Exemple #1
def api_koschei():
    List packages monitored by koschei
    Return the list of packages in pkgdb that have been flagged to be
    monitored by `koschei <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/koschei>`_.



    :kwarg format: Specify if the output is text or json (default: text).


    out_format = flask.request.args.get('format', 'text')

    if out_format not in ('text', 'json'):
        out_format = 'text'

    if request_wants_json():
        out_format = 'json'

    output = {}

    pkgs = pkgdblib.get_koschei_monitored_package(SESSION)

    if out_format == 'json':
        output = {"packages": [pkg.name for pkg in pkgs]}
        output['total_packages'] = len(pkgs)
        return flask.jsonify(output)
        output = [
            "# Number of packages: %s" % len(pkgs)]
        for pkg in pkgs:
            output.append("%s" % (pkg.name))
        return flask.Response(
Exemple #2
def api_koschei():
    List packages monitored by koschei
    Return the list of packages in pkgdb that have been flagged to be
    monitored by `koschei <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/koschei>`_.



    :kwarg format: Specify if the output is text or json (default: text).


    out_format = flask.request.args.get('format', 'text')

    if out_format not in ('text', 'json'):
        out_format = 'text'

    if request_wants_json():
        out_format = 'json'

    output = {}

    pkgs = pkgdblib.get_koschei_monitored_package(SESSION)

    if out_format == 'json':
        output = {"packages": [pkg.name for pkg in pkgs]}
        output['total_packages'] = len(pkgs)
        return flask.jsonify(output)
        output = [
            "# Number of packages: %s" % len(pkgs)]
        for pkg in pkgs:
            output.append("%s" % (pkg.name))
        return flask.Response(