def testGridPlacementNoPossibilities():
    config.dictionary = ['abcd']
    grid = Grid()
    player = BasicPlayer('test')
    coord = player.placeLetter(grid, 'x')
    # the corners do the least 'damage' (still allow 4 letter words on both rows and cols)
    print "coord", coord
    assert coord in [(0,0), (0,4), (4,0), (4,4)]
def testChoosesLetterToCompleteWordFromDictionary():
    config.dictionary = ['abc']
    grid = Grid()
    player = BasicPlayer('test')
    setWholeGrid(grid, 'z')
    grid.setLetter(0,0,'a', True)
    grid.setLetter(0,1,'b', True)
    grid.setLetter(0,2, config.null_char, True)
    letter = player.chooseLetter(grid)
    assert letter == 'c'
def testEmptyGridChoosing():
    config.dictionary = ['abcde']
    grid = Grid()
    player = BasicPlayer('test')
    letter = player.chooseLetter(grid)
    coord = player.placeLetter(grid, letter)
    # least damaging placement is a in top left corner
    print "letter", letter
    assert letter == 'a'
    assert coord == (0,0)
def testPlacesLetterToCompleteWordFromDictionary():
    config.dictionary = ['abc']
    grid = Grid()
    player = BasicPlayer('test')
    setWholeGrid(grid, 'z')
    grid.setLetter(0,0,'a', True)
    grid.setLetter(0,1,'b', True)
    grid.setLetter(0,2, config.null_char, True)

    coord = player.placeLetter(grid, 'c')
    print "coord", coord
    assert coord == (0,2)
def testScoreComparisonForSingleRowForChooseLetter():
    config.dictionary = ['abcd']
    grid = Grid()
    player = BasicPlayer('test')
    setWholeGrid(grid, 'z')
    grid.setLetter(0,0,'a', True)
    grid.setLetter(0,1,'b', True)
    grid.setLetter(0,2, config.null_char, True)
    grid.setLetter(0,3, config.null_char, True)

    # player could reasonably pick 'c' or 'd'
    letter = player.chooseLetter(grid)
    print "letter", letter
    assert letter in ['c', 'd']
def testScoreComparisonForSingleRow():
    config.dictionary = ['abcd']
    grid = Grid()
    player = BasicPlayer('test')
    setWholeGrid(grid, 'z')
    grid.setLetter(0,0,'a', True)
    grid.setLetter(0,1,'b', True)
    grid.setLetter(0,2, config.null_char, True)
    grid.setLetter(0,3, config.null_char, True)

    for i in range(0, 10):
        # 0,2 is clearly the best position to place the letter c
        coord = player.placeLetter(grid, 'c')
        print "coord", coord
        assert coord == (0,2)