Exemple #1
class VegetationIndex:
    Product level interface that communicate with models and core modules
    Responsible for product logic to construct vegetation indexes (NDVI, NDWI, BAI, etc) from AOI
    def __init__(self):
        self.gaia = Gaia()
        self.athena = Athena()
        self.theia = Theia()
        self.fs = FileSystemStorage()

    def manage_index_creation(self, params):
        Main logic of vegetation index asset creation.
        Given the desired AOI and date to analyze, creating parallel tasks to generate asset.

        Params Input:
            1. aoi_id
            2. start_date
            3. end_date
            4. cloud_cover threshold

            1. Simplify AOI
            2. Find available planet's item for given input params
            3. Queue tasks to activate planet's item
            aoi_id = params['aoi_id']
            start_date = str(params['start_date']) + 'T00:00:00.000Z'
            end_date = str(params['end_date']) + 'T00:00:00.000Z'
            cloud_cover = params.get('cloud_cover', 0.1)
        except Exception as e:
            return (None, 'AOI, Start Date, & Planet Item ID must be given')

        aoi = Aoi.objects.get_by_id(aoi_id)
        if not aoi:
            return (None, 'AOI not found.')
        elif len(aoi.coordinates) > 110:
            print('simplyfying coordinates for AOI: ' + str(aoi.id))
            coordinates = aoi.coordinates
            while len(coordinates) > 110:
                coordinates = self.gaia.simplify_coordinates(coordinates)
            aoi.coordinates = coordinates

        filter_params = {
            'date_filter': {
                'start': start_date,
                'end':  end_date
            'cloud_threshold': cloud_cover
        available_planet_assets = self.gaia.find_available_asset([aoi.coordinates], filter_params)

        for ass in available_planet_assets.get('features'):
            properties = ass.get('properties')
            date = properties.get('acquired').split('T')[0]
            payload = {
                'aoi_id': aoi_id,
                'planet_item_id': ass.get('id'),
                'date': date
            activate_clipped_asset.apply_async((payload,), countdown=1)
            print('Queued :' + date + '  -> ' + ass.get('id'))
class VegetationIndex:
    Product level interface that communicate with models and core modules
    Responsible for product logic to construct vegetation indexes (NDVI, NDWI, BAI, etc) from AOI

    def __init__(self):

        self.gaia = Gaia()
        self.athena = Athena()
        self.theia = Theia()
        self.fs = FileSystemStorage()
        self.PLANET_API_KEY = getattr(settings, "PLANET_API_KEY", None)

    def manage_index_creation(self, params):
        Main logic of vegetation index asset creation.
        Given the desired AOI and date to analyze, creating parallel tasks to generate asset.

        Params Input:
            1. aoi_id
            2. start_date
            3. end_date
            4. cloud_cover threshold

            1. Simplify AOI
            2. Find available planet's item for given input params
            3. Queue tasks to activate planet's item

            aoi_id = params['aoi_id']
            start_date = str(params['start_date']) + 'T00:00:00.000Z'
            end_date = str(params['end_date']) + 'T00:00:00.000Z'
            # API search on the relevant coordinates, but allow 50% cloud cover
            cloud_cover = params.get('cloud_cover', 0.5)
        except Exception as e:
            return (None, 'AOI, Start Date, & Planet Item ID must be given')

        aoi = Aoi.objects.get_by_id(aoi_id)
        if not aoi:
            return (None, 'AOI not found.')
        elif len(aoi.coordinates) > 110:
            print('simplyfying coordinates for AOI: ' + str(aoi.id))
            coordinates = aoi.coordinates
            while len(coordinates) > 110:
                coordinates = self.gaia.simplify_coordinates(coordinates)
            aoi.coordinates = coordinates

        filter_params = {
            'date_filter': {
                'start': start_date,
                'end': end_date
            'cloud_threshold': cloud_cover
        available_planet_assets = self.gaia.find_available_asset([aoi.coordinates], filter_params,
        if available_planet_assets.get('features'):
            for ass in available_planet_assets.get('features'):
                properties = ass.get('properties')
                date = properties.get('acquired').split('T')[0]
                print('ass.get', ass.get('id'))
                payload = {
                    'aoi_id': aoi_id,
                    'planet_item_id': ass.get('id'),
                    'date': date,
                    'PLANET_API_KEY': self.PLANET_API_KEY,
                    'item_type': "PSScene4Band",
                    'asset_type': "udm",
                    'pixels_usability_test_pass': 0

                activate_clipped_asset.apply_async((payload,), countdown=1)
                print('Queued :' + date + '  -> ' + ass.get('id'))
            print('No available_planet_assets!')

    def check_update_asset(self):

        today = datetime.now().date()
        start_date = str((today - timedelta(weeks=1))) + 'T00:00:00.000Z'
        end_date = str(today) + 'T00:00:00.000Z'
        # API search on the relevant coordinates, but allow 50% cloud cover
        cloud_cover = 0.5

        filter_params = {
            'date_filter': {
                'start': start_date,
                'end': end_date
            'cloud_threshold': cloud_cover

        # since A  represents 'Active' Aoi
        active_aois = Aoi.objects.filter(status='D')
        for active_aoi in active_aois:
            aoi_id = active_aoi.id

            available_planet_assets = self.gaia.find_available_asset([active_aoi.coordinates], filter_params,
            if available_planet_assets.get('features'):
                already_download_assets = Asset.objects.filter(aoi__plot_id=active_aoi.id)
                for ass in available_planet_assets.get('features'):
                    if already_download_assets:
                        for already_download_asset in already_download_assets:
                             here check if the already_download_asset.planet_item_id is not equal to the newly searched
                             item_id then download that asset and process as regular flow

                             otherwise download that asset and process
                            if ass.get('id') != already_download_asset.planet_item_id:
                                self.start_download_updated_asset(aoi_id, ass)
                        self.start_download_updated_asset(aoi_id, ass)

    def start_download_updated_asset(self, aoi_id, ass):
        properties = ass.get('properties')
        date = properties.get('acquired').split('T')[0]
        print('ass.get', ass.get('id'))
        payload = {
            'aoi_id': aoi_id,
            'planet_item_id': ass.get('id'),
            'date': date,
            'PLANET_API_KEY': self.PLANET_API_KEY,
            'item_type': "PSScene4Band",
            'asset_type': "udm",
            'pixels_usability_test_pass': 0

        activate_clipped_asset.apply_async((payload,), countdown=1)
        print('Queued :' + date + '  -> ' + ass.get('id'))