Exemple #1
def install_package(specifier, prefix):
    Install a pip package (without dependencies) into the prefix directory.

    # TODO(vip): If this command is run as a different user, we can prevent models
    # from modifying the installed packages (can also do things like read-only mounts, etc.)
    from pip._internal.cli.main import main as pip_entry_point

    exit_code = pip_entry_point(

    if exit_code != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Error installing python dependency: {}".format(specifier))
Exemple #2
def bootstrap(tmpdir):

    # Execute the included pip and use it to install the latest pip and
    # setuptools from PyPI
    from pip._internal.cli.main import main as pip_entry_point
    args = determine_pip_install_arguments()
Exemple #3
 def pip(self, *args: Union[str, Path]) -> InMemoryPipResult:
     orig_stdout = sys.stdout
     stdout = io.StringIO()
     sys.stdout = stdout
         returncode = pip_entry_point([os.fspath(a) for a in args])
     except SystemExit as e:
         returncode = e.code or 0
         sys.stdout = orig_stdout
     return InMemoryPipResult(returncode, stdout.getvalue())
Exemple #4
 def pip(self, *args):
     orig_stdout = sys.stdout
     stdout = io.StringIO()
     sys.stdout = stdout
         returncode = pip_entry_point(list(args))
     except SystemExit as e:
         returncode = e.code or 0
         sys.stdout = orig_stdout
     return InMemoryPipResult(returncode, stdout.getvalue())
Exemple #5
def bootstrap(tmpdir=None):
    # Import pip so we can use it to install pip and maybe setuptools too
    from pip._internal.cli.main import main as pip_entry_point
    from pip._internal.commands.install import InstallCommand
    from pip._internal.req.constructors import install_req_from_line

    # Wrapper to provide default certificate with the lowest priority
    # Due to pip._internal.commands.commands_dict structure, a monkeypatch
    # seems the simplest workaround.
    install_parse_args = InstallCommand.parse_args

    def cert_parse_args(self, args):
        # If cert isn't specified in config or environment, we provide our
        # own certificate through defaults.
        # This allows user to specify custom cert anywhere one likes:
        # config, environment variable or argv.
        if not self.parser.get_default_values().cert:
            self.parser.defaults["cert"] = cert_path  # calculated below
        return install_parse_args(self, args)

    InstallCommand.parse_args = cert_parse_args

    implicit_pip = True
    implicit_setuptools = True
    implicit_wheel = True

    # Check if the user has requested us not to install setuptools
    if "--no-setuptools" in sys.argv or os.environ.get("PIP_NO_SETUPTOOLS"):
        args = [x for x in sys.argv[1:] if x != "--no-setuptools"]
        implicit_setuptools = False
        args = sys.argv[1:]

    # Check if the user has requested us not to install wheel
    if "--no-wheel" in args or os.environ.get("PIP_NO_WHEEL"):
        args = [x for x in args if x != "--no-wheel"]
        implicit_wheel = False

    # We only want to implicitly install setuptools and wheel if they don't
    # already exist on the target platform.
    if implicit_setuptools:
            import setuptools  # noqa
            implicit_setuptools = False
        except ImportError:
    if implicit_wheel:
            import wheel  # noqa
            implicit_wheel = False
        except ImportError:

    # We want to support people passing things like 'pip<8' to get-pip.py which
    # will let them install a specific version. However because of the dreaded
    # DoubleRequirement error if any of the args look like they might be a
    # specific for one of our packages, then we'll turn off the implicit
    # install of them.
    for arg in args:
            req = install_req_from_line(arg)
        except Exception:

        if implicit_pip and req.name == "pip":
            implicit_pip = False
        elif implicit_setuptools and req.name == "setuptools":
            implicit_setuptools = False
        elif implicit_wheel and req.name == "wheel":
            implicit_wheel = False

    # Add any implicit installations to the end of our args
    if implicit_pip:
        args += ["pip"]
    if implicit_setuptools:
        args += ["setuptools"]
    if implicit_wheel:
        args += ["wheel"]

    # Add our default arguments
    args = ["install", "--upgrade", "--force-reinstall"] + args

    delete_tmpdir = False
        # Create a temporary directory to act as a working directory if we were
        # not given one.
        if tmpdir is None:
            tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            delete_tmpdir = True

        # We need to extract the SSL certificates from requests so that they
        # can be passed to --cert
        cert_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "cacert.pem")
        with open(cert_path, "wb") as cert:
            cert.write(pkgutil.get_data("pip._vendor.certifi", "cacert.pem"))

        # Execute the included pip and use it to install the latest pip and
        # setuptools from PyPI
        # Remove our temporary directory
        if delete_tmpdir and tmpdir:
            shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)