Exemple #1
def main():
    x_features = torch.rand(2000, 128)
    y_features = torch.rand(2000, 128)

    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        # Move to GPU to make computaions faster
        x_features = x_features.cuda()
        y_features = y_features.cuda()

    # Use FID class to compute FID score from image features, pre-extracted from some feature extractor network
    fid: torch.Tensor = piq.FID()(x_features, y_features)
    print(f"FID: {fid:0.4f}")

    # If image features are not available, extract them using compute_feats of FID class.
    # Please note that compute_feats consumes a data loader of predefined format.

    # Use GS class to compute Geometry Score from image features, pre-extracted from some feature extractor network.
    # Computation is heavily CPU dependent, adjust num_workers parameter according to your system configuration.
    gs: torch.Tensor = piq.GS(sample_size=64, num_iters=100, i_max=100, num_workers=4)(x_features, y_features)
    print(f"GS: {gs:0.4f}")

    # Use inception_score function to compute IS from image features, pre-extracted from some feature extractor network.
    # Note, that we follow recomendations from paper "A Note on the Inception Score"
    isc_mean, _ = piq.inception_score(x_features, num_splits=10)
    # To compute difference between IS for 2 sets of image features, use IS class.
    isc: torch.Tensor = piq.IS(distance='l1')(x_features, y_features)
    print(f"IS: {isc_mean:0.4f}, difference: {isc:0.4f}")

    # Use KID class to compute KID score from image features, pre-extracted from some feature extractor network:
    kid: torch.Tensor = piq.KID()(x_features, y_features)
    print(f"KID: {kid:0.4f}")

    # Use MSID class to compute MSID score from image features, pre-extracted from some feature extractor network:
    msid: torch.Tensor = piq.MSID()(x_features, y_features)
    print(f"MSID: {msid:0.4f}")
Exemple #2
def test_inception_score_on_cifar10_train_equals_to_paper_value() -> None:
    cifar10 = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(
            torchvision.transforms.Normalize([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])

    loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(cifar10, batch_size=100, num_workers=6)

    model = torchvision.models.inception_v3(pretrained=True, transform_input=False).cuda()

    y_features = []
    with torch.no_grad():
        upsample = torch.nn.Upsample(size=(299, 299), mode='bilinear')
        for i, batch in enumerate(loader):
            images, labels = batch
            output = model(upsample(images).cuda())
            # Take only 10000 images, to make everything faster
            if i == 100:

    y_features = torch.cat(y_features, dim=0)
    mean, variance = inception_score(y_features)
    # # Values from paper https://arxiv.org/pdf/1801.01973.pdf
    # # CIFAR10 train: 9.737±0.148
    mean_diff, var_diff = abs(mean - 9.737), abs(variance - 0.148)
    assert (mean_diff <= 1.0) and (var_diff <= 0.5), \
        f'Mean and var not close to paper. Mean diff: {mean_diff}, var diff: {var_diff}'
Exemple #3
def test_inception_score_equal_to_scipy_version(features_y_normal) -> None:
    score, var = inception_score(features_y_normal)
    score_scipy, var_scipy = torch.tensor(logits_to_score_scipy(features_y_normal))
    mean_diff = abs(score - score_scipy)
    var_diff = abs(var - var_scipy)
    assert (mean_diff <= 1e-4) and (var_diff <= 0.5), \
        f'PyTorch and Scipy implementation should match, got mean diff {mean_diff}'\
        f'and var diff {var_diff}'
Exemple #4
def test_inception_score_returns_two_values(features_y_normal) -> None:
    result = inception_score(features_y_normal)
    assert len(result) == 2, \
        f'Expected to get score and variance, got {result}'
Exemple #5
 def forward(self, prediction_features: torch.Tensor,
             target_features: torch.Tensor):
     mean, std = piq.inception_score(features=prediction_features,
     return mean