def mnist_adamax_showdown(hidden_size = 300, n_epochs = 10, n_tests = 20): dataset = get_mnist_dataset() if is_test_mode(): dataset.shorten(200) n_epochs = 0.1 n_tests = 3 make_mlp = lambda optimizer: GradientBasedPredictor( function = MultiLayerPerceptron( layer_sizes=[hidden_size, dataset.n_categories], input_size = dataset.input_size, hidden_activation='sig', output_activation='lin', w_init = normal_w_init(mag = 0.01, seed = 5) ), cost_function = softmax_negative_log_likelihood, optimizer = optimizer, ).compile() return compare_predictors( dataset=dataset, online_predictors = { 'sgd': make_mlp(SimpleGradientDescent(eta = 0.1)), 'adamax': make_mlp(AdaMax(alpha = 1e-3)), }, minibatch_size = 20, test_epochs = sqrtspace(0, n_epochs, n_tests), evaluation_function = percent_argmax_correct )
def compare_example_predictors( n_epochs = 5, n_tests = 20, minibatch_size = 10, test_mode = False ): """ This demo shows how we can compare different online predictors. The demo trains both predictors on the dataset, returning an object that contains the results. :param test_mode: Set this to True to just run the demo quicky (but not to completion) to see that it doesn't break. """ dataset = get_mnist_dataset(flat = True) # "Flatten" the 28x28 inputs to a 784-d vector if test_mode: # Shorten the dataset so we run through it quickly in test mode. dataset = dataset.shorten(200) n_epochs = 1 n_tests = 3 # Here we compare three predictors on MNIST - an MLP, a Perceptron, and a Random Forest. # - The MLP is defined using Plato's interfaces - we create a Symbolic Predictor (GradientBasedPredictor) and # then compile it into an IPredictor object # - The Perceptron directly implements the IPredictor interface. # - The Random Forest implements SciKit learn's predictor interface - that is, it has a fit(x, y) and a predict(x) method. learning_curve_data = compare_predictors( dataset = dataset, online_predictors = { 'Perceptron': Perceptron( w = np.zeros((dataset.input_size, dataset.n_categories)), alpha = 0.001 ).to_categorical(n_categories = dataset.n_categories), # .to_categorical allows the perceptron to be trained on integer labels. 'MLP': GradientBasedPredictor( function = MultiLayerPerceptron( layer_sizes=[500, dataset.n_categories], input_size = dataset.input_size, hidden_activation='sig', # Sigmoidal hidden units output_activation='softmax', # Softmax output unit, since we're doing multinomial classification w_init = normal_w_init(mag = 0.01, seed = 5) ), cost_function = negative_log_likelihood_dangerous, # "Dangerous" because it doesn't check to see that output is normalized, but we know it is because it comes from softmax. optimizer = SimpleGradientDescent(eta = 0.1), ).compile(), # .compile() returns an IPredictor }, offline_predictors={ 'RF': RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators = 40) }, minibatch_size = minibatch_size, test_epochs = sqrtspace(0, n_epochs, n_tests), evaluation_function = percent_argmax_correct # Compares one-hot ) # Results is a LearningCurveData object return learning_curve_data
def mlp_normalization(hidden_size = 300, n_epochs = 30, n_tests = 50, minibatch_size=20): """ Compare mlps with different schemes for normalizing input. regular: Regular vanilla MLP normalize: Mean-subtract/normalize over minibatch normalize and scale: Mean-subtract/normalize over minibatch AND multiply by a trainable (per-unit) scale parameter. Conclusions: No significant benefit to scale parameter. Normalizing gives a head start but incurs a small cost later on. But really all classifiers are quite similar. :param hidden_size: Size of hidden layer """ dataset = get_mnist_dataset() if is_test_mode(): dataset.shorten(200) n_epochs = 0.1 n_tests = 3 make_mlp = lambda normalize, scale: GradientBasedPredictor( function = MultiLayerPerceptron( layer_sizes=[hidden_size, dataset.n_categories], input_size = dataset.input_size, hidden_activation='sig', output_activation='lin', normalize_minibatch=normalize, scale_param=scale, w_init = normal_w_init(mag = 0.01, seed = 5) ), cost_function = softmax_negative_log_likelihood, optimizer = SimpleGradientDescent(eta = 0.1), ).compile() return compare_predictors( dataset=dataset, online_predictors = { 'regular': make_mlp(normalize = False, scale = False), 'normalize': make_mlp(normalize=True, scale = False), 'normalize and scale': make_mlp(normalize=True, scale = True), }, minibatch_size = minibatch_size, test_epochs = sqrtspace(0, n_epochs, n_tests), evaluation_function = percent_argmax_correct )
def test_mlp(): assert_online_predictor_not_broken( predictor_constructor = lambda n_dim_in, n_dim_out: GradientBasedPredictor( function = MultiLayerPerceptron( layer_sizes = [100, n_dim_out], input_size = n_dim_in, output_activation='softmax', w_init = lambda n_in, n_out, rng = np.random.RandomState(3252): 0.1*rng.randn(n_in, n_out) ), cost_function=negative_log_likelihood_dangerous, optimizer=SimpleGradientDescent(eta = 0.1), ).compile(), categorical_target=True, minibatch_size=10, n_epochs=2 )
def demo_mnist_mlp(test_mode = False): """ Train an MLP on MNIST and print the test scores as training progresses. """ if test_mode: test_period = 200 minibatch_size = 5 n_epochs = 0.01 dataset = get_mnist_dataset(n_training_samples=30, n_test_samples=30) else: test_period = 1000 minibatch_size = 20 n_epochs = 10 dataset = get_mnist_dataset() # Setup the training and test functions classifier = MultiLayerPerceptron( layer_sizes=[500, 10], input_size = 784, hidden_activation='sig', output_activation='softmax', w_init = normal_w_init(mag = 0.01) ) training_cost_function = normalized_negative_log_likelihood optimizer = SimpleGradientDescent(eta = 0.1) training_function = SupervisedTrainingFunction(classifier, training_cost_function, optimizer).compile() test_cost_function = percent_correct test_function = SupervisedTestFunction(classifier, test_cost_function).compile() def report_test(i): training_cost = test_function(dataset.training_set.input, print 'Training score at iteration %s: %s' % (i, training_cost) test_cost = test_function(dataset.test_set.input, print 'Test score at iteration %s: %s' % (i, test_cost) # Train and periodically report the test score. print 'Running MLP on MNIST Dataset...' for i, (_, image_minibatch, label_minibatch) in enumerate(dataset.training_set.minibatch_iterator(minibatch_size = minibatch_size, epochs = n_epochs, single_channel = True)): if i % test_period == 0: report_test(i) training_function(image_minibatch, label_minibatch) report_test('Final') print '...Done.'
def test_param_serialization(): """ Pros - :return: """ dataset = get_synthetic_clusters_dataset() predictor_constructor = lambda: GradientBasedPredictor( function=MultiLayerPerceptron(layer_sizes=[100, dataset.n_categories], input_size=dataset.input_shape[0], output_activation='softmax', w_init=lambda n_in, n_out, rng=np.random. RandomState(3252): 0.1 * rng.randn( n_in, n_out)), cost_function=negative_log_likelihood_dangerous, optimizer=SimpleGradientDescent(eta=0.1), ).compile() evaluate = lambda pred: evaluate_predictor(pred, dataset.test_set, percent_argmax_correct) # Train up predictor and save params predictor = predictor_constructor() pre_training_score = evaluate(predictor) assert pre_training_score < 35 train_online_predictor(predictor, dataset.training_set, minibatch_size=20, n_epochs=3) post_training_score = evaluate(predictor) assert post_training_score > 95 trained_param_string = dumps_params(predictor) # Instantiate new predictor and load params new_predictor = predictor_constructor() new_pre_training_score = evaluate(new_predictor) assert new_pre_training_score < 35 loads_params(new_predictor, trained_param_string) loaded_score = evaluate(new_predictor) assert loaded_score == post_training_score > 95