVisibility('world/wa%i' % i, 'OFF')
            self.viewer.viewer.gui.setVisibility('world/wb%i' % i, 'OFF')
Exemple #38
 def test_set_rotation(self):
     transform = pin.SE3.Identity()
     transform.rotation = zero([3,3])
     self.assertFalse(np.allclose(transform.rotation, eye(3)))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(transform.rotation, zero([3,3])))
 def inertia(m, c):
     return pin.Inertia(m, np.matrix(c, np.double).T, eye(3) * m**2)
Exemple #40
 def test_log3(self):
     m = eye(3)
     v = pin.log3(m)
     self.assertApprox(v, zero(3))
 def trans(x, y, z):
     return pin.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([x, y, z]).T)
Exemple #42
class TestMotionBindings(unittest.TestCase):

    v3zero = zero(3)
    v6zero = zero(6)
    v3ones = ones(3)
    m3zero = zero([3, 3])
    m3ones = eye(3)
    m4ones = eye(4)

    def test_zero_getters(self):
        v = se3.Motion.Zero()
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(self.v3zero, v.linear))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(self.v3zero, v.angular))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(self.v6zero, v.vector))

    def test_setRandom(self):
        v = se3.Motion.Zero()
        self.assertFalse(np.allclose(self.v3zero, v.linear))
        self.assertFalse(np.allclose(self.v3zero, v.angular))
        self.assertFalse(np.allclose(self.v6zero, v.vector))

    def test_setZero(self):
        v = se3.Motion.Zero()
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(self.v3zero, v.linear))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(self.v3zero, v.angular))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(self.v6zero, v.vector))

    def test_set_linear(self):
        v = se3.Motion.Zero()
        lin = rand(
        )  # TODO np.matrix([1,2,3],np.double) OR np.matrix( np.array([1,2,3], np.double), np.double)
        v.linear = lin
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(v.linear, lin))

    def test_set_angular(self):
        v = se3.Motion.Zero()
        ang = rand(3)
        v.angular = ang
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(v.angular, ang))

    def test_set_vector(self):
        v = se3.Motion.Zero()
        vec = rand(6)
        v.vector = vec
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(v.vector, vec))

    def test_internal_sums(self):
        v1 = se3.Motion.Random()
        v2 = se3.Motion.Random()
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose((v1 + v2).vector, v1.vector + v2.vector))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose((v1 - v2).vector, v1.vector - v2.vector))

    def test_se3_action(self):
        m = se3.SE3.Random()
        v = se3.Motion.Random()
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose((m * v).vector, m.action * v.vector))
                        np.linalg.inv(m.action) * v.vector))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose((v**v).vector, zero(6)))
Exemple #43
    This function load a UR5 robot n a new model, move the basis to placement <M0>
    and add the corresponding visuals in gepetto viewer with name prefix given by string <name>.
    It returns the robot wrapper (model,data).
    robot = RobotWrapper(urdf, [PKG])
    robot.model.jointPlacements[1] = M0 * robot.model.jointPlacements[1]
    robot.visual_model.geometryObjects[0].placement = M0 * robot.visual_model.geometryObjects[0].placement
    robot.visual_data.oMg[0] = M0 * robot.visual_data.oMg[0]
    robot.initDisplay(loadModel=True, viewerRootNodeName="world/" + name)
    return robot

robots = []
# Load 4 Ur5 robots, placed at 0.3m from origin in the 4 directions x,y,-x,-y.
Mt = SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([.3, 0, 0]).T)  # First robot is simply translated
for i in range(4):
    robots.append(loadRobot(SE3(rotate('z', np.pi / 2 * i), zero(3)) * Mt, "robot%d" % i))

# Set up the robots configuration with end effector pointed upward.
q0 = np.matrix([np.pi / 4, -np.pi / 4, -np.pi / 2, np.pi / 4, np.pi / 2, 0]).T
for i in range(4):

# Add a new object featuring the parallel robot tool plate.
gepettoViewer = robots[0].viewer.gui
w, h, d = 0.25, 0.25, 0.005
color = [red, green, blue, transparency] = [1, 1, 0.78, 1.0]
gepettoViewer.addBox('world/toolplate', w, h, d, color)
Mtool = SE3(rotate('z', 1.268), np.matrix([0, 0, .77]).T)
gepettoViewer.applyConfiguration('world/toolplate', se3ToXYZQUATtuple(Mtool))
Exemple #44
class TestSE3Bindings(unittest.TestCase):

    v3zero = zero(3)
    v3ones = ones(3)
    m3zero = zero([3,3])
    m3ones = eye(3)
    m4ones = eye(4)

    def test_identity(self):
        transform = se3.SE3.Identity()
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(self.m3ones, transform.rotation))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(self.m4ones, transform.homogeneous))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(self.m4ones, transform.homogeneous))

    def test_get_translation(self):
        transform = se3.SE3.Identity()
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(transform.translation, self.v3zero))

    def test_get_rotation(self):
        transform = se3.SE3.Identity()
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(transform.rotation, self.m3ones))

    def test_set_translation(self):
        transform = se3.SE3.Identity()
        transform.translation = self.v3ones
        self.assertFalse(np.allclose(transform.translation, self.v3zero))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(transform.translation, self.v3ones))

    def test_set_rotation(self):
        transform = se3.SE3.Identity()
        transform.rotation = self.m3zero
        self.assertFalse(np.allclose(transform.rotation, self.m3ones))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(transform.rotation, self.m3zero))

    def test_homogeneous(self):
        amb = se3.SE3.Random()
        aMb = amb.homogeneous
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(aMb[0:3,0:3], amb.rotation)) # bloc 33 = rotation de amb
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(aMb[0:3,3], amb.translation)) # derniere colonne = translation de amb

    def test_inverse(self):
        amb = se3.SE3.Random()
        aMb = amb.homogeneous
        bma = amb.inverse()
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.linalg.inv(aMb), bma.homogeneous))

    def test_internal_product(self):
        amb = se3.SE3.Random()
        aMb = amb.homogeneous
        bmc = se3.SE3.Random()
        bMc = bmc.homogeneous
        amc = amb*bmc
        cma = amc.inverse()
        aMc = amc.homogeneous

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(aMb*bMc, aMc))

    def test_point_action(self):
        amb = se3.SE3.Random()
        aMb = amb.homogeneous
        p_homogeneous = rand(4)
        p_homogeneous[3] = 1
        p = p_homogeneous[0:3].copy()

        # act

        # actinv
        bMa = np.linalg.inv(aMb)
        bma = amb.inverse()
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(bma.act_point(p), (bMa * p_homogeneous)[0:3]))

    def test_action_matrix(self):
        amb = se3.SE3.Random()
        bmc = se3.SE3.Random()
        amc = amb * bmc
        aXb = amb.action
        bXc = bmc.action
        aXc = aXb * bXc
Exemple #45
 def test_get_rotation(self):
     transform = pin.SE3.Identity()
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(transform.rotation, eye(3)))
Exemple #46
 def test_Jexp3(self):
     v = zero(3)
     m = pin.Jexp3(v)
     self.assertApprox(m, eye(3))
Exemple #47
 def test_setIdentity(self):
     Y = pin.Inertia.Zero()
     self.assertTrue(Y.mass == 1)
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(zero(3), Y.lever))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(eye(3), Y.inertia))
Exemple #48
 def test_setIdentity(self):
     Y = pin.Inertia.Zero()
     self.assertTrue(Y.mass == 1)
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(zero(3), Y.lever))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(eye(3), Y.inertia))