class Pitivi(Gtk.Application, Loggable): """ Pitivi's application. @type effects: L{EffectsManager} @ivar gui: The main window of the app. @type gui: L{PitiviMainWindow} @ivar project_manager: The project manager object used in the application @type project_manager: L{ProjectManager} @ivar settings: Application-wide settings. @type settings: L{GlobalSettings}. """ __gsignals__ = { "version-info-received": (GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, None, (object,)) } def __init__(self): Gtk.Application.__init__(self, application_id="org.pitivi", flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.HANDLES_OPEN) Loggable.__init__(self) self.settings = None self.threads = None self.effects = None self.system = None self.project_manager = ProjectManager(self) self.action_log = UndoableActionLog(self) self.timeline_log_observer = None self.project_log_observer = None self._last_action_time = Gst.util_get_timestamp() self.gui = None self.welcome_wizard = None self._version_information = {} self._scenario_file = None self._first_action = True = self self.connect("startup", self._startupCb) self.connect("activate", self._activateCb) self.connect("open", self.openCb) def write_action(self, action, properties={}): if self._scenario_file is None: return if self._first_action: self._scenario_file.write( "description, seek=true, handles-states=true\n") self._first_action = False now = Gst.util_get_timestamp() if now - self._last_action_time > 0.05 * Gst.SECOND: # We need to make sure that the waiting time was more than 50 ms. st = Gst.Structure.new_empty("wait") st["duration"] = float((now - self._last_action_time) / Gst.SECOND) self._scenario_file.write(st.to_string() + "\n") self._last_action_time = now if not isinstance(action, Gst.Structure): structure = Gst.Structure.new_empty(action) for key, value in properties.items(): structure[key] = value action = structure self._scenario_file.write(action.to_string() + "\n") self._scenario_file.flush() def _startupCb(self, unused_app): # Init logging as early as possible so we can log startup code enable_color = not os.environ.get( 'PITIVI_DEBUG_NO_COLOR', '0') in ('', '1') # Let's show a human-readable Pitivi debug output by default, and only # show a crazy unreadable mess when surrounded by gst debug statements. enable_crack_output = "GST_DEBUG" in os.environ log.init('PITIVI_DEBUG', enable_color, enable_crack_output)'starting up') self.settings = GlobalSettings() self.threads = ThreadMaster() self.effects = EffectsManager() self.system = getSystem() self.action_log.connect("commit", self._actionLogCommit) self.action_log.connect("undo", self._actionLogUndo) self.action_log.connect("redo", self._actionLogRedo) self.action_log.connect("cleaned", self._actionLogCleaned) self.timeline_log_observer = TimelineLogObserver(self.action_log) self.project_log_observer = ProjectLogObserver(self.action_log) self.project_manager.connect( "new-project-loading", self._newProjectLoadingCb) self.project_manager.connect( "new-project-loaded", self._newProjectLoaded) self.project_manager.connect("project-closed", self._projectClosed) self._createActions() self._checkVersion() def _createActions(self): self.undo_action ="undo", None) self.undo_action.connect("activate", self._undoCb) self.add_action(self.undo_action) self.add_accelerator("<Control>z", "app.undo", None) self.redo_action ="redo", None) self.redo_action.connect("activate", self._redoCb) self.add_action(self.redo_action) self.add_accelerator("<Control><Shift>z", "app.redo", None) self.quit_action ="quit", None) self.quit_action.connect("activate", self._quitCb) self.add_action(self.quit_action) self.add_accelerator("<Control>q", "app.quit", None) def _activateCb(self, unused_app): if self.gui: # The app is already started and the window already created. # Present the already existing window. try: # TODO: Use present() instead of present_with_time() when # is fixed. from gi.repository import GdkX11 x11_server_time = GdkX11.x11_get_server_time(self.gui.get_window()) self.gui.present_with_time(x11_server_time) except ImportError: # On Wayland or Quartz (Mac OS X) backend there is no GdkX11, # so just use present() directly here. self.gui.present() # No need to show the welcome wizard. return self.createMainWindow() self.welcome_wizard = StartUpWizard(self) def createMainWindow(self): if self.gui: return self.gui = PitiviMainWindow(self) self.add_window(self.gui) self.gui.checkScreenConstraints() # We might as well show it. def openCb(self, unused_app, giofiles, unused_count, unused_hint): assert giofiles self.createMainWindow() if len(giofiles) > 1: self.warning( "Can open only one project file at a time. Ignoring the rest!") project_file = giofiles[0] self.project_manager.loadProject(quote_uri(project_file.get_uri())) return True def shutdown(self): """ Close Pitivi. @return: C{True} if Pitivi was successfully closed, else C{False}. @rtype: C{bool} """ self.debug("shutting down") # Refuse to close if we are not done with the current project. if not self.project_manager.closeRunningProject(): self.warning( "Not closing since running project doesn't want to close") return False if self.welcome_wizard: self.welcome_wizard.hide() if self.gui: self.gui.destroy() self.threads.stopAllThreads() self.settings.storeSettings() self.quit() return True def _setScenarioFile(self, uri): if uri: project_path = path_from_uri(uri) else: # New project. project_path = None if 'PITIVI_SCENARIO_FILE' in os.environ: scenario_path = os.environ['PITIVI_SCENARIO_FILE'] else: cache_dir = get_dir(os.path.join(xdg_cache_home(), "scenarios")) scenario_name = str(time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")) if project_path: scenario_name += os.path.splitext(project_path.replace(os.sep, "_"))[0] scenario_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, scenario_name + ".scenario") scenario_path = path_from_uri(quote_uri(scenario_path)) self._scenario_file = open(scenario_path, "w") if project_path and not project_path.endswith(".scenario"): # It's an xges file probably. with open(project_path) as project: content ="\n", "") self.write_action("load-project", {"serialized-content": content}) def _newProjectLoadingCb(self, unused_project_manager, uri): self._setScenarioFile(uri) def _newProjectLoaded(self, unused_project_manager, project, unused_fully_loaded): self.action_log.clean() self.timeline_log_observer.startObserving(project.timeline) self.project_log_observer.startObserving(project) def _projectClosed(self, unused_project_manager, project): self.project_log_observer.stopObserving(project) self.timeline_log_observer.stopObserving(project.timeline) if self._scenario_file: self.write_action("stop") self._scenario_file.close() self._scenario_file = None def _checkVersion(self): """ Check online for release versions information. """"Requesting version information async") giofile = Gio.File.new_for_uri(RELEASES_URL) giofile.load_contents_async(None, self._versionInfoReceivedCb, None) def _versionInfoReceivedCb(self, giofile, result, user_data): try: raw = giofile.load_contents_finish(result)[1] if not isinstance(raw, str): raw = raw.decode() raw = raw.split("\n") # Split line at '=' if the line is not empty or a comment line data = [element.split("=") for element in raw if element and not element.startswith("#")] # search newest version and status status = "UNSUPPORTED" current_version = None for version, version_status in data: if VERSION == version: status = version_status if version_status.upper() == "CURRENT": # This is the latest. current_version = version"Latest software version is %s", current_version) VERSION_split = [int(i) for i in VERSION.split(".")] current_version_split = [int(i) for i in current_version.split(".")] if VERSION_split > current_version_split: status = "CURRENT" "Running version %s, which is newer than the latest known version. Considering it as the latest current version.", VERSION) elif status is "UNSUPPORTED": self.warning( "Using an outdated version of Pitivi (%s)", VERSION) self._version_information["current"] = current_version self._version_information["status"] = status self.emit("version-info-received", self._version_information) except Exception as e: self.warning("Version info could not be read: %s", e) def isLatest(self): """ Whether the app's version is the latest as far as we know. """ status = self._version_information.get("status") return status is None or status.upper() == "CURRENT" def getLatest(self): """ Get the latest version of the app or None. """ return self._version_information.get("current") def _quitCb(self, unused_action, unused_param): self.shutdown() def _undoCb(self, unused_action, unused_param): self.action_log.undo() def _redoCb(self, unused_action, unused_param): self.action_log.redo() def _actionLogCommit(self, action_log, unused_stack, nested): if nested: return self._syncDoUndo(action_log) def _actionLogUndo(self, action_log, unused_stack): self._syncDoUndo(action_log) def _actionLogRedo(self, action_log, unused_stack): self._syncDoUndo(action_log) def _actionLogCleaned(self, action_log): self._syncDoUndo(action_log) def _syncDoUndo(self, action_log): can_undo = bool(action_log.undo_stacks) # TODO: Remove this once we revisit undo/redo T3360 can_undo = False self.undo_action.set_enabled(can_undo) can_redo = bool(action_log.redo_stacks) self.redo_action.set_enabled(can_redo) dirty = action_log.dirty() self.project_manager.current_project.setModificationState(dirty) # In the tests we do not want to create any gui if self.gui is not None: self.gui.showProjectStatus()
class Pitivi(Gtk.Application, Loggable): """ Pitivi's application. @type effects: L{EffectsManager} @ivar gui: The main window of the app. @type gui: L{PitiviMainWindow} @ivar project_manager: The project manager object used in the application @type project_manager: L{ProjectManager} @ivar settings: Application-wide settings. @type settings: L{GlobalSettings}. """ __gsignals__ = { "version-info-received": (GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, None, (object, )) } def __init__(self): Gtk.Application.__init__(self, application_id="org.pitivi", flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.HANDLES_OPEN) Loggable.__init__(self) self.settings = None self.threads = None self.effects = None self.system = None self.project_manager = ProjectManager(self) self.action_log = UndoableActionLog(self) self.timeline_log_observer = None self.project_log_observer = None self._last_action_time = Gst.util_get_timestamp() self.gui = None self.welcome_wizard = None self._version_information = {} self._scenario_file = None self._first_action = True self.connect("startup", self._startupCb) self.connect("activate", self._activateCb) self.connect("open", self.openCb) def write_action(self, action, properties={}): if self._first_action: self._scenario_file.write( "description, seek=true, handles-states=true\n") self._first_action = False now = Gst.util_get_timestamp() if now - self._last_action_time > 0.05 * Gst.SECOND: # We need to make sure that the waiting time was more than 50 ms. st = Gst.Structure.new_empty("wait") st["duration"] = float((now - self._last_action_time) / Gst.SECOND) self._scenario_file.write(st.to_string() + "\n") self._last_action_time = now if not isinstance(action, Gst.Structure): structure = Gst.Structure.new_empty(action) for key, value in properties.items(): structure[key] = value action = structure self._scenario_file.write(action.to_string() + "\n") self._scenario_file.flush() def _startupCb(self, unused_app): # Init logging as early as possible so we can log startup code enable_color = not os.environ.get('PITIVI_DEBUG_NO_COLOR', '0') in ('', '1') # Let's show a human-readable Pitivi debug output by default, and only # show a crazy unreadable mess when surrounded by gst debug statements. enable_crack_output = "GST_DEBUG" in os.environ log.init('PITIVI_DEBUG', enable_color, enable_crack_output)'starting up') self.settings = GlobalSettings() self.threads = ThreadMaster() self.effects = EffectsManager() self.system = getSystem() self.action_log.connect("commit", self._actionLogCommit) self.action_log.connect("undo", self._actionLogUndo) self.action_log.connect("redo", self._actionLogRedo) self.action_log.connect("cleaned", self._actionLogCleaned) self.timeline_log_observer = TimelineLogObserver(self.action_log) self.project_log_observer = ProjectLogObserver(self.action_log) self.project_manager.connect("new-project-loading", self._newProjectLoadingCb) self.project_manager.connect("new-project-loaded", self._newProjectLoaded) self.project_manager.connect("project-closed", self._projectClosed) self._createActions() self._checkVersion() def _createActions(self): self.undo_action ="undo", None) self.undo_action.connect("activate", self._undoCb) self.add_action(self.undo_action) self.add_accelerator("<Control>z", "app.undo", None) self.redo_action ="redo", None) self.redo_action.connect("activate", self._redoCb) self.add_action(self.redo_action) self.add_accelerator("<Control><Shift>z", "app.redo", None) self.quit_action ="quit", None) self.quit_action.connect("activate", self._quitCb) self.add_action(self.quit_action) self.add_accelerator("<Control>q", "app.quit", None) def _activateCb(self, unused_app): if self.gui: # The app is already started and the window already created. # Present the already existing window. try: # TODO: Use present() instead of present_with_time() when # is fixed. from gi.repository import GdkX11 x11_server_time = GdkX11.x11_get_server_time( self.gui.get_window()) self.gui.present_with_time(x11_server_time) except ImportError: # On Wayland or Quartz (Mac OS X) backend there is no GdkX11, # so just use present() directly here. self.gui.present() # No need to show the welcome wizard. return self.createMainWindow() self.welcome_wizard = StartUpWizard(self) def createMainWindow(self): if self.gui: return self.gui = PitiviMainWindow(self) self.add_window(self.gui) # We might as well show it. def openCb(self, unused_app, giofiles, unused_count, unused_hint): assert giofiles self.createMainWindow() if len(giofiles) > 1: self.warning( "Can open only one project file at a time. Ignoring the rest!") project_file = giofiles[0] self.project_manager.loadProject(quote_uri(project_file.get_uri())) return True def shutdown(self): """ Close Pitivi. @return: C{True} if Pitivi was successfully closed, else C{False}. @rtype: C{bool} """ self.debug("shutting down") # Refuse to close if we are not done with the current project. if not self.project_manager.closeRunningProject(): self.warning( "Not closing since running project doesn't want to close") return False if self.welcome_wizard: self.welcome_wizard.hide() if self.gui: self.gui.destroy() self.threads.stopAllThreads() self.settings.storeSettings() self.quit() return True self._first_action = True def _setScenarioFile(self, uri): if 'PITIVI_SCENARIO_FILE' in os.environ: uri = quote_uri(os.environ['PITIVI_SCENARIO_FILE']) else: cache_dir = get_dir(os.path.join(xdg_cache_home(), "scenarios")) scenario_name = str(time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")) project_path = None if uri: project_path = path_from_uri(uri) scenario_name += os.path.splitext( project_path.replace(os.sep, "_"))[0] uri = os.path.join(cache_dir, scenario_name + ".scenario") uri = quote_uri(uri) self._scenario_file = open(path_from_uri(uri), "w") if project_path: f = open(project_path) content = if not uri.endswith(".scenario"): self.write_action( "load-project", {"serialized-content": "%s" % content.replace("\n", "")}) f.close() def _newProjectLoadingCb(self, unused_project_manager, uri): self._setScenarioFile(uri) def _newProjectLoaded(self, unused_project_manager, project, unused_fully_loaded): self.action_log.clean() self.timeline_log_observer.startObserving(project.timeline) self.project_log_observer.startObserving(project) def _projectClosed(self, unused_project_manager, project): self.project_log_observer.stopObserving(project) self.timeline_log_observer.stopObserving(project.timeline) if self._scenario_file: self.write_action("stop") self._scenario_file.close() self._scenario_file = None def _checkVersion(self): """ Check online for release versions information. """"Requesting version information async") giofile = Gio.File.new_for_uri(RELEASES_URL) giofile.load_contents_async(None, self._versionInfoReceivedCb, None) def _versionInfoReceivedCb(self, giofile, result, user_data): try: raw = giofile.load_contents_finish(result)[1] if not isinstance(raw, str): raw = raw.decode() raw = raw.split("\n") # Split line at '=' if the line is not empty or a comment line data = [ element.split("=") for element in raw if element and not element.startswith("#") ] # search newest version and status status = "UNSUPPORTED" current_version = None for version, version_status in data: if VERSION == version: status = version_status if version_status.upper() == "CURRENT": # This is the latest. current_version = version"Latest software version is %s", current_version) VERSION_split = [int(i) for i in VERSION.split(".")] current_version_split = [ int(i) for i in current_version.split(".") ] if VERSION_split > current_version_split: status = "CURRENT" "Running version %s, which is newer than the latest known version. Considering it as the latest current version.", VERSION) elif status is "UNSUPPORTED": self.warning("Using an outdated version of Pitivi (%s)", VERSION) self._version_information["current"] = current_version self._version_information["status"] = status self.emit("version-info-received", self._version_information) except Exception as e: self.warning("Version info could not be read: %s", e) def isLatest(self): """ Whether the app's version is the latest as far as we know. """ status = self._version_information.get("status") return status is None or status.upper() == "CURRENT" def getLatest(self): """ Get the latest version of the app or None. """ return self._version_information.get("current") def _quitCb(self, unused_action, unused_param): self.shutdown() def _undoCb(self, unused_action, unused_param): self.action_log.undo() def _redoCb(self, unused_action, unused_param): self.action_log.redo() def _actionLogCommit(self, action_log, unused_stack, nested): if nested: return self._syncDoUndo(action_log) def _actionLogUndo(self, action_log, unused_stack): self._syncDoUndo(action_log) def _actionLogRedo(self, action_log, unused_stack): self._syncDoUndo(action_log) def _actionLogCleaned(self, action_log): self._syncDoUndo(action_log) def _syncDoUndo(self, action_log): can_undo = bool(action_log.undo_stacks) self.undo_action.set_enabled(can_undo) can_redo = bool(action_log.redo_stacks) self.redo_action.set_enabled(can_redo) dirty = action_log.dirty() self.project_manager.current_project.setModificationState(dirty) # In the tests we do not want to create any gui if self.gui is not None: self.gui.showProjectStatus()
class Pitivi(Gtk.Application, Loggable): """ Pitivi's application. @type effects: L{EffectsManager} @ivar gui: The main window of the app. @type gui: L{PitiviMainWindow} @ivar project_manager: The project manager object used in the application @type project_manager: L{ProjectManager} @ivar settings: Application-wide settings. @type settings: L{GlobalSettings}. """ __gsignals__ = { "version-info-received": (GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, None, (object, )) } def __init__(self): Gtk.Application.__init__(self, application_id="org.pitivi", flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.HANDLES_OPEN) Loggable.__init__(self) self.settings = None self.threads = None self.effects = None self.system = None self.project_manager = ProjectManager(self) self.action_log = UndoableActionLog() self.timeline_log_observer = None self.project_log_observer = None self.gui = None self.welcome_wizard = None self._version_information = {} self.connect("startup", self._startupCb) self.connect("activate", self._activateCb) self.connect("open", self.openCb) def _startupCb(self, unused_app): # Init logging as early as possible so we can log startup code enable_color = not os.environ.get('PITIVI_DEBUG_NO_COLOR', '0') in ('', '1') # Let's show a human-readable Pitivi debug output by default, and only # show a crazy unreadable mess when surrounded by gst debug statements. enable_crack_output = "GST_DEBUG" in os.environ log.init('PITIVI_DEBUG', enable_color, enable_crack_output)'starting up') self.settings = GlobalSettings() self.threads = ThreadMaster() self.effects = EffectsManager() self.system = getSystem() self.action_log.connect("commit", self._actionLogCommit) self.action_log.connect("undo", self._actionLogUndo) self.action_log.connect("redo", self._actionLogRedo) self.action_log.connect("cleaned", self._actionLogCleaned) self.timeline_log_observer = TimelineLogObserver(self.action_log) self.project_log_observer = ProjectLogObserver(self.action_log) self.project_manager.connect("new-project-loaded", self._newProjectLoaded) self.project_manager.connect("project-closed", self._projectClosed) self._createActions() self._checkVersion() def _createActions(self): self.undo_action ="undo", None) self.undo_action.connect("activate", self._undoCb) self.add_action(self.undo_action) self.add_accelerator("<Control>z", "app.undo", None) self.redo_action ="redo", None) self.redo_action.connect("activate", self._redoCb) self.add_action(self.redo_action) self.add_accelerator("<Control><Shift>z", "app.redo", None) self.quit_action ="quit", None) self.quit_action.connect("activate", self._quitCb) self.add_action(self.quit_action) self.add_accelerator("<Control>q", "app.quit", None) def _activateCb(self, unused_app): if self.gui: # The app is already started and the window already created. # Present the already existing window. # TODO: Use present() instead of present_with_time() when # is fixed. x11_server_time = GdkX11.x11_get_server_time(self.gui.get_window()) self.gui.present_with_time(x11_server_time) # No need to show the welcome wizard. return self.createMainWindow() self.welcome_wizard = StartUpWizard(self) def createMainWindow(self): if self.gui: return self.gui = PitiviMainWindow(self) self.add_window(self.gui) # We might as well show it. def openCb(self, unused_app, giofiles, unused_count, unused_hint): assert giofiles self.createMainWindow() if len(giofiles) > 1: self.warning( "Can open only one project file at a time. Ignoring the rest!") project_file = giofiles[0] self.project_manager.loadProject(quote_uri(project_file.get_uri())) return True def shutdown(self): """ Close Pitivi. @return: C{True} if Pitivi was successfully closed, else C{False}. @rtype: C{bool} """ self.debug("shutting down") # Refuse to close if we are not done with the current project. if not self.project_manager.closeRunningProject(): self.warning( "Not closing since running project doesn't want to close") return False if self.welcome_wizard: self.welcome_wizard.hide() if self.gui: self.gui.destroy() self.threads.stopAllThreads() self.settings.storeSettings() self.quit() return True def _newProjectLoaded(self, unused_project_manager, project, unused_fully_loaded): self.action_log.clean() self.timeline_log_observer.startObserving(project.timeline) self.project_log_observer.startObserving(project) def _projectClosed(self, unused_project_manager, project): self.project_log_observer.stopObserving(project) self.timeline_log_observer.stopObserving(project.timeline) def _checkVersion(self): """ Check online for release versions information. """"Requesting version information async") giofile = Gio.File.new_for_uri(RELEASES_URL) giofile.load_contents_async(None, self._versionInfoReceivedCb, None) def _versionInfoReceivedCb(self, giofile, result, user_data): try: raw = giofile.load_contents_finish(result)[1] if not isinstance(raw, str): raw = raw.decode() raw = raw.split("\n") # Split line at '=' if the line is not empty or a comment line data = [ element.split("=") for element in raw if element and not element.startswith("#") ] # search newest version and status status = "UNSUPPORTED" current_version = None for version, version_status in data: if VERSION == version: status = version_status if version_status.upper() == "CURRENT": # This is the latest. current_version = version"Latest software version is %s", current_version) VERSION_split = [int(i) for i in VERSION.split(".")] current_version_split = [ int(i) for i in current_version.split(".") ] if VERSION_split > current_version_split: status = "CURRENT" "Running version %s, which is newer than the latest known version. Considering it as the latest current version.", VERSION) elif status is "UNSUPPORTED": self.warning("Using an outdated version of Pitivi (%s)", VERSION) self._version_information["current"] = current_version self._version_information["status"] = status self.emit("version-info-received", self._version_information) except Exception as e: self.warning("Version info could not be read: %s", e) def isLatest(self): """ Whether the app's version is the latest as far as we know. """ status = self._version_information.get("status") return status is None or status.upper() == "CURRENT" def getLatest(self): """ Get the latest version of the app or None. """ return self._version_information.get("current") def _quitCb(self, unused_action, unused_param): self.shutdown() def _undoCb(self, unused_action, unused_param): self.action_log.undo() def _redoCb(self, unused_action, unused_param): self.action_log.redo() def _actionLogCommit(self, action_log, unused_stack, nested): if nested: return self._syncDoUndo(action_log) def _actionLogUndo(self, action_log, unused_stack): self._syncDoUndo(action_log) def _actionLogRedo(self, action_log, unused_stack): self._syncDoUndo(action_log) def _actionLogCleaned(self, action_log): self._syncDoUndo(action_log) def _syncDoUndo(self, action_log): can_undo = bool(action_log.undo_stacks) self.undo_action.set_enabled(can_undo) can_redo = bool(action_log.redo_stacks) self.redo_action.set_enabled(can_redo) dirty = action_log.dirty() self.project_manager.current_project.setModificationState(dirty) # In the tests we do not want to create any gui if self.gui is not None: self.gui.showProjectStatus()
class Pitivi(Gtk.Application, Loggable): """ Pitivi's application. @type effects: L{EffectsManager} @ivar gui: The main window of the app. @type gui: L{PitiviMainWindow} @ivar project_manager: The project manager object used in the application @type project_manager: L{ProjectManager} @ivar settings: Application-wide settings. @type settings: L{GlobalSettings}. """ __gsignals__ = { "version-info-received": (GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, None, (object,)) } def __init__(self): Gtk.Application.__init__(self, application_id="org.pitivi", flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.HANDLES_OPEN) Loggable.__init__(self) self.settings = None self.threads = None self.effects = None self.system = None self.project_manager = ProjectManager(self) self.action_log = UndoableActionLog() self.timeline_log_observer = None self.project_log_observer = None self.gui = None self.welcome_wizard = None self._version_information = {} self.connect("startup", self._startupCb) self.connect("activate", self._activateCb) self.connect("open", self.openCb) def _startupCb(self, unused_app): # Init logging as early as possible so we can log startup code enable_color = not os.environ.get('PITIVI_DEBUG_NO_COLOR', '0') in ('', '1') # Let's show a human-readable Pitivi debug output by default, and only # show a crazy unreadable mess when surrounded by gst debug statements. enable_crack_output = "GST_DEBUG" in os.environ log.init('PITIVI_DEBUG', enable_color, enable_crack_output)'starting up') self.settings = GlobalSettings() self.threads = ThreadMaster() self.effects = EffectsManager() self.system = getSystem() self.action_log.connect("commit", self._actionLogCommit) self.action_log.connect("undo", self._actionLogUndo) self.action_log.connect("redo", self._actionLogRedo) self.action_log.connect("cleaned", self._actionLogCleaned) self.timeline_log_observer = TimelineLogObserver(self.action_log) self.project_log_observer = ProjectLogObserver(self.action_log) self.project_manager.connect("new-project-loaded", self._newProjectLoaded) self.project_manager.connect("project-closed", self._projectClosed) self._createActions() self._checkVersion() def _createActions(self): self.undo_action ="undo", None) self.undo_action.connect("activate", self._undoCb) self.add_action(self.undo_action) self.add_accelerator("<Control>z", "app.undo", None) self.redo_action ="redo", None) self.redo_action.connect("activate", self._redoCb) self.add_action(self.redo_action) self.add_accelerator("<Control><Shift>z", "app.redo", None) self.quit_action ="quit", None) self.quit_action.connect("activate", self._quitCb) self.add_action(self.quit_action) self.add_accelerator("<Control>q", "app.quit", None) def _activateCb(self, unused_app): if self.gui: # The app is already started and the window already created. # Present the already existing window. # TODO: Use present() instead of present_with_time() when # is fixed. x11_server_time = GdkX11.x11_get_server_time(self.gui.get_window()) self.gui.present_with_time(x11_server_time) # No need to show the welcome wizard. return self.createMainWindow() self.welcome_wizard = StartUpWizard(self) def createMainWindow(self): if self.gui: return self.gui = PitiviMainWindow(self) self.add_window(self.gui) # We might as well show it. def openCb(self, unused_app, giofiles, unused_count, unused_hint): assert giofiles self.createMainWindow() if len(giofiles) > 1: self.warning("Can open only one project file at a time. Ignoring the rest!") project_file = giofiles[0] self.project_manager.loadProject(quote_uri(project_file.get_uri())) return True def shutdown(self): """ Close Pitivi. @return: C{True} if Pitivi was successfully closed, else C{False}. @rtype: C{bool} """ self.debug("shutting down") # Refuse to close if we are not done with the current project. if not self.project_manager.closeRunningProject(): self.warning("Not closing since running project doesn't want to close") return False if self.welcome_wizard: self.welcome_wizard.hide() if self.gui: self.gui.destroy() self.threads.stopAllThreads() self.settings.storeSettings() self.quit() return True def _newProjectLoaded(self, unused_project_manager, project, unused_fully_loaded): self.action_log.clean() self.timeline_log_observer.startObserving(project.timeline) self.project_log_observer.startObserving(project) def _projectClosed(self, unused_project_manager, project): self.project_log_observer.stopObserving(project) self.timeline_log_observer.stopObserving(project.timeline) def _checkVersion(self): """ Check online for release versions information. """"Requesting version information async") giofile = Gio.File.new_for_uri(RELEASES_URL) giofile.load_contents_async(None, self._versionInfoReceivedCb, None) def _versionInfoReceivedCb(self, giofile, result, user_data): try: raw = giofile.load_contents_finish(result)[1] if not isinstance(raw, str): raw = raw.decode() raw = raw.split("\n") # Split line at '=' if the line is not empty or a comment line data = [element.split("=") for element in raw if element and not element.startswith("#")] # search newest version and status status = "UNSUPPORTED" current_version = None for version, version_status in data: if VERSION == version: status = version_status if version_status.upper() == "CURRENT": # This is the latest. current_version = version"Latest software version is %s", current_version) VERSION_split = [int(i) for i in VERSION.split(".")] current_version_split = [int(i) for i in current_version.split(".")] if VERSION_split > current_version_split: status = "CURRENT""Running version %s, which is newer than the latest known version. Considering it as the latest current version.", VERSION) elif status is "UNSUPPORTED": self.warning("Using an outdated version of Pitivi (%s)", VERSION) self._version_information["current"] = current_version self._version_information["status"] = status self.emit("version-info-received", self._version_information) except Exception as e: self.warning("Version info could not be read: %s", e) def isLatest(self): """ Whether the app's version is the latest as far as we know. """ status = self._version_information.get("status") return status is None or status.upper() == "CURRENT" def getLatest(self): """ Get the latest version of the app or None. """ return self._version_information.get("current") def _quitCb(self, unused_action, unused_param): self.shutdown() def _undoCb(self, unused_action, unused_param): self.action_log.undo() def _redoCb(self, unused_action, unused_param): self.action_log.redo() def _actionLogCommit(self, action_log, unused_stack, nested): if nested: return self._syncDoUndo(action_log) def _actionLogUndo(self, action_log, unused_stack): self._syncDoUndo(action_log) def _actionLogRedo(self, action_log, unused_stack): self._syncDoUndo(action_log) def _actionLogCleaned(self, action_log): self._syncDoUndo(action_log) def _syncDoUndo(self, action_log): can_undo = bool(action_log.undo_stacks) self.undo_action.set_enabled(can_undo) can_redo = bool(action_log.redo_stacks) self.redo_action.set_enabled(can_redo) dirty = action_log.dirty() self.project_manager.current_project.setModificationState(dirty) # In the tests we do not want to create any gui if self.gui is not None: self.gui.showProjectStatus()