def __init__(self, duty_cycle, unit, experiment, hertz=50): super(Stirrer, self).__init__(job_name=JOB_NAME, unit=unit, experiment=experiment) self.hertz = hertz = PWM_TO_PIN[config.getint("PWM", "stirring")] GPIO.setup(, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(, 0) self.pwm = GPIO.PWM(, self.hertz) self.set_duty_cycle(duty_cycle) self.start_stirring()
def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == "state": if value != self.READY: try: self.stop_stirring() except AttributeError: pass elif (value == self.READY) and (self.state == self.SLEEPING): self.duty_cycle = config.getint("stirring", f"duty_cycle_{self.unit}", fallback=0) self.start_stirring() super(Stirrer, self).__setattr__(name, value)
def backup_database(output_file: str) -> None: """ This action will create a backup of the SQLite3 database into specified output. It then will try to copy the backup to any available worker Pioreactors as a further backup. This job actually consumes _a lot_ of resources, and I've seen the LED output drop due to this running. See issue #81. For now, we will skip the backup if `od_reading` is running Elsewhere, a cronjob is set up as well to run this action every N days. """ import sqlite3 from sh import ErrorReturnCode, rsync # type: ignore unit = get_unit_name() experiment = UNIVERSAL_EXPERIMENT with publish_ready_to_disconnected_state(unit, experiment, "backup_database"): logger = create_logger("backup_database", experiment=experiment, unit=unit) if is_pio_job_running("od_reading"): logger.warning("Won't run if OD Reading is running. Exiting") return def progress(status: int, remaining: int, total: int) -> None: logger.debug(f"Copied {total-remaining} of {total} SQLite3 pages.") logger.debug(f"Writing to local backup {output_file}.") logger.debug(f"Starting backup of database to {output_file}") sleep( 1 ) # pause a second so the log entry above gets recorded into the DB. con = sqlite3.connect(config.get("storage", "database")) bck = sqlite3.connect(output_file) with bck: con.backup(bck, pages=-1, progress=progress) bck.close() con.close() with local_persistant_storage("database_backups") as cache: cache["latest_backup_timestamp"] = current_utc_time()"Completed backup of database.") n_backups = config.getint("number_of_backup_replicates_to_workers", fallback=2) backups_complete = 0 available_workers = list(get_active_workers_in_inventory()) while (backups_complete < n_backups) and (len(available_workers) > 0): backup_unit = available_workers.pop() if backup_unit == get_unit_name(): continue try: rsync( "-hz", "--partial", "--inplace", output_file, f"{backup_unit}:{output_file}", ) except ErrorReturnCode: logger.debug( f"Unable to backup database to {backup_unit}. Is it online?", exc_info=True, ) logger.warning( f"Unable to backup database to {backup_unit}. Is it online?" ) else: logger.debug( f"Backed up database to {backup_unit}:{output_file}.") backups_complete += 1 return
try: stirrer = Stirrer(duty_cycle, unit=unit, experiment=experiment) stirrer.start_stirring() if duration is None: signal.pause() else: time.sleep(duration) except Exception as e: GPIO.cleanup() logger.error(f"failed with {str(e)}") raise e return @click.command(name="stirring") @click.option( "--duty-cycle", default=config.getint("stirring", f"duty_cycle_{unit}", fallback=0), help="set the duty cycle", show_default=True, type=click.IntRange(0, 100, clamp=True), ) def click_stirring(duty_cycle): """ Start the stirring of the Pioreactor. """ stirring(duty_cycle=duty_cycle)
def od_blank( od_angle_channel1, od_angle_channel2, n_samples: int = 30, ): """ Compute the sample average of the photodiodes attached. Note that because of the sensitivity of the growth rate (and normalized OD) to the starting values, we need a very accurate estimate of these statistics. """ from statistics import mean, variance action_name = "od_blank" logger = create_logger(action_name) unit = get_unit_name() experiment = get_latest_experiment_name() testing_experiment = get_latest_testing_experiment_name() "Starting reading of blank OD. This will take about a few minutes.") with publish_ready_to_disconnected_state(unit, experiment, action_name): # running this will mess with OD Reading - best to just not let it happen. if (is_pio_job_running("od_reading") # but if test mode, ignore and not is_testing_env()): logger.error( "od_reading should not be running. Stop od_reading first. Exiting." ) return # turn on stirring if not already on if not is_pio_job_running("stirring"): # start stirring st = start_stirring( target_rpm=config.getint("stirring", "target_rpm"), unit=unit, experiment=testing_experiment, ) st.block_until_rpm_is_close_to_target() else: # TODO: it could be paused, we should make sure it's running ... sampling_rate = 1 / config.getfloat("od_config", "samples_per_second") # start od_reading start_od_reading( od_angle_channel1, od_angle_channel2, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, unit=unit, experiment=testing_experiment, fake_data=is_testing_env(), ) def yield_from_mqtt(): while True: msg = pubsub.subscribe( f"pioreactor/{unit}/{testing_experiment}/od_reading/od_raw_batched" ) yield json.loads(msg.payload) signal = yield_from_mqtt() readings = defaultdict(list) for count, batched_reading in enumerate(signal, start=1): for (channel, reading) in batched_reading["od_raw"].items(): readings[channel].append(reading["voltage"]) pubsub.publish( f"pioreactor/{unit}/{experiment}/{action_name}/percent_progress", count // n_samples * 100, ) logger.debug(f"Progress: {count/n_samples:.0%}") if count == n_samples: break means = {} variances = {} autocorrelations = {} # lag 1 for channel, od_reading_series in readings.items(): # measure the mean and publish. The mean will be used to normalize the readings in downstream jobs means[channel] = mean(od_reading_series) variances[channel] = variance(od_reading_series) autocorrelations[channel] = correlation(od_reading_series[:-1], od_reading_series[1:]) # warn users that a blank is 0 - maybe this should be an error instead? TODO: link this to a docs page. if means[channel] == 0.0: logger.warning( f"OD reading for PD Channel {channel} is 0.0 - that shouldn't be. Is there a loose connection, or an extra channel in the configuration's [od_config.photodiode_channel] section?" ) pubsub.publish( f"pioreactor/{unit}/{experiment}/od_blank/{channel}", json.dumps({ "timestamp": current_utc_time(), "od_reading_v": means[channel] }), ) # store locally as the source of truth. with local_persistant_storage(action_name) as cache: cache[experiment] = json.dumps(means) # publish to UI and database pubsub.publish( f"pioreactor/{unit}/{experiment}/{action_name}/mean", json.dumps(means), qos=pubsub.QOS.AT_LEAST_ONCE, retain=True, ) if config.getboolean( "data_sharing_with_pioreactor", "send_od_statistics_to_Pioreactor", fallback=False, ): to_share = {"mean": means, "variance": variances} to_share["ir_intensity"] = config["od_config"]["ir_intensity"] to_share["od_angle_channel1"] = od_angle_channel1 to_share["od_angle_channel2"] = od_angle_channel2 pubsub.publish_to_pioreactor_cloud("od_blank_mean", json=to_share) logger.debug(f"measured mean: {means}") logger.debug(f"measured variances: {variances}") logger.debug(f"measured autocorrelations: {autocorrelations}") logger.debug("OD normalization finished.") return means
def add_media( ml=None, duration=None, duty_cycle=33, source_of_event=None, unit=None, experiment=None, ): assert 0 <= duty_cycle <= 100 assert (ml is not None) or (duration is not None) assert not ((ml is not None) and (duration is not None)), "Only select ml or duration" hz = 100 try: config["pump_calibration"][f"media_ml_calibration_{unit}"] except KeyError: logger.error( f"Calibration not defined. Add `pump_calibration` section to config_{unit}.ini." ) if ml is not None: user_submitted_ml = True assert ml >= 0 duration = pump_ml_to_duration( ml, duty_cycle, **loads( config["pump_calibration"][f"media_ml_calibration_{unit}"]), ) elif duration is not None: user_submitted_ml = False ml = pump_duration_to_ml( duration, duty_cycle, **loads( config["pump_calibration"][f"media_ml_calibration_{unit}"]), ) assert duration >= 0 publish( f"pioreactor/{unit}/{experiment}/dosing_events", dumps({ "volume_change": ml, "event": "add_media", "source_of_event": source_of_event, }), qos=QOS.EXACTLY_ONCE, ) if user_submitted_ml:"add media: {round(ml,2)}mL") else:"add media: {round(duration,2)}s") try: MEDIA_PIN = PWM_TO_PIN[config.getint("PWM", "media")] GPIO.setup(MEDIA_PIN, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(MEDIA_PIN, 0) pwm = GPIO.PWM(MEDIA_PIN, hz) pwm.start(duty_cycle) time.sleep(duration) pwm.stop() GPIO.output(MEDIA_PIN, 0) except Exception as e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise e finally: clean_up_gpio() return
def clean_up_gpio(): GPIO.cleanup(PWM_TO_PIN[config.getint("PWM", "media")])
class Stirrer(BackgroundJob): """ Parameters ------------ target_rpm: float Send message to "pioreactor/{unit}/{experiment}/stirring/target_rpm/set" to change the stirring speed. rpm_calculator: RpmCalculator See RpmCalculator and examples below. Notes ------- The create a feedback loop between the duty-cycle level and the RPM, we set up a polling algorithm. We set up an edge detector on the hall sensor pin, and count the number of pulses in N seconds. We convert this count to RPM, and then use a PID system to update the amount of duty cycle to apply. We perform the above every N seconds. That is, there is PID controller that checks every N seconds and nudges the duty cycle to match the requested RPM. Examples --------- > st = Stirrer(500, unit, experiment) > st.start_stirring() """ published_settings = { "target_rpm": { "datatype": "json", "settable": True, "unit": "RPM" }, "measured_rpm": { "datatype": "json", "settable": False, "unit": "RPM" }, "duty_cycle": { "datatype": "float", "settable": True, "unit": "%" }, } _previous_duty_cycle: float = 0 duty_cycle: float = config.getint( "stirring", "initial_duty_cycle", fallback=60.0) # only used if calibration isn't defined. _measured_rpm: Optional[float] = None def __init__( self, target_rpm: float, unit: str, experiment: str, rpm_calculator: Optional[RpmCalculator], hertz: float = 150, ) -> None: super(Stirrer, self).__init__(job_name="stirring", unit=unit, experiment=experiment) self.logger.debug(f"Starting stirring with initial {target_rpm} RPM.") self.rpm_calculator = rpm_calculator if not hardware.is_HAT_present(): self.logger.error("Pioreactor HAT must be present.") self.set_state(self.DISCONNECTED) raise exc.HardwareNotFoundError("Pioreactor HAT must be present.") if (self.rpm_calculator is not None) and not hardware.is_heating_pcb_present(): self.logger.error("Heating PCB must be present to measure RPM.") self.set_state(self.DISCONNECTED) raise exc.HardwareNotFoundError( "Heating PCB must be present to measure RPM.") pin = hardware.PWM_TO_PIN[config.get("PWM_reverse", "stirring")] self.pwm = PWM(pin, hertz) self.pwm.lock() self.rpm_to_dc_lookup = self.initialize_rpm_to_dc_lookup() self.target_rpm = target_rpm self.duty_cycle = self.rpm_to_dc_lookup(self.target_rpm) # set up PID = PID( Kp=config.getfloat("", "Kp"), Ki=config.getfloat("", "Ki"), Kd=config.getfloat("", "Kd"), setpoint=self.target_rpm, unit=self.unit, experiment=self.experiment, job_name=self.job_name, target_name="rpm", output_limits=(-20, 20), # avoid whiplashing ) # set up thread to periodically check the rpm self.rpm_check_repeated_thread = RepeatedTimer( 17, # 17 and 5 are coprime self.poll_and_update_dc, job_name=self.job_name, run_immediately=True, run_after=5, poll_for_seconds= 4, # technically should be a function of the RPM: lower RPM, longer to get sufficient data. ) def initialize_rpm_to_dc_lookup(self) -> Callable: if self.rpm_calculator is None: # if we can't track RPM, no point in adjusting DC return lambda rpm: self.duty_cycle with local_persistant_storage("stirring_calibration") as cache: if "linear_v1" in cache: parameters = json.loads(cache["linear_v1"]) coef = parameters["rpm_coef"] intercept = parameters["intercept"] # we scale this by 90% to make sure the PID + prediction doesn't overshoot, # better to be conservative here. # equivalent to a weighted average: 0.1 * current + 0.9 * predicted return lambda rpm: self.duty_cycle - 0.90 * ( self.duty_cycle - (coef * rpm + intercept)) else: return lambda rpm: self.duty_cycle def on_disconnected(self) -> None: with suppress(AttributeError): self.rpm_check_repeated_thread.cancel() with suppress(AttributeError): self.stop_stirring() self.pwm.cleanup() with suppress(AttributeError): if self.rpm_calculator: self.rpm_calculator.cleanup() def start_stirring(self) -> None: self.pwm.start(100) # get momentum to start sleep(0.25) self.set_duty_cycle(self.duty_cycle) sleep(0.75) self.rpm_check_repeated_thread.start() # .start is idempotent def poll(self, poll_for_seconds: float) -> Optional[float]: """ Returns an RPM, or None if not measuring RPM. """ if self.rpm_calculator is None: return None recent_rpm = self.rpm_calculator(poll_for_seconds) if recent_rpm == 0: # TODO: attempt to restart stirring self.publish( f"pioreactor/{self.unit}/{self.experiment}/monitor/flicker_led_with_error_code", error_codes.STIRRING_FAILED_ERROR_CODE, ) self.logger.warning("Stirring RPM is 0 - has it failed?") if self._measured_rpm is not None: # use a simple EMA, alpha chosen arbitrarily, but should be a function of delta time. self._measured_rpm = 0.025 * self._measured_rpm + 0.975 * recent_rpm else: self._measured_rpm = recent_rpm self.measured_rpm = { "timestamp": current_utc_time(), "rpm": self._measured_rpm } return self._measured_rpm def poll_and_update_dc(self, poll_for_seconds: float) -> None: self.poll(poll_for_seconds) if self._measured_rpm is None: return result =, dt=1) self.set_duty_cycle(self.duty_cycle + result) def stop_stirring(self) -> None: # if the user unpauses, we want to go back to their previous value, and not the default. self.set_duty_cycle(0) def on_ready_to_sleeping(self) -> None: self.rpm_check_repeated_thread.pause() self.stop_stirring() def on_sleeping_to_ready(self) -> None: self.duty_cycle = self._previous_duty_cycle self.rpm_check_repeated_thread.unpause() self.start_stirring() def set_duty_cycle(self, value: float) -> None: self._previous_duty_cycle = self.duty_cycle self.duty_cycle = clamp(0, round(float(value), 5), 100) self.pwm.change_duty_cycle(self.duty_cycle) def set_target_rpm(self, value: float) -> None: self.target_rpm = float(value) self.set_duty_cycle(self.rpm_to_dc_lookup(self.target_rpm)) def block_until_rpm_is_close_to_target(self, abs_tolerance: float = 15) -> None: """ This function blocks until the stirring is "close enough" to the target RPM. """ if self.rpm_calculator is None: # can't block if we aren't recording the RPM return while (self._measured_rpm is not None ) and abs(self._measured_rpm - self.target_rpm) > abs_tolerance: sleep(0.25)