label = "" vals = {} for SNRtarget in SNRtargets: if curve.min() < SNRtarget and curve.max() > SNRtarget: ifn = interp1d(curve, exp_times, kind='linear') label += "S/N %.1f: %.2g s " % (SNRtarget, ifn(SNRtarget)) vals[SNRtarget] = ifn(SNRtarget) return label, vals print "Reading PSFs..." TTel = float(sys.argv[2]) psfnm = "WebbPSF_WFC" PSFs = initialize_PSFs(pixel_scales=[22], slice_scales=[22], PSF_source=psfnm) WFI_args = { "PSFs": PSFs, "source_dir": wfirst_data_path + "/pixel-level/input/", "pixel_scale": 0.11, "dark_current": 0.015, "IPC": 0.02, "TTel": TTel, "zodi_fl": file_to_fn(wfirst_data_path + "/pixel-level/input/aldering.txt"), "bad_pixel_rate": 0.01, "waves": arange(6000., 23000.1, 25.) } redshifts = [0.4, 0.8, 1.7, 2.0] phases = [-10, 0]
def generate_data(SN_data): print "Reading PSFs..." PSFs = initialize_PSFs( pixel_scales=[10, 15, 30], slice_scales=[30, 30, 30], PSF_source=SN_data["survey_parameters"] ["PSFs"]) # Native in units of 5 mas, so this is 0".075 and 0".15 args = { "pixel_scale": SN_data["survey_parameters"]["IFU_pixel_scale"], "slice_scale": SN_data["survey_parameters"]["IFU_slice_in_pixels"] * SN_data["survey_parameters"]["IFU_pixel_scale"], "offset_par": int( around(SN_data["survey_parameters"]["IFU_pixel_scale"] * 0.25 / 0.005)), "offset_perp": 0, "dark_current": opts.IFCdark, "mdl": 'hsiao', "PSFs": PSFs, "IFURfl": SN_data["survey_parameters"]["IFU_resolution"], "IPC": opts.IFCIPC, "bad_pixel_rate": SN_data["survey_parameters"]["bad_pixel_rate"], "min_wave": opts.IFCminwave, "max_wave": opts.IFCmaxwave, "read_noise_floor": opts.IFCRNfloor, "effareafl": SN_data["survey_parameters"]["IFU_effective_area"], "TTel": opts.TTel, "source_dir": wfirst_path + "/scripts/pixel-level/input/" } ETC_result = get_spec_with_err(redshift=0.1, exp_time=1, show_plots=0, phase=0, **args) args["waves"] = ETC_result["obs_waves"] high_res_obs_waves = arange(ETC_result["obs_waves"].min() - 10., ETC_result["obs_waves"].max() + 11., 10.) if not all(args["waves"] == SN_data["IFC_waves"]): for j in range(len(SN_data["SN_observations"])): SN_data["SN_observations"][j]["gal_background"] = interp1d( SN_data["IFC_waves"], SN_data["SN_observations"][j]["gal_background"], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=median( SN_data["SN_observations"][j]["gal_background"]))( args["waves"]) SN_data["IFC_waves"] = args["waves"] args["PSFs"] = ETC_result["PSFs"] print "Setting up..." eigen_fns = get_eigen() has_IFS_mask = zeros(len(SN_data["SN_observations"])) for i in range(len(SN_data["SN_observations"])): if len(SN_data["SN_observations"][i]["IFS_dates"]) > 0: phases = [ (IFS_date - SN_data["SN_table"]["daymaxes"][i]) / (1. + SN_data["SN_table"]["redshifts"][i]) for IFS_date in SN_data["SN_observations"][i]["IFS_dates"] ] phases = array(phases) if any(abs(phases) < 5): has_IFS_mask[i] = 1 else: print "IFS observations found, but not with 5 rest-frame days of max!", phases has_IFS_inds = where(has_IFS_mask)[0] inds_in_order_of_z = argsort( array(SN_data["SN_table"]["redshifts"][has_IFS_inds])) has_IFS_inds = has_IFS_inds[inds_in_order_of_z] assert sum(has_IFS_inds) == sum(where(has_IFS_mask)[0]) print has_IFS_mask print len(has_IFS_mask) redshifts = sort( unique(array(SN_data["SN_table"]["redshifts"][has_IFS_inds]))) redshifts = concatenate(([0.05], redshifts)) print "redshifts ", redshifts nred = len(redshifts) print "neigen", opts.neigen nsyscoeff = 10 nsys = ( nsyscoeff + # Fundamental nsyscoeff + # CRNL 4) # MW norm, zeropoint, RV, IG extinction params = dict(mw_norm=opts.mwnorm, mw_zeropoint=opts.mwZP, mw_RV_uncertainty=opts.mwRV, ig_extinction=opts.IGext, crnl=opts.crnl, crnl_fns = get_sys_coeff_fns(xmin=-3, xmax=1., xscale=1., ncoeff=nsyscoeff, scale=params["crnl"], xsteps=50) fund_cal_fns = get_sys_coeff_fns(xmin=2999.9, xmax=21000.1, xscale=5000., ncoeff=nsyscoeff, scale=params["fund_cal"], xsteps=50) if opts.nredcoeff > 2: scale_factor_fns = get_sys_coeff_fns(xmin=1. / (1. + 2.0), xmax=1., xscale=0.5, ncoeff=opts.nredcoeff, scale=1.0, xsteps=50) elif opts.nredcoeff == 2: scale_factor_fns = [lambda x: 1., lambda x: (x - 1.)] elif opts.nredcoeff == 1: scale_factor_fns = [lambda x: 1.] else: raise Exception("Other number of nredcoeff! " + str(opts.nredcoeff)) rest_waves = exp( linspace(log(opts.bluewave), log(opts.redwave), opts.nrestlamb)) spectral_resolution = (log(opts.redwave) - log(opts.bluewave)) / (opts.nrestlamb / 2.) rest_waves_pad = concatenate( ([rest_waves[0] / (rest_waves[1] / rest_waves[0])], rest_waves, [rest_waves[-1] * (rest_waves[-1] / rest_waves[-2])])) print "rest_waves_pad", rest_waves_pad scale_factors = 1. / (1 + redshifts) redshift_coeffs = zeros([nred, opts.nredcoeff], dtype=float64) for i in range(opts.nredcoeff): redshift_coeffs[:, i] = scale_factor_fns[i](scale_factors) plt.plot(redshifts, redshift_coeffs) plt.savefig("redshift_coeffs.pdf") plt.close() zinds = [0] * opts.nnearby for ind in has_IFS_inds: zinds.append( list(redshifts).index(SN_data["SN_table"]["redshifts"][ind])) plt.plot(zinds) plt.savefig("zinds.pdf") plt.close() nsne = len(zinds) print "nsne ", nsne true_EBVs = random.exponential(size=nsne) * 0.1 redshift_vector = array([redshifts[zind] for zind in zinds]) true_mags = random.normal( size=nsne) * sqrt(opts.gray**2. + 0.055**2. * redshift_vector**2. + 0.00217147**2. / redshift_vector**2.) true_RVs = random.normal(size=nsne) * 0.31 + 3.1 rest_mod, NA, NA, NA = get_sncosmo('hsiao', 1., rest_waves * 2., array([1e4]), phase=0.) rest_mod /= sum( rest_mod ) # This is just for intializing the model; it's not used anywhere else. true_projs = random.normal(size=(nsne, opts.neigen)) true_fluxes = [] fluxes = [] dfluxes = [] dflux_dsys = zeros((nsne, opts.nrestlamb, nsys), dtype=float64) for i in range(nsne): this_redshift = redshifts[zinds[i]] print "*" * 20 + " this_redshift ", this_redshift if this_redshift > 0.1: this_rest_lambs = args["waves"] / (1. + this_redshift) else: this_rest_lambs = exp(arange(log(3200.), log(9000.), 0.005)) if this_redshift > 0.1: # WFIRST f_lamb, NA, NA, NA = get_sncosmo('hsiao', this_redshift, high_res_obs_waves, array([1e4]), phase=0., absmag=-19.08 - 3.1 * median(true_EBVs)) this_eigen = array([ item(high_res_obs_waves / (1 + this_redshift)) for item in eigen_fns ]) F99_31, F99_dAdRV = get_F99(high_res_obs_waves / (1 + this_redshift)) else: # Nearby f_lamb, NA, NA, NA = get_sncosmo( 'hsiao', this_redshift, this_rest_lambs * (1 + this_redshift), array([1e4]), phase=0., absmag=-19.08 - 3.1 * median(true_EBVs)) this_eigen = array([item(this_rest_lambs) for item in eigen_fns]) F99_31, F99_dAdRV = get_F99(this_rest_lambs) f_lamb *= 10**(-0.4 * (true_mags[i] + true_EBVs[i] * ((true_RVs[i] - 3.1) * F99_dAdRV + F99_31) + dot(true_projs[i], this_eigen))) IFUR_FN = interpfile(args["source_dir"] + "/" + args["IFURfl"]) if this_redshift > 0.1: at_max_mdl = spectrum_to_matched_resolution( high_res_obs_waves, f_lamb, min_wave=args["min_wave"], max_wave=args["max_wave"], IFUR=IFUR_FN, pixel_scale=args["pixel_scale"]) args["mdl"] = at_max_mdl orig_ind = has_IFS_inds[i - opts.nnearby] assert len(SN_data["SN_observations"][orig_ind]["IFS_dates"]) > 0 total_spec_StoN = 0. for j in range( len(SN_data["SN_observations"][orig_ind]["IFS_dates"])): phase = (SN_data["SN_observations"][orig_ind]["IFS_dates"][j] - SN_data["SN_table"]["daymaxes"][orig_ind]) / ( 1. + SN_data["SN_table"]["redshifts"][orig_ind]) if abs(phase) < 5: print SN_data["SN_observations"][orig_ind]["IFS_dates"][ j], SN_data["SN_table"]["daymaxes"][orig_ind], SN_data[ "SN_table"]["redshifts"][orig_ind], phase this_ETC_result = get_spec_with_err( redshift=0., exp_time=SN_data["SN_observations"][orig_ind] ["IFS_exptimes"][j], show_plots=0, gal_flamb=interp1d( SN_data["IFC_waves"], SN_data["SN_observations"][j]["gal_background"], kind='linear'), phase=0, **args) total_spec_StoN += this_ETC_result["spec_S/N"]**2. print "S/N", j, median(this_ETC_result["spec_S/N"]) exp_time = SN_data["SN_observations"][orig_ind][ "IFS_exptimes"][j] total_spec_StoN = sqrt(total_spec_StoN) print "Total S/N, no ref", median(total_spec_StoN) ETC_result = { "f_lamb_SN": at_max_mdl, "PSF_wghtd_e_allbutdark": this_ETC_result["PSF_wghtd_e_allbutdark"], "exp_time": exp_time } noise_in_SN_active = ETC_result["f_lamb_SN"] / total_spec_StoN args[ "mdl"] = at_max_mdl / 100. # For the reference, the SN is faint phase_ref = (SN_data["SN_observations"][orig_ind]["IFS_dates"][-1] - SN_data["SN_table"]["daymaxes"][orig_ind]) / ( 1. + SN_data["SN_table"]["redshifts"][orig_ind]) assert phase_ref > 60, "No reference, or it's not the last observation!" ref_SN = 0 total_refs_found = 0 for j in range( len(SN_data["SN_observations"][orig_ind]["IFS_dates"])): phase = (SN_data["SN_observations"][orig_ind]["IFS_dates"][j] - SN_data["SN_table"]["daymaxes"][orig_ind]) / ( 1. + SN_data["SN_table"]["redshifts"][orig_ind]) if phase > 60: ETC_result_ref = get_spec_with_err( redshift=0., exp_time=SN_data["SN_observations"][orig_ind] ["IFS_exptimes"][j], show_plots=0, phase=0, gal_flamb=interp1d( SN_data["IFC_waves"], SN_data["SN_observations"][j]["gal_background"], kind='linear'), **args) ref_SN += ETC_result_ref["spec_S/N"]**2. total_refs_found += 1 assert total_refs_found == SN_data["survey_parameters"][ "number_of_reference_dithers"], "Found %i refs, but number_of_reference_dithers %i %s" % ( total_refs_found, SN_data["survey_parameters"] ["number_of_reference_dithers"], str(SN_data["SN_observations"][orig_ind]["IFS_dates"])) ref_SN = sqrt(ref_SN) noise_in_reference = args["mdl"] / ref_SN total_noise = sqrt(noise_in_SN_active**2 + noise_in_reference**2) total_spec_StoN = at_max_mdl / total_noise ETC_result["spec_S/N"] = total_spec_StoN print "Total S/N, with ref", median(total_spec_StoN) else: resl = median(0.5 * (this_rest_lambs[1:] + this_rest_lambs[:-1]) / (2 * (this_rest_lambs[1:] - this_rest_lambs[:-1]))) print resl print len(f_lamb), len(this_rest_lambs) ETC_result = { "f_lamb_SN": f_lamb, "PSF_wghtd_e_allbutdark": [NaN] * len(f_lamb), "spec_S/N": ones(len(f_lamb), dtype=float64) * sqrt(resl / 150.) / 0.12, "exp_time": 1. } print "Binning ", len(this_rest_lambs), len( ETC_result["f_lamb_SN"]), len( ETC_result["spec_S/N"]), len(rest_waves_pad) bin_flux, bin_err = bin_vals_fixed_bins( this_rest_lambs, ETC_result["f_lamb_SN"] + random.normal(size=len(this_rest_lambs)) * ETC_result["f_lamb_SN"] / ETC_result["spec_S/N"], ETC_result["f_lamb_SN"] / ETC_result["spec_S/N"], rest_waves_pad) bin_flux = bin_flux[1:-1] # Eliminate the padding bin_err = bin_err[1:-1] # Eliminate the padding bin_e_per_sec, NA = bin_vals_fixed_bins( this_rest_lambs, log10( array(ETC_result["PSF_wghtd_e_allbutdark"]) / ETC_result["exp_time"]), ones(len(this_rest_lambs), dtype=float64), rest_waves_pad) bin_e_per_sec = bin_e_per_sec[1:-1] jacobian, jacobian_names = get_jacobian(rest_waves, redshifts[zinds[i]], params, bin_e_per_sec, fund_cal_fns, crnl_fns) inds = where(isnan(jacobian)) jacobian[inds] = 0 inds = where(isnan(bin_flux)) bin_flux[inds] = 0 bin_err[inds] = max(bin_flux) * 100 dflux_dsys[i] = jacobian fluxes.append(bin_flux) dfluxes.append(bin_err) fluxes = array(fluxes) * 1e16 dfluxes = array(dfluxes) * 1e16 save_img(fluxes, "fluxes.fits") save_img(dfluxes, "dfluxes.fits") save_img(fluxes / dfluxes, "SNRs.fits") save_img(dflux_dsys, "dflux_dsys.fits") F99_31, F99_dAdRV = get_F99(rest_waves) plt.plot(rest_waves, F99_31) plt.plot(rest_waves, F99_dAdRV) plt.savefig("F99.pdf") plt.close() for i in range(nsne): ratio = median( fluxes[i, opts.nrestlamb / 4:opts.nrestlamb / 2]) / median( fluxes[i, opts.nrestlamb / 2:3 * opts.nrestlamb / 4]) plt.plot(true_EBVs[i], ratio, '.', color='k') plt.savefig("EBV_check.pdf") plt.close() eigen_vecs = array([item(rest_waves) for item in eigen_fns]) save_img(eigen_vecs, "sampled_eigen_vecs.fits") stan_data = dict(nrestlamb=opts.nrestlamb, nsne=nsne, nred=nred, neigen=opts.neigen, nsys=nsys, ncoeff=opts.nredcoeff, fluxes=fluxes, fluxerrs=dfluxes, eigen_vecs=eigen_vecs, dflux_dsys=dflux_dsys, CCM_31=F99_31, CCM_dAdRV=F99_dAdRV, redshift_coeffs=redshift_coeffs, zinds=zinds, gray_variance=0.055**2. * redshift_vector**2. + 0.00217147**2. / redshift_vector**2.) other_inputs = dict(true_fluxes=true_fluxes, true_projs=true_projs, true_mags=true_mags, true_EBVs=true_EBVs, true_RVs=true_RVs, rest_mod=rest_mod, jacobian_names=jacobian_names, redshifts=redshifts) return stan_data, other_inputs
spectra, sntypes = get_modjaz_templates() spectra2, sntypes2 = get_CfA_templates() spectra += spectra2 sntypes += sntypes2 commands.getoutput("rm -fr simulated_observations") for sntype in set(sntypes): commands.getoutput("mkdir -p simulated_observations/" + sntype) #[spectra, types] = readcol("selected_spectra.txt", 'aa') PSFs = initialize_PSFs(pixel_scales = [15, 30], slice_scales = [30, 30], PSF_source = "WebbPSF", path = wfirst_data_path + "/pixel-level/") args = {"pixel_scale": 0.075, "slice_scale": 0.15, "source_dir": wfirst_data_path + "/pixel-level/input/", "IFURfl": "IFU_R_160720.txt", "min_wave": 4200., "max_wave": 20000., "PSFs": PSFs, "phase": 0, "redshift": 1.0} first_ETC_run = get_spec_with_err(exp_time = 100., **args) args["waves"] = first_ETC_run["obs_waves"] rest_waves = args["waves"]/(1 + args["redshift"]) for spectrum, sntype in zip(spectra, sntypes): print spectrum [orig_waves, orig_fluxes] = readcol(spectrum, 'ff') orig_fluxes /= max(orig_fluxes)
spectra, sntypes = get_modjaz_templates() spectra2, sntypes2 = get_CfA_templates() spectra += spectra2 sntypes += sntypes2 commands.getoutput("rm -fr simulated_observations") for sntype in set(sntypes): commands.getoutput("mkdir -p simulated_observations/" + sntype) #[spectra, types] = readcol("selected_spectra.txt", 'aa') PSFs = initialize_PSFs(pixel_scales = [15, 30], slice_scales = [30, 30], PSF_source = "WebbPSF", path = "../pixel-level/") args = {"pixel_scale": 0.075, "slice_scale": 0.15, "source_dir": "../pixel-level/input/", "IFURfl": "IFU_R_160720.txt", "min_wave": 4200., "max_wave": 20000., "PSFs": PSFs, "phase": 0, "redshift": 1.0} first_ETC_run = get_spec_with_err(exp_time = 100., **args) args["waves"] = first_ETC_run["obs_waves"] rest_waves = args["waves"]/(1 + args["redshift"]) for spectrum, sntype in zip(spectra, sntypes): print spectrum [orig_waves, orig_fluxes] = readcol(spectrum, 'ff') orig_fluxes /= max(orig_fluxes)