def plan_parallel_ragged_gather_gemv2(queue, Ms, Ns, alpha, A, A_js, X, X_js, beta, Y, group_size = 32, Y_in=None, tag=None): """ """ # TODO: if alpha or beta is a float # then render it into the kernel text. try: float(alpha) alpha = [alpha] * len(Y) except TypeError: pass try: float(beta) beta = [beta] * len(Y) except TypeError: pass cl_alpha = to_device(queue, np.asarray(alpha, Y.buf.dtype)) cl_beta = to_device(queue, np.asarray(beta, Y.buf.dtype)) if Y_in is None: Y_in = Y # XXX check for e.g. all Ns being the same thing # especially all Ns == 1 cl_Ns = to_device(queue, np.asarray(Ns, 'int32')) # XXX check that all the ints are ints not longs textconf = { 'type_alpha': cl_alpha.ocldtype, 'type_beta': cl_beta.ocldtype, 'type_A': A.cl_buf.ocldtype, 'type_X': X.cl_buf.ocldtype, 'type_Y': Y.cl_buf.ocldtype, 'y_len': len(Y), 'lsize': group_size, } text = """ __kernel void fn( const __global int *Ns, const __global ${type_alpha} * alphas, const __global int *A_starts, const __global ${type_A} *A_data, const __global int *A_js_starts, const __global int *A_js_lens, const __global int *A_js_data, const __global int *X_starts, const __global ${type_X} *X_data, const __global int *X_js_starts, const __global int *X_js_data, const __global ${type_beta} * betas, const __global int *Y_in_starts, const __global ${type_Y} *Y_in_data, const __global int *Y_starts, const __global int *Y_lens, __global ${type_Y} *Y_data) { //const int mm = get_global_id(1); //TODO __local ${type_Y} partialDotProduct[${lsize}]; //Scratch space for the dot products //Y is divided into groups of size group_size. Each work-item does enough dot-products to cover one of the groups for (uint yi = get_group_id(0); yi < ${y_len}; yi += get_num_groups(0)) { const __global int* X_js_row = X_js_data + X_js_starts[yi]; const __global int* A_js_row = A_js_data + A_js_starts[yi]; const ${type_alpha} alpha = alphas[yi]; const ${type_beta} beta = betas[yi]; int y_offset = Y_starts[yi]; int y_in_offset = Y_in_starts[yi]; Y_data[y_offset] = beta * Y_in_data[y_in_offset]; float sum = 0; int n_dot_products = A_js_lens[yi]; //Do all of xjs dot products at same time for(int j = 0; j < n_dot_products; j++) { int x_ji = X_js_row[j]; int a_ji = A_js_row[j]; int N_i = Ns[a_ji]; const __global ${type_A}* A_row = A_data + A_starts[a_ji]; //Get the rows for the product const __global ${type_X}* X_row = X_data + X_starts[x_ji]; //Each work item will do some fraction of the multiplications and store the result locally for (uint x = get_local_id(0); x < N_i; x += get_local_size(0)) { sum += A_row[x] * X_row[x]; } } partialDotProduct[get_local_id(0)] = sum; //Parallel reduction of locally stored sums for (uint stride = 1; stride < get_local_size(0); stride *= 2) { barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); uint index = 2 * stride * get_local_id(0); if (index < get_local_size(0)) { partialDotProduct[index] += partialDotProduct[index + stride]; } } //Multiply by alpha and store the result. if (get_local_id(0) == 0) { Y_data[yi] += alpha * partialDotProduct[0]; barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); } } } """ text = Template(text, output_encoding='ascii').render(**textconf) #Make the global size the closest multiple of the group size (ceiling) y_size = int(math.ceil(len(Y) / float(group_size))) * group_size gsize = (y_size,) lsize = (group_size,) _fn = cl.Program(queue.context, text).build().fn full_args = (cl_Ns, cl_alpha, A.cl_starts, A.cl_buf, A_js.cl_starts, A_js.cl_lens, A_js.cl_buf, X.cl_starts, X.cl_buf, X_js.cl_starts, X_js.cl_buf, cl_beta, Y_in.cl_starts, Y_in.cl_buf, Y.cl_starts, Y.cl_lens, Y.cl_buf, ) _fn.set_args(*[ for arr in full_args]) rval = Plan(queue, _fn, gsize, lsize, name='ref_parallel_ragged_gather_gemv', tag=tag, ) # prevent garbage-collection rval.alpha = cl_alpha rval.beta = cl_beta rval.Ns = cl_Ns return rval
def plan_ragged_gather_gemv(queue, Ms, Ns, alpha, A, A_js, X, X_js, beta, Y, Y_in=None, tag=None): """ """ # TODO: if alpha or beta is a float # then render it into the kernel text. try: float(alpha) alpha = [alpha] * len(Y) except TypeError: pass try: float(beta) beta = [beta] * len(Y) except TypeError: pass cl_alpha = to_device(queue, np.asarray(alpha, Y.buf.dtype)) cl_beta = to_device(queue, np.asarray(beta, Y.buf.dtype)) if Y_in is None: Y_in = Y # XXX check for e.g. all Ns being the same thing # especially all Ns == 1 cl_Ns = to_device(queue, np.asarray(Ns, 'int32')) # XXX check that all the ints are ints not longs textconf = { 'type_alpha': cl_alpha.ocldtype, 'type_beta': cl_beta.ocldtype, 'type_A': A.cl_buf.ocldtype, 'type_X': X.cl_buf.ocldtype, 'type_Y': Y.cl_buf.ocldtype, } text = """ __kernel void fn( __global int *Ns, __global ${type_alpha} * alphas, __global int *A_starts, __global ${type_A} *A_data, __global int *A_js_starts, __global int *A_js_lens, __global int *A_js_data, __global int *X_starts, __global ${type_X} *X_data, __global int *X_js_starts, __global int *X_js_data, __global ${type_beta} * betas, __global int *Y_in_starts, __global ${type_Y} *Y_in_data, __global int *Y_starts, __global int *Y_lens, __global ${type_Y} *Y_data) { const int mm = get_global_id(0); const int bb = get_global_id(1); const int M = Y_lens[bb]; if (mm < M) { const ${type_alpha} alpha = alphas[bb]; const ${type_beta} beta = betas[bb]; int n_dot_products = A_js_lens[bb]; int y_offset = Y_starts[bb]; int y_in_offset = Y_in_starts[bb]; X_js_data += X_js_starts[bb]; A_js_data += A_js_starts[bb]; Y_data[y_offset + mm] = beta * Y_in_data[y_in_offset + mm]; for (int ii = 0; ii < n_dot_products; ++ii) { int x_ji = X_js_data[ii]; int a_ji = A_js_data[ii]; int N_i = Ns[a_ji]; int x_offset = X_starts[x_ji]; int a_offset = A_starts[a_ji]; // compute the matrix-vector product // dot(X[x_ji], A[a_ji]) ${type_Y} y_sum = 0; for (int nn = 0; nn < N_i; ++nn) //Parallel reduction. How big is N_i? { y_sum += X_data[x_offset + nn] * A_data[a_offset + nn * M + mm]; } Y_data[y_offset + mm] += alpha * y_sum; } } } """ text = Template(text, output_encoding='ascii').render(**textconf) gsize = ( int(max(Ms)), int(len(Y)), ) lsize = None _fn = cl.Program(queue.context, text).build().fn full_args = ( cl_Ns, cl_alpha, A.cl_starts, A.cl_buf, A_js.cl_starts, A_js.cl_lens, A_js.cl_buf, X.cl_starts, X.cl_buf, X_js.cl_starts, X_js.cl_buf, cl_beta, Y_in.cl_starts, Y_in.cl_buf, Y.cl_starts, Y.cl_lens, Y.cl_buf, ) #print [str(arr.dtype)[0] for arr in full_args] _fn.set_args(*[ for arr in full_args]) rval = Plan( queue, _fn, gsize, lsize, name='ref_ragged_gather_gemv', tag=tag, ) # prevent garbage-collection rval.alpha = cl_alpha rval.beta = cl_beta rval.Ns = cl_Ns return rval
def plan_ragged_gather_gemv(queue, Ms, Ns, alpha, A, A_js, X, X_js, beta, Y, Y_in=None, tag=None): """ """ # TODO: if alpha or beta is a float # then render it into the kernel text. try: float(alpha) alpha = [alpha] * len(Y) except TypeError: pass try: float(beta) beta = [beta] * len(Y) except TypeError: pass cl_alpha = to_device(queue, np.asarray(alpha, Y.buf.dtype)) cl_beta = to_device(queue, np.asarray(beta, Y.buf.dtype)) if Y_in is None: Y_in = Y # XXX check for e.g. all Ns being the same thing # especially all Ns == 1 cl_Ns = to_device(queue, np.asarray(Ns, 'int32')) # XXX check that all the ints are ints not longs textconf = { 'type_alpha': cl_alpha.ocldtype, 'type_beta': cl_beta.ocldtype, 'type_A': A.cl_buf.ocldtype, 'type_X': X.cl_buf.ocldtype, 'type_Y': Y.cl_buf.ocldtype, } text = """ __kernel void fn( __global int *Ns, __global ${type_alpha} * alphas, __global int *A_starts, __global ${type_A} *A_data, __global int *A_js_starts, __global int *A_js_lens, __global int *A_js_data, __global int *X_starts, __global ${type_X} *X_data, __global int *X_js_starts, __global int *X_js_data, __global ${type_beta} * betas, __global int *Y_in_starts, __global ${type_Y} *Y_in_data, __global int *Y_starts, __global int *Y_lens, __global ${type_Y} *Y_data) { const int mm = get_global_id(0); const int bb = get_global_id(1); const int M = Y_lens[bb]; if (mm < M) { const ${type_alpha} alpha = alphas[bb]; const ${type_beta} beta = betas[bb]; int n_dot_products = A_js_lens[bb]; int y_offset = Y_starts[bb]; int y_in_offset = Y_in_starts[bb]; X_js_data += X_js_starts[bb]; A_js_data += A_js_starts[bb]; Y_data[y_offset + mm] = beta * Y_in_data[y_in_offset + mm]; for (int ii = 0; ii < n_dot_products; ++ii) { int x_ji = X_js_data[ii]; int a_ji = A_js_data[ii]; int N_i = Ns[a_ji]; int x_offset = X_starts[x_ji]; int a_offset = A_starts[a_ji]; // compute the matrix-vector product // dot(X[x_ji], A[a_ji]) ${type_Y} y_sum = 0; for (int nn = 0; nn < N_i; ++nn) //Parallel reduction. How big is N_i? { y_sum += X_data[x_offset + nn] * A_data[a_offset + nn * M + mm]; } Y_data[y_offset + mm] += alpha * y_sum; } } } """ text = Template(text, output_encoding='ascii').render(**textconf) gsize = (int(max(Ms)), int(len(Y)),) lsize = None _fn = cl.Program(queue.context, text).build().fn full_args = (cl_Ns, cl_alpha, A.cl_starts, A.cl_buf, A_js.cl_starts, A_js.cl_lens, A_js.cl_buf, X.cl_starts, X.cl_buf, X_js.cl_starts, X_js.cl_buf, cl_beta, Y_in.cl_starts, Y_in.cl_buf, Y.cl_starts, Y.cl_lens, Y.cl_buf, ) #print [str(arr.dtype)[0] for arr in full_args] _fn.set_args(*[ for arr in full_args]) rval = Plan(queue, _fn, gsize, lsize, name='ref_ragged_gather_gemv', tag=tag, ) # prevent garbage-collection rval.alpha = cl_alpha rval.beta = cl_beta rval.Ns = cl_Ns return rval
def plan_parallel_ragged_gather_gemv2(queue, Ms, Ns, alpha, A, A_js, X, X_js, beta, Y, group_size=32, Y_in=None, tag=None): """ """ # TODO: if alpha or beta is a float # then render it into the kernel text. try: float(alpha) alpha = [alpha] * len(Y) except TypeError: pass try: float(beta) beta = [beta] * len(Y) except TypeError: pass cl_alpha = to_device(queue, np.asarray(alpha, Y.buf.dtype)) cl_beta = to_device(queue, np.asarray(beta, Y.buf.dtype)) if Y_in is None: Y_in = Y # XXX check for e.g. all Ns being the same thing # especially all Ns == 1 cl_Ns = to_device(queue, np.asarray(Ns, 'int32')) # XXX check that all the ints are ints not longs textconf = { 'type_alpha': cl_alpha.ocldtype, 'type_beta': cl_beta.ocldtype, 'type_A': A.cl_buf.ocldtype, 'type_X': X.cl_buf.ocldtype, 'type_Y': Y.cl_buf.ocldtype, 'y_len': len(Y), 'lsize': group_size, } text = """ __kernel void fn( const __global int *Ns, const __global ${type_alpha} * alphas, const __global int *A_starts, const __global ${type_A} *A_data, const __global int *A_js_starts, const __global int *A_js_lens, const __global int *A_js_data, const __global int *X_starts, const __global ${type_X} *X_data, const __global int *X_js_starts, const __global int *X_js_data, const __global ${type_beta} * betas, const __global int *Y_in_starts, const __global ${type_Y} *Y_in_data, const __global int *Y_starts, const __global int *Y_lens, __global ${type_Y} *Y_data) { //const int mm = get_global_id(1); //TODO __local ${type_Y} partialDotProduct[${lsize}]; //Scratch space for the dot products //Y is divided into groups of size group_size. Each work-item does enough dot-products to cover one of the groups for (uint yi = get_group_id(0); yi < ${y_len}; yi += get_num_groups(0)) { const __global int* X_js_row = X_js_data + X_js_starts[yi]; const __global int* A_js_row = A_js_data + A_js_starts[yi]; const ${type_alpha} alpha = alphas[yi]; const ${type_beta} beta = betas[yi]; int y_offset = Y_starts[yi]; int y_in_offset = Y_in_starts[yi]; Y_data[y_offset] = beta * Y_in_data[y_in_offset]; float sum = 0; int n_dot_products = A_js_lens[yi]; //Do all of xjs dot products at same time for(int j = 0; j < n_dot_products; j++) { int x_ji = X_js_row[j]; int a_ji = A_js_row[j]; int N_i = Ns[a_ji]; const __global ${type_A}* A_row = A_data + A_starts[a_ji]; //Get the rows for the product const __global ${type_X}* X_row = X_data + X_starts[x_ji]; //Each work item will do some fraction of the multiplications and store the result locally for (uint x = get_local_id(0); x < N_i; x += get_local_size(0)) { sum += A_row[x] * X_row[x]; } } partialDotProduct[get_local_id(0)] = sum; //Parallel reduction of locally stored sums for (uint stride = 1; stride < get_local_size(0); stride *= 2) { barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); uint index = 2 * stride * get_local_id(0); if (index < get_local_size(0)) { partialDotProduct[index] += partialDotProduct[index + stride]; } } //Multiply by alpha and store the result. if (get_local_id(0) == 0) { Y_data[yi] += alpha * partialDotProduct[0]; barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); } } } """ text = Template(text, output_encoding='ascii').render(**textconf) #Make the global size the closest multiple of the group size (ceiling) y_size = int(math.ceil(len(Y) / float(group_size))) * group_size gsize = (y_size, ) lsize = (group_size, ) _fn = cl.Program(queue.context, text).build().fn full_args = ( cl_Ns, cl_alpha, A.cl_starts, A.cl_buf, A_js.cl_starts, A_js.cl_lens, A_js.cl_buf, X.cl_starts, X.cl_buf, X_js.cl_starts, X_js.cl_buf, cl_beta, Y_in.cl_starts, Y_in.cl_buf, Y.cl_starts, Y.cl_lens, Y.cl_buf, ) _fn.set_args(*[ for arr in full_args]) rval = Plan( queue, _fn, gsize, lsize, name='ref_parallel_ragged_gather_gemv', tag=tag, ) # prevent garbage-collection rval.alpha = cl_alpha rval.beta = cl_beta rval.Ns = cl_Ns return rval