Exemple #1
 def test_init_from_oslo_file_exists_different_name_placement_file_exists(
         self, mock_log_error):
     """Tests a scenario where the [oslo_policy]/policy_file exists and
     has a different name from the [placement]/policy_file and the
     [placement]/policy_file exists so an error is logged.
     # Configure [oslo_policy]/policy_file and [placement]/policy_file with
     # different names.
     tempdir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir())
     oslo_name = os.path.join(tempdir.path, 'policy.yaml')
     self.conf_fixture.config(group='oslo_policy', policy_file=oslo_name)
     placement_name = os.path.join(tempdir.path, 'placement-policy.yaml')
     self.conf_fixture.config(group='placement', policy_file=placement_name)
     # Create the [oslo_policy]/policy_file.
     with open(oslo_name, "w") as oslo_policy_file:
         oslo_policy_file.write('# New oslo policy config.')
     # Create the [placement]/policy_file.
     with open(placement_name, "w") as placement_policy_file:
         placement_policy_file.write('# Old placement policy file.')
     config = self.conf_fixture.conf
     enforcer = policy._get_enforcer(config)
     self.assertEqual(config.oslo_policy.policy_file, enforcer.policy_file)
     # An error should be logged since we're going to use the oslo policy
     # file but there is a placement policy file with a different name that
     # also exists.
     self.assertIn('you need to clean up your configuration file',
Exemple #2
    def test_modified_policy_reloads(self):
        """Creates a temporary placement-policy.yaml file and tests
        authorizations against a fake rule between updates to the physical
        policy file.
        tempdir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir())
        tmpfilename = os.path.join(tempdir.path, 'placement-policy.yaml')

        self.conf_fixture.config(group='placement', policy_file=tmpfilename)

        action = 'placement:test'

        # Load the default action and rule (defaults to "any").
        enforcer = policy._get_enforcer(self.conf_fixture.conf)
        rule = oslo_policy.RuleDefault(action, '')

        # Now auth should work because the action is registered and anyone
        # can perform the action.
        policy.authorize(self.ctxt, action, self.target)

        # Now update the policy file and reload it to disable the action
        # from all users.
        with open(tmpfilename, "w") as policyfile:
            policyfile.write('"%s": "!"' % action)
        self.assertRaises(exception.PolicyNotAuthorized, policy.authorize,
                          self.ctxt, action, self.target)
Exemple #3
 def test_init_from_oslo_policy_file_exists_same_policy_file_name(
         self, mock_log_error):
     """Tests a scenario where the [oslo_policy]/policy_file exists and
     is the same name as the [placement]/policy_file so no error is logged
     since we'll use the file from oslo_policy config.
     # Configure [oslo_policy]/policy_file and [placement]/policy_file with
     # the same name.
     tempdir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir())
     tmpfilename = os.path.join(tempdir.path, 'policy.yaml')
     self.conf_fixture.config(group='oslo_policy', policy_file=tmpfilename)
     self.conf_fixture.config(group='placement', policy_file=tmpfilename)
     # Create the [oslo_policy]/policy_file.
     with open(tmpfilename, "w") as policyfile:
         policyfile.write('# Assume upgrade with existing custom policy.')
     config = self.conf_fixture.conf
     # Checking what the Enforcer is using for a policy file does not really
     # matter too much since they are pointing at the same file, just make
     # sure we did not log an error.
Exemple #4
 def test_init_pick_policy_file_from_oslo_config_option(self):
     """Tests a scenario where the oslo policy enforcer in init pick
     the policy file set in [oslo_policy]/policy_file config option.
     tempdir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir())
     tmpfilename = os.path.join(tempdir.path, 'policy.yaml')
     self.conf_fixture.config(group='oslo_policy', policy_file=tmpfilename)
     # Create the [oslo_policy]/policy_file.
     with open(tmpfilename, "w") as policyfile:
         policyfile.write('# Assume upgrade with existing custom policy.')
     config = self.conf_fixture.conf
     enforcer = policy._get_enforcer(config)
     self.assertEqual(config.oslo_policy.policy_file, enforcer.policy_file)
Exemple #5
 def test_default_fallback_placement_policy_file_no_exist(self, mock_warn):
     """Tests that by default the policy enforcer will fallback to the
     [placement]/policy_file when [oslo_policy]/policy_file does not
     exist. In this case the placement policy file does not exist so no
     warning about using it should be logged.
     # Make sure oslo_policy and placement use different policy_file
     # defaults (the former uses policy.json, the latter uses policy.yaml).
     config = self.conf_fixture.conf
     enforcer = policy._get_enforcer(config)
     self.assertEqual(config.placement.policy_file, enforcer.policy_file)
     # There should not be a warning logged since the policy file does not
     # actually exist.
Exemple #6
 def test_init_from_oslo_file_exists_different_name_no_placement_file(
         self, mock_log_error):
     """Tests a scenario where the [oslo_policy]/policy_file exists and
     has a different name from the [placement]/policy_file but the
     [placement]/policy_file does not exist so no error is logged.
     # Configure [oslo_policy]/policy_file and [placement]/policy_file with
     # different names.
     tempdir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir())
     tmpfilename = os.path.join(tempdir.path, 'policy.yaml')
     self.conf_fixture.config(group='oslo_policy', policy_file=tmpfilename)
     self.conf_fixture.config(group='placement', policy_file='policy.json')
     # Create the [oslo_policy]/policy_file.
     with open(tmpfilename, "w") as policyfile:
         policyfile.write('# Assume upgrade with existing custom policy.')
     config = self.conf_fixture.conf
     enforcer = policy._get_enforcer(config)
     self.assertEqual(config.oslo_policy.policy_file, enforcer.policy_file)
     # Though the policy file names are different, the placement version
     # does not exist while the oslo policy one does so no error is logged.
Exemple #7
 def test_default_fallback_placement_policy_file(self, mock_warn):
     """Tests that by default the policy enforcer will fallback to the
     [placement]/policy_file when [oslo_policy]/policy_file does not
     exist. In this case the plcaement policy file exists, like in the case
     of using it to define custom rules, so a warning is logged.
     tempdir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir())
     tmpfilename = os.path.join(tempdir.path, 'policy.yaml')
     self.conf_fixture.config(group='placement', policy_file=tmpfilename)
     # We have to create the file before initializing the policy enforcer
     # otherwise it falls back to using CONF.placement.policy_file. This
     # can be removed when the deprecated CONF.placement.policy_file option
     # is removed.
     with open(tmpfilename, "w") as policyfile:
         policyfile.write('# I would normally have custom rules in here.')
     config = self.conf_fixture.conf
     enforcer = policy._get_enforcer(config)
     self.assertEqual(config.placement.policy_file, enforcer.policy_file)
     # There should not be a warning logged since the policy file does not
     # actually exist.
         '[placement]/policy_file is deprecated. Use '
         '[oslo_policy]/policy_file instead.')