Exemple #1
    def test_authenticate(self):
        """Can a user be authenticated?

        user1 = create_account('user1', '*****@*****.**', 'Password')

        # Check authenticate
        self.assertEqual(authenticate('user1', 'Password').get('_id'), user1)

        # Check auth with e-mail
        self.assertEqual(authenticate('*****@*****.**', 'Password').get('_id'),

        # Case in-sensitive test
        self.assertEqual(authenticate('USER1', 'Password').get('_id'), user1)
        self.assertEqual(authenticate('*****@*****.**', 'Password').get('_id'),

        # Ensure case in-sensitive password does NOT WORK
        self.assertIsNone(authenticate('user1', 'password'))
        self.assertIsNone(authenticate('user1', 'PASSWORD'))

        # Check incorrect password
        self.assertIsNone(authenticate('user1', 'Pass'))
        # Check non-existent user
        self.assertIsNone(authenticate('userX', 'Password'))
        # Check no glob username
        self.assertIsNone(authenticate('use*', 'Password'))
        # Check no glob password (just to be safe)
        self.assertIsNone(authenticate('user1', 'Passw*'))
Exemple #2
    def test_authenticate(self):
        """Can a user be authenticated?

        user1 = create_account('user1', '*****@*****.**', 'Password')

        # Check authenticate
        self.assertEqual(authenticate('user1', 'Password').get('_id'), user1)

        # Check auth with e-mail
            authenticate('*****@*****.**', 'Password').get('_id'), user1)

        # Case in-sensitive test
        self.assertEqual(authenticate('USER1', 'Password').get('_id'), user1)
            authenticate('*****@*****.**', 'Password').get('_id'), user1)

        # Ensure case in-sensitive password does NOT WORK
        self.assertIsNone(authenticate('user1', 'password'))
        self.assertIsNone(authenticate('user1', 'PASSWORD'))

        # Check incorrect password
        self.assertIsNone(authenticate('user1', 'Pass'))
        # Check non-existent user
        self.assertIsNone(authenticate('userX', 'Password'))
        # Check no glob username
        self.assertIsNone(authenticate('use*', 'Password'))
        # Check no glob password (just to be safe)
        self.assertIsNone(authenticate('user1', 'Passw*'))
Exemple #3
def delete_account():
    View the user uses to delete their account.

    Once the user has submitted the form and their password has been validated
    there is no turning back. They will receive an e-mail to confirm the
    account deletion.
    form = ConfirmPasswordForm(request.form)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if authenticate(current_user['username'], form.password.data):
            uid = current_user['uid']
            email = current_user['email']
            # Log the current user out
            # Delete the account
            # Inform the user that the account has/is being deleted
            flash('Your account has been deleted<br />Thanks for using us',
            # Send the user their last ever email on Pjuu
                'Pjuu Account Notification - Account Deletion',
            # Send user back to login
            return redirect(url_for('signin'))
            flash('Oops! wrong password', 'error')

    return render_template('delete_account.html', form=form)
Exemple #4
def signin():
    form = SignInForm(request.form)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Handles the passing of the next argument to the login view
        redirect_url = handle_next(request, url_for('users.feed'))

        if form.validate():
            # Calls authenticate from backend.py
            user = authenticate(form.username.data, form.password.data)
            if user:
                # Ensure the user is active
                if not user.get('active', False):
                    flash('Please activate your account<br />'
                          'Check your e-mail', 'information')
                # Ensure the user is not banned
                elif user.get('banned', False):
                    flash('You\'re a very naughty boy!', 'error')
                # All OK log the user in
                    # We will also make the session permanent if the user
                    # has requested too
                    session.permanent = form.keep_signed_in.data
                    return redirect(redirect_url)
                flash('Invalid user name or password', 'error')
            flash('Invalid user name or password', 'error')

    return render_template('signin.html', form=form)
Exemple #5
def delete_account():
    form = ConfirmPasswordForm(request.form)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if authenticate(current_user['username'], form.password.data):
            uid = current_user['_id']
            email = current_user['email']
            # Log the current user out
            # Delete the account
            # Inform the user that the account has/is being deleted
            flash('Your account is being deleted<br />Thanks for using us',
            # Send the user their last ever email on Pjuu
                'Pjuu Account Notification - Account Deletion', [email],
            # Send user back to login
            return redirect(url_for('auth.signin'))
            flash('Oops! wrong password', 'error')

    return render_template('delete_account.html', form=form)
Exemple #6
def signin():
    form = SignInForm(request.form)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Handles the passing of the next argument to the login view
        redirect_url = handle_next(request, url_for('users.feed'))

        if form.validate():
            # Calls authenticate from backend.py
            user = authenticate(form.username.data, form.password.data)
            if user:
                # Ensure the user is active
                if not user.get('active', False):
                        'Please activate your account<br />'
                        'Check your e-mail', 'information')
                # Ensure the user is not banned
                elif user.get('banned', False):
                    flash('You\'re a very naughty boy!', 'error')
                # All OK log the user in
                    # We will also make the session permanent if the user
                    # has requested too
                    session.permanent = form.keep_signed_in.data
                    return redirect(redirect_url)
                flash('Invalid user name or password', 'error')
            flash('Invalid user name or password', 'error')
    return render_template('signin.html', form=form)
Exemple #7
def signin():
    Logs a user in.
    Will authenticate username/password, check account activation and
    if the user is banned or not before setting user_id in session.
    form = SignInForm(request.form)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Handles the passing of the next argument to the login view
        redirect_url = handle_next(request, url_for('feed'))

        if form.validate():
            # Calls authenticate from backend.py
            uid = authenticate(form.username.data, form.password.data)
            if uid:
                # Ensure the user is active
                if not is_active(uid):
                    flash('Please activate your account<br />'
                          'Check your e-mail', 'information')
                # Ensure the user is not banned
                elif is_banned(uid):
                    flash('You\'re a very naughty boy!', 'error')
                # All OK log the user in
                    # We will also make the session permanent if the user
                    # has requested too
                    session.permanent = form.keep_signed_in.data
                    return redirect(redirect_url)
                flash('Invalid user name or password', 'error')
            flash('Invalid user name or password', 'error')
    return render_template('signin.html', form=form)
Exemple #8
    def test_change_password(self):
        """Can a user change password?

        There is no sanity or restrictions on passwords in the backend.

        user1 = create_account('user1', '*****@*****.**', 'Password')

        # Take current password (is hash don't string compare)
        current_password = get_user(user1).get('password')

        # Change password
        self.assertIsNotNone(change_password(user1, 'Password1'))
        new_password = get_user(user1).get('password')

        # Just check the hashed are different
        self.assertNotEqual(current_password, new_password)
        # Make sure the old password does not authenticate
        self.assertIsNone(authenticate('user1', 'Password'))
        # Check new password lets us log in
        self.assertEqual(authenticate('user1', 'Password1').get('_id'), user1)
Exemple #9
    def test_change_password(self):
        """Can a user change password?

        There is no sanity or restrictions on passwords in the backend.

        user1 = create_account('user1', '*****@*****.**', 'Password')

        # Take current password (is hash don't string compare)
        current_password = get_user(user1).get('password')

        # Change password
        self.assertIsNotNone(change_password(user1, 'Password1'))
        new_password = get_user(user1).get('password')

        # Just check the hashed are different
        self.assertNotEqual(current_password, new_password)
        # Make sure the old password does not authenticate
        self.assertIsNone(authenticate('user1', 'Password'))
        # Check new password lets us log in
        self.assertEqual(authenticate('user1', 'Password1').get('_id'), user1)
Exemple #10
def dump_account():
    form = ConfirmPasswordForm(request.form)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if authenticate(current_user['username'], form.password.data):
            # Dump the users account
            data = be_dump_account(current_user['uid'])
            # JSONify the data and display it to the user :) simple
            return jsonify(data)
            flash('Oops! wrong password', 'error')

    return render_template('dump_account.html', form=form)
Exemple #11
def dump_account():
    """Enables the user to dump a JSON representation of their account.

    form = ConfirmPasswordForm(request.form)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if authenticate(current_user['username'], form.password.data):
            # Dump the users account
            data = be_dump_account(current_user['_id'])
            # JSONify the data and display it to the user :) simple
            return jsonify(data)
            flash('Oops! wrong password', 'error')

    return render_template('dump_account.html', form=form)
Exemple #12
    def test_delete_account_basic(self):
        """Does the basic data go when a user delete their account?

        ..note: Just checks the auth part.

        user1 = create_account('user1', '*****@*****.**', 'Password')



        self.assertFalse(authenticate('user1', 'Password'))
Exemple #13
    def test_delete_account_basic(self):
        """Does the basic data go when a user delete their account?

        ..note: Just checks the auth part.

        user1 = create_account('user1', '*****@*****.**', 'Password')



        self.assertFalse(authenticate('user1', 'Password'))
Exemple #14
 def validate_password(form, field):
     if not authenticate(current_user['username'], field.data):
         raise ValidationError('Invalid password')
Exemple #15
 def validate_password(self, field):
     if not authenticate(current_user['username'], field.data):
         raise ValidationError('Invalid password')
Exemple #16
    def test_forgot_reset(self):
        Test forgotten password and the password reset form.
        # Test that we can GET the forgot page
        resp = self.client.get(url_for("auth.forgot"))
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)

        # Try and post data to the form even though we don't have a user.
        # This will work as the form will always return the same response
        # this is to stop users trying to recover random details
        resp = self.client.post(url_for("auth.forgot"), data={"username": "******"}, follow_redirects=True)
        # We should be redirect to login and a message flashed
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn("If we've found your account we've", resp.data)
        # Let's make sure there is no X-Pjuu-Token header added as one should
        # not be generated for a non existant user

        # Same test with e-mail
        resp = self.client.post(url_for("auth.forgot"), data={"username": "******"}, follow_redirects=True)
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn("If we've found your account we've", resp.data)

        # Lets do this again but with a user (this is the only way to test
        # password resetting)
        create_account("user1", "*****@*****.**", "Password")
        # Lets do the above test again but with this new user
        resp = self.client.post(url_for("auth.forgot"), data={"username": "******"}, follow_redirects=True)
        # We should be redirect to login and a message flashed
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn("If we've found your account we've", resp.data)
        # This time we should have a token
        token = resp.headers.get("X-Pjuu-Token")

        # Same test with e-mail
        resp = self.client.post(url_for("auth.forgot"), data={"username": "******"}, follow_redirects=True)
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn("If we've found your account we've", resp.data)
        token = resp.headers.get("X-Pjuu-Token")

        # Now we will try and change the password on our account
        # Lets just make sure we can get to the reset view with our token
        resp = self.client.get(url_for("auth.reset", token=token))
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)

        # Lets make sure the form tells us when we have filled it in wrong
        # Attempt to set a mis matching password
        resp = self.client.post(
            url_for("auth.reset", token=token),
            data={"password": "******", "password2": "PasswordTwo"},
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn("Oh no! There are errors in your form", resp.data)
        # Attempt to not even fill the form in
        resp = self.client.post(url_for("auth.reset", token=token), data={}, follow_redirects=True)
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn("Oh no! There are errors in your form", resp.data)

        # Test reset with an invalid token
        resp = self.client.post(url_for("auth.reset", token="token"), data={}, follow_redirects=True)
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn("Invalid token", resp.data)

        # Lets post to the view and change the password.
        # This also confirms the preservation of the auth tokens
        resp = self.client.post(
            url_for("auth.reset", token=token),
            data={"password": "******", "password2": "NewPassword"},
        # This should redirect us back to the signin view as well as have
        # changed out password
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn("Your password has now been reset", resp.data)
        # We will just check we can log in with the new Password not password
        self.assertTrue(authenticate("user1", "NewPassword"))
        # I know, I know this is tested in the backend buts let's make sure
        # we can't auth with the old password
        self.assertFalse(authenticate("test", "Password"))

        # Test an error is thrown if not username or email in entered
        resp = self.client.post(url_for("auth.forgot"), data={"username": ""}, follow_redirects=True)
        self.assertIn("Please enter a username or e-mail address", resp.data)
Exemple #17
    def test_forgot_reset(self):
        Test forgotten password and the password reset form.
        # Test that we can GET the forgot page
        resp = self.client.get(url_for('auth.forgot'))
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)

        # Try and post data to the form even though we don't have a user.
        # This will work as the form will always return the same response
        # this is to stop users trying to recover random details
        resp = self.client.post(url_for('auth.forgot'), data={
            'username': '******'
        }, follow_redirects=True)
        # We should be redirect to login and a message flashed
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('If we\'ve found your account we\'ve', resp.data)
        # Let's make sure there is no X-Pjuu-Token header added as one should
        # not be generated for a non existant user

        # Lets do this again but with a user (this is the only way to test
        # password resetting)
        create_account('user1', '*****@*****.**', 'Password')
        # Lets do the above test again but with this new user
        resp = self.client.post(url_for('auth.forgot'), data={
            'username': '******'
        }, follow_redirects=True)
        # We should be redirect to login and a message flashed
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('If we\'ve found your account we\'ve', resp.data)
        # This time we should have a token
        token = resp.headers.get('X-Pjuu-Token')

        # Now we will try and change the password on our account
        # Lets just make sure we can get to the reset view with our token
        resp = self.client.get(url_for('auth.reset', token=token))
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)

        # Lets make sure the form tells us when we have filled it in wrong
        # Attempt to set a mis matching password
        resp = self.client.post(url_for('auth.reset', token=token), data={
            'password': '******',
            'password2': 'PasswordTwo'
        }, follow_redirects=True)
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('Oh no! There are errors in your form', resp.data)
        # Attempt to not even fill the form in
        resp = self.client.post(url_for('auth.reset', token=token), data={},
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('Oh no! There are errors in your form', resp.data)

        # Test reset with an invalid token
        resp = self.client.post(url_for('auth.reset', token='token'), data={},
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('Invalid token', resp.data)

        # Lets post to the view and change the password.
        # This also confirms the preservation of the auth tokens
        resp = self.client.post(url_for('auth.reset', token=token), data={
            'password': '******',
            'password2': 'NewPassword'
        }, follow_redirects=True)
        # This should redirect us back to the signin view as well as have
        # changed out password
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('Your password has now been reset', resp.data)
        # We will just check we can log in with the new Password not password
        self.assertTrue(authenticate('user1', 'NewPassword'))
        # I know, I know this is tested in the backend buts let's make sure
        # we can't auth with the old password
        self.assertFalse(authenticate('test', 'Password'))
Exemple #18
    def test_forgot_reset(self):
        Test forgotten password and the password reset form.
        # Test that we can GET the forgot page
        resp = self.client.get(url_for('auth.forgot'))
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)

        # Try and post data to the form even though we don't have a user.
        # This will work as the form will always return the same response
        # this is to stop users trying to recover random details
        resp = self.client.post(url_for('auth.forgot'),
                                data={'username': '******'},
        # We should be redirect to login and a message flashed
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('If we\'ve found your account we\'ve', resp.data)
        # Let's make sure there is no X-Pjuu-Token header added as one should
        # not be generated for a non existant user

        # Same test with e-mail
        resp = self.client.post(url_for('auth.forgot'),
                                data={'username': '******'},
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('If we\'ve found your account we\'ve', resp.data)

        # Lets do this again but with a user (this is the only way to test
        # password resetting)
        create_account('user1', '*****@*****.**', 'Password')
        # Lets do the above test again but with this new user
        resp = self.client.post(url_for('auth.forgot'),
                                data={'username': '******'},
        # We should be redirect to login and a message flashed
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('If we\'ve found your account we\'ve', resp.data)
        # This time we should have a token
        token = resp.headers.get('X-Pjuu-Token')

        # Same test with e-mail
        resp = self.client.post(url_for('auth.forgot'),
                                data={'username': '******'},
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('If we\'ve found your account we\'ve', resp.data)
        token = resp.headers.get('X-Pjuu-Token')

        # Now we will try and change the password on our account
        # Lets just make sure we can get to the reset view with our token
        resp = self.client.get(url_for('auth.reset', token=token))
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)

        # Lets make sure the form tells us when we have filled it in wrong
        # Attempt to set a mis matching password
        resp = self.client.post(url_for('auth.reset', token=token),
                                    'password': '******',
                                    'password2': 'PasswordTwo'
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('Oh no! There are errors in your form', resp.data)
        # Attempt to not even fill the form in
        resp = self.client.post(url_for('auth.reset', token=token),
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('Oh no! There are errors in your form', resp.data)

        # Test reset with an invalid token
        resp = self.client.post(url_for('auth.reset', token='token'),
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('Invalid token', resp.data)

        # Lets post to the view and change the password.
        # This also confirms the preservation of the auth tokens
        resp = self.client.post(url_for('auth.reset', token=token),
                                    'password': '******',
                                    'password2': 'NewPassword'
        # This should redirect us back to the signin view as well as have
        # changed out password
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('Your password has now been reset', resp.data)
        # We will just check we can log in with the new Password not password
        self.assertTrue(authenticate('user1', 'NewPassword'))
        # I know, I know this is tested in the backend buts let's make sure
        # we can't auth with the old password
        self.assertFalse(authenticate('test', 'Password'))