def set_rival_move(self, pos):
     """Update your info, given the new position of the rival.
         - pos: tuple, the new position of the rival.
     No output is expected
     MiniMaxPlayer.set_rival_move(self, pos)
 def set_game_params(self, board):
     """Set the game parameters needed for this player.
     This function is called before the game starts.
     (See for more info where it is called)
         - board: np.array, a 2D matrix of the board.
     No output is expected.
     MiniMaxPlayer.set_game_params(self, board)
    def __init__(self, game_time, penalty_score):
        MiniMaxPlayer.__init__(self, game_time,
                                penalty_score)  # keep the inheritance of the parent's (AbstractPlayer) __init__()
        # TODO: initialize more fields, if needed, and the AlphaBeta algorithm from
        self.approach = Approach.AlphaBetaApproach

        self.alphabeta = AlphaBeta(utility=Player.utility, succ=Player.succ,
                                   perform_move=Player.perform_move, goal=Player.goal,
 def update_fruits(self, fruits_on_board_dict):
     """Update your info on the current fruits on board (if needed).
         - fruits_on_board_dict: dict of {pos: value}
                                 where 'pos' is a tuple describing the fruit's position on board,
                                 'value' is the value of this fruit.
     No output is expected.
     # TODO: erase the following line and implement this function. In case you choose not to use this function,
     # use 'pass' instead of the following line.
     MiniMaxPlayer.update_fruits(self, fruits_on_board_dict)
 def make_move(self, time_limit, players_score):
     """Make move with this Player.
         - time_limit: float, time limit for a single turn.
         - direction: tuple, specifing the Player's movement, chosen from self.directions
     return MiniMaxPlayer.make_move_with_given_approach(self, time_limit=time_limit, players_score=players_score,
                                                        approach=self.approach, search_object=self.alphabeta)
 def perform_move(self):
 def heuristic_function(self):
     return MiniMaxPlayer.heuristic_function(self)
 def utility(self, maximizing_player):
     return MiniMaxPlayer.utility(self, maximizing_player)
 def goal(self):
     return MiniMaxPlayer.goal(self)