Exemple #1
def  iden_model(model, data, N, nq, nv, q, v, a): 
	"""This function calculates joint torques and generates the joint torque regressor.
		Note: a flag IsFrictioncld to include in dynamic model
		Input: 	model, data: model and data structure of robot from Pinocchio
				q, v, a: joint's position, velocity, acceleration
				N : number of samples
				nq: length of q
		Output: tau: vector of joint torque
				W : joint torque regressor"""
	tau = np.empty(nq*N)
	W = np.empty([N*nq, 10*nq]) 
	for i in range(N):
		tau_temp = pin.rnea(model, data, q[i,:], v[i,:], a[i,:])
		W_temp = pin.computeJointTorqueRegressor(model, data, q[i,:], v[i,:], a[i,:])
		for j in range(nq):
			tau[j*N + i] = tau_temp[j]
			W[j*N + i, :] = W_temp[j,:]
	if isFrictionincld:
		W = np.c_[W,np.zeros([N*nq,2*nq])]
		for i in range(N):
			for j in range(nq):
				tau[j*N + i] = tau[j*N + i] + v[i,j]*fv + np.sign(v[i,j])*fc
				W[j*N + i, 10*nq+2*j] = v[i,j]
				W[j*N + i, 10*nq+2*j + 1] = np.sign(v[i,j])
	return tau, W
    def test_joint_torque_regressor(self):
        model = pin.buildSampleModelHumanoidRandom()
        model.lowerPositionLimit[:7] = -1.
        model.upperPositionLimit[:7] = 1.

        data = model.createData()
        data_ref = model.createData()

        q = pin.randomConfiguration(model)
        v = pin.utils.rand(model.nv)
        a = pin.utils.rand(model.nv)


        params = zero(10*(model.njoints-1))
        for i in range(1, model.njoints):
            params[(i-1)*10:i*10] = model.inertias[i].toDynamicParameters()


        tau_regressor = data.jointTorqueRegressor.dot(params)

        self.assertApprox(tau_regressor, data_ref.tau)
    def compute_regressor_matrix(self, angle, velocity, acceleration):
        joint_torque_regressor = \
            pinocchio.computeJointTorqueRegressor(self.model, self.data,

        viscous_friction_torque_regressor = to_diagonal_matrix(velocity)
        static_friction_torque_regressor = to_diagonal_matrix(

        regressor_matrix = np.concatenate([
            joint_torque_regressor, viscous_friction_torque_regressor,

        return regressor_matrix
Exemple #4
def iden_model_fext(model, data, N, nq, nv, njoints, q, v, a):
    """This function calculates joint torques and generates the joint torque regressor.
		Note: a flag IsFrictioncld to include in dynamic model
		Input: 	model, data: model and data structure of robot from Pinocchio
				q, v, a: joint's position, velocity, acceleration
				N : number of samples
				nq: length of q
		Output: tau: vector of joint torque
				W : joint torque regressor"""
    tau = np.empty(6 * N)
    W = np.empty([N * 6, 10 * (njoints - 1)])
    for i in range(N):
        tau_temp = pin.rnea(model, data, q[i, :], v[i, :], a[i, :])
        W_temp = pin.computeJointTorqueRegressor(model, data, q[i, :], v[i, :],
                                                 a[i, :])
        for j in range(6):
            tau[j * N + i] = tau_temp[j]
            W[j * N + i, :] = W_temp[j, :]
    return tau, W