Exemple #1
    def __init__(self,
        """Create a LockFile object.  The 'filepath' argument
                should be the path to the file that will be used as the
                lockfile.  If the caller may supply the following
                optional arguments:

                set_lockstr - A function that returns a string.  This
                is called when the lock operation wants to write
                implementation specific text into the lock file.

                get_lockstr - A function that takes a string and returns
                a dictionary.  This function must be able to parse
                the lock string created by set_lockstr.  The dictionary
                object is passed as **kwargs to 'failure_exc' if
                the lock is non-blocking and fails.

                failure_exc - If a non-blocking lock acquisition fails,
                this exception will be raised.  It should allow the
                caller to specify a kwargs argument, but not all
                invocations will provide kwargs.

                provide_mutex - By default, the LockFile object
                will use a mutex to sychronize access for threads in
                the current process.  If the caller is already providing
                mutual exclusion to the LockFile object, this should
                be set to False."""

        self._fileobj = None
        self._filepath = filepath
        self._set_lockstr = set_lockstr
        self._get_lockstr = get_lockstr
        self._provide_mutex = False
        if failure_exc:
            self._failure_exc = failure_exc
            self._failure_exc = FileLocked
        if provide_mutex:
            self._lock = nrlock.NRLock()
            self._provide_mutex = True
            self._lock = DummyLock()
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, url, engine, ccancel=None):
        """Create a streaming file object that wraps around a
                transport engine.  This is only necessary if the underlying
                transport doesn't have its own streaming interface and the
                repo operation needs a streaming response."""

        self.__buf = b""
        self.__url = url
        self.__engine = engine
        self.__data_callback_invoked = False
        self.__headers_arrived = False
        self.__httpmsg = None
        self.__headers = {}
        self.__done = False
        self.__check_cancelation = ccancel
        self.__lock = DummyLock()
        self.__uuid = uuidm.uuid4().int
        # Free buffer on exception.  Set to False if caller may
        # read buffer after exception.  Caller should call close()
        # to cleanup afterwards.
        self.free_buffer = True