Exemple #1
def handle_attribute(
    collection: Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Any]],
    cfg: dict,
) -> ResultE[MapValue]:
    """Handle one attribute with mappings, ifs, casting and default value.

    :param collection: The collection of data to find data in
    :type collection: Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Any]]

    :param configuration: :term:`configuration` data to use when mapping
    :type configuration: Dict[str, Any]

    :return: Success/Failure containers
    :rtype: MapValue

    configuration expected to look like this:

    .. code-block:: json

            "mappings": [],  # array of mapping objects
            "separator": None,
            "if_statements": [],  # array of if statement objects
            "casting": {}  # casting object, for casting types
            "default": "default value"

    flow description:

    Map all objects in cfg[MAPPINGS] ->
    Apply separator to values if there are more than 1
    Failure -> fix to Success(None)
    Apply if statements
    Success -> Cast Value
    Failure -> apply default value

    Return Result
    mapped_values = [
        mapped.unwrap() for mapped in [
            handle_mapping(collection, mapping)
            for mapping in cfg.get(MAPPINGS, [])
        ] if is_successful(mapped)

    # partially declare if statement and casting functions
    ifs = partial(apply_if_statements, if_objects=cfg.get(IF_STATEMENTS, []))
    cast = partial(apply_casting, casting=cfg.get(CASTING, {}))

    return flow(
        apply_separator(mapped_values, separator=cfg.get(SEPARATOR, '')),
        fix(lambda _: None),  # type: ignore
        rescue(lambda _: apply_default(default=cfg.get(DEFAULT)), ),
Exemple #2
def test_separator():
    """Test separator is applied between two values."""
    test = [['val1', 'val2'], '-']
    assert apply_separator(*test).unwrap() == 'val1-val2'
Exemple #3
def test_no_separator():
    """Test that no separator throws error."""
    test = [['val1', 'val2'], None]
    with pytest.raises(UnwrapFailedError):
Exemple #4
def test_no_value():
    """When no value is given we should return Failure."""
    test = [[], '-']
    with pytest.raises(UnwrapFailedError):
Exemple #5
def test_one_integer_value_with_other_value():
    """Two values no matter the type should be cast to string."""
    test = [[1, 'val2'], '-']
    assert apply_separator(*test).unwrap() == '1-val2'
Exemple #6
def test_one_integer_value_not_stringified():
    """One value should allways return just the value uncasted."""
    test = [[1], '']
    assert apply_separator(*test).unwrap() == 1
Exemple #7
def test_separator_one_value():
    """Test when theres only one value, no separator should be applied."""
    test = [['val1'], '-']
    assert apply_separator(*test).unwrap() == 'val1'