def main(): print('Starting Non-model-based Sliding Mode Controller') rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() tf_world_ned_to_enu = get_world_ned_to_enu(sim_time_param) node = ROV_NMB_SMController('rov_nmb_sm_controller', world_ned_to_enu=tf_world_ned_to_enu, parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) executor = rclpy.executors.MultiThreadedExecutor() executor.add_node(node) executor.spin() # rclpy.spin(node) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: print('Caught exception: ' + repr(e)) traceback.print_exc() finally: if rclpy.ok(): rclpy.shutdown() print('Exiting')
def main(): print('Starting') rclpy.init() #try: if 1: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = PositionControllerNode('position_control', parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) rclpy.spin(node)
def main(): rclpy.init() sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = rclpy.create_node('unpause_simulation', allow_undeclared_parameters=True, automatically_declare_parameters_from_overrides=True, parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) #Default sim_time to True # sim_time = rclpy.parameter.Parameter('use_sim_time', rclpy.Parameter.Type.BOOL, True) # node.set_parameters([sim_time]) # if not rclpy.ok(): # rospy.ROSException('ROS master is not running!') timeout = 0.0 if node.has_parameter('timeout'): timeout = node.get_parameter('timeout').get_parameter_value().double_value if timeout <= 0: raise RuntimeError('Unpause time must be a positive floating point value') print('Unpause simulation - Time = {} s'.format(timeout)) # start_time = time.time() # while time.time() - start_time < timeout: # time.sleep(0.1) if(timeout > 0): time.sleep(timeout) #start_time = time.time() try: # Handle for retrieving model properties unpause = node.create_client(Empty, '/gazebo/unpause_physics') unpause.wait_for_service(timeout_sec=100) if(not ready): raise rclpy.exceptions.InvalidServiceNameException('service is unavailable') except rclpy.exceptions.InvalidServiceNameException: print('/gazebo/unpause_physics service is unavailable') sys.exit() node.get_logger().info( 'The Gazebo "unpause_physics" service was available {} s after the timeout'.format(timeout))#time.time() - start_time)) req = Empty.Request() future = unpause.call_async(req) rclpy.spin_until_future_complete(self, future) if future.result() is not None: prop = future.result() if prop.succes: print('Simulation unpaused...') else node.get_logger().error('Failed to unpaused the simulation')
def main(): print('Start publishing vehicle footprints to RViz') rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = FootprintsPublisher('publish_footprints', parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) rclpy.spin(node) except rclpy.exceptions.ROSInterruptException: print('caught exception') print('exiting')
def main(): print('Generate RViz footprint and markers for 2D visualization') #TODO Add rclpy instruction try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() world_pub = WorldPublisher('publish_world_models', parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) node = VehicleFootprint('generate_vehicle_footprint') rclpy.spin(node) except rclpy.exceptions.ROSInterruptException as e: print('Caught exception: ' + str(e)) print('Exiting')
def main(): print('Start publishing vehicle footprints to RViz') rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() world_pub = WorldPublisher('publish_world_models', parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) rclpy.spin(world_pub) except Exception as e: print('Caught exception: ' + str(e)) print('Exiting')
def main(): print('Starting') rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = VelocityControllerNode('velocity_control', parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) rclpy.spin(node) except Exception as e: print('Caught exception: ' + str(e)) finally: rclpy.shutdown() print('Exiting')
def main(): rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = ROV_NLPIDController('rov_nl_pid_controller', parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) rclpy.spin(node) except Exception as e: print('Caught exception: ' + str(e)) finally: if rclpy.ok(): rclpy.shutdown() print('exiting')
def main(args=None): # Wait for 5 seconds, so the instructions are the last thing to print in terminal time.sleep(5) # Start the node name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0] rclpy.init() sim_time_param = is_sim_time() teleop = KeyBoardVehicleTeleop(name, parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) teleop.get_logger().info('Starting [%s] node' % name) termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, teleop.settings) rclpy.spin(teleop) teleop.get_logger().info('Shutting down [%s] node' % name) rclpy.shutdown()
def main(): rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = ThrusterAllocatorNode('thruster_allocator', parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) rclpy.spin(node) except Exception as e: print('ThrusterAllocatorNode::Exception ' + str(e)) finally: if rclpy.ok(): rclpy.shutdown() print('Leaving ThrusterAllocatorNode')
def main(): print('starting') rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = AccelerationControllerNode('acceleration_control', parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) rclpy.spin(node) except Exception as e: print('Caught exception:' + str(e)) finally: if rclpy.ok(): rclpy.shutdown() print('Exiting')
def main(): print('Starting AUV trajectory tracker') rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = AUVGeometricTrackingController( 'auv_geometric_tracking_controller', parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) rclpy.spin(node) except Exception as e: print('caught exception: ' + str(e)) finally: if rclpy.ok(): rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): # Start the node node_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0] rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() teleop = VehicleTeleop(node_name, parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) teleop.get_logger().info('Starting [%s] node' % node_name) rclpy.spin(teleop) except Exception as e: print('Caught exception: ' + str(e)) teleop.get_logger().info('Shutting down [%s] node' % node_name) rclpy.shutdown()
def main(): print('Starting Model-based Sliding Mode Controller') rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = ROV_MB_SMController('rov_mb_sm_controller', parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) rclpy.spin(node) except Exception as e: print('Caught exception: ' + str(e)) finally: if rclpy.ok(): rclpy.shutdown() print('Exiting')
def main(): rclpy.init() sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = rclpy.create_node( 'set_simulation_timer', allow_undeclared_parameters=True, automatically_declare_parameters_from_overrides=True, parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) # sim_time = rclpy.parameter.Parameter('use_sim_time', rclpy.Parameter.Type.BOOL, True) # node.set_parameters([sim_time]) timeout = 0.0 if node.has_parameter('timeout'): timeout = node.get_parameter( 'timeout').get_parameter_value().double_value if timeout <= 0: raise RuntimeError( 'Termination time must be a positive floating point value (X.Y)' ) node.get_logger().info( 'Starting simulation timer - Timeout = {} s'.format(timeout)) # Note that node's clock will be initialized from the /clock topic during the spin in sim tim mode # Behaviour of Rate changed in ROS 2. To wake it up, it needs to be triggered from a separate # thread. Maybe a rclpy.spin_once + time.sleep() would be enough FREQ = 100 rate = node.create_rate( FREQ ) #, rclpy.clock.Clock(clock_type=rclpy.clock.ClockType.STEADY_TIME)) thread = threading.Thread(target=rclpy.spin, args=(node, ), daemon=True) thread.start() while time_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now()) < timeout: #rclpy.spin_once(node) #Just a guard for really short timeouts if 1.0 / FREQ < timeout: rate.sleep() node.get_logger().info('Simulation timeout - Killing simulation...') # destroy_node() prevents a further warning on exit node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown() thread.join()
def main(args=None): print('starting') rclpy.init(args=args) try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = FinnedUUVControllerNode(parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) rclpy.spin(node) except rclpy.exceptions.ROSInterruptException as excep: print('Caught ROSInterruptException exception: ' + str(excep)) except Exception as e: print('Caught exception: ' + str(e)) finally: if rclpy.ok(): rclpy.shutdown() print('Exiting')
def main(): print('Starting') rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = OrientationControllerNode('orientation_control', parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) rclpy.spin(node) except Exception as e: print('Caught exception: ' + str(e)) finally: node.pub_cmd_vel.publish(Twist()) if rclpy.ok(): rclpy.shutdown() print('Exiting')
def main(): print('Starting PD controller with compensation of restoring forces') rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = ROV_PD_GComp_Controller('rov_pd_grav_compensation_controller', parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) rclpy.spin(node) except Exception as e: print('Caught exception: ' + str(e)) finally: if rclpy.ok(): rclpy.shutdown() print('Exiting')
def main(): print('Starting Modelbased Feedback Linearization Controller') rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = ROV_MBFLController('rov_mb_fl_controller', parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) rclpy.spin(node) except rclpy.exceptions.ROSInterruptException as excep: print('Caught ROSInterruptException exception: ' + str(excep)) except Exception as e: print('Caught exception: ' + str(e)) finally: if rclpy.ok(): rclpy.shutdown() print('Exiting')
def main(): rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() tf_world_ned_to_enu = get_world_ned_to_enu(sim_time_param) node = ROV_NLPIDController('rov_nl_pid_controller', world_ned_to_enu=tf_world_ned_to_enu, parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) rclpy.spin(node) except Exception as e: print('Caught exception: ' + repr(e)) traceback.print_exc() finally: if rclpy.ok(): rclpy.shutdown() print('exiting')
def main(): print('Starting Model-based Sliding Mode Controller') rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() tf_world_ned_to_enu = get_world_ned_to_enu(sim_time_param) node = ROV_MB_SMController('rov_mb_sm_controller', parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param], world_ned_to_enu=tf_world_ned_to_enu) rclpy.spin(node) except Exception as e: print('Caught exception: ' + repr(e)) traceback.print_exc() finally: if rclpy.ok(): rclpy.shutdown() print('Exiting')
def main(): print('Starting disturbance manager') rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = DisturbanceManager('disturbance_manager', parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) rclpy.spin(node) except rclpy.exceptions.ROSInterruptException as rosInter: print('Caught ROSInterruptException exception' + str(rosInter)) except Exception as e: print('Caught exception: '+str(e)) # finally: # if rclpy.ok(): # rclpy.shutdown() # node.destroy_node() # node.thread.join() print('Exiting')
def main(): print('Starting AUV trajectory tracker') rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() tf_world_ned_to_enu = get_world_ned_to_enu(sim_time_param) node = AUVGeometricTrackingController( 'auv_geometric_tracking_controller', world_ned_to_enu=tf_world_ned_to_enu, parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) rclpy.spin(node) except Exception as e: print('caught exception: ' + repr(e)) traceback.print_exc() finally: if rclpy.ok(): rclpy.shutdown()
def main(): print('Starting PD controller with compensation of restoring forces') rclpy.init() try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() tf_world_ned_to_enu = get_world_ned_to_enu(sim_time_param) node = ROV_PD_GComp_Controller('rov_pd_grav_compensation_controller', world_ned_to_enu=tf_world_ned_to_enu, parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) rclpy.spin(node) except Exception as e: print('Caught exception: ' + repr(e)) traceback.print_exc() finally: if rclpy.ok(): rclpy.shutdown() print('Exiting')
def main(): rclpy.init() sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = rclpy.create_node('unpause_simulation', allow_undeclared_parameters=True, automatically_declare_parameters_from_overrides=True, parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) timeout = 0.0 if node.has_parameter('timeout'): timeout = node.get_parameter('timeout').get_parameter_value().double_value if timeout <= 0: raise RuntimeError('Unpause time must be a positive floating point value') print('Unpause simulation - Time = {} s'.format(timeout)) if(timeout > 0): time.sleep(timeout) # Handle for retrieving model properties unpause = node.create_client(Empty, '/gazebo/unpause_physics') unpause.wait_for_service(timeout_sec=100) if(not ready): raise Exception('Service %s is unavailable' % unpause.srv_name) sys.exit() node.get_logger().info( 'The Gazebo "unpause_physics" service was available {} s after the timeout'.format(timeout)) req = Empty.Request() future = unpause.call_async(req) rclpy.spin_until_future_complete(self, future) if future.result() is not None: prop = future.result() if prop.succes: print('Simulation unpaused...') else node.get_logger().error('Failed to unpaused the simulation')
def main(): rclpy.init() node = None try: sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = DisturbanceManager('disturbance_manager', parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) except rclpy.exceptions.ROSInterruptException as rosInter: print('Caught ROSInterruptException exception' + str(rosInter)) except Exception as e: print('Caught exception: '+ repr(e)) print(traceback.print_exc()) finally: node.destroy_node() if rclpy.ok(): rclpy.shutdown() # node.destroy_node() # node.thread.join() print('Exiting')
def main(): rclpy.init() sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = rclpy.create_node( 'set_thrusters_states', allow_undeclared_parameters=True, automatically_declare_parameters_from_overrides=True, parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) # sim_time = rclpy.parameter.Parameter('use_sim_time', rclpy.Parameter.Type.BOOL, True) # node.set_parameters([sim_time]) node.get_logger().info('Set the state of thrusters for vehicle, namespace=' + node.get_namespace()) starting_time = 0.0 if node.has_parameter('starting_time'): starting_time = node.get_parameter('starting_time').value node.get_logger().info('Starting time={} s'.format(starting_time)) duration = -1.0 if node.has_parameter('duration'): duration = node.get_parameter('duration').value if duration <= 0.0: raise RuntimeError('Duration not set or negative, leaving node...') node.get_logger().info('Duration [s]=', ('Inf.' if duration < 0 else str(duration))) if node.has_parameter('is_on'): is_on = bool(node.get_parameter('is_on').get_parameter_value().bool_value) else: raise RuntimeError('is_on state flag not provided') thruster_id = -1 if node.has_parameter('thruster_id'): if node.get_parameter('thruster_id').type_ == rclpy.Parameter.Type.INTEGER: thruster_id = node.get_parameter('thruster_id').get_parameter_value().integer_value() else: raise RuntimeError('Thruster ID not given') if thruster_id < 0: raise RuntimeError('Invalid thruster ID') node.get_logger().info('Setting state of thruster #{} as {}'.format(thruster_id, 'ON' if is_on else 'OFF')) vehicle_name = node.get_namespace().replace('/', '') srv_name = build_service_name(vehicle_name, thruster_id, 'set_thruster_state') try: set_state = node.create_client(SetThrusterState, srv_name) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError('Service call failed, error=' + str(e)) if not set_state.wait_for_service(timeout_sec=2): raise RuntimeError('Service %s not available! Closing node...' %(srv_name)) FREQ = 100 rate = node.create_rate(FREQ) thread = threading.Thread(target=rclpy.spin, args=(node,), daemon=True) thread.start() while time_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now()) < starting_time: #Just a guard for really short timeouts if 1.0 / FREQ < starting_time: rate.sleep() # rate = node.create_rate(100) # while time_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now()) < starting_time: # rate.sleep() req = SetThrusterState.Request() req.on = is_on success = future = set_state.call_async(req) #NB : spining is done from another thread while not future.done(): try: response = future.result() except Exception as e: node.get_logger().error('Service call ' + srv_name + ' failed, error=' + str(e)): else: node.get_logger().info('Time={} s'.format(time_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now().get_time()))) node.get_logger().info('Current state of thruster #{}={}'.format(thruster_id, 'ON' if is_on else 'OFF')) # if success: # print('Time={} s'.format(time_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now().get_time()))) # print('Current state of thruster #{}={}'.format(thruster_id, 'ON' if is_on else 'OFF')) if duration > 0: while time_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now()) < starting_time + duration: if 1.0 / FREQ < starting_time + duration: rate.sleep() # rate = node.create_rate(100) # while time_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now()) < starting_time + duration: # rate.sleep() req.on = not is_on success = while not future.done(): try: response = future.result() except Exception as e: node.get_logger().error('Service call ' + srv_name + ' failed, error=' + str(e)): else: node.get_logger().info('Time={} s'.format(time_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now().get_time()))) node.get_logger().info('Returning to previous state of thruster #{}={}'.format(thruster_id, 'ON' if not is_on else 'OFF')) # if success: # print('Time={} s'.format(time_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now().get_time()))) # print('Returning to previous state of thruster #{}={}'.format(thruster_id, 'ON' if not is_on else 'OFF')) node.get_logger().info('Leaving node...') node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown() thread.join()
def launch_setup(context, *args, **kwargs): # Perform substitutions debug = Lc('debug').perform(context) namespace = Lc('namespace').perform(context) x = Lc('x').perform(context) y = Lc('y').perform(context) z = Lc('z').perform(context) roll = Lc('roll').perform(context) pitch = Lc('pitch').perform(context) yaw = Lc('yaw').perform(context) # use_sim_time = Lc('use_sim_time').perform(context) use_world_ned = Lc('use_ned_frame').perform(context) # Request sim time value to the global node res = is_sim_time(return_param=False, use_subprocess=True) # Xacro #xacro_file = PathJoinSubstitution(get_package_share_directory('uuv_descriptions'),'robots','rexrov_') xacro_file = os.path.join( get_package_share_directory('uuv_descriptions'), 'robots', 'rexrov_' + (Lc('mode')).perform(context) + '.xacro') # Build the directories, check for existence path = os.path.join( get_package_share_directory('uuv_descriptions'), 'robots', 'generated', namespace, ) if not pathlib.Path(path).exists(): try: # Create directory if required and sub-directory os.makedirs(path) except OSError: print("Creation of the directory %s failed" % path) output = os.path.join(path, 'robot_description') if not pathlib.Path(xacro_file).exists(): exc = 'Launch file ' + xacro_file + ' does not exist' raise Exception(exc) mapping = {} if to_bool(use_world_ned): mappings = { 'debug': debug, 'namespace': namespace, 'inertial_reference_frame': 'world_ned' } else: mappings = { 'debug': debug, 'namespace': namespace, 'inertial_reference_frame': 'world' } doc = xacro.process(xacro_file, mappings=mappings) with open(output, 'w') as file_out: file_out.write(doc) # URDF spawner args = ('-gazebo_namespace /gazebo ' '-x %s -y %s -z %s -R %s -P %s -Y %s -entity %s -file %s' % (x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw, namespace, output)).split() # Urdf spawner. NB: node namespace does not prefix the topic, # as using a leading / urdf_spawner = Node( node_name='urdf_spawner', package='gazebo_ros', node_executable='', output='screen', parameters=[{ 'use_sim_time': res }], # To replace in foxy with parameters=[{'robot_description', Command('ros2 run xacro...')}] arguments=args) # A joint state publisher plugin already is started with the model, no need to use the default joint state publisher args = (output).split() robot_state_publisher = Node( node_name='robot_state_publisher', package='robot_state_publisher', node_executable='robot_state_publisher', # To replace in foxy with parameters=[{'robot_description', Command('ros2 run xacro...')}] arguments=args, output='screen', parameters=[{ 'use_sim_time': res }] # Use subst here ) # Message to tf message_to_tf_launch = os.path.join( get_package_share_directory('uuv_assistants'), 'launch', 'message_to_tf.launch') if not pathlib.Path(message_to_tf_launch).exists(): exc = 'Launch file ' + message_to_tf_launch + ' does not exist' raise Exception(exc) launch_args = [('namespace', namespace), ('world_frame', 'world'), ('child_frame_id', '/' + namespace + '/base_link')] message_to_tf_launch = IncludeLaunchDescription( AnyLaunchDescriptionSource(message_to_tf_launch), launch_arguments=launch_args) group = GroupAction([ PushRosNamespace(namespace), urdf_spawner, robot_state_publisher, ]) return [group, message_to_tf_launch]
def main(): rclpy.init() sim_time_param = is_sim_time() # Compared to ROS 1 version, the node name was changed node = rclpy.create_node( 'start_helical_trajectory', allow_undeclared_parameters=True, automatically_declare_parameters_from_overrides=True, parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) node.get_logger().info('Starting the helical trajectory creator') # Ensure the clock has been updated when using sim time while node.get_clock().now() == rclpy.time.Time( clock_type=node.get_clock().clock_type): rclpy.spin_once(node) # If no start time is provided: start *now*. start_time = time_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now()) start_now = False if node.has_parameter('start_time'): start_time = node.get_parameter('start_time').value if start_time < 0.0: node.get_logger().warn('Negative start time, setting it to 0.0') start_time = 0.0 start_now = True else: start_now = True param_labels = [ 'radius', 'center', 'n_points', 'heading_offset', 'duration', 'n_turns', 'delta_z', 'max_forward_speed' ] params = dict() for label in param_labels: if not node.has_parameter(label): node.get_logger().error( '{} must be provided for the trajectory generation!'.format( label)) sys.exit(-1) params[label] = node.get_parameter(label).value if len(params['center']) != 3: raise RuntimeError( 'Center of circle must have 3 components (x, y, z):' + str(params['center'])) if params['n_points'] <= 2: raise RuntimeError('Number of points must be at least 2' + str(params['n_points'])) if params['max_forward_speed'] <= 0: raise RuntimeError('Velocity limit must be positive' + str(params['max_forward_speed'])) srv_name = 'start_helical_trajectory' traj_gen = node.create_client(InitHelicalTrajectory, 'start_helical_trajectory') if not traj_gen.wait_for_service(timeout_sec=20): raise RuntimeError('Service %s not available! Closing node...' % (traj_gen.srv_name)) node.get_logger().info( 'Generating trajectory that starts at t={} s'.format(start_time)) # Convert the time value (sec, nsec) = float_sec_to_int_sec_nano(start_time) req = InitHelicalTrajectory.Request() req.start_time = rclpy.time.Time(seconds=sec, nanoseconds=nsec).to_msg() req.start_now = start_now req.radius = float(params['radius']) = Point(x=float(params['center'][0]), y=float(params['center'][1]), z=float(params['center'][2])) req.is_clockwise = False req.angle_offset = 0.0 req.n_points = params['n_points'] req.heading_offset = float(params['heading_offset'] * pi / 180) req.max_forward_speed = float(params['max_forward_speed']) req.duration = float(params['duration']) # As partial turns can be given, it is a float req.n_turns = float(params['n_turns']) req.delta_z = float(params['delta_z']) future = traj_gen.call_async(req) rclpy.spin_until_future_complete(node, future) try: response = future.result() except Exception as e: node.get_logger().error('Service call ' + srv_name + ' failed, error=' + str(e)) else: node.get_logger().info('Trajectory successfully generated!') node.destroy_node()
def main(): rclpy.init() sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = rclpy.create_node( 'set_body_wrench', allow_undeclared_parameters=True, automatically_declare_parameters_from_overrides=True, parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) node.get_logger().info('Apply programmed perturbation to vehicle ' + node.get_namespace()) # sim_time = rclpy.parameter.Parameter('use_sim_time', rclpy.Parameter.Type.BOOL, True) # node.set_parameters([sim_time]) starting_time = 0.0 if node.has_parameter('starting_time'): starting_time = float(node.get_parameter('starting_time').value) #starting time_clock = node.get_clock().now() + rclpy.duration.Duration(nanoseconds = starting_time * 1e9) node.get_logger().info('Starting time in = {} s'.format(starting_time)) duration = 0.0 if node.has_parameter('duration'): duration = float(node.get_parameter('duration').value) #compare to eps ? if duration <= 0.0: node.get_logger().info('Duration not set, leaving node...') sys.exit(-1) node.get_logger().info('Duration [s]=' + ('Inf.' if duration < 0 else str(duration))) force = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if node.has_parameter('force'): force = node.get_parameter('force').value #print(force) if len(force) != 3: raise RuntimeError('Invalid force vector') #Ensure type is float force = [float(elem) for elem in force] node.get_logger().info('Force [N]=' + str(force)) torque = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if node.has_parameter('torque'): torque = node.get_parameter('torque').value if len(torque) != 3: raise RuntimeError('Invalid torque vector') #Ensure type is float torque = [float(elem) for elem in torque] node.get_logger().info('Torque [N]=' + str(torque)) service_name = '/gazebo/apply_link_wrench' try: apply_wrench = node.create_client(ApplyLinkWrench, service_name) except Exception as e: node.get_logger().error('Creation of service ' + service_name + ' failed, error=' + str(e)) sys.exit(-1) try: ready = apply_wrench.wait_for_service(timeout_sec=10) if not ready: raise RuntimeError('') except: node.get_logger().error('Service ' + service_name + ' not available! Closing node...') sys.exit(-1) ns = node.get_namespace().replace('/', '') body_name = '%s/base_link' % ns FREQ = 100 rate = node.create_rate( FREQ ) #, rclpy.clock.Clock(clock_type=rclpy.clock.ClockType.STEADY_TIME)) thread = threading.Thread(target=rclpy.spin, args=(node, ), daemon=True) thread.start() while time_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now()) < starting_time: #rclpy.spin_once(node) #Just a guard for really short timeouts if 1.0 / FREQ < starting_time: rate.sleep() # time.sleep(starting_time) # if starting_time >= 0: # rate = node.create_rate(100) # while node.get_clock().now() < starting_time_clock: # rate.sleep() apw = ApplyLinkWrench.Request() apw.link_name = body_name apw.reference_frame = 'world' apw.reference_point = Point(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0) apw.wrench = Wrench() apw.wrench.force = Vector3(x=force[0], y=force[1], z=force[2]) apw.wrench.torque = Vector3(x=torque[0], y=torque[1], z=torque[2]) apw.start_time = node.get_clock().now().to_msg() apw.duration = rclpy.time.Duration(seconds=duration).to_msg() future = apply_wrench.call_async(apw) #NB : spining is done from another thread while rclpy.ok(): if future.done(): try: response = future.result() except Exception as e: node.get_logger().info('Could not apply link wrench %r' % (e, )) else: node.get_logger().info('Link wrench perturbation applied!') node.get_logger().info('\tFrame: ' + body_name) node.get_logger().info('\tDuration [s]: ' + str(duration)) node.get_logger().info('\tForce [N]: ' + str(force)) node.get_logger().info('\tTorque [Nm]: ' + str(torque)) break