Exemple #1
def FuncParseHistory():
    parser = XmlPropertyListParser()
    ihp = open('/tmp/InstallHistory.plist','r')
    plist = parser.parse(ihp)

    #Build table columns
    prettyout = PrettyTable(["Application","Version","Installed By","Install Date"])
    #prettyout.padding_width = 1

    #For each result in the list add keys to table row
    for x in plist:

    #Print the table to standard output
    print prettyout
Exemple #2
 def test_init(self):
Exemple #3
 def parse(self, xmlin):
     parser = XmlPropertyListParser()
     return parser.parse(xmlin)
Exemple #4
 def parse(self, xmlin):
     parser = XmlPropertyListParser()
     return parser._parse_using_sax_parser(xmlin)
 def parse(self, xmlin):
     parser = XmlPropertyListParser()
     return parser.parse(xmlin)
 def parse(self, xmlin):
     parser = XmlPropertyListParser()
     return parser._parse_using_sax_parser(xmlin)
def parse_using_plist_parser_etree():
    """plist_parser with xml.etree.cElementTree"""
    xmlin = StringIO(bytes)
    return XmlPropertyListParser()._parse_using_etree(xmlin)
def parse_using_plist_parser_sax():
    """plist_parser with SAX parser"""
    xmlin = StringIO(bytes)
    return XmlPropertyListParser()._parse_using_sax_parser(xmlin)
Exemple #9
def upload(server=None, db=None, appname=None, filedir=None):
	"""uploads the contents of a local Cappuccino application directory as attachments to a CouchDB design document
	if 'server' is omitted than http://localhost:5984 is assumed
	if 'filedir' is empty, the pwd is assumed as the Cappuccino app root
	if 'db' and 'appname' are omitted then the application name is pulled from the CouchDBName and CouchDBAppName in the info.plist file. If those values are not found, CPBundleName is used. spaces are replaced with dashes"""
	if not server:
		server = "http://localhost:5984"	

	if not filedir:
		filedir = os.getcwd()

	if not os.path.exists(filedir):
		raise UploadConfigurationError("filedir does not exist")

	plist_file = filedir + "/Info.plist"
	plist = None
	if os.path.exists(plist_file) & os.path.isfile(plist_file):
		parser = XmlPropertyListParser()
		stream = open(plist_file)
			plist = parser.parse(stream)
	plist_couch_db_name = None
	plist_couch_db_app_name = None
	plist_cp_bundle_name = None
	if plist:
		plist_couch_db_name = plist["CouchDBName"]
		plist_couch_db_app_name = plist["CouchDBAppName"]
		plist_cp_bundle_name = plist["CPBundleName"]

	if not db:
		if plist_couch_db_name:
			db = plist_couch_db_name
		elif plist_cp_bundle_name:
			db = plist_cp_bundle_name
	if not db:
		raise UploadConfigurationError("no db specified")
	if not appname:
		if plist_couch_db_app_name:
			appname = plist_couch_db_app_name
		elif plist_cp_bundle_name:
			appname = plist_cp_bundle_name
	if not appname:
		raise UploadConfigurationError("no appname specified")

	app_path = "/" + db + "/_design/" + appname
	app_url = server + app_path
	app_doc = "_design/" + appname
	print "server    = " + server
	print "appname   = " + appname
	print "db        = " + db
	print "filedir   = " + filedir
	print "app_url   = " + app_url
	def is_visible_file(x): return os.path.isfile(x) & (x[0] <> ".")
	file_list = filter(is_visible_file, os.listdir(filedir))
	print file_list 
	def mime(x): return mimetypes.types_map[os.path.splitext(x)[1]]
	mime_list = map(mime,file_list)
	print mime_list
	c = Couch()
	for i in range(len(file_list)):
		print c.get_doc(db,app_doc)