# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from __future__ import print_function import pipdated from .__about__ import (__version__, __author__, __author_email__, __website__) # pylint: disable=wildcard-import from .helpers import * if pipdated.needs_checking(__name__): print(pipdated.check(__name__, __version__))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from . import dolfin_io from . import h5m_io from . import medit_io from . import msh_io from . import off_io from . import permas_io from . import vtk_io from .__about__ import (__version__, __author__, __author_email__, __website__) import pipdated if pipdated.needs_checking(__name__): msg = pipdated.check(__name__, __version__) if msg: print(msg) input_filetypes = [ 'exodus', 'gmsh', 'dolfin-xml', 'medit', 'permas', 'moab', 'off', 'vtk', 'vtu', 'xdmf', ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # '''Script to convert Matplotlib generated figures into TikZ/PGFPlots figures. ''' from matplotlib2tikz.__about__ import (__author__, __email__, __copyright__, __credits__, __license__, __version__, __maintainer__, __status__) from matplotlib2tikz.save import save import pipdated if pipdated.needs_checking('matplotlib2tikz'): msg = pipdated.check('matplotlib2tikz', __version__) if msg: print(msg)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from pygmsh.geometry import Geometry from pygmsh.helper import * from pygmsh.__about__ import ( __version__, __author__, __author_email__, __website__, ) import pipdated if pipdated.needs_checking('pygmsh'): msg = pipdated.check('pygmsh', __version__) if msg: print(msg) __all__ = ['geometry', 'helper']
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # '''Script to convert Matplotlib generated figures into TikZ/PGFPlots figures. ''' from matplotlib2tikz.__about__ import ( __author__, __email__, __copyright__, __credits__, __license__, __version__, __maintainer__, __status__ ) from matplotlib2tikz.save import get_tikz_code, save import pipdated if pipdated.needs_checking(__name__): print(pipdated.check(__name__, __version__))