def test_three_image(self): # Step: Create an adjacency graph adjacency = get_path('three_image_adjacency.json') basepath = get_path('Apollo15') cg = CandidateGraph.from_adjacency(adjacency, basepath) self.assertEqual(3, cg.number_of_nodes()) self.assertEqual(3, cg.number_of_edges()) # Step: Extract image data and attribute nodes cg.extract_features(extractor_parameters={'nfeatures':500}) for i, node, in cg.nodes_iter(data=True): self.assertIn(node.nkeypoints, range(490, 511)) cg.match_features(k=5) cg.symmetry_checks() cg.ratio_checks() cg.apply_func_to_edges("compute_homography", clean_keys=['symmetry', 'ratio']) cg.compute_fundamental_matrices(clean_keys=['symmetry', 'ratio']) # Step: And create a C object cg.generate_cnet(clean_keys=['symmetry', 'ratio', 'ransac']) # Step: Create a fromlist to go with the cnet and write it to a file filelist = cg.to_filelist() write_filelist(filelist, 'TestThreeImageMatching_fromlist.lis') # Step: Create a correspondence network cg.generate_cnet(clean_keys=['ransac'], deepen=True) to_isis('',, mode='wb', networkid='TestThreeImageMatching', targetname='Moon')
def setUpClass(cls): cls.npts = 5 serial_times = { 295: '1971-07-31T01:24:11.754', 296: '1971-07-31T01:24:36.970' } cls.serials = { i: 'APOLLO15/METRIC/{}'.format(j) for i, j in enumerate(serial_times.values()) } columns = [ 'id', 'pointType', 'serialnumber', 'measureType', 'sample', 'line', 'image_index' ] data = [] for i in range(cls.npts): data.append((i, 2, cls.serials[0], 2, 0, 0, 0)) data.append((i, 2, cls.serials[1], 2, 0, 0, 1)) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns) cls.creation_date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) cls.modified_date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) io_controlnetwork.to_isis(df, '', mode='wb', targetname='Moon') cls.header_message_size = 78 cls.point_start_byte = 65614 # 66949
def test_create_point(cnet_dataframe, tmpdir): # Write the cnet io_controlnetwork.to_isis(cnet_dataframe, tmpdir.join(''), mode='wb', targetname='Moon') with open(tmpdir.join(''), 'rb') as f: for i, length in enumerate(cnet_dataframe.measure_size): point_protocol = cnf.ControlPointFileEntryV0002() raw_point = point_protocol.ParseFromString(raw_point) assert str(i) == assert 2 == point_protocol.type assert i % 2 == point_protocol.referenceIndex if i == cnet_dataframe.npts - 1: assert point_protocol.aprioriCovar == [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ] for j, m in enumerate(point_protocol.measures): assert m.serialnumber in cnet_dataframe.serials.values() assert 2 == m.type assert len(m.log) == j # Only the second measure has a message
def test_two_image(self): # Step: Create an adjacency graph adjacency = get_path('two_image_adjacency.json') basepath = get_path('Apollo15') cg = CandidateGraph.from_adjacency(adjacency, basepath=basepath) self.assertEqual(2, cg.number_of_nodes()) self.assertEqual(1, cg.number_of_edges()) # Step: Extract image data and attribute nodes cg.extract_features(method='sift', extractor_parameters={"nfeatures":500}) for i, node in cg.nodes_iter(data=True): self.assertIn(node.nkeypoints, range(490, 511)) # Step: Compute the coverage ratios truth_ratios = [0.95351579, 0.93595664] for i, node in cg.nodes_iter(data=True): ratio = node.coverage_ratio() self.assertIn(round(ratio, 8), truth_ratios) cg.match_features(k=2) # Perform the symmetry check cg.symmetry_checks() # Perform the ratio check cg.ratio_checks(clean_keys=['symmetry'], single=True) # Create fundamental matrix cg.compute_fundamental_matrices(clean_keys = ['symmetry', 'ratio']) for source, destination, edge in cg.edges_iter(data=True): # Perform the symmetry check self.assertIn(edge.masks['symmetry'].sum(), range(400, 600)) # Perform the ratio test self.assertIn(edge.masks['ratio'].sum(), range(225, 275)) # Range needs to be set self.assertIn(edge.masks['fundamental'].sum(), range(200, 250)) # Step: Compute the homographies and apply RANSAC cg.compute_homographies(clean_keys=['symmetry', 'ratio']) # Apply AMNS cg.suppress(k=30, suppression_func=error) # Step: Compute subpixel offsets for candidate points cg.subpixel_register(clean_keys=['suppression']) # Step: And create a C object cg.generate_cnet(clean_keys=['subpixel']) # Step: Create a fromlist to go with the cnet and write it to a file filelist = cg.to_filelist() write_filelist(filelist, path="fromlis.lis") # Step: Output a control network to_isis('',, mode='wb', networkid='TestTwoImageMatching', targetname='Moon')
def test_create_buffer_header(self): npts = 5 serial_times = { 295: '1971-07-31T01:24:11.754', 296: '1971-07-31T01:24:36.970' } serials = { i: 'APOLLO15/METRIC/{}'.format(j) for i, j in enumerate(serial_times.values()) } columns = [ 'id', 'pointType', 'serialnumber', 'measureType', 'sample', 'line', 'image_index' ] data = [] for i in range(self.npts): data.append((i, 2, serials[0], 2, 0, 0, 0)) data.append((i, 2, serials[1], 2, 0, 0, 1)) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns) self.creation_date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) self.modified_date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) io_controlnetwork.to_isis(df, '', mode='wb', targetname='Moon') self.header_message_size = 78 self.point_start_byte = 65614 # 66949 with open('', 'rb') as f: raw_header_message = header_protocol = cnf.ControlNetFileHeaderV0002() header_protocol.ParseFromString(raw_header_message) #Non-repeating #self.assertEqual('None', header_protocol.networkId) self.assertEqual('Moon', header_protocol.targetName) self.assertEqual(io_controlnetwork.DEFAULTUSERNAME, header_protocol.userName) self.assertEqual(self.creation_date, header_protocol.created) self.assertEqual('None', header_protocol.description) self.assertEqual(self.modified_date, header_protocol.lastModified) #Repeating self.assertEqual([135] * self.npts, header_protocol.pointMessageSizes)
def cnet_dataframe(tmpdir): npts = 5 serial_times = { 295: '1971-07-31T01:24:11.754', 296: '1971-07-31T01:24:36.970' } serials = { i: 'APOLLO15/METRIC/{}'.format(j) for i, j in enumerate(serial_times.values()) } columns = [ 'id', 'pointType', 'serialnumber', 'measureType', 'sample', 'line', 'image_index', 'pointLog', 'measureLog', 'aprioriCovar', 'referenceIndex' ] data = [] for i in range(npts): aprioriCovar = None if i == npts - 1: aprioriCovar = np.ones((2, 3)) reference_idx = i % 2 data.append((i, 2, serials[0], 2, 0, 0, 0, [], [], aprioriCovar, reference_idx)) data.append( (i, 2, serials[1], 2, 0, 0, 1, [], [io_controlnetwork.MeasureLog(2, 0.5)], aprioriCovar, reference_idx)) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns) df.creation_date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) df.modified_date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) io_controlnetwork.to_isis(df, tmpdir.join(''), mode='wb', targetname='Moon') df.header_message_size = 78 df.point_start_byte = 65614 # 66949 df.npts = npts df.measure_size = [149, 149, 149, 149, 200] # Size of each measure in bytes df.serials = serials return df
def test_create_point_wo_reference_index(cnet_dataframe, tmpdir): # cnet_dataframe has 5 points. Set the reference on one of those to be # the second measure. reference_idx = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] new_cnet_dataframe = cnet_dataframe.drop(columns='referenceIndex') cnet_file = tmpdir.join('') # Check that the warn is raised properly with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='Unable to identify referenceIndex (.*)'): io_controlnetwork.to_isis(new_cnet_dataframe, cnet_file, mode='wb', targetname='Moon') # Check that nothing in == zeros out test_cnet = io_controlnetwork.from_isis(cnet_file) assert (test_cnet.referenceIndex == reference_idx).all()
def test_create_pvl_header(cnet_dataframe, tmpdir): # Write the cnet io_controlnetwork.to_isis(cnet_dataframe, tmpdir.join(''), mode='wb', targetname='Moon') with open(tmpdir.join(''), 'rb') as stream: pvl_header = pvl.load(stream, grammar=pvl.grammar.ISISGrammar()) npoints = find_in_dict(pvl_header, 'NumberOfPoints') assert 5 == npoints mpoints = find_in_dict(pvl_header, 'NumberOfMeasures') assert 10 == mpoints points_bytes = find_in_dict(pvl_header, 'PointsBytes') assert 796 == points_bytes points_start_byte = find_in_dict(pvl_header, 'PointsStartByte') assert cnet_dataframe.point_start_byte == points_start_byte
def test_create_buffer_header(cnet_dataframe, tmpdir): # Write the cnet io_controlnetwork.to_isis(cnet_dataframe, tmpdir.join(''), mode='wb', targetname='Moon') with open(tmpdir.join(''), 'rb') as f: raw_header_message = header_protocol = cnf.ControlNetFileHeaderV0002() header_protocol.ParseFromString(raw_header_message) #Non-repeating #self.assertEqual('None', header_protocol.networkId) assert 'Moon' == header_protocol.targetName assert io_controlnetwork.DEFAULTUSERNAME == header_protocol.userName assert cnet_dataframe.creation_date == header_protocol.created assert 'None' == header_protocol.description assert cnet_dataframe.modified_date == header_protocol.lastModified #Repeating assert cnet_dataframe.measure_size == header_protocol.pointMessageSizes
def test_to_isis_wo_targetname(cnet_dataframe, tmpdir): with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="Users should provide a targetname"): io_controlnetwork.to_isis(cnet_dataframe, tmpdir.join(''), mode='wb', targetname='None') # 'None' is the default.