Exemple #1
    def prepare_data(self, data):
        if not data['course'] or not data['start'] or not data['end']:
        elif data['day'] not in dict(Lecture.DAYS):

        data['lecturers'] = utils.clean_list(data['lecturers'],
        data['groups'] = utils.clean_list(data['groups'], utils.clean_string)

        rooms, data['rooms'] = data['rooms'][:], []
        for code, name in rooms:
            code = utils.clean_string(code)
            name = utils.clean_string(name)
            if code or name:
                data['rooms'].append(self.room(code, name))

        data['type'] = self.lecture_type(data['type'])
        data['lecturers'] = [self.lecturer(l) for l in data['lecturers']]
        data['groups'] = [self.group(g) for g in data['groups']]

        if not data['groups']:
            data['groups'] = [self.group(Group.DEFAULT)]

        return data
Exemple #2
    def prepare_data(self, data):
        if not data['course'] or not data['start'] or not data['end']:
        elif data['day'] not in dict(Lecture.DAYS):

        data['lecturers'] = utils.clean_list(data['lecturers'], utils.clean_string)
        data['groups'] = utils.clean_list(data['groups'], utils.clean_string)

        rooms, data['rooms'] = data['rooms'][:], []
        for code, name in rooms:
            code = utils.clean_string(code)
            name = utils.clean_string(name)
            if code or name:
                data['rooms'].append(self.room(code, name))

        data['type'] = self.lecture_type(data['type'])
        data['lecturers'] = [self.lecturer(l) for l in data['lecturers']]
        data['groups'] = [self.group(g) for g in data['groups']]

        if not data['groups']:
            data['groups'] = [self.group(Group.DEFAULT)]

        return data
Exemple #3
def parse_row(tr, room_codes):
    data = {}
    for i, td in enumerate(tr.cssselect('td')):
        if i == 0:
            if td.attrib.get('colspan', 1) == '4':
                lecture_type = utils.clean_string(td.text_content())
                if lecture_type:
                    data['lecture_type'] = lecture_type
                time = td.cssselect('b')[0].text_content().strip()
                raw_day, period = time.split(' ', 1)
                raw_start, raw_end = period.split('-')

                data['day'] = utils.parse_day_of_week(raw_day)
                data['start'] = utils.parse_time(raw_start)
                data['end'] = utils.parse_time(raw_end)

                match = re.match('.*Uke: (.+)', td.text_content())
                data['weeks'] = utils.parse_weeks(match.group(1))
        elif i == 1 and len(td.cssselect('a')) > 0:
            if len(td.cssselect('a')) > 1:
                logging.warning('Multiple rooms links found, simply '
                                'using first one.')

            a = td.cssselect('a')[0]
            rooms = [a.text] + [e.tail for e in a]

            data['rooms'] = []
            for name in utils.clean_list(rooms, utils.clean_string):
                if name not in room_codes:
                    data['rooms'].append((None, name))

                if len(room_codes[name]) > 1:
                        'Multiple rooms with name %s, '
                        'simply using first code.', name)
                data['rooms'].append((room_codes[name][0], name))
        elif i == 2:
            data['lecturers'] = [td.text] + [e.tail for e in td]
        elif i == 3:
            data['groups'] = [g.text_content() for g in td.cssselect('span')]

    return data
Exemple #4
def parse_row(tr, room_codes):
    data = {}
    for i, td in enumerate(tr.cssselect('td')):
        if i == 0:
            if td.attrib.get('colspan', 1) == '4':
                lecture_type = utils.clean_string(td.text_content())
                if lecture_type:
                    data['lecture_type'] = lecture_type
                time = td.cssselect('b')[0].text_content().strip()
                raw_day, period = time.split(' ', 1)
                raw_start, raw_end = period.split('-')

                data['day'] = utils.parse_day_of_week(raw_day)
                data['start'] = utils.parse_time(raw_start)
                data['end'] = utils.parse_time(raw_end)

                match = re.match('.*Uke: (.+)', td.text_content())
                data['weeks'] = utils.parse_weeks(match.group(1))
        elif i == 1 and len(td.cssselect('a')) > 0:
            if len(td.cssselect('a')) > 1:
                logging.warning('Multiple rooms links found, simply '
                                'using first one.')

            a = td.cssselect('a')[0]
            rooms = [a.text] + [e.tail for e in a]

            data['rooms'] = []
            for name in utils.clean_list(rooms, utils.clean_string):
                if name not in room_codes:
                    data['rooms'].append((None, name))

                if len(room_codes[name]) > 1:
                    logging.warning('Multiple rooms with name %s, '
                                    'simply using first code.', name)
                data['rooms'].append((room_codes[name][0], name))
        elif i == 2:
            data['lecturers'] = [td.text] + [e.tail for e in td]
        elif i == 3:
            data['groups'] = [g.text_content() for g in td.cssselect('span')]

    return data