def interpolate(self, s1, s2):
        """Returns a sequence of states between two states 
    given a motion that connects the two states.

    We use a shooting method type approach to interpolate between the two states

    @param: s1         - parent state
    @param: s2         - child state
    @return edge       - sequence of states (including end points) 
        step_size = self.path_resolution
        s1_n = (s1[0], s1[1], angles.normalize_angle_positive(s1[2]))
        s2_n = (s2[0], s2[1], angles.normalize_angle_positive(s2[2]))
        edge, _ = dubins.path_sample(s1, s2, self.radius - 0.01, step_size)

        #Dubins returns edge in [0, 2pi], we got to normalize it to (-pi, pi] for our code
        normalized_edge = []

        for config in edge:
            new_config = (config[0], config[1],

        return normalized_edge
    def node_to_state(self, node):
        """Convert a discrete node to a world state taking origin and rotation of lattice into account

    @param  node  - a tuple containing di screte (x,y,heading) coordinates 
    @return state - np array of state in continuous world coordinates 

        xd = node[0]
        yd = node[1]
        pos = self.origin + np.array([
            self.resolution[0] *
            (cos(self.rotation) * xd - sin(self.rotation) * yd),
            self.resolution[1] *
            (sin(self.rotation) * xd + cos(self.rotation) * yd)

        rot = angles.normalize_angle(
            (node[2] * (2.0 * np.pi)) / (self.num_heading * 1.0))

        state = (pos[0], pos[1], rot)
        return state