def _load(self, pipeline, pipe_name, value=0, check=1): length = len(pipeline) switch = {1: '>', -1: '<', 0: '=='} # compare pipeline length to baseline value and obtain the following # result # 1 if length > value # -1 if length < value # 0 if length == value compared = cmp(length, value) try: module = import_module('tests.pypipelines.%s' % pipe_name) except ImportError: parent = p.dirname(__file__) pipe_file_name = p.join(parent, 'pipelines', '%s.json' % pipe_name) with open(pipe_file_name) as f: pjson = pydeps = extract_dependencies(loads(pjson)) else: pipe_generator = getattr(module, pipe_name) pydeps = extract_dependencies(pipe_generator=pipe_generator) print 'pipeline length %s %i, but expected %s %i.' % ( switch.get(compared), value, switch.get(check), value) print 'Modules used in %s: %s' % (pipe_name, pydeps) # assert that pipeline length is as expected return self.assertEqual(compared, check)
def stringify_pipe(context, pipe, pipe_def): """Convert a pipe into Python script """ module_ids = topological_sort(pipe['graph']) kwargs = { 'module_ids': module_ids, 'module_names': utils.gen_names(module_ids, pipe), 'pipe_names': utils.gen_names(module_ids, pipe, 'pipe'), } zipped = _get_zipped(context, pipe, **kwargs) modules = list(_gen_string_modules(context, pipe, zipped)) pydeps = utils.extract_dependencies(pipe_def) pyinput = utils.extract_input(pipe_def) env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('pipe2py')) template = env.get_template('pypipe.txt') tmpl_kwargs = { 'modules': modules, 'pipe_name': pipe['name'], 'inputs': unicode(pyinput), 'dependencies': unicode(pydeps), 'embedded_pipes': pipe['embed'], 'last_module': module_ids[-1], } return template.render(**tmpl_kwargs)
def build_pipeline(context, pipe, pipe_def): """Convert a pipe into an executable Python pipeline If context.describe_input or context.describe_dependencies then just return that instead of the pipeline Note: any subpipes must be available to import from pipe2py.pypipelines """ module_ids = topological_sort(pipe['graph']) pydeps = utils.extract_dependencies(pipe_def) pyinput = utils.extract_input(pipe_def) if not (context.describe_input or context.describe_dependencies): kwargs = { 'module_ids': module_ids, 'module_names': utils.gen_names(module_ids, pipe), 'pipe_names': utils.gen_names(module_ids, pipe, 'pipe'), } zipped = _get_zipped(context, pipe, **kwargs) steps = _get_steps(context, pipe, zipped) if context.describe_input and context.describe_dependencies: pipeline = [{'inputs': pyinput, 'dependencies': pydeps}] elif context.describe_input: pipeline = pyinput elif context.describe_dependencies: pipeline = pydeps else: pipeline = steps[module_ids[-1]] for i in pipeline: yield i