def compute_err_dic(df_state, quat_state_lst, df_gtr, quat_gtr_lst, struct):
    err_dic = {}
    err_dic['px'] = df_state['px'] - df_gtr['px']
    err_dic['py'] = df_state['py'] - df_gtr['py']
    err_dic['pz'] = df_state['pz'] - df_gtr['pz']
    #  q_est - q_gtr =def log3(q_gtr.inv * q_est)
    quat_err_arr = np.array([
        pin.log3((q_gtr.inverse() * q_est).toRotationMatrix())
        for q_gtr, q_est in zip(quat_gtr_lst, quat_state_lst)
    quat_err_mag = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, quat_err_arr)
    err_dic['ox'] = quat_err_arr[:, 0]
    err_dic['oy'] = quat_err_arr[:, 1]
    err_dic['oz'] = quat_err_arr[:, 2]
    err_dic['omag'] = quat_err_mag
    err_dic['vx'] = df_state['vx'] - df_gtr['vx']
    err_dic['vy'] = df_state['vy'] - df_gtr['vy']
    err_dic['vz'] = df_state['vz'] - df_gtr['vz']
    if struct == 'POVCDL':
        err_dic['cx'] = df_state['cx'] - df_gtr['cx']
        err_dic['cy'] = df_state['cy'] - df_gtr['cy']
        err_dic['cz'] = df_state['cz'] - df_gtr['cz']
        err_dic['cdx'] = df_state['cdx'] - df_gtr['cdx']
        err_dic['cdy'] = df_state['cdy'] - df_gtr['cdy']
        err_dic['cdz'] = df_state['cdz'] - df_gtr['cdz']
        err_dic['Lcx'] = df_state['Lcx'] - df_gtr['Lcx']
        err_dic['Lcy'] = df_state['Lcy'] - df_gtr['Lcy']
        err_dic['Lcz'] = df_state['Lcz'] - df_gtr['Lcz']

    return err_dic
 def compute_for_normalized_time(self, t):
     if t < 0:
         print "Trajectory called with negative time."
         return self.compute_for_normalized_time(0)
     elif t > self.t_total:
         print "Trajectory called after final time."
         return self.compute_for_normalized_time(self.t_total)
     self.M = SE3.Identity()
     self.v = Motion.Zero()
     self.a = Motion.Zero()
     self.M.translation = self.curves(t)
     self.v.linear = self.curves.d(t)
     self.a.linear = self.curves.dd(t)
     #rotation :
     if self.curves.isInFirstNonZero(t):
         self.M.rotation = self.placement_init.rotation.copy()
     elif self.curves.isInLastNonZero(t):
         self.M.rotation = self.placement_end.rotation.copy()
         # make a slerp between self.effector_placement[id][0] and [1] :
         quat0 = Quaternion(self.placement_init.rotation)
         quat1 = Quaternion(self.placement_end.rotation)
         t_rot = t - self.t_mid_begin
   print "t : ",t
   print "t_mid_begin : ",self.t_mid_begin
   print "t_rot : ",t_rot
   print "t mid : ",self.t_mid
         assert t_rot >= 0, "Error in the time intervals of the polybezier"
         assert t_rot <= (self.t_mid + 1e-6
                          ), "Error in the time intervals of the polybezier"
         u = t_rot / self.t_mid
         # normalized time without the pre defined takeoff/landing phases
         self.M.rotation = (quat0.slerp(u, quat1)).matrix()
         # angular velocity :
         dt = 0.001
         u_dt = dt / self.t_mid
         r_plus_dt = (quat0.slerp(u + u_dt, quat1)).matrix()
         self.v.angular = pin.log3(self.M.rotation.T * r_plus_dt) / dt
         r_plus2_dt = (quat0.slerp(u + (2. * u_dt), quat1)).matrix()
         next_angular_velocity = pin.log3(r_plus_dt.T * r_plus2_dt) / dt
         self.a.angular = (next_angular_velocity - self.v.angular) / dt
         #r_plus_dt = (quat0.slerp(u+u_dt,quat1)).matrix()
         #next_angular_vel = (pin.log3(self.M.rotation.T * r_plus_dt)/dt)
         #self.a.angular = (next_angular_vel - self.v.angular)/dt
     return self.M, self.v, self.a
def computeRootYawAngleBetwwenConfigs(q0, q1):
    quat0 = Quaternion(q0[6], q0[3], q0[4], q0[5])
    quat1 = Quaternion(q1[6], q1[3], q1[4], q1[5])
    v_angular = np.array(log3(quat0.matrix()
    #print ("q_prev : ",q0)
    #print ("q      : ",q1)
    #print ("v_angular = ",v_angular)
    return v_angular[2]
def invgeom(h = 0.2, lx = 0.1946, ly=0.16891, leg_dir = [+1,+1,-1,-1]):
    #Inputs to be modified by the user
    feet_position_ref =     [np.array([lx,   ly, 0.0191028]),np.array([lx,  -ly, 0.0191028]),np.array([-lx,   ly, 0.0191028]),np.array([-lx,  -ly, 0.0191028])]
    base_orientation_ref = pin.utils.rpyToMatrix(0,0,0) 
    com_ref = np.array([0,0,h])
    FL_FOOT_ID = robot.model.getFrameId('FL_FOOT')
    FR_FOOT_ID = robot.model.getFrameId('FR_FOOT')
    HL_FOOT_ID = robot.model.getFrameId('HL_FOOT')
    HR_FOOT_ID = robot.model.getFrameId('HR_FOOT')
    BASE_ID =  robot.model.getFrameId('base_link')
    foot_ids = np.array([FL_FOOT_ID, FR_FOOT_ID, HL_FOOT_ID, HR_FOOT_ID])
    q = np.array([ 0., 0.,0.235,  0.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ,  1.   ,  
                0.1  , +0.8 * leg_dir[0] , -1.6 * leg_dir[0] , 
               -0.1  , +0.8 * leg_dir[1],  -1.6 * leg_dir[1] ,  
                0.1  , -0.8 * leg_dir[2] , +1.6 * leg_dir[2] ,
               -0.1  , -0.8 * leg_dir[3] , +1.6 * leg_dir[3]])
    dq = robot.v0.copy()
    for i in range(100):
        #Compute fwd kin

        ### FEET
        Jfeet = []
        pfeet_err = []
        for i_ee in range(4):
            idx = int(foot_ids[i_ee])
            pos = rdata.oMf[idx].translation
            ref = feet_position_ref[i_ee]

        ### CoM
        com =
        Jcom = robot.Jcom(q)
        e_com = com_ref-com

        ### BASE ROTATION
        idx = BASE_ID
        rot = rdata.oMf[idx].rotation
        rotref = base_orientation_ref
        Jwbasis = pin.computeFrameJacobian(robot.model,,q,idx,pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[3:]
        e_basisrot = -rotref @ pin.log3(rotref.T@rot)

        #All tasks
        J = np.vstack(Jfeet+[Jcom,Jwbasis])
        x_err = np.concatenate(pfeet_err+[e_com,e_basisrot])
        residual = np.linalg.norm(x_err)
        if residual<1e-5:
            print (np.linalg.norm(x_err))
            print ("iteration: {} residual: {}".format(i,residual))
            return q
    return q * np.nan
 def __init__(self, placement_init, placement_final, time_interval):
     RefTrajectory.__init__(self, "TrajectorySE3LinearInterp")
     self.placement_init = placement_init
     self.placement_final = placement_final
     self.t0 = time_interval[0]
     self.t1 = time_interval[1]
     self.length = self.t1 - self.t0
     self.quat0 = Quaternion(self.placement_init.rotation)
     self.quat1 = Quaternion(self.placement_final.rotation)
     self.M = SE3.Identity()
     self.v = Motion.Zero()
     self.a = Motion.Zero()
     # constant velocity and null acceleration :
     self.v.linear = (placement_final.translation -
                      placement_final.translation) / self.length
     self.v.angular = pin.log3(placement_final.rotation.T *
                               placement_final.rotation) / self.length
    def update_des_acc(self, q, dq, com_ref, orien_ref, mom_ref, dmom_ref,
                       endeff_pos_ref, endeff_vel_ref, endeff_acc_ref,

        measured_op_space_velocities = self.J @ dq

        # get the ref momentum acc
        self.desired_acceleration[:6] = dmom_ref + np.diag(
            self.p_mom_tracking) @ (mom_ref -

        # com part
        self.desired_acceleration[:3] += self.p_com_tracking * (
            com_ref -

        # orientation part
        base_orien =[self.base_id].rotation
        orient_error = pin.log3(
            base_orien.T @ orien_ref.matrix())  # rotated in world
        self.desired_acceleration[3:6] += (
            self.p_orient_tracking * orient_error -
            self.d_orient_tracking * dq[3:6])

        # desired motion of the feet
        for i, idx in enumerate(self.endeff_ids):
            self.desired_acceleration[6 + 3 * i:6 + 3 *
                                      (i + 1)] = self.p_endeff_tracking * (
                                          endeff_pos_ref[i] -
            self.desired_acceleration[6 + 3 * i:6 + 3 * (
                i + 1)] += self.d_endeff_tracking * (
                    endeff_vel_ref[i] -
                    measured_op_space_velocities[6 + 3 * i:6 + 3 * (i + 1)])
            self.desired_acceleration[6 + 3 * i:6 + 3 *
                                      (i + 1)] += endeff_acc_ref[i]

        if joint_regularization_ref is None:
            self.desired_acceleration[( + 2) * 3:] = zero(self.nv - 6)
            # we add some damping
            self.desired_acceleration[( + 2) *
                                      3:] = self.p_joint_regularization * (
                                          joint_regularization_ref - q[7:])
            # REVIEW(mkhadiv): I am not sure if the negative sign makes sense here!
                ( + 2) * 3:] += -self.d_joint_regularization * dq[6:]
        df_gtr['qx'], df_gtr['qy'], df_gtr['qz'], df_gtr['qw'])
quat_est_lst = [
    pin.Quaternion(qw, qx, qy, qz) for qx, qy, qz, qw in zip(
        df_est['qx'], df_est['qy'], df_est['qz'], df_est['qw'])
quat_fbk_lst = [
    pin.Quaternion(qw, qx, qy, qz) for qx, qy, qz, qw in zip(
        df_fbk['qx'], df_fbk['qy'], df_fbk['qz'], df_fbk['qw'])
quat_kfs_lst = [
    pin.Quaternion(qw, qx, qy, qz) for qx, qy, qz, qw in zip(
        df_kfs['qx'], df_kfs['qy'], df_kfs['qz'], df_kfs['qw'])

o_gtr_arr = np.array([pin.log3(q.toRotationMatrix()) for q in quat_gtr_lst])
o_est_arr = np.array([pin.log3(q.toRotationMatrix()) for q in quat_est_lst])
o_fbk_arr = np.array([pin.log3(q.toRotationMatrix()) for q in quat_fbk_lst])
o_kfs_arr = np.array([pin.log3(q.toRotationMatrix()) for q in quat_kfs_lst])
for i in range(3):
    xyz = 'xyz'[i]
    df_gtr['o' + xyz] = o_gtr_arr[:, i]
    df_est['o' + xyz] = o_est_arr[:, i]
    df_fbk['o' + xyz] = o_fbk_arr[:, i]
    df_kfs['o' + xyz] = o_kfs_arr[:, i]

def compute_err_dic(df_state, quat_state_lst, df_gtr, quat_gtr_lst, struct):
    err_dic = {}
    err_dic['px'] = df_state['px'] - df_gtr['px']
    err_dic['py'] = df_state['py'] - df_gtr['py']
Exemple #8
def se3Interp(s1, s2, alpha):
    t = (s1.translation * alpha + s2.translation * (1 - alpha))
    r = se3.exp3(
        se3.log3(s1.rotation) * alpha + se3.log3(s2.rotation) * (1 - alpha))
    return se3.SE3(r, t)
Exemple #9
 def test_log3(self):
     m = eye(3)
     v = pin.log3(m)
     self.assertApprox(v, zero(3))
S = 2000
E = 10000

# print(f_sum_arr[:,S:E])
# print()
# print(mg_arr[:,S:E])
M = f_sum_arr[:, S:E] @ mg_arr[:, S:E].T
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(M, full_matrices=True)

R_est = u @ vh

q_est = pin.Quaternion(R_est)
rpy_est = pin.rpy.matrixToRpy(R_est)
print('Angular error (in deg): ', np.rad2deg(pin.log3(R_est)))

f_sum_arr_rot = R_est.T @ f_sum_arr
# print(f_sum_arr_rot[:,S:E])

t_arr = np.arange(N)

plt.figure('Total forces world frame')
plt.plot(t_arr, f_sum_arr[0, :], 'r', label='f sum x')
plt.plot(t_arr, f_sum_arr[1, :], 'g', label='f sum y')
plt.plot(t_arr, f_sum_arr[2, :], 'b', label='f sum z')
plt.hlines(0, -1000, N + 1000, 'k')
plt.hlines(m_solo * g, -1000, N + 1000, 'k')

plt.figure('Total rotated forces world frame')
Lc_est_arr = np.array(Lc_est_lst)

p_gtr_arr = np.array(p_gtr_lst)
v_gtr_arr = np.array(v_gtr_lst)
c_gtr_arr = np.array(c_gtr_lst)
dc_gtr_arr = np.array(dc_gtr_lst)
Lc_gtr_arr = np.array(Lc_gtr_lst)

# compute errors
p_err_arr = p_est_arr - p_gtr_arr
v_err_arr = v_est_arr - v_gtr_arr
c_err_arr = c_est_arr - c_gtr_arr
dc_err_arr = dc_est_arr - dc_gtr_arr
Lc_err_arr = Lc_est_arr - Lc_gtr_arr
oRb_err_arr = np.array([
    pin.log3(oRb_gtr.T @ oRb_est)
    for oRb_est, oRb_gtr in zip(oRb_est_lst, oRb_gtr_lst)

err_arr_lst = [
    p_err_arr, oRb_err_arr, v_err_arr, c_err_arr, dc_err_arr, Lc_err_arr
fig_titles = [
    'P error', 'O error', 'V error', 'C error', 'D error', 'Lc error'

for err_arr, fig_title in zip(err_arr_lst, fig_titles):
Exemple #12
 def test_log3(self):
     m = eye(3)
     v = pin.log3(m)
     self.assertApprox(v, zero(3))
Exemple #13
    def compute(self, q, dq):
        ### FEET
        Jfeet = []
        afeet = []
        pfeet_err = []
        vfeet_ref = []
        pin.forwardKinematics(self.rmodel, self.rdata, q, dq,
        pin.updateFramePlacements(self.rmodel, self.rdata)

        for i_ee in range(4):
            idx = int(self.foot_ids[i_ee])
            pos = self.rdata.oMf[idx].translation
            nu = pin.getFrameVelocity(self.rmodel, self.rdata, idx,
            ref = self.feet_position_ref[i_ee]
            vref = self.feet_velocity_ref[i_ee]
            aref = self.feet_acceleration_ref[i_ee]

            J1 = pin.computeFrameJacobian(self.robot.model,, q,
                                          idx, pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[:3]
            e1 = ref - pos
            acc1 = -self.Kp_flyingfeet * (pos - ref) - self.Kd_flyingfeet * (
                nu.linear - vref) + aref
            if self.flag_in_contact[i_ee]:
                acc1 *= 0  # In contact = no feedback
            drift1 = np.zeros(3)
            drift1 += pin.getFrameAcceleration(self.rmodel, self.rdata, idx,
            drift1 += self.cross3(nu.angular, nu.linear)
            acc1 -= drift1



        ### BASE POSITION
        idx = self.BASE_ID
        pos = self.rdata.oMf[idx].translation
        nu = pin.getFrameVelocity(self.rmodel, self.rdata, idx,
        ref = self.base_position_ref
        Jbasis = pin.computeFrameJacobian(self.robot.model,, q,
                                          idx, pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[:3]
        e_basispos = ref - pos
        accbasis = -self.Kp_base_position * (
            pos - ref) - self.Kd_base_position * nu.linear
        drift = np.zeros(3)
        drift += pin.getFrameAcceleration(self.rmodel, self.rdata, idx,
        drift += self.cross3(nu.angular, nu.linear)
        accbasis -= drift

        ### BASE ROTATION
        idx = self.BASE_ID

        rot = self.rdata.oMf[idx].rotation
        nu = pin.getFrameVelocity(self.rmodel, self.rdata, idx,
        rotref = self.base_orientation_ref
        Jwbasis = pin.computeFrameJacobian(self.robot.model,,
                                           q, idx, pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[3:]
        e_basisrot = -rotref @ pin.log3(rotref.T @ rot)
        accwbasis = -self.Kp_base_orientation * rotref @ pin.log3(
            rotref.T @ rot) - self.Kd_base_orientation * nu.angular
        drift = np.zeros(3)
        drift += pin.getFrameAcceleration(self.rmodel, self.rdata, idx,
        accwbasis -= drift

        J = np.vstack(Jfeet + [Jbasis, Jwbasis])
        acc = np.concatenate(afeet + [accbasis, accwbasis])

        x_err = np.concatenate(pfeet_err + [e_basispos, e_basisrot])
        dx_ref = np.concatenate(
            vfeet_ref +
            [self.base_linearvelocity_ref, self.base_angularvelocity_ref])

        invJ = self.dinv(J)  #or np.linalg.inv(J) since full rank

        ddq = invJ @ acc
        self.q_cmd = pin.integrate(self.robot.model, q, invJ @ x_err)
        self.dq_cmd = invJ @ dx_ref

        return ddq
    def test_sensor_noise_bias(self):
        @brief   Test sensor noise and bias for an IMU sensor on a simple pendulum in static pose.
        # Add IMU.
        imu_sensor = jiminy.ImuSensor("PendulumLink")

        # Create an engine: no controller and no internal dynamics
        engine = jiminy.Engine()

        x0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
        tf = 200.0

        # Configure the engine: No gravity
        engine_options = engine.get_options()
        engine_options["world"]["gravity"] = np.zeros(6)

        # Configure the IMU
        imu_options = imu_sensor.get_options()
        imu_options['noiseStd'] = np.linspace(0.0, 0.2, 9)
        imu_options['bias'] = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 9)

        # Run simulation
        engine.simulate(tf, x0)
        log_data, _ = engine.get_log()
        quat_jiminy = np.stack(
            [log_data['PendulumLink.Quat' + s] for s in ['x', 'y', 'z', 'w']],
        gyro_jiminy = np.stack(
            [log_data['PendulumLink.Gyro' + s] for s in ['x', 'y', 'z']],
        accel_jiminy = np.stack(
            [log_data['PendulumLink.Accel' + s] for s in ['x', 'y', 'z']],

        # Convert quaternion to a rotation vector.
        quat_axis = np.stack(
            [log3(Quaternion(q[:, np.newaxis]).matrix()) for q in quat_jiminy],

        # Estimate the quaternion noise and bias
        # Because the IMU rotation is identity, the resulting rotation will
        # simply be R_b R_noise. Since R_noise is a small rotation, we can
        # consider that the resulting rotation is simply the rotation resulting
        # from the sum of the rotation vector (this is only true at the first
        # order) and thus directly recover the unbiased sensor data.
        quat_axis_bias = np.mean(quat_axis, axis=0)
        quat_axis_std = np.std(quat_axis, axis=0)

        # Remove sensor rotation bias from gyro / accel data
        quat_rot_bias = exp3(quat_axis_bias)
        gyro_jiminy = np.vstack([quat_rot_bias @ v for v in gyro_jiminy])
        accel_jiminy = np.vstack([quat_rot_bias @ v for v in accel_jiminy])

        # Estimate the gyroscope and accelerometer noise and bias
        gyro_std = np.std(gyro_jiminy, axis=0)
        gyro_bias = np.mean(gyro_jiminy, axis=0)
        accel_std = np.std(accel_jiminy, axis=0)
        accel_bias = np.mean(accel_jiminy, axis=0)

        # Compare estimated sensor noise and bias with the configuration
            np.allclose(imu_options['bias'][:3], quat_axis_bias, atol=1.0e-2))
            np.allclose(imu_options['noiseStd'][3:-3], gyro_std, atol=1.0e-2))
            np.allclose(imu_options['bias'][3:-3], gyro_bias, atol=1.0e-2))
            np.allclose(imu_options['noiseStd'][-3:], accel_std, atol=1.0e-2))
            np.allclose(imu_options['bias'][-3:], accel_bias, atol=1.0e-2))
    def test_sensor_noise_bias(self):
        @brief Test sensor noise and bias for an IMU sensor on a simple
               pendulum in static pose.
        # Create an engine: no controller and no internal dynamics
        engine = jiminy.Engine()
        setup_controller_and_engine(engine, self.robot)

        # Configure the engine: No gravity
        engine_options = engine.get_options()
        engine_options["world"]["gravity"] = np.zeros(6)

        # Configure the IMU
        imu_options = self.imu_sensor.get_options()
        imu_options['noiseStd'] = np.linspace(0.0, 0.2, 9)
        imu_options['bias'] = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 9)

        # Run simulation and extract log data
        x0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
        tf = 200.0
        _, quat_jiminy, gyro_jiminy, accel_jiminy = \
            SimulateSimplePendulum._simulate_and_get_imu_data_evolution(engine, tf, x0, split=True)

        # Convert quaternion to a rotation vector.
        quat_axis = np.stack(
            [log3(Quaternion(q[:, np.newaxis]).matrix()) for q in quat_jiminy],

        # Estimate the quaternion noise and bias
        # Because the IMU rotation is identity, the resulting rotation will
        # simply be R_b R_noise. Since R_noise is a small rotation, we can
        # consider that the resulting rotation is simply the rotation resulting
        # from the sum of the rotation vector (this is only true at the first
        # order) and thus directly recover the unbiased sensor data.
        quat_axis_bias = np.mean(quat_axis, axis=0)
        quat_axis_std = np.std(quat_axis, axis=0)

        # Remove sensor rotation bias from gyro / accel data
        quat_rot_bias = exp3(quat_axis_bias)
        gyro_jiminy = np.vstack([quat_rot_bias @ v for v in gyro_jiminy])
        accel_jiminy = np.vstack([quat_rot_bias @ v for v in accel_jiminy])

        # Estimate the gyroscope and accelerometer noise and bias
        gyro_std = np.std(gyro_jiminy, axis=0)
        gyro_bias = np.mean(gyro_jiminy, axis=0)
        accel_std = np.std(accel_jiminy, axis=0)
        accel_bias = np.mean(accel_jiminy, axis=0)

        # Compare estimated sensor noise and bias with the configuration
            np.allclose(imu_options['bias'][:3], quat_axis_bias, atol=1.0e-2))
            np.allclose(imu_options['noiseStd'][3:-3], gyro_std, atol=1.0e-2))
            np.allclose(imu_options['bias'][3:-3], gyro_bias, atol=1.0e-2))
            np.allclose(imu_options['noiseStd'][-3:], accel_std, atol=1.0e-2))
            np.allclose(imu_options['bias'][-3:], accel_bias, atol=1.0e-2))
Exemple #16
 def calc(self, data, x, u):
     data.rRf = self.Rref.oRf.transpose() * data.shared.pinocchio.oMf[
     data.r = pinocchio.log3(data.rRf)
     self.activation.calc(data.activation, data.r)
     data.cost = data.activation.a
Exemple #17
        df_gtr_kfs = df_gtr_kfs.append(df_gtr.loc[np.isclose(df_gtr['t'], t)],

    # Extract quaternions to compute orientation difference (xyzw reversed in constructor -> normal)
    quat_gtr_lst = [
        pin.Quaternion(qw, qx, qy, qz) for qx, qy, qz, qw in zip(
            df_gtr['qx'], df_gtr['qy'], df_gtr['qz'], df_gtr['qw'])
    quat_est_lst = [
        pin.Quaternion(qw, qx, qy, qz) for qx, qy, qz, qw in zip(
            df_est['qx'], df_est['qy'], df_est['qz'], df_est['qw'])
    #  q_est - q_gtr =def log3(q_gtr.inv * q_est)
    quat_err_arr = np.array([
        pin.log3((q_gtr.inverse() * q_est).toRotationMatrix())
        for q_gtr, q_est in zip(quat_gtr_lst, quat_est_lst)
    errpx = df_est['px'] - df_gtr['px']
    errpy = df_est['py'] - df_gtr['py']
    errpz = df_est['pz'] - df_gtr['pz']
    errvx = df_est['vx'] - df_gtr['vx']
    errvy = df_est['vy'] - df_gtr['vy']
    errvz = df_est['vz'] - df_gtr['vz']
    errcx = df_est['cx'] - df_gtr['cx']
    errcy = df_est['cy'] - df_gtr['cy']
    errcz = df_est['cz'] - df_gtr['cz']
    errcdx = df_est['cdx'] - df_gtr['cdx']
    errcdy = df_est['cdy'] - df_gtr['cdy']
    errcdz = df_est['cdz'] - df_gtr['cdz']
    errLx = df_est['Lx'] - df_gtr['Lx']
Exemple #18
 def calc(self, data, x, u):
     data.rRf = self.ref.transpose() * data.pinocchio.oMf[
     data.residuals[:] = m2a(pinocchio.log3(data.rRf))
     data.cost = sum(self.activation.calc(data.activation, data.residuals))
     return data.cost
    o_rpy_i_arr = np.zeros((N, 3))
    w_rpy_m_arr = np.zeros((N, 3))
    for i in range(N):
        o_R_i = pin.Quaternion(arr_dic['o_q_i'][i, :].reshape(
            (4, 1))).toRotationMatrix()
        w_R_m = pin.Quaternion(arr_dic['w_q_m'][i, :].reshape(
            (4, 1))).toRotationMatrix()
        # o_R_i = arr_dic['o_R_i'][i,:,:]
        # w_R_m = arr_dic['w_R_m'][i,:,:]
        o_rpy_i = pin.rpy.matrixToRpy(o_R_i)
        w_rpy_m = pin.rpy.matrixToRpy(w_R_m)
        o_rpy_i_arr[i, :] = np.rad2deg(o_rpy_i)
        w_rpy_m_arr[i, :] = np.rad2deg(w_rpy_m)
        m_R_i = w_R_m.T @ o_R_i
        w_R_o = w_R_m @ o_R_i.T
        err_m_R_i = np.rad2deg(pin.log3(m_R_i))
        err_w_R_o = np.rad2deg(pin.log3(w_R_o))
        if np.linalg.norm(err_m_R_i) > np.linalg.norm(err_max_m_R_i):
            err_max_m_R_i = err_m_R_i.copy()
        if np.linalg.norm(err_w_R_o) > np.linalg.norm(err_max_w_R_o):
            err_max_w_R_o = err_w_R_o.copy()
    print(data_file, 'err_o_deg')
    print('err_max_m_R_i: ', err_max_m_R_i)
    print('err_max_w_R_o: ', err_max_w_R_o)

    plt.figure(data_file + ' DEG error')
    for j in range(3):
        plt.subplot(3, 1, 1 + j)
        plt.plot(arr_dic['t'], o_rpy_i_arr[:, j], 'r', label='IMU')
        plt.plot(arr_dic['t'], w_rpy_m_arr[:, j], 'b', label='MOCAP')