link = row[3] ## for the arrow-width and the alpha passer = player_objs_dict[row[1]] receiver = player_objs_dict[row[2]] alpha = link / 15 if alpha > 1: alpha = 1 if abs(receiver.x - passer.x) > abs(receiver.y - passer.y): if > ax.annotate("", xy=(receiver.x, receiver.y + arrow_shift), xytext=(passer.x, passer.y + arrow_shift), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-|>", color="0.25", shrinkA=shrink_val, shrinkB=shrink_val, lw=link * 0.12, alpha=alpha)) elif > ax.annotate("", xy=(receiver.x, receiver.y - arrow_shift), xytext=(passer.x, passer.y - arrow_shift), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-|>", color="0.25", shrinkA=shrink_val, shrinkB=shrink_val, lw=link * 0.12, alpha=alpha))
cap.set(0, 62200) pitch = Pitch(['BL', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'TL', 'SL', '20M']) frame_count = 0 # Read until video is completed while (cap.isOpened()): # Capture frame-by-frame ret, frame = if ret == True: if frame_count % 5 == 0: pitch.update(frame, True) else: pitch.update(frame) pitch.annotate(frame) cv2.imshow('Frame', frame) cv2.waitKey(0) # Press Q on keyboard to exit if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break # Break the loop else: break frame_count += 1 cv2.waitKey(0) # When everything done, release the video capture object