def patch_devignetting(self, ly, lx, margin=1):
        """ patch-wise devignetting via white image patch from least-squares regression """

        # find MIC by indices
        mic = self.get_coords_by_idx(ly=ly, lx=lx)

        # slice images
        wht_win = self._extract_win(self._wht_img, mic, margin)
        lfp_win = self._extract_win(self._lfp_img, mic, margin)

        # fit micro image
        if self.noise_lev > self.noise_th:
            _, weight_win = self.fit_patch(wht_win)
            weight_win = wht_win / wht_win.max()

        # apply vignetting correction
        div_win = np.divide(lfp_win,
                            where=weight_win != 0)
        olap = self._C + margin
        self._lfp_img[rint(mic[0]) - olap:rint(mic[0]) + olap + 1,
                      rint(mic[1]) - olap:rint(mic[1]) + olap + 1] = div_win

        return True
    def resample_rec(self):

        # initialize variables required for micro image resampling process
        self._lfp_out = np.zeros([self._LENS_Y_MAX * self._M, self._LENS_X_MAX * self._M, self._DIMS[2]])

        # iterate over each MIC
        for ly in range(self._LENS_Y_MAX):
            for lx in range(self._LENS_X_MAX):

                # find MIC by indices
                mic = self.get_coords_by_idx(ly=ly, lx=lx)

                # interpolate each micro image with its MIC as the center with consistent micro image size
                window = self._lfp_img[rint(mic[0]) - self._C - 1:rint(mic[0]) + self._C + 2, rint(mic[1]) - self._C - 1:rint(mic[1]) + self._C + 2]
                self._lfp_out[ly * self._M:(ly + 1) * self._M, lx * self._M:(lx + 1) * self._M] = \
                    self._patch_align(window, mic, method=self._METHOD)[1:-1, 1:-1]

            # check interrupt status
            if self.sta.interrupt:
                return False

            # print progress status for on console
            self.sta.progress((ly + 1) / self._LENS_Y_MAX * 100, self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt])

        return True
Exemple #3
    def _patch_align(self, window, mic):

        # initialize patch
        patch = np.zeros(window.shape)

        # verify patch shapes as wrong shapes cause crashes
        if window.shape[0] == self._M + 2 and window.shape[1] == self._M + 2:
            # iterate through color channels
            for p in range(self._DIMS[2]):

                fun = self._interpol_method(range(window.shape[1]),
                                            window[:, :, p])

                patch[:, :, p] = fun(
                    np.arange(window.shape[1]) + mic[1] - rint(mic[1]),
                    np.arange(window.shape[0]) + mic[0] - rint(mic[0]))
                'Warning: chosen micro image size exceeds light-field borders')
            return np.zeros((self._M + 2, ) * 2 + (window.shape[2], ))

        # flip patch to compensate for micro lens rotation
        patch = np.flip(patch, axis=(0, 1)) if self._flip else patch

        return patch
Exemple #4
    def _patch_align(self, window, mic):

        # initialize patch
        patch = np.zeros(window.shape)

        # wrong window shapes cause crashes which is why we
        if window.shape[0] == self._M + 2 and window.shape[1] == self._M + 2:
            # iterate through color channels
            for p in range(self._DIMS[2]):

                fun = self._interpol_method(range(window.shape[1]),
                                            window[:, :, p])

                patch[:, :, p] = fun(
                    np.arange(window.shape[1]) + mic[1] - rint(mic[1]),
                    np.arange(window.shape[0]) + mic[0] - rint(mic[0]))
                'Warning: chosen micro image size exceeds light-field borders')
            return np.zeros((self._M + 2, ) * 2 + (window.shape[2], ))

        # treatment of interpolated values being below or above original extrema
        #patch[patch < window.min()] = window.min()
        #patch[patch > window.max()] = window.max()

        return patch
Exemple #5
    def resample_hex(self):

        # initialize variables required for micro image resampling process
        patch_stack = np.zeros(
            [self._LENS_X_MAX, self._M, self._M, self._DIMS[2]])
        hex_stretch = int(np.round(2 * self._LENS_X_MAX / np.sqrt(3)))
        interpol_stack = np.zeros(
            [hex_stretch, self._M, self._M, self._DIMS[2]])
        self._lfp_out = np.zeros(
            [self._LENS_Y_MAX * self._M, hex_stretch * self._M, self._DIMS[2]])

        # check if lower neighbor of upper left MIC is shifted to left or right
        hex_odd = self._get_hex_direction(self._CENTROIDS)

        # iterate over each MIC
        for ly in range(self._LENS_Y_MAX):
            for lx in range(self._LENS_X_MAX):

                # find MIC by indices
                mic = self._get_coords_by_idx(ly=ly, lx=lx)

                # interpolate each micro image with its MIC as the center and consistent micro image size
                window = self._lfp_img[rint(mic[0]) - self._C -
                                       1:rint(mic[0]) + self._C + 2,
                                       rint(mic[1]) - self._C -
                                       1:rint(mic[1]) + self._C + 2]
                patch_stack[lx, :, :] = self._patch_align(
                    window, mic, method=self._METHOD)[1:-1, 1:-1]

                # do interpolation of two adjacent micro images
                if np.mod(ly + hex_odd, 2) and lx > 0:
                    patch_stack[lx -
                                1, :, :, :] = (patch_stack[lx - 1, :, :, :] +
                                               patch_stack[lx, :, :, :]) / 2.

            # image stretch interpolation in x-direction to compensate for hex-alignment
            for y in range(self._M):
                for x in range(self._M):
                    for p in range(self._DIMS[2]):
                        # stack of micro images elongated in x-direction
                        interpol_vals = np.arange(
                            hex_stretch) / hex_stretch * self._LENS_X_MAX
                        interpol_stack[:, y, x,
                                       p] = np.interp(interpol_vals,
                                                      patch_stack[:, y, x, p])

            self._lfp_out[ly*self._M:ly*self._M+self._M, :] = \
                np.concatenate(interpol_stack, axis=1).reshape((self._M, hex_stretch * self._M, self._DIMS[2]))

            # check interrupt status
            if self.sta.interrupt:
                return False

            # print progress status
            self.sta.progress((ly + 1) / self._LENS_Y_MAX * 100,
    def _patch_align(window, mic, method='linear'):

        # initialize patch
        patch = np.zeros(window.shape)

        for p in range(window.shape[2]):

            # careful: interp2d() takes x first and y second
            fun = interp2d(range(window.shape[1]), range(window.shape[0]), window[:, :, p], kind=method, copy=False)
            #fun = RectBivariateSpline(range(window.shape[1]), range(window.shape[0]), window[:, :, p])
            patch[:, :, p] = fun(np.arange(window.shape[1])+mic[1]-rint(mic[1]),

        # treatment of interpolated values being below or above original extrema
        patch[patch < window.min()] = window.min()
        patch[patch > window.max()] = window.max()

        return patch
    def patch_devignetting(self, mic):

        # slice images
        wht_win = self._wht_img[rint(mic[0]) - self._C - 1:rint(mic[0]) + self._C + 2,
                 rint(mic[1]) - self._C - 1: rint(mic[1]) + self._C + 2]

        lfp_win = self._lfp_img[rint(mic[0]) - self._C - 1:rint(mic[0]) + self._C + 2,
                 rint(mic[1]) - self._C - 1: rint(mic[1]) + self._C + 2]

        _, weight_win = self.fit_patch(wht_win)

        # apply vignetting correction
        lfp_win /= weight_win

        return lfp_win
 def _extract_win(self, img, mic, margin=0):
     win = img[rint(mic[0]) - self._C - margin:rint(mic[0]) + self._C +
               margin + 1,
               rint(mic[1]) - self._C - margin:rint(mic[1]) + self._C +
               margin + 1]
     return win