Exemple #1
def update_schedule(text):

    if text.lower().startswith('update schedule'):
        conn = sqlite3.connect(config.DB_NAME)
        start_text = text.find(':') + 2
        end_text = text.find(',')
        plant_name = text[start_text:end_text]

        schedule_in_days = text[end_text + 2:]

        sql = "UPDATE watering_schedule SET schedule_in_days = " + str(
            schedule_in_days) + " WHERE plant_name = '" + str(plant_name) + "'"


        cursor = conn.execute(sql)

        email_subject = 'Schedule updated:'
        email_body = "Updated " + plant_name + " to watering schedule of " + str(

        plant_functions.send_email(email_subject, email_body)

def get_score(text):

    if text.strip().lower() == "get score":

        score_list = []
        score_last_30_days = []

        sql_score_list = """SELECT e.name, count(sk.id) 
								 FROM score_keeper sk 
								 JOIN emails e ON sk.email = e.email 
								 GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC"""

        sql_last_30_list = """SELECT e.name, count(sk.id) 
								 FROM score_keeper sk
								 JOIN emails e ON sk.email = e.email
								 WHERE timestamp >= date('now','-30 days')
								 GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC"""

        sqls = [sql_score_list, sql_last_30_list]
        lists = [score_list, score_last_30_days]

        conn = sqlite3.connect(config.DB_NAME)

        x = 0

        for sql in sqls:
            cursor = conn.execute(sql)

            if x == 0:
                print('Overall score:')
            elif x == 1:
                print('Last 30 days:')

            for row in cursor:
                print(str(row[0]) + ": " + str(row[1]))
                lists[x].append(str(row[0]) + ": " + str(row[1]))

            x += 1

        email_body = 'Overall Score:\n' + str(
            score_list) + '\n' + 'Last 30 Days:\n' + str(score_last_30_days)

        email_subject = "Plant Bot Scores:"

        plant_functions.send_email(email_subject, email_body)

def help(text):

    if text.strip().lower() == "help":

        email_body = '''
Add a picture of a plant by texting "Add Pic: plant_name"\n
Add a plant by texting "Add Plant: plant_name, schedule_in_days"\n
Check status of one plant by texting "plant_name status"\n
Check status of all plants by texting "All status" \n
Confirm a plant has been watered by texting "plant_name watered"\n
Get a picture of a plant texted to you by texting "Request Pic: plant_name"\n
Get list of plants that need to be watered in the next 7 days by texting "7 day status"\n
Get score of users (how many plants each user has watered) by texting "Get Score"\n
Update a plant's watering schedule by texting "Update Schedule: plant_name, schedule_in_days"'''

        email_subject = "Available Commands:"

        plant_functions.send_email(email_subject, email_body)
def add_plant(text):

    if text.startswith('Add Plant:'):
        conn = sqlite3.connect(config.DB_NAME)
        start_text = text.find(':') + 2
        end_text = text.find(',')
        plant_name = text[start_text:end_text]

        schedule_in_days = text[end_text + 2:]

        sql = "INSERT INTO watering_schedule (plant_name, schedule_in_days, last_watered, days_since_last_water, need_water, ignore) VALUES ('" + str(plant_name + "','" + str(schedule_in_days) + "', (SELECT datetime('now','localtime')), 0, 0, 0)")

        print (sql)

        cursor = conn.execute(sql)

        email_subject = 'Plant Added:'
        email_body = "Added " + plant_name + " with watering schedule of " + str(schedule_in_days) + " days to plants database!"


Exemple #5
def plant_watered(text, email_from):

    conn = sqlite3.connect(config.DB_NAME)
    cursor = conn.execute(
        "SELECT id FROM watering_schedule WHERE need_water = 1 AND ignore = 0")

    id_list = []

    for row in cursor:

    print("List of IDs that need water")

    if int(text) in id_list:

        print(text + ' to be processed')

        sql = "UPDATE watering_schedule SET last_watered = datetime('now'), days_since_last_water = 0, need_water = 0 WHERE id = " + text

        print(text + ' record updated')

        score_keeper_sql = (
            "INSERT INTO score_keeper (plant_id,email,timestamp) VALUES (" +
            text + ",'" + email_from + "',date('now'))")

        email_subject = 'Updates:'
        email_body = text + ' watered'
        plant_functions.send_email(email_subject, email_body, row)

Exemple #6
def send_text():
    print ('Starting...')

    # Add plants to output list if they need water. Send list of all plants in one email with this list
    output = []

    # Checks which plants have a need_water flag set to 1, an ignore flag set to 0, and then sends one text with
    # a list of plant IDs and plant names that need to be watered
    conn = sqlite3.connect(config.DB_NAME)
    cursor = conn.execute("SELECT id, plant_name FROM watering_schedule WHERE need_water = 1 AND ignore = 0")

    # Add items to dictionary
    for row in cursor:
        output.append(str(row[0]) + ': ' + row[1])

    if len(output) > 0:
        print (output)
        email_subject = "Plants to water:"
        email_body = ', '.join(output)
        print ('No plants need watering')

Exemple #7
def check_status(text):

    # exit_code is used to skip the send_email function if needed. 0 means normal and sends email. Anything else will skip that step
    exit_code = 0

    row = []
    conn = sqlite3.connect(config.DB_NAME)

    # Query to get plant names and days until next water
    cursor = conn.execute(
        "SELECT plant_name, schedule_in_days - days_since_last_water FROM watering_schedule WHERE ignore = 0"

    # Hold query in dictionary
    output = {}

    # Add items to dictionary
    for row in cursor:
        output[str(row[0])] = row[1]

    sorted_output = sorted(output.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))

    # Create list of plant names from 'output' dictionary
    plant_list = output.keys()

    # Check the status of one plant
    if any(plant in text for plant in plant_list):

        # removed_string takes the text variable, which is the email attachment, and removes the ' status' portion in order to get the plant name
        removed_string = text.find(' status')
        plant = text[0:removed_string]

        # status is the number of days until that plant needs to be watered (stored in the output dictionary)
        status = output.get(plant)

        # Create email subject to pass to plant_functions
        email_subject = 'Status:'
        email_body = "Water " + plant + " in " + str(status) + " days"

    # Return all plants status
    elif text.strip().lower() == "all status":
        email_subject = 'Overall Status:'
        email_body = 'Water:\n'
        for plant in sorted_output:
            email_body = email_body + str(plant[0]) + ' in ' + str(
                plant[1]) + ' days\n'

    # Return plants that need to be watering in the next 7 days
    elif text.strip().lower() == "7 day status":
        seven_day_dict = {}
        for k, v in output.items():
            if v <= 7:
                seven_day_dict[k] = v

        sorted_seven_day_dict = sorted(seven_day_dict.items(),

        email_subject = 'Next 7 Days:'
        email_body = 'Water:\n'
        for plant in sorted_seven_day_dict:
            email_body = email_body + str(plant[0]) + ' in ' + str(
                plant[1]) + ' days\n'

        print("Pattern not recognized - deleting email!")
        exit_code = 1

    if exit_code == 0:
        plant_functions.send_email(email_subject, email_body, row)
