def extract_credentials(self, url):
        Extracts user/password from a url.

        Returns a tuple:
            (url-without-auth, username, password)
        if isinstance(url, urllib2.Request):
            result = urlparse.urlsplit(url.get_full_url())
            result = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
        scheme, netloc, path, query, frag = result

        username, password = self.parse_credentials(netloc)
        if username is None:
            return url, None, None
        elif password is None and self.prompting:
            # remove the auth credentials from the url part
            netloc = netloc.replace('%s@' % username, '', 1)
            # prompt for the password
            prompt = 'Password for %s@%s: ' % (username, netloc)
            password = urllib.quote(getpass.getpass(prompt))
            # remove the auth credentials from the url part
            netloc = netloc.replace('%s:%s@' % (username, password), '', 1)

        target_url = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, frag))
        return target_url, username, password
Exemple #2
def test_unpack_http_url_bad_cache_checksum(mock_get_response, mock_unpack_file):
    If cached download has bad checksum, re-download.
    base_url = ''
    contents = b('downloaded')
    download_hash ='sha1', contents)
    link = Link(base_url + '#sha1=' + download_hash.hexdigest())
    response = mock_get_response.return_value = MockResponse(contents) = lambda: {'content-type': 'application/x-tar'}
    response.geturl = lambda: base_url

    cache_dir = mkdtemp()
        cache_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, urllib.quote(base_url, ''))
        cache_ct_file = cache_file + '.content-type'
        _write_file(cache_file, 'some contents')
        _write_file(cache_ct_file, 'application/x-tar')

        unpack_http_url(link, 'location', download_cache=cache_dir)

        # despite existence of cached file with bad hash, downloaded again
        mock_get_response.assert_called_once_with(base_url, link)
        # cached file is replaced with newly downloaded file
        with open(cache_file) as fh:
            assert == 'downloaded'

    def extract_credentials(self, url):
        Extracts user/password from a url.

        Returns a tuple:
            (url-without-auth, username, password)
        if isinstance(url, urllib2.Request):
            result = urlparse.urlsplit(url.get_full_url())
            result = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
        scheme, netloc, path, query, frag = result

        username, password = self.parse_credentials(netloc)
        if username is None:
            return url, None, None
        elif password is None and self.prompting:
            # remove the auth credentials from the url part
            netloc = netloc.replace('%s@' % username, '', 1)
            # prompt for the password
            prompt = 'Password for %s@%s: ' % (username, netloc)
            password = urllib.quote(getpass.getpass(prompt))
            # remove the auth credentials from the url part
            netloc = netloc.replace('%s:%s@' % (username, password), '', 1)

        target_url = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, frag))
        return target_url, username, password
Exemple #4
def test_unpack_http_url_bad_cache_checksum(mock_get_response,
    If cached download has bad checksum, re-download.
    base_url = ''
    contents = b('downloaded')
    download_hash ='sha1', contents)
    link = Link(base_url + '#sha1=' + download_hash.hexdigest())
    response = mock_get_response.return_value = MockResponse(contents) = lambda: {'content-type': 'application/x-tar'}
    response.geturl = lambda: base_url

    cache_dir = mkdtemp()
        cache_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, urllib.quote(base_url, ''))
        cache_ct_file = cache_file + '.content-type'
        _write_file(cache_file, 'some contents')
        _write_file(cache_ct_file, 'application/x-tar')

        unpack_http_url(link, 'location', download_cache=cache_dir)

        # despite existence of cached file with bad hash, downloaded again
        mock_get_response.assert_called_once_with(base_url, link)
        # cached file is replaced with newly downloaded file
        with open(cache_file) as fh:
            assert == 'downloaded'

Exemple #5
def test_file_index_url_quoting(script, data):
    Test url quoting of file index url with a space
    index_url = data.index_url(urllib.quote("in dex"))
    result = script.pip('install', '-vvv', '--index-url', index_url, 'simple', expect_error=False)
    assert (script.site_packages/'simple') in result.files_created, str(result.stdout)
    assert (script.site_packages/'simple-1.0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion) in result.files_created, str(result)
Exemple #6
def test_file_index_url_quoting():
    Test url quoting of file index url with a space
    index_url = path_to_url(os.path.join(tests_data, 'indexes', urllib.quote('in dex')))
    env = reset_env()
    result = run_pip('install', '-vvv', '--index-url', index_url, 'simple', expect_error=False)
    assert (env.site_packages/'simple') in result.files_created, str(result.stdout)
    assert (env.site_packages/'simple-1.0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion) in result.files_created, str(result)
def path_to_url(path):
    Convert a path to a file: URL.  The path will be made absolute.
    path = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(path))
    if _drive_re.match(path):
        path = path[0] + '|' + path[2:]
    url = urllib.quote(path)
    url = url.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
    url = url.lstrip('/')
    return 'file:///' + url
def path_to_url(path):
    Convert a path to a file: URL.  The path will be made absolute.
    path = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(path))
    if _drive_re.match(path):
        path = path[0] + '|' + path[2:]
    url = urllib.quote(path)
    url = url.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
    url = url.lstrip('/')
    return 'file:///' + url
def unpack_http_url(link, location, download_cache, only_download):
    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('-unpack', 'pip-')
    target_url = link.url.split('#', 1)[0]
    target_file = None
    download_hash = None
    if download_cache:
        target_file = os.path.join(download_cache,
                                   urllib.quote(target_url, ''))
        if not os.path.isdir(download_cache):
    if (target_file
        and os.path.exists(target_file)
        and os.path.exists(target_file + '.content-type')):
        fp = open(target_file+'.content-type')
        content_type =
        if link.md5_hash:
            download_hash = _get_md5_from_file(target_file, link)
        temp_location = target_file
        logger.notify('Using download cache from %s' % target_file)
        resp = _get_response_from_url(target_url, link)
        content_type =['content-type']
        filename = link.filename  # fallback
        # Have a look at the Content-Disposition header for a better guess
        content_disposition ='content-disposition')
        if content_disposition:
            type, params = cgi.parse_header(content_disposition)
            # We use ``or`` here because we don't want to use an "empty" value
            # from the filename param.
            filename = params.get('filename') or filename
        ext = splitext(filename)[1]
        if not ext:
            ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type)
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        if not ext and link.url != geturl(resp):
            ext = os.path.splitext(geturl(resp))[1]
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        temp_location = os.path.join(temp_dir, filename)
        download_hash = _download_url(resp, link, temp_location)
    if link.md5_hash:
        _check_md5(download_hash, link)
    if only_download:
        _copy_file(temp_location, location, content_type, link)
        unpack_file(temp_location, location, content_type, link)
    if target_file and target_file != temp_location:
        cache_download(target_file, temp_location, content_type)
    if target_file is None:
def path_to_url2(path):
    Convert a path to a file: URL.  The path will be made absolute and have
    quoted path parts.
    path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(path))
    drive, path = os.path.splitdrive(path)
    filepath = path.split(os.path.sep)
    url = '/'.join([urllib.quote(part) for part in filepath])
    if not drive:
        url = url.lstrip('/')
    return 'file:///' + drive + url
    def get_response(self, url, username=None, password=None):
        does the dirty work of actually getting the rsponse object using urllib2
        and its HTTP auth builtins.
        scheme, netloc, path, query, frag = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
        req = self.get_request(url)

        stored_username, stored_password = self.passman.find_user_password(None, netloc)
        # see if we have a password stored
        if stored_username is None:
            if username is None and self.prompting:
                username = urllib.quote(raw_input('User for %s: ' % netloc))
                password = urllib.quote(getpass.getpass('Password: '))
            if username and password:
                self.passman.add_password(None, netloc, username, password)
            stored_username, stored_password = self.passman.find_user_password(None, netloc)
        authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(self.passman)
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler)
        # FIXME: should catch a 401 and offer to let the user reenter credentials
    def get_response(self, url, username=None, password=None):
        does the dirty work of actually getting the rsponse object using urllib2
        and its HTTP auth builtins.
        scheme, netloc, path, query, frag = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
        req = self.get_request(url)

        stored_username, stored_password = self.passman.find_user_password(None, netloc)
        # see if we have a password stored
        if stored_username is None:
            if username is None and self.prompting:
                username = urllib.quote(raw_input('User for %s: ' % netloc))
                password = urllib.quote(getpass.getpass('Password: '))
            if username and password:
                self.passman.add_password(None, netloc, username, password)
            stored_username, stored_password = self.passman.find_user_password(None, netloc)
        authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(self.passman)
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler)
        # FIXME: should catch a 401 and offer to let the user reenter credentials
Exemple #13
def unpack_http_url(link, location, download_cache, only_download):
    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('-unpack', 'pip-')
    target_url = link.url.split('#', 1)[0]
    target_file = None
    download_hash = None
    if download_cache:
        target_file = os.path.join(download_cache,
                                   urllib.quote(target_url, ''))
        if not os.path.isdir(download_cache):
    if (target_file
        and os.path.exists(target_file)
        and os.path.exists(target_file + '.content-type')):
        fp = open(target_file+'.content-type')
        content_type =
        if link.md5_hash:
            download_hash = _get_md5_from_file(target_file, link)
        temp_location = target_file
        logger.notify('Using download cache from %s' % target_file)
        resp = _get_response_from_url(target_url, link)
        content_type =['content-type']
        filename = link.filename  # fallback
        # Have a look at the Content-Disposition header for a better guess
        content_disposition ='content-disposition')
        if content_disposition:
            type, params = cgi.parse_header(content_disposition)
            # We use ``or`` here because we don't want to use an "empty" value
            # from the filename param.
            filename = params.get('filename') or filename
        ext = splitext(filename)[1]
        if not ext:
            ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type)
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        if not ext and link.url != geturl(resp):
            ext = os.path.splitext(geturl(resp))[1]
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        temp_location = os.path.join(temp_dir, filename)
        download_hash = _download_url(resp, link, temp_location)
    if link.md5_hash:
        _check_md5(download_hash, link)
    if only_download:
        _copy_file(temp_location, location, content_type, link)
        unpack_file(temp_location, location, content_type, link)
    if target_file and target_file != temp_location:
        cache_download(target_file, temp_location, content_type)
    if target_file is None:
def path_to_url2(path):
    Convert a path to a file: URL.  The path will be made absolute and have
    quoted path parts.
    path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(path))
    drive, path = os.path.splitdrive(path)
    filepath = path.split(os.path.sep)
    url = '/'.join([urllib.quote(part) for part in filepath])
    if not drive:
        url = url.lstrip('/')
    return 'file:///' + drive + url
Exemple #15
def test_file_index_url_quoting(script, data):
    Test url quoting of file index url with a space
    index_url = data.index_url(urllib.quote("in dex"))
    result = script.pip('install',
    assert (script.site_packages / 'simple') in result.files_created, str(
    assert (script.site_packages / 'simple-1.0-py%s.egg-info' %
            pyversion) in result.files_created, str(result)
Exemple #16
def unpack_http_url(link, location, download_cache, only_download):
    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('-unpack', 'pip-')
    target_url = link.url.split('#', 1)[0]
    target_file = None
    download_hash = None
    if download_cache:
        target_file = os.path.join(download_cache,
                                   urllib.quote(target_url, ''))
        if not os.path.isdir(download_cache):
    if (target_file
        and os.path.exists(target_file)
        and os.path.exists(target_file+'.content-type')):
        fp = open(target_file+'.content-type')
        content_type =
        if link.md5_hash:
            download_hash = _get_md5_from_file(target_file, link)
        temp_location = target_file
        logger.notify('Using download cache from %s' % target_file)
        resp = _get_response_from_url(target_url, link)
        content_type =['content-type']
        filename = link.filename
        ext = splitext(filename)[1]
        if not ext:
            ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type)
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        if not ext and link.url != geturl(resp):
            ext = os.path.splitext(geturl(resp))[1]
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        temp_location = os.path.join(temp_dir, filename)
        download_hash = _download_url(resp, link, temp_location)
    if link.md5_hash:
        _check_md5(download_hash, link)
    if only_download:
        _copy_file(temp_location, location, content_type, link)
        unpack_file(temp_location, location, content_type, link)
    if target_file and target_file != temp_location:
        cache_download(target_file, temp_location, content_type)
    if target_file is None:
def unpack_http_url(link, location, download_cache, only_download):
    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('-unpack', 'pip-')
    target_url = link.url.split('#', 1)[0]
    target_file = None
    download_hash = None
    if download_cache:
        target_file = os.path.join(download_cache,
                                   urllib.quote(target_url, ''))
        if not os.path.isdir(download_cache):
    if (target_file and os.path.exists(target_file)
            and os.path.exists(target_file + '.content-type')):
        fp = open(target_file + '.content-type')
        content_type =
        if link.md5_hash:
            download_hash = _get_md5_from_file(target_file, link)
        temp_location = target_file
        logger.notify('Using download cache from %s' % target_file)
        resp = _get_response_from_url(target_url, link)
        content_type =['content-type']
        filename = link.filename
        ext = splitext(filename)[1]
        if not ext:
            ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type)
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        if not ext and link.url != geturl(resp):
            ext = os.path.splitext(geturl(resp))[1]
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        temp_location = os.path.join(temp_dir, filename)
        download_hash = _download_url(resp, link, temp_location)
    if link.md5_hash:
        _check_md5(download_hash, link)
    if only_download:
        _copy_file(temp_location, location, content_type, link)
        unpack_file(temp_location, location, content_type, link)
    if target_file and target_file != temp_location:
        cache_download(target_file, temp_location, content_type)
    if target_file is None:
Exemple #18
def test_cache_proxy():
    url = ''
    here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    filepath = os.path.join(here, urllib.quote(url, ''))
    if os.path.exists(filepath):
    response = pip.backwardcompat.urllib2.urlopen(url)
    r = CachedResponse(url, here)
        assert_equal(r.code, response.code)
        assert_equal(r.msg, response.msg)
        assert_equal(r.url, response.url)
        assert_equal(r.geturl(), response.geturl())
        assert_equal(set(r.headers.keys()), set(response.headers.keys()))
        assert_equal(set(, set(
        assert_equal(r.headers['content-length'], response.headers['content-length'])
Exemple #19
 def _set_all_fields(self, folder):
     filename = os.path.join(folder, urllib.quote(self.url, ''))
     if not os.path.exists(filename):
     fp = open(filename, 'rb')
         line = fp.readline().strip()
         self.code, self.msg = line.split(None, 1)
     except ValueError:
         raise ValueError('Bad field line: %r' % line)
     self.code = int(self.code)
     self.msg = u(self.msg)
     for line in fp:
         if line == b('\n'):
         key, value = line.split(b(': '), 1)
         self.headers[u(key)] = u(value.strip())
     for line in fp:
         self._body += line
 def get_proxy(self, proxystr=''):
     Get the proxy given the option passed on the command line.
     If an empty string is passed it looks at the HTTP_PROXY
     environment variable.
     if not proxystr:
         proxystr = os.environ.get('HTTP_PROXY', '')
     if proxystr:
         if '@' in proxystr:
             user_password, server_port = proxystr.split('@', 1)
             if ':' in user_password:
                 user, password = user_password.split(':', 1)
                 user = user_password
                 prompt = 'Password for %s@%s: ' % (user, server_port)
                 password = urllib.quote(getpass.getpass(prompt))
             return '%s:%s@%s' % (user, password, server_port)
             return proxystr
         return None
Exemple #21
 def get_proxy(self, proxystr=""):
     Get the proxy given the option passed on the command line.
     If an empty string is passed it looks at the HTTP_PROXY
     environment variable.
     if not proxystr:
         proxystr = os.environ.get("HTTP_PROXY", "")
     if proxystr:
         if "@" in proxystr:
             user_password, server_port = proxystr.split("@", 1)
             if ":" in user_password:
                 user, password = user_password.split(":", 1)
                 user = user_password
                 prompt = "Password for %s@%s: " % (user, server_port)
                 password = urllib.quote(getpass.getpass(prompt))
             return "%s:%s@%s" % (user, password, server_port)
             return proxystr
         return None
 def get_proxy(self, proxystr=''):
     Get the proxy given the option passed on the command line.
     If an empty string is passed it looks at the HTTP_PROXY
     environment variable.
     if not proxystr:
         proxystr = os.environ.get('HTTP_PROXY', '')
     if proxystr:
         if '@' in proxystr:
             user_password, server_port = proxystr.split('@', 1)
             if ':' in user_password:
                 user, password = user_password.split(':', 1)
                 user = user_password
                 prompt = 'Password for %s@%s: ' % (user, server_port)
                 password = urllib.quote(getpass.getpass(prompt))
             return '%s:%s@%s' % (user, password, server_port)
             return proxystr
         return None
Exemple #23
def unpack_http_url(link, location, download_cache, download_dir=None,
    if session is None:
        session = PipSession()

    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('-unpack', 'pip-')
    temp_location = None
    target_url = link.url.split('#', 1)[0]
    already_cached = False
    cache_file = None
    cache_content_type_file = None
    download_hash = None

    # If a download cache is specified, is the file cached there?
    if download_cache:
        cache_file = os.path.join(
            urllib.quote(target_url, '')
        cache_content_type_file = cache_file + '.content-type'
        already_cached = (
            os.path.exists(cache_file) and
        if not os.path.isdir(download_cache):

    # If a download dir is specified, is the file already downloaded there?
    already_downloaded = None
    if download_dir:
        already_downloaded = os.path.join(download_dir, link.filename)
        if not os.path.exists(already_downloaded):
            already_downloaded = None

    # If already downloaded, does its hash match?
    if already_downloaded:
        temp_location = already_downloaded
        content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(already_downloaded)[0]
        logger.notify('File was already downloaded %s' % already_downloaded)
        if link.hash:
            download_hash = _get_hash_from_file(temp_location, link)
                _check_hash(download_hash, link)
            except HashMismatch:
                    'Previously-downloaded file %s has bad hash, '
                    're-downloading.' % temp_location
                temp_location = None
                already_downloaded = None

    # If not a valid download, let's confirm the cached file is valid
    if already_cached and not temp_location:
        with open(cache_content_type_file) as fp:
            content_type =
        temp_location = cache_file
        logger.notify('Using download cache from %s' % cache_file)
        if link.hash and link.hash_name:
            download_hash = _get_hash_from_file(cache_file, link)
                _check_hash(download_hash, link)
            except HashMismatch:
                    'Cached file %s has bad hash, '
                    're-downloading.' % temp_location
                temp_location = None
                already_cached = False

    # We don't have either a cached or a downloaded copy
    # let's download to a tmp dir
    if not temp_location:
            resp = session.get(
                # We use Accept-Encoding: identity here because requests
                # defaults to accepting compressed responses. This breaks in
                # a variety of ways depending on how the server is configured.
                # - Some servers will notice that the file isn't a compressible
                #   file and will leave the file alone and with an empty
                #   Content-Encoding
                # - Some servers will notice that the file is already
                #   compressed and will leave the file alone and will add a
                #   Content-Encoding: gzip header
                # - Some servers won't notice anything at all and will take
                #   a file that's already been compressed and compress it again
                #   and set the Content-Encoding: gzip header
                # By setting this to request only the identity encoding We're
                # hoping to eliminate the third case. Hopefully there does not
                # exist a server which when given a file will notice it is
                # already compressed and that you're not asking for a
                # compressed file and will then decompress it before sending
                # because if that's the case I don't think it'll ever be
                # possible to make this work.
                headers={"Accept-Encoding": "identity"},
        except requests.HTTPError as exc:
            logger.fatal("HTTP error %s while getting %s" %
                         (exc.response.status_code, link))

        content_type = resp.headers.get('content-type', '')
        filename = link.filename  # fallback
        # Have a look at the Content-Disposition header for a better guess
        content_disposition = resp.headers.get('content-disposition')
        if content_disposition:
            type, params = cgi.parse_header(content_disposition)
            # We use ``or`` here because we don't want to use an "empty" value
            # from the filename param.
            filename = params.get('filename') or filename
        ext = splitext(filename)[1]
        if not ext:
            ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type)
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        if not ext and link.url != resp.url:
            ext = os.path.splitext(resp.url)[1]
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        temp_location = os.path.join(temp_dir, filename)
        download_hash = _download_url(resp, link, temp_location)
        if link.hash and link.hash_name:
            _check_hash(download_hash, link)

    # a download dir is specified; let's copy the archive there
    if download_dir and not already_downloaded:
        _copy_file(temp_location, download_dir, content_type, link)

    # unpack the archive to the build dir location. even when only downloading
    # archives, they have to be unpacked to parse dependencies
    unpack_file(temp_location, location, content_type, link)

    # if using a download cache, cache it, if needed
    if cache_file and not already_cached:
        cache_download(cache_file, temp_location, content_type)

    if not (already_cached or already_downloaded):

Exemple #24
def unpack_http_url(link, location, download_cache, download_dir=None):
    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp("-unpack", "pip-")
    target_url = link.url.split("#", 1)[0]
    target_file = None
    download_hash = None
    if download_cache:
        target_file = os.path.join(download_cache, urllib.quote(target_url, ""))
        if not os.path.isdir(download_cache):

    already_downloaded = None
    if download_dir:
        already_downloaded = os.path.join(download_dir, link.filename)
        if not os.path.exists(already_downloaded):
            already_downloaded = None

    if target_file and os.path.exists(target_file) and os.path.exists(target_file + ".content-type"):
        fp = open(target_file + ".content-type")
        content_type =
        if link.hash and link.hash_name:
            download_hash = _get_hash_from_file(target_file, link)
        temp_location = target_file
        logger.notify("Using download cache from %s" % target_file)
    elif already_downloaded:
        temp_location = already_downloaded
        content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(already_downloaded)
        if link.hash:
            download_hash = _get_hash_from_file(temp_location, link)
        logger.notify("File was already downloaded %s" % already_downloaded)
        resp = _get_response_from_url(target_url, link)
        content_type =["content-type"]
        filename = link.filename  # fallback
        # Have a look at the Content-Disposition header for a better guess
        content_disposition ="content-disposition")
        if content_disposition:
            type, params = cgi.parse_header(content_disposition)
            # We use ``or`` here because we don't want to use an "empty" value
            # from the filename param.
            filename = params.get("filename") or filename
        ext = splitext(filename)[1]
        if not ext:
            ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type)
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        if not ext and link.url != geturl(resp):
            ext = os.path.splitext(geturl(resp))[1]
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        temp_location = os.path.join(temp_dir, filename)
        download_hash = _download_url(resp, link, temp_location)
    if link.hash and link.hash_name:
        _check_hash(download_hash, link)
    if download_dir and not already_downloaded:
        _copy_file(temp_location, download_dir, content_type, link)
    unpack_file(temp_location, location, content_type, link)
    if target_file and target_file != temp_location:
        cache_download(target_file, temp_location, content_type)
    if target_file is None and not already_downloaded:
Exemple #25
from pip.backwardcompat import urllib

from pip.req import InstallRequirement
from pip.index import PackageFinder

from tests.path import Path
from tests.test_pip import here

find_links = "file://" + urllib.quote(str(Path(here).abspath / "packages").replace("\\", "/"))

def test_no_mpkg():
    """Finder skips zipfiles with "macosx10" in the name."""
    finder = PackageFinder([find_links], [])
    req = InstallRequirement.from_line("pkgwithmpkg")
    found = finder.find_requirement(req, False)

    assert found.url.endswith("pkgwithmpkg-1.0.tar.gz"), found
Exemple #26
 def url_name(self):
     if self.req is None:
         return None
     return urllib.quote(self.req.unsafe_name)
from pip.backwardcompat import urllib
from tests.test_pip import here, reset_env, run_pip, pyversion
from tests.path import Path

index_url = 'file://' + urllib.quote(
    str(Path(here).abspath / 'in dex').replace('\\', '/'))

def test_install():
    Test installing from a local index.

    env = reset_env()
    result = run_pip('install',
    assert (env.site_packages / 'fspkg') in result.files_created, str(
    assert (env.site_packages / 'FSPkg-0.1dev-py%s.egg-info' %
            pyversion) in result.files_created, str(result)
Exemple #28
from pip.backwardcompat import urllib

from pip.req import InstallRequirement
from pip.index import PackageFinder

from tests.path import Path
from tests.test_pip import here

find_links = 'file://' + urllib.quote(
    str(Path(here).abspath / 'packages').replace('\\', '/'))

def test_no_mpkg():
    """Finder skips zipfiles with "macosx10" in the name."""
    finder = PackageFinder([find_links], [])
    req = InstallRequirement.from_line("pkgwithmpkg")
    found = finder.find_requirement(req, False)

    assert found.url.endswith("pkgwithmpkg-1.0.tar.gz"), found

def test_no_partial_name_match():
    """Finder requires the full project name to match, not just beginning."""
    finder = PackageFinder([find_links], [])
    req = InstallRequirement.from_line("gmpy")
    found = finder.find_requirement(req, False)

    assert found.url.endswith("gmpy-1.15.tar.gz"), found
from pip.backwardcompat import urllib
from tests.test_pip import here, reset_env, run_pip, pyversion
from tests.path import Path

index_url = 'file://' + urllib.quote(str(Path(here).abspath/'in dex').replace('\\', '/'))

def test_install():
    Test installing from a local index.

    env = reset_env()
    result = run_pip('install', '-vvv', '--index-url', index_url, 'FSPkg', expect_error=False)
    assert (env.site_packages/'fspkg') in result.files_created, str(result.stdout)
    assert (env.site_packages/'FSPkg-0.1dev-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion) in result.files_created, str(result)
Exemple #30
from pip.backwardcompat import urllib

from pip.req import InstallRequirement
from pip.index import PackageFinder

from tests.path import Path
from tests.test_pip import here

find_links = 'file://' + urllib.quote(str(Path(here).abspath/'packages').replace('\\', '/'))

def test_no_mpkg():
    """Finder skips zipfiles with "macosx10" in the name."""
    finder = PackageFinder([find_links], [])
    req = InstallRequirement.from_line("pkgwithmpkg")
    found = finder.find_requirement(req, False)

    assert found.url.endswith("pkgwithmpkg-1.0.tar.gz"), found

def test_no_partial_name_match():
    """Finder requires the full project name to match, not just beginning."""
    finder = PackageFinder([find_links], [])
    req = InstallRequirement.from_line("gmpy")
    found = finder.find_requirement(req, False)

    assert found.url.endswith("gmpy-1.15.tar.gz"), found
def unpack_http_url(link, location, download_cache, download_dir=None,
    if session is None:
        session = PipSession()

    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('-unpack', 'pip-')
    temp_location = None
    target_url = link.url.split('#', 1)[0]

    already_cached = False
    cache_file = None
    cache_content_type_file = None
    download_hash = None
    if download_cache:
        cache_file = os.path.join(download_cache,
                                   urllib.quote(target_url, ''))
        cache_content_type_file = cache_file + '.content-type'
        already_cached = (
            os.path.exists(cache_file) and
        if not os.path.isdir(download_cache):

    already_downloaded = None
    if download_dir:
        already_downloaded = os.path.join(download_dir, link.filename)
        if not os.path.exists(already_downloaded):
            already_downloaded = None

    if already_downloaded:
        temp_location = already_downloaded
        content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(already_downloaded)[0]
        logger.notify('File was already downloaded %s' % already_downloaded)
        if link.hash:
            download_hash = _get_hash_from_file(temp_location, link)
                _check_hash(download_hash, link)
            except HashMismatch:
                    'Previously-downloaded file %s has bad hash, '
                    're-downloading.' % temp_location
                temp_location = None
                already_downloaded = None

    # We have a cached file, and we haven't already found a good downloaded copy
    if already_cached and not temp_location:
        with open(cache_content_type_file) as fp:
            content_type =
        temp_location = cache_file
        logger.notify('Using download cache from %s' % cache_file)
        if link.hash and link.hash_name:
            download_hash = _get_hash_from_file(cache_file, link)
                _check_hash(download_hash, link)
            except HashMismatch:
                    'Cached file %s has bad hash, '
                    're-downloading.' % temp_location
                temp_location = None
                already_cached = False

    # We don't have either a cached or a downloaded copy
    if not temp_location:
            resp = session.get(target_url, stream=True)
        except requests.HTTPError as exc:
            logger.fatal("HTTP error %s while getting %s" %
                         (exc.response.status_code, link))

        content_type = resp.headers.get('content-type', '')
        filename = link.filename  # fallback
        # Have a look at the Content-Disposition header for a better guess
        content_disposition = resp.headers.get('content-disposition')
        if content_disposition:
            type, params = cgi.parse_header(content_disposition)
            # We use ``or`` here because we don't want to use an "empty" value
            # from the filename param.
            filename = params.get('filename') or filename
        ext = splitext(filename)[1]
        if not ext:
            ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type)
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        if not ext and link.url != resp.url:
            ext = os.path.splitext(resp.url)[1]
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        temp_location = os.path.join(temp_dir, filename)
        download_hash = _download_url(resp, link, temp_location)
        if link.hash and link.hash_name:
            _check_hash(download_hash, link)

    if download_dir and not already_downloaded:
        _copy_file(temp_location, download_dir, content_type, link)
    unpack_file(temp_location, location, content_type, link)
    if cache_file and not already_cached:
        cache_download(cache_file, temp_location, content_type)
    if not (already_cached or already_downloaded):
Exemple #32
def unpack_http_url(link,
    if session is None:
        session = PipSession()

    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('-unpack', 'pip-')
    temp_location = None
    target_url = link.url.split('#', 1)[0]
    already_cached = False
    cache_file = None
    cache_content_type_file = None
    download_hash = None

    # If a download cache is specified, is the file cached there?
    if download_cache:
        cache_file = os.path.join(download_cache, urllib.quote(target_url, ''))
        cache_content_type_file = cache_file + '.content-type'
        already_cached = (os.path.exists(cache_file)
                          and os.path.exists(cache_content_type_file))
        if not os.path.isdir(download_cache):

    # If a download dir is specified, is the file already downloaded there?
    already_downloaded = None
    if download_dir:
        already_downloaded = os.path.join(download_dir, link.filename)
        if not os.path.exists(already_downloaded):
            already_downloaded = None

    # If already downloaded, does it's hash match?
    if already_downloaded:
        temp_location = already_downloaded
        content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(already_downloaded)[0]
        logger.notify('File was already downloaded %s' % already_downloaded)
        if link.hash:
            download_hash = _get_hash_from_file(temp_location, link)
                _check_hash(download_hash, link)
            except HashMismatch:
                logger.warn('Previously-downloaded file %s has bad hash, '
                            're-downloading.' % temp_location)
                temp_location = None
                already_downloaded = None

    # If not a valid download, let's confirm the cached file is valid
    if already_cached and not temp_location:
        with open(cache_content_type_file) as fp:
            content_type =
        temp_location = cache_file
        logger.notify('Using download cache from %s' % cache_file)
        if link.hash and link.hash_name:
            download_hash = _get_hash_from_file(cache_file, link)
                _check_hash(download_hash, link)
            except HashMismatch:
                logger.warn('Cached file %s has bad hash, '
                            're-downloading.' % temp_location)
                temp_location = None
                already_cached = False

    # We don't have either a cached or a downloaded copy
    # let's download to a tmp dir
    if not temp_location:
            resp = session.get(target_url, stream=True)
        except requests.HTTPError as exc:
            logger.fatal("HTTP error %s while getting %s" %
                         (exc.response.status_code, link))

        content_type = resp.headers.get('content-type', '')
        filename = link.filename  # fallback
        # Have a look at the Content-Disposition header for a better guess
        content_disposition = resp.headers.get('content-disposition')
        if content_disposition:
            type, params = cgi.parse_header(content_disposition)
            # We use ``or`` here because we don't want to use an "empty" value
            # from the filename param.
            filename = params.get('filename') or filename
        ext = splitext(filename)[1]
        if not ext:
            ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type)
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        if not ext and link.url != resp.url:
            ext = os.path.splitext(resp.url)[1]
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        temp_location = os.path.join(temp_dir, filename)
        download_hash = _download_url(resp, link, temp_location)
        if link.hash and link.hash_name:
            _check_hash(download_hash, link)

    # a download dir is specified; let's copy the archive there
    if download_dir and not already_downloaded:
        _copy_file(temp_location, download_dir, content_type, link)

    # unpack the archive to the build dir location. even when only downloading
    # archives, they have to be unpacked to parse dependencies
    unpack_file(temp_location, location, content_type, link)

    # if using a download cache, cache it, if needed
    if cache_file and not already_cached:
        cache_download(cache_file, temp_location, content_type)

    if not (already_cached or already_downloaded):

Exemple #33
def unpack_http_url(link, location, download_cache, download_dir=None, session=None):
    if session is None:
        session = PipSession()

    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp("-unpack", "pip-")
    temp_location = None
    target_url = link.url.split("#", 1)[0]
    already_cached = False
    cache_file = None
    cache_content_type_file = None
    download_hash = None

    # If a download cache is specified, is the file cached there?
    if download_cache:
        cache_file = os.path.join(download_cache, urllib.quote(target_url, ""))
        cache_content_type_file = cache_file + ".content-type"
        already_cached = os.path.exists(cache_file) and os.path.exists(cache_content_type_file)
        if not os.path.isdir(download_cache):

    # If a download dir is specified, is the file already downloaded there?
    already_downloaded = None
    if download_dir:
        already_downloaded = os.path.join(download_dir, link.filename)
        if not os.path.exists(already_downloaded):
            already_downloaded = None

    # If already downloaded, does it's hash match?
    if already_downloaded:
        temp_location = already_downloaded
        content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(already_downloaded)[0]
        logger.notify("File was already downloaded %s" % already_downloaded)
        if link.hash:
            download_hash = _get_hash_from_file(temp_location, link)
                _check_hash(download_hash, link)
            except HashMismatch:
                logger.warn("Previously-downloaded file %s has bad hash, " "re-downloading." % temp_location)
                temp_location = None
                already_downloaded = None

    # If not a valid download, let's confirm the cached file is valid
    if already_cached and not temp_location:
        with open(cache_content_type_file) as fp:
            content_type =
        temp_location = cache_file
        logger.notify("Using download cache from %s" % cache_file)
        if link.hash and link.hash_name:
            download_hash = _get_hash_from_file(cache_file, link)
                _check_hash(download_hash, link)
            except HashMismatch:
                logger.warn("Cached file %s has bad hash, " "re-downloading." % temp_location)
                temp_location = None
                already_cached = False

    # We don't have either a cached or a downloaded copy
    # let's download to a tmp dir
    if not temp_location:
            resp = session.get(target_url, stream=True)
        except requests.HTTPError as exc:
            logger.fatal("HTTP error %s while getting %s" % (exc.response.status_code, link))

        content_type = resp.headers.get("content-type", "")
        filename = link.filename  # fallback
        # Have a look at the Content-Disposition header for a better guess
        content_disposition = resp.headers.get("content-disposition")
        if content_disposition:
            type, params = cgi.parse_header(content_disposition)
            # We use ``or`` here because we don't want to use an "empty" value
            # from the filename param.
            filename = params.get("filename") or filename
        ext = splitext(filename)[1]
        if not ext:
            ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type)
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        if not ext and link.url != resp.url:
            ext = os.path.splitext(resp.url)[1]
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        temp_location = os.path.join(temp_dir, filename)
        download_hash = _download_url(resp, link, temp_location)
        if link.hash and link.hash_name:
            _check_hash(download_hash, link)

    # a download dir is specified; let's copy the archive there
    if download_dir and not already_downloaded:
        _copy_file(temp_location, download_dir, content_type, link)

    # unpack the archive to the build dir location. even when only downloading
    # archives, they have to be unpacked to parse dependencies
    unpack_file(temp_location, location, content_type, link)

    # if using a download cache, cache it, if needed
    if cache_file and not already_cached:
        cache_download(cache_file, temp_location, content_type)

    if not (already_cached or already_downloaded):

 def url_name(self):
     if self.req is None:
         return None
     return urllib.quote(self.req.unsafe_name)
Exemple #35
def unpack_http_url(link, location, download_cache, download_dir=None):
    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('-unpack', 'pip-')
    temp_location = None
    target_url = link.url.split('#', 1)[0]

    already_cached = False
    cache_file = None
    cache_content_type_file = None
    download_hash = None
    if download_cache:
        cache_file = os.path.join(download_cache, urllib.quote(target_url, ''))
        cache_content_type_file = cache_file + '.content-type'
        already_cached = (os.path.exists(cache_file)
                          and os.path.exists(cache_content_type_file))
        if not os.path.isdir(download_cache):

    already_downloaded = None
    if download_dir:
        already_downloaded = os.path.join(download_dir, link.filename)
        if not os.path.exists(already_downloaded):
            already_downloaded = None

    if already_downloaded:
        temp_location = already_downloaded
        content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(already_downloaded)[0]
        logger.notify('File was already downloaded %s' % already_downloaded)
        if link.hash:
            download_hash = _get_hash_from_file(temp_location, link)
                _check_hash(download_hash, link)
            except HashMismatch:
                logger.warn('Previously-downloaded file %s has bad hash, '
                            're-downloading.' % temp_location)
                temp_location = None
                already_downloaded = None

    # We have a cached file, and we haven't already found a good downloaded copy
    if already_cached and not temp_location:
        with open(cache_content_type_file) as fp:
            content_type =
        temp_location = cache_file
        logger.notify('Using download cache from %s' % cache_file)
        if link.hash and link.hash_name:
            download_hash = _get_hash_from_file(cache_file, link)
                _check_hash(download_hash, link)
            except HashMismatch:
                logger.warn('Cached file %s has bad hash, '
                            're-downloading.' % temp_location)
                temp_location = None
                already_cached = False

    # We don't have either a cached or a downloaded copy
    if not temp_location:
        resp = _get_response_from_url(target_url, link)
        content_type ='content-type', '')
        filename = link.filename  # fallback
        # Have a look at the Content-Disposition header for a better guess
        content_disposition ='content-disposition')
        if content_disposition:
            type, params = cgi.parse_header(content_disposition)
            # We use ``or`` here because we don't want to use an "empty" value
            # from the filename param.
            filename = params.get('filename') or filename
        ext = splitext(filename)[1]
        if not ext:
            ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type)
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        if not ext and link.url != geturl(resp):
            ext = os.path.splitext(geturl(resp))[1]
            if ext:
                filename += ext
        temp_location = os.path.join(temp_dir, filename)
        download_hash = _download_url(resp, link, temp_location)
        if link.hash and link.hash_name:
            _check_hash(download_hash, link)

    if download_dir and not already_downloaded:
        _copy_file(temp_location, download_dir, content_type, link)
    unpack_file(temp_location, location, content_type, link)
    if cache_file and not already_cached:
        cache_download(cache_file, temp_location, content_type)
    if not (already_cached or already_downloaded):