Exemple #1
    def newcounter(self, name, resetby=None, initial=0, format=None):
        Create a new counter

        This method corresponds to LaTeX's \\newcounter command

        Required Arguments:
        name -- name of the counter.  The generate counter class will
            use this name.  Also, a new macro called 'the<name>' will
            also be generated for the counter format.

        Keyword Arguments:
        resetby -- the name of the counter that this counter is reset by
        initial -- initial value for the counter

        # Counter already exists
        if name in list(self.counters.keys()):
            macrolog.debug('counter %s already defined', name)
        self.counters[name] = plasTeX.Counter(self, name, resetby, initial)

        if format is None:
            format = '${%s}' % name
        newclass = type('the' + name, (plasTeX.TheCounter,),
                               {'format': format})
        self.addGlobal('the' + name, newclass)
Exemple #2
    def __getitem__(self, name):
            c = dict.__getitem__(self, name)
        except KeyError:
#           log.warning('No counter "%s" exists.  Creating one.' % name)
            c = self[name] = plasTeX.Counter(self.context, name)
        return c