def test_dict_option(tmpdir): with tmpdir.as_cwd(): Path("test.ini").write_text(''' [test] foo=3 bar=5 test=test=7,item2=8 ''') config = ConfigManager() sect = config.addSection("test") class TestOption(DictOption[str]): @classmethod def entryFromString(cls, entry: str) -> str: return entry def registerArgparse(self, group): pass sect["test"] = TestOption("", "", {"baz": "6"})"test.ini") assert config["test"]["test"] == { "baz": "6", "foo": "3", "bar": "5", "test": "7", "item2": "8" }
def addConfig(config: ConfigManager): section = config.addSection('custom', 'CustomRenderer Options') section['css-path'] = StringOption( """ Path to CSS """, options='--css-path', default='style.css', ) section['katex-css-path'] = StringOption( """ Path to katex.min.css """, options='--katex-css-path', default='[email protected]/dist/katex.min.css', ) section['font-css-path'] = StringOption( """ Path to font css file. This should import the Google fonts Lora and Marcellus SC """, options='--font-css-path', default='|Marcellus+SC', ) section['display-toc'] = BooleanOption( """ Display table of contents on each page """, options='--display-toc !--no-display-toc', default=True, )
def defaultConfig(loadConfigFiles: bool = False): config = ConfigManager() # # General # general = config.addSection('general') general['renderer'] = StringOption( """ Renderer to use for conversion This is either one of the built in renderers, or a path to the directory of a renderer """, options='--renderer', default='HTML5', ) general['theme'] = StringOption( """ Theme for the renderer to use """, options='--theme', default='default', ) general['copy-theme-extras'] = BooleanOption( """ Copy files associated with the theme to the output directory """, options='--copy-theme-extras !--no-theme-extras', default=True, ) general['kpsewhich'] = StringOption( """ Program which locates LaTeX files and packages """, options='--kpsewhich', default='kpsewhich', ) general['xml'] = BooleanOption( """ Dump XML representation of the document (for debugging) """, options='--xml', default=False, ) general['paux-dirs'] = MultiStringOption( """Directories where *.paux files should be loaded from.""", options='--paux-dirs', default=[], ) general['plugins'] = MultiStringOption( """ A list of plugins to use. Each element must be a valid python module name, accessible from the current python path. """, options='--plugins', default=[], ) general['load-tex-packages'] = BooleanOption( """Try to load the TeX implementation of packages having no python implementation.""", options='--load-tex-packages', default=True, ) general['tex-packages'] = MultiStringOption( """ Packages that we will try to load from their TeX implementation if no python implementation is found, even if the load-tex-packages option is False. """, options='--tex-packages', default=[], ) general['packages-dirs'] = MultiStringOption( """ Directories where packages could be implemented in python. Use either absolute paths or paths relative to the current directory. """, options='--packages-dirs', default=[], ) # # Links # links = config.addSection('links') class LinksOption(DictOption[str]): @classmethod def entryFromString(cls, entry: str) -> str: return entry def registerArgparse(self, group: ArgumentGroup): group.add_argument(*self.options,, help=self.description, action='append', nargs='+') def updateFromDict(self, data: Dict["str", Any]): try: data = data[] if data is not None: for entry in data: if len(entry) == 2: self.set("{}-title".format(entry[0]), entry[1]) elif len(entry) == 3: self.set("{}-url".format(entry[0]), entry[1]) self.set("{}-title".format(entry[0]), entry[2]) else: raise ArgumentTypeError( "--link must be 2 or 3 arguments. {} were supplied" .format(len(entry))) except KeyError: pass links['links'] = LinksOption( """ Set links for use in navigation """, options='--link', default={}, ) # # Counters # counters = config.addSection('counters') class CountersOption(DictOption[int]): @classmethod def entryFromString(cls, entry: str) -> int: return int(entry) def registerArgparse(self, group: ArgumentGroup): group.add_argument(*self.options,, help=self.description, action='append', nargs=2, metavar=("COUNTER", "VALUE")) counters['counters'] = CountersOption(""" Set initial counter values """, options='--counter', default={}) files = config.addSection('files', 'File Handling Options') files['input-encoding'] = StringOption( """ Input file encoding """, options='--input-encoding', default='utf-8', ) files['output-encoding'] = StringOption( """ Output file encoding """, options='--output-encoding', default='utf-8', ) files['escape-high-chars'] = BooleanOption( """ Escape characters that are higher than 7-bit """, options='--escape-high-chars', default=False, ) files['split-level'] = IntegerOption( """ Highest section level that generates a new file """, options='--split-level', default=2, ) files['log'] = BooleanOption( """ Log messages go to log file instead of console """, options='--log', default=False, ) files['filename'] = StringOption( """ Template for output filenames """, options='--filename', default='index [$id, sect$num(4)]', ) files['bad-chars'] = StringOption( """ Characters that should not be allowed in a filename """, options='--bad-filename-chars', default= ': #$%%^&*!~`"\'=?/{}[]()|<>;\\,.', # Double % to escape since we interoplate values ) files['bad-chars-sub'] = StringOption( """ Character that should be used instead of an illegal character """, options='--bad-filename-chars-sub', default='-', ) files['directory'] = StringOption( """ Directory to put output files into """, options='--dir -d', default='$jobname', ) # # Images # images = config.addSection('images') class ImageScaleOption(DictOption[float]): @classmethod def entryFromString(cls, entry: str) -> float: return float(entry) def registerArgparse(self, group: ArgumentGroup): group.add_argument(*self.options,, help=self.description, action='append', nargs=2, metavar=("NODE", "VALUE")) images['scales'] = ImageScaleOption( """ Set image scale for given node name """, options='--scales', default={}) images['base-url'] = StringOption( """ Base URL for all images """, options='--image-base-url', default='', ) images['enabled'] = BooleanOption( """ Enable image generation """, options='--enable-images !--disable-images', default=True, ) images['imager'] = StringOption( """ LaTeX to image program """, options='--imager', default='gspdfpng pdftoppm dvipng dvi2bitmap gsdvipng OSXCoreGraphics', ) images['vector-imager'] = StringOption( """ LaTeX to vector image program """, options='--vector-imager', default='pdf2svg dvisvgm', ) images['filenames'] = StringOption( """ Template for image filenames """, options='--image-filenames', default='images/img-$num(4)', ) images['baseline-padding'] = IntegerOption( """ Amount to pad the image below the baseline """, options='--image-baseline-padding', default=0, ) images['scale-factor'] = FloatOption( """ Factor to scale externally included images by """, options='--image-scale-factor', default=1.0, ) images['vector-compiler'] = StringOption( """ LaTeX command to use when compiling image document with vector imager""", options='--vector-image-compiler', default='', ) images['compiler'] = StringOption( """ LaTeX command to use when compiling image document """, options='--image-compiler', default='', ) images['cache'] = BooleanOption( """ Enable image caching between runs """, options='--enable-image-cache !--disable-image-cache', default=False, ) images['save-file'] = BooleanOption( """ Should the temporary images.tex file be saved for debugging? """, options='--save-image-file !--delete-image-file', default=False, ) images['transparent'] = BooleanOption( """ Specifies whether the image backgrounds should be transparent or not """, options='--transparent-images !--opaque-images', default=False, ) images['resolution'] = IntegerOption( """ Resolution of images document """, options='--image-resolution', default=0, ) # # Document # doc = config.addSection('document', "Document Options") doc['base-url'] = StringOption( """ Base URL for inter-node links """, options='--base-url', default='', ) doc['title'] = StringOption( """ Title for the document This option specifies a title to use instead of the title specified in the LaTeX document. """, options='--title', default='', ) doc['toc-depth'] = IntegerOption( """ Number of levels to display in the table of contents """, options='--toc-depth', default=3, ) doc['toc-non-files'] = BooleanOption( """ Display sections that do not create files in the table of contents """, options='--toc-non-files', default=False, ) doc['sec-num-depth'] = IntegerOption( """ Maximum section depth to display section numbers """, options='--sec-num-depth', default=2, ) doc['index-columns'] = IntegerOption( """ Number of columns to split the index entries into """, options='--index-columns', default=2, ) doc['lang-terms'] = MultiStringOption( """ A list of files that contain language terms """, options='--lang-terms', default=[], ) doc['disable-charsub'] = MultiStringOption( """A list of characters to not perform character substitutions""", options="--disable-charsub", default=[]) # # Logging # logging = config.addSection('logging', "Logging Options") class LogOption(DictOption[str]): @classmethod def entryFromString(cls, entry: str) -> str: return entry def registerArgparse(self, group: ArgumentGroup): group.add_argument(*self.options,, help=self.description, action='append', nargs=2, metavar=("NAME", "LEVEL")) logging["logging"] = LogOption("Log levels", options="--logging", default={}) if loadConfigFiles:[ '~/.plasTeXrc', '/usr/local/etc/plasTeXrc', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'plasTeXrc') ]) return config
from plasTeX.ConfigManager import * from plasTeX.DOM import Node config = ConfigManager() section = config.add_section('html5') config.add_category('html5', 'Html5 renderer Options') section['extra-css'] = MultiOption( """ Extra css files to use """, options='--extra-css', category='html5', default='', ) section['extra-js'] = MultiOption( """ Extra javascript files to use """, options='--extra-js', category='html5', default='', ) section['theme-css'] = StringOption( """ Theme css file""", options='--theme-css', category='html5', default='green', ) section['use-theme-css'] = BooleanOption(
#!/usr/bin/env python import os from plasTeX.ConfigManager import * c = config = ConfigManager() # # General # general = c.add_section('general') general['renderer'] = StringOption( """ Renderer to use for conversion This is either one of the built in renderers, or a path to the directory of a renderer """, options='--renderer', default='XHTML', ) general['theme'] = StringOption( """ Theme for the renderer to use """, options='--theme', default='default', ) general['copy-theme-extras'] = BooleanOption( """ Copy files associated with the theme to the output directory """,
def addConfig(config: ConfigManager): section = config.addSection('html5', 'Html5 renderer Options') section['extra-css'] = MultiStringOption( """ Extra css files to use """, options='--extra-css', default=[], ) section['extra-js'] = MultiStringOption( """ Extra javascript files to use """, options='--extra-js', default=[], ) section['theme-css'] = StringOption( """ Theme css file""", options='--theme-css', default='white', ) section['use-theme-css'] = BooleanOption( """ Use theme css """, options='--use-theme-css !--no-theme-css', default=True, ) section['use-theme-js'] = BooleanOption( """ Use theme javascript """, options='--use-theme-js !--no-theme-js', default=True, ) section['display-toc'] = BooleanOption( """ Display table of contents on each page """, options='--display-toc !--no-display-toc', default=True, ) section['localtoc-level'] = IntegerOption( """ Create local toc above this level """, options='--localtoc-level', default=Node.DOCUMENT_LEVEL - 1, ) section['breadcrumbs-level'] = IntegerOption( """ Create breadcrumbs from this level """, options='--breadcrumbs-level', default=10, ) section['use-mathjax'] = BooleanOption( """ Use mathjax """, options='--use-mathjax !--no-mathjax', default=True, ) section['mathjax-url'] = StringOption( """ Url of the MathJax lib """, options='--mathjax-url', default='', ) section['mathjax-dollars'] = BooleanOption( """ Use single dollars as math delimiter for mathjax """, options='--dollars !--no-dollars', default=False, ) section['filters'] = MultiStringOption( """Comma separated list of commands to invoke on each output page.""", options='--filters', default=[], )
import os from plasTeX.ConfigManager import * config = ConfigManager() section = config.add_section("gerby") config.add_category("gerby", "Gerby renderer options") section["tags"] = StringOption( """Location of the tags file""", options = "--tags", category = "gerby", default = "tags", )
import os from plasTeX.ConfigManager import * from plasTeX.DOM import Node config = ConfigManager() section = config.add_section('html5') config.add_category('html5', 'Html5 renderer Options') section['extra-css'] = MultiOption( """ Extra css files to use """, options='--extra-css', category='html5', default='', ) section['extra-js'] = MultiOption( """ Extra javascript files to use """, options='--extra-js', category='html5', default='', ) section['theme-css'] = StringOption( """ Theme css file""", options='--theme-css', category='html5', default='green', )