def customReporting(sciBTest, mResults):
    # This gets called immediately post the models being run.
    # First set up overall analysis images
    modelplots.plotOverAllRuns(mResults, 'Vrms', depName='Time',
    import plotCpuTimesAllRuns as plotCpus
    sciBTest.mSuite.analysisImages = ["Vrms-multiRunTimeSeries.png",
    # Now specific per-run images
    fStep = mResults[0].freqOutput.finalStep()
    dEvery = sciBTest.mSuite.runs[0].simParams.dumpevery
    lastImgStep = fStep / dEvery * dEvery
    vrmsPeakTime = sciBTest.testComps[0]['VRMS of first diapir'].actualTime
    vrmsPeakStep = mResults[0].freqOutput.getClosest('Time', vrmsPeakTime)[1]
    vrmsPeakImgStep = int(round(vrmsPeakStep / float(dEvery))) * dEvery
    vrmsPeakImgStep = min([vrmsPeakImgStep, lastImgStep])
    # Create an empty list of images to display
    sciBTest.mSuite.modelImagesToDisplay = [[] for runI in \
    # Choose which model timestep images to display:- note that here we're
    #  programmatically choosing to show the Peak VRMS timestep.
    sciBTest.mSuite.modelImagesToDisplay[0] = [
        (10, "initial state"),
        (120, ""),
        (vrmsPeakImgStep, "near first VRMS peak at t=%f" % vrmsPeakTime),
        (lastImgStep, "")]
    # Here we just ask the CREDO reporting API to get Report Generators for
    # PDF (ReportLab) and RST (Restructured Text) output, and create a 
    # standard science benchmark report.
    for rGen in getGenerators(["RST", "ReportLab"], sciBTest.outputPathBase):
        sReps.makeSciBenchReport(sciBTest, mResults, rGen,
            os.path.join(sciBTest.outputPathBase, "%s-report.%s" %\
                (sciBTest.testName, rGen.stdExt)), imgPerRow=2)
def customReport_VRMS_Nusselt(sciBTest, mResults):
    # Some custom output generation and analysis
    vrmsTCs, vrmsResults = sciBTest.getTCRes("VRMS vs Blankenbach")
    nusseltTCs, nusseltResults = sciBTest.getTCRes("Nusselt vs Blankenbach")
    vrmsActuals = [tc.actualVal for tc in vrmsTCs]
    nusseltActuals = [tc.actualVal for tc in nusseltTCs]
    # TODO: useful if below values available on modelResults automatically.
    for mRes in mResults: mRes.readFrequentOutput()
    nSteps = [mRes.freqOutput.finalStep() for mRes in mResults]
    # Plotting / CSV writing
        BBVrmsMin, BBVrmsMax,
        BBNusseltMin, BBNusseltMax,
        {"UW Actual":vrmsActuals}, {"UW Actual":nusseltActuals},
        os.path.join(sciBTest.outputPathBase, "VrmsAndNusseltValues.png"))
    observables = {'Vrms':vrmsActuals, 'Vrms Passed':vrmsResults,
        'Nusselt':nusseltActuals, 'Nusselt Passed':nusseltResults,
    msuite.writeInputsOutputsToCSV(sciBTest.mSuite, observables,
    modelplots.plotOverAllRuns(mResults, 'Nusselt',
    modelplots.plotOverAllRuns(mResults, 'Vrms',
    #TODO: modularise the below
    import plotCpuTimesAllRuns as plotCpus
    sciBTest.mSuite.analysisImages = [
    sciBTest.mSuite.modelImagesToDisplay = [[] for runI in \
    lastImgSteps = []
    for finalStep, mRun in zip(nSteps, sciBTest.mSuite.runs):
        simParams = mRun.getSimParams()
        lastImgSteps.append(simParams.nearestDumpStep(finalStep, finalStep))
    sciBTest.mSuite.modelImagesToDisplay[0] = [
        (0, ""),
        (700, ""),
        (lastImgSteps[0], "")]
    sciBTest.mSuite.modelImagesToDisplay[1] = [
        (0, ""),
        (800, ""),
        (lastImgSteps[1], "")]
    sciBTest.mSuite.modelImagesToDisplay[2] = [
        (0, ""),
        (400, ""),
        (lastImgSteps[2], "")]
    for rGen in getGenerators(["RST", "ReportLab"], sciBTest.outputPathBase):
        sReps.makeSciBenchReport(sciBTest, mResults, rGen,
            os.path.join(sciBTest.outputPathBase, "%s-report.%s" %\
                (sciBTest.testName, rGen.stdExt)), imgPerRow=3)    
def customReport_VRMS(sciBTest, mResults):
    for mRes in mResults: mRes.readFrequentOutput()
    # Some custom output generation and analysis
    fSteps = [mResult.freqOutput.finalStep() for mResult in mResults]
    vrmsTCs, vrmsResults = sciBTest.getTCRes("VRMS Max")
    vrmsActuals = [tc.actualVal for tc in vrmsTCs]
    # Now specific per-run images
    dEvery = sciBTest.mSuite.runs[0].simParams.dumpevery
    lastImgSteps = [fStep / dEvery * dEvery for fStep in fSteps]
    # find the timestep
    vrmsPeakTimes = [tc.actualTime for tc in vrmsTCs]
    vrmsPeakSteps = [mRes.freqOutput.getClosest('Time', peakTime)[1] for mRes, peakTime in\
            zip(mResults, vrmsPeakTimes) ] 
    # TODO: useful if below values available on modelResults automatically.
    # Plotting
    modelplots.plotOverAllRuns(mResults, 'Vrms', depName='Time',
    modelplots.plotOverAllRuns(mResults, 'Entrainment',
        path=sciBTest.outputPathBase, depName='Time')
    #TODO: modularise the below
    import plotCpuTimesAllRuns as plotCpus
    sciBTest.mSuite.analysisImages = [
    sciBTest.mSuite.modelImagesToDisplay = [[] for runI in \
    lastImgSteps = []
    vrmsPeakImgSteps = []
    for runI, mRun in enumerate(sciBTest.mSuite.runs):
        finalStep = fSteps[runI]
        simParams = mRun.getSimParams()
        lastImgSteps.append(simParams.nearestDumpStep(finalStep, finalStep))
    for resI, mResult in enumerate(mResults):
        simParams = sciBTest.mSuite.runs[resI].getSimParams()
        qtrStep = simParams.nearestDumpStep(fSteps[resI]//4, fSteps[resI])
        halfStep = simParams.nearestDumpStep(fSteps[resI]//2, fSteps[resI])
        qtrTime = mResult.freqOutput.getValueAtStep("Time", qtrStep)
        halfTime = mResult.freqOutput.getValueAtStep("Time", halfStep)
        sciBTest.mSuite.modelImagesToDisplay[resI] = [
            (0, ""),
            (vrmsPeakImgSteps[resI], "VRMS Peak, t=%f" % vrmsPeakTimes[resI]),
            (qtrStep, "t=%f" % qtrTime),
            (halfStep, "t=%f" % halfTime),
            (lastImgSteps[resI], "Final, t=%f" % (stopTime))]
    for rGen in getGenerators(["RST", "ReportLab"], sciBTest.outputPathBase):
        sReps.makeSciBenchReport(sciBTest, mResults, rGen,
            os.path.join(sciBTest.outputPathBase, "%s-report.%s" %\
                (sciBTest.testName, rGen.stdExt)), imgPerRow=3)