#Allowable width/height error, measured in boxes WH_ERROR = 0.35 #Allowable area error from W*H, measured in percentage/100. AREA_ERROR = 0.35 #Spacing between boxes for both x and y directions, measured in boxes. BOX_SPACING = 0.35 #Allowable spacing error for both x and y directions, measured in boxes SPACING_ERROR = 0.35 #The x offset of center, in pixels, created by the position of the camera on the robot. CENTER_OFFSET_X = 0 #The dimensions of the image. IMAGE_DIMENSIONS = [240, 180] kernel = numpy.ones((3, 3), numpy.uint8) #used to do dialate video = pistream.PiVideoStream((IMAGE_DIMENSIONS[0],IMAGE_DIMENSIONS[1])).start() time.sleep(2) def findPattern(contours, standard): #The standard contour properties, defined by the current baseline contour (assumed the top-middle square in the pattern) stX, stY, stH, stW = cv2.boundingRect(contours[standard]) #Whether or not contours have been verified for the bottom left and right positions of the pattern. signHeight = None leftVerified = False rightVerified = False turnError = 0 distance = 0 global pattern #Cycle through all contours and check against position and congruency relative to standard contour. counter = 0 while counter < len(contours):
import pistream from picamera.array import PiRGBArray from picamera import PiCamera import cv2 import time import numpy LOWER_HSV = numpy.array([111, 117, 142]) UPPER_HSV = numpy.array([180, 255, 255]) video = pistream.PiVideoStream((240, 180)).start() time.sleep(0.5) while True: image = video.read() cv2.imshow('Image', image) imageHSV = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) imageThresh = cv2.inRange(imageHSV, LOWER_HSV, UPPER_HSV) cv2.imshow('Threshhold', imageThresh) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.imwrite('/home/pi/FollowBot/capture.jpg', image, [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 90]) break
GOAL_RATIO = 25.0 / 55.0 #Retroreflective tape Height/Width (pixel counted from camera view) GOAL_MINIMUM_AREA = 50 #The smallest number of pixel area that a goal should be GOAL_MAXIMUM_AREA = 550 GOAL_RATIO_ERROR = 0.20 #Allowable error from ratio GOAL_CENTER = 129 #X position within camera frame where we need to center goal GOAL_CENTER_ERROR = 4 #Allowable error from center, in pixels. #Parameters for robot turning speed TURN_SCALE = 0.01 #Multiplier to determine turn rate, given error from center in pixels that will determine the robot turn rate TURN_MAX_RATE = 0.9 #Fastest turn rate allowed TURN_MIN_RATE = 0.55 #was .7 Slowest turn rate allowed # Setup PiCamera for capture IMG_WIDTH = 240 IMG_HEIGHT = 180 video = pistream.PiVideoStream((IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT)).start() time.sleep(2) #Give camera a chance to stablize # Connect to roboRio via NetworkTable NetworkTable.setIPAddress("") NetworkTable.setClientMode() NetworkTable.initialize() table = NetworkTable.getTable("visionTracking") # Based on the error from target center, in pixels, this function will # calculate the appropriate rate at which the robot should turn. def calcTurnRate(error): # Determine magnitude of turn using the scale factor absRate = abs(error) * TURN_SCALE
import pistream import cv2 imageCounter = 0 # Setup PiCamera for capture IMG_WIDTH = 240 IMG_HEIGHT = 180 try: video = pistream.PiVideoStream((IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT), format="bgr").start() while raw_input("Enter to capture or 'q' to quit") != "q": image = video.read() cv2.imwrite("captures/image" + str(imageCounter) + ".jpg", image, [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 90]) print "saved image " + str(imageCounter) imageCounter += 1 finally: video.stop()