Exemple #1
def test_spline_grid_3D_anisotropic():

    sg = SplineGrid(FD((90, 90, 90), (2.0, 3.0, 0.5)), 4)  # field and sampling

    # Test basic params
    assert sg.ndim == 3
    assert sg.field_shape == (90, 90, 90)
    assert sg.field_sampling == (2.0, 3.0, 0.5)

    assert sg.grid_sampling == 4
    assert sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels == (4 / 2.0, 4 / 3.0, 4 / 0.5)

    assert sg.knots.shape == (48, 70, 15
                              )  # ceil(90/4) == 23. Add 3 (2 left, 1 right)

    # Get field, should be empty
    field = sg.get_field()
    assert field.shape == sg.field_shape
    assert np.all(field == 0)

    # From a field
    im = 4 * np.ones((20, 20, 20), np.float32)
    im[4, 5, 5] = 8
    im[8, 9, 9] = 7
    im = Aarray(im, (2.0, 3.0, 0.5))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field(im, 2)
    field1 = sg.get_field()
    assert field1.ndim == 3
    assert field1.max() > 5.5
    assert field1.max() < 7.5
    assert field1.min() > 4
    assert field1.min() < 4.7

    # From a weighted field
    im = 4 * np.ones((20, 20, 20), np.float32)
    im[4, 5, 5] = 8
    im[8, 9, 9] = 7
    ww = np.zeros((20, 20, 20), np.float32)
    ww[4, 5, 5] = 1
    ww[8, 9, 9] = 1
    im = Aarray(im, (2.0, 3.0, 0.5))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field(im, 2, ww)
    field2 = sg.get_field()
    assert field2.ndim == 3
    assert field2.max() > 7.5
    assert field2.max() < 8.5
    assert field2.min() >= 0
    assert field2.min() < 0.5

    # From a weighted field, multiscale
    im = 4 * np.ones((20, 20, 20), np.float32)
    im[4, 5, 5] = 8
    im[8, 9, 9] = 7
    ww = np.zeros((20, 20, 20), np.float32)
    ww[4, 5, 5] = 1
    ww[8, 9, 9] = 1
    im = Aarray(im, (2.0, 3.0, 0.5))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field_multiscale(im, 2, ww)
    field3 = sg.get_field()
    assert field3.ndim == 3
    assert field3.max() > 7.5
    assert field3.max() < 8.5
    assert field3.min() > 4.5
    assert field3.min() < 7

    # From points
    pp = PointSet(3)
    pp.append(5, 5, 4)
    pp.append(9, 9, 8)
    pp2 = pp * PointSet((0.5, 3.0, 2.0))
    sg2 = SplineGrid.from_points(FD((20, 20, 20), (2.0, 3.0, 0.5)), 2, pp2,
                                 [8, 7])
    field5 = sg2.get_field()
    assert np.all(field5 == field2)

    # From points, multiscale
    pp = PointSet(3)
    pp.append(5, 5, 4)
    pp.append(9, 9, 8)
    pp2 = pp * PointSet((0.5, 3.0, 2.0))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_points_multiscale(FD((20, 20, 20), (2.0, 3.0, 0.5)),
                                           2, pp2, [8, 7])
    field6 = sg.get_field()
    assert np.all(field6 == field3)

    # Get field in points
    values = sg.get_field_in_points(pp2)
    assert list(values) == [
        field6[int(p[0, 2]), int(p[0, 1]),
               int(p[0, 0])] for p in pp

    # Get field in samples, x-y-z order
    values2 = sg.get_field_in_samples((pp[:, 2], pp[:, 1], pp[:, 0]))
    assert list(values) != list(values2)
    values2 = sg.get_field_in_samples((pp[:, 0], pp[:, 1], pp[:, 2]))
    assert list(values) == list(values2)

    # Test copy
    sg2 = sg.copy()
    assert sg2.field_shape == sg.field_shape
    assert sg2.field_sampling == sg.field_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling == sg.grid_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling_in_pixels == sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels
    assert sg2.knots is not sg.knots

    # Test refine
    sg2 = sg.refine()
    assert sg2.field_shape == sg.field_shape
    assert sg2.field_sampling == sg.field_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling == sg.grid_sampling / 2
    assert sg2.grid_sampling_in_pixels == tuple(
        [i / 2 for i in sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels])

    # Test resize_field
    sg2 = sg.resize_field(FD((50, 50, 50)))
    assert sg2.get_field().shape == (50, 50, 50)

    # Test addition
    sg2 = sg.add(sg.add(sg))
    field = sg2.get_field()
    assert np.allclose(field, field6 * 3)

    print('test_spline_grid_3D_anisotropic ok')
Exemple #2
def test_spline_grid_1D_anisotropic():

    sg = SplineGrid(FD((90, ), (0.5, )), 4)  # field and sampling

    # Test basic params
    assert sg.ndim == 1
    assert sg.field_shape == (90, )
    assert sg.field_sampling == (0.5, )

    assert sg.grid_sampling == 4
    assert sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels == (8, )

    assert sg.knots.shape == (15, )

    # Get field, should be empty
    field = sg.get_field()
    assert field.shape == sg.field_shape
    assert np.all(field == 0)

    # From a field
    im = np.array([4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4], np.float32)
    im = Aarray(im, (0.5, ))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field(im, 2)
    field1 = sg.get_field()
    assert field1.max() > 5.5
    assert field1.max() < 7
    assert field1.min() > 4
    assert field1.min() < 4.2

    # From a weighted field
    im = np.array([4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4], np.float32)
    ww = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], np.float32)
    im = Aarray(im, (0.5, ))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field(im, 2, ww)
    field2 = sg.get_field()
    assert field2.max() > 7.5
    assert field2.max() < 9.5
    assert field2.min() > 0
    assert field2.min() < 3.5

    # From a weighted field, multiscale
    im = np.array([4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4], np.float32)
    ww = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], np.float32)
    im = Aarray(im, (0.5, ))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field_multiscale(im, 2, ww)
    field3 = sg.get_field()
    assert field3.max() > 7.5
    assert field3.max() < 8.5
    assert field3.min() > 6
    assert field3.min() < 7

    # From points
    pp = PointSet(1)
    pp2 = pp * PointSet((0.5, ))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_points(FD((14, ), (0.5, )), 2, pp2, [8, 7])
    field5 = sg.get_field()
    assert all(field5 == field2)

    # From points, multiscale
    pp = PointSet(1)
    pp2 = pp * PointSet((0.5, ))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_points_multiscale(FD((14, ), (0.5, )), 2, pp2, [8, 7])
    field6 = sg.get_field()
    assert all(field6 == field3)

    # Get field in points, note pp2, which is in world coords
    values = sg.get_field_in_points(pp2)
    assert list(values) == [field6[int(p[0])] for p in pp]

    # Get field in samples
    values2 = sg.get_field_in_samples((pp[:, 0], ))
    assert list(values) == list(values2)

    # Test copy
    sg2 = sg.copy()
    assert sg2.field_shape == sg.field_shape
    assert sg2.field_sampling == sg.field_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling == sg.grid_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling_in_pixels == sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels
    assert sg2.knots is not sg.knots

    # Test refine
    sg2 = sg.refine()
    assert sg2.field_shape == sg.field_shape
    assert sg2.field_sampling == sg.field_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling == sg.grid_sampling / 2
    assert sg2.grid_sampling_in_pixels == tuple(
        [i / 2 for i in sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels])

    # Test resize_field
    sg2 = sg.resize_field(FD((50, )))
    assert sg2.get_field().shape == (50, )

    # Test addition
    sg2 = sg.add(sg.add(sg))
    field = sg2.get_field()
    assert np.allclose(field, field6 * 3)

    print('test_spline_grid_1D_anisotropic ok')