Exemple #1
def runkMeans(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, plot_progress=False):

    # Initialize values
    m, n = X.shape
    K = initial_centroids.shape[0]
    centroids = initial_centroids
    previous_centroids = centroids
    idx = np.zeros((m, 1))

    # Run K-Means
    for i in range(max_iters):

        # For each example in X, assign it to the closest centroid
        idx = findClosestCentroids(X, centroids)

        # Optionally, plot progress here
        if plot_progress:
            plotProgresskMeans(X, centroids, previous_centroids, idx, K, i + 1)
            previous_centroids = centroids

        # Given the memberships, compute new centroids
        centroids = computeCentroids(X, idx, K)

    return centroids, idx
Exemple #2
def runkMeans(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, plot_progress=False):
    # RUNKMEANS runs the K - Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each row of X
    # is a single example
    # [centroids, idx] = RUNKMEANS(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, ...
    # plot_progress) runs the K - Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each
    # row of X is a single example.It uses initial_centroids used as the
    # initial centroids.max_iters specifies the total number of interactions
    # of K - Means to execute.plot_progress is a true / false flag that
    # indicates if the function should also plot its progress as the
    # learning happens.This is set to false by default.runkMeans returns
    # centroids, a Kxn matrix of the computed centroids and idx, a m x 1
    # vector of centroid assignments(i.e.each entry in range[1..K])

    # Initialize values
    m, n = np.shape(X)
    K = np.size(initial_centroids, 0)
    centroids = initial_centroids
    previous_centroids = centroids
    idx = np.zeros((m, 1))

    # Run   K - Means
    for i in range(max_iters):
        print('K-Means iteration #', i, ' out of ', max_iters)

        # For each example in X, assign it to the   closest centroid
        idx = findClosestCentroids(X, centroids)

        # Optionally, plot  progress    here
        if plot_progress:
            plotProgresskMeans(X, centroids, previous_centroids, idx, K, i)
        previous_centroids = centroids
        # Given the memberships, compute new centroids
        centroids = computeCentroids(X, idx, K)

    return centroids, idx
Exemple #3
def runkMeans(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, plot_progress=False):
    """runs the K-Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each
    row of X is a single example. It uses initial_centroids used as the
    initial centroids. max_iters specifies the total number of interactions
    of K-Means to execute. plot_progress is a true/false flag that
    indicates if the function should also plot its progress as the
    learning happens. This is set to false by default. runkMeans returns
    centroids, a Kxn matrix of the computed centroids and idx, a m x 1
    vector of centroid assignments (i.e. each entry in range [1..K])

    # Plot the data if we are plotting progress
    if plot_progress:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Initialize values
    m, n = X.shape
    K = len(initial_centroids)
    centroids = initial_centroids
    previous_centroids = centroids
    idx = np.zeros(m)
    c = itertools.cycle('012')
    rgb = np.eye(3)

    # Run K-Means
    for i in range(max_iters):

        # Output progress
        print('K-Means iteration %d/%d...' % (i, max_iters))

        # For each example in X, assign it to the closest centroid
        idx = findClosestCentroids(X, centroids)

        # Optionally, plot progress here
        if plot_progress:
            color = rgb[int(next(c))]
            plotProgresskMeans(X, np.array(centroids),
                               np.array(previous_centroids), idx, K, i, color,
            previous_centroids = centroids

        # Given the memberships, compute new centroids
        centroids = computeCentroids(X, idx, K)

    # Hold off if we are plotting progress
    if plot_progress:
    # hold off
    return centroids, idx
Exemple #4
def runkMeans(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, plot_progress=False):
    #RUNKMEANS runs the K-Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each row of X
    #is a single example
    #   centroids, idx = RUNKMEANS(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, plot_progress=false)
    #   runs the K-Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each
    #   row of X is a single example. It uses initial_centroids used as the
    #   initial centroids. max_iters specifies the total number of interactions
    #   of K-Means to execute. plot_progress is a True/False flag that
    #   indicates if the function should also plot its progress as the
    #   learning happens. This is set to False by default. runkMeans returns
    #   centroids, a K x n matrix of the computed centroids and idx, a vector of
    #   size m of centroid assignments (i.e. each entry in range [1..K])

    # Plot the data if we are plotting progress
    if plot_progress:
        fig = figure()

    # Initialize values
    m, n = shape(X)
    K = size(initial_centroids, 0)
    centroids = initial_centroids
    previous_centroids = centroids
    idx = zeros(m)

    # Run K-Means
    for i in range(max_iters):

        # Output progress
        print 'K-Means iteration %d/%d...' % (i+1, max_iters)

        # For each example in X, assign it to the closest centroid
        idx = findClosestCentroids(X, centroids)

        # Optionally, plot progress here
        if plot_progress:
            plotProgresskMeans(X, centroids, previous_centroids, idx, K, i)
            previous_centroids = centroids
            print 'Press enter to continue.'

        # Given the memberships, compute new centroids
        centroids = computeCentroids(X, idx, K)

    # Hold off if we are plotting progress
    if plot_progress:

    return centroids, idx
def runkMeans(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, plot_progress=False):
    #RUNKMEANS runs the K-Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each row of X
    #is a single example
    #   [centroids, idx] = RUNKMEANS(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, ...
    #   plot_progress) runs the K-Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each 
    #   row of X is a single example. It uses initial_centroids used as the
    #   initial centroids. max_iters specifies the total number of interactions 
    #   of K-Means to execute. plot_progress is a true/false flag that 
    #   indicates if the function should also plot its progress as the 
    #   learning happens. This is set to false by default. runkMeans returns 
    #   centroids, a Kxn matrix of the computed centroids and idx, a m x 1 
    #   vector of centroid assignments (i.e. each entry in range [1..K])

    # Initialize values
    m, n = X.shape
    K = initial_centroids.shape[0]
    centroids = initial_centroids
    previous_centroids = centroids
    idx = np.zeros((m, 1))

    # if plotting, set up the space for interactive graphs
    # http://stackoverflow.com/a/4098938/583834
    # http://matplotlib.org/faq/usage_faq.html#what-is-interactive-mode
    if plot_progress:

    # Run K-Means
    for i in range(max_iters):
        # Output progress
        sys.stdout.write('\rK-Means iteration {:d}/{:d}...'.format(i+1, max_iters))
        # For each example in X, assign it to the closest centroid
        idx = findClosestCentroids(X, centroids)
        # Optionally, plot progress here
        if plot_progress:
            plotProgresskMeans(X, centroids, previous_centroids, idx, K, i)
            previous_centroids = centroids
            input('Program paused. Press <Enter> to continue...')
        # Given the memberships, compute new centroids
        centroids = computeCentroids(X, idx, K)

    # Hold off if we are plotting progress

    return centroids, idx
Exemple #6
def runkMeans(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, plot_progress=False):
    #RUNKMEANS runs the K-Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each row of X
    #is a single example
    #   centroids, idx = RUNKMEANS(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, plot_progress=false)
    #   runs the K-Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each
    #   row of X is a single example. It uses initial_centroids used as the
    #   initial centroids. max_iters specifies the total number of interactions
    #   of K-Means to execute. plot_progress is a True/False flag that
    #   indicates if the function should also plot its progress as the
    #   learning happens. This is set to False by default. runkMeans returns
    #   centroids, a K x n matrix of the computed centroids and idx, a vector of
    #   size m of centroid assignments (i.e. each entry in range [1..K])

    # Plot the data if we are plotting progress
    if plot_progress:
        fig = figure()

    # Initialize values
    m, n = shape(X)
    K = size(initial_centroids, 0)
    centroids = initial_centroids
    previous_centroids = centroids
    idx = zeros(m)

    # Run K-Means
    for i in range(max_iters):

        # Output progress
        print 'K-Means iteration %d/%d...' % (i + 1, max_iters)

        # For each example in X, assign it to the closest centroid
        idx = findClosestCentroids(X, centroids)

        # Optionally, plot progress here
        if plot_progress:
            plotProgresskMeans(X, centroids, previous_centroids, idx, K, i)
            previous_centroids = centroids
            print 'Press enter to continue.'

        # Given the memberships, compute new centroids
        centroids = computeCentroids(X, idx, K)

    # Hold off if we are plotting progress
    if plot_progress:

    return centroids, idx
def runkMeans(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, plot_progress=False):
    """runs the K-Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each
    row of X is a single example. It uses initial_centroids used as the
    initial centroids. max_iters specifies the total number of interactions
    of K-Means to execute. plot_progress is a true/false flag that
    indicates if the function should also plot its progress as the
    learning happens. This is set to false by default. runkMeans returns
    centroids, a Kxn matrix of the computed centroids and idx, a m x 1
    vector of centroid assignments (i.e. each entry in range [1..K])

# Plot the data if we are plotting progress
    if plot_progress:

# Initialize values
    m, n = X.shape
    K = len(initial_centroids)
    centroids = initial_centroids
    previous_centroids = centroids
    idx = np.zeros(m)
    c = itertools.cycle('012')
    rgb = np.eye(3)
# Run K-Means
    for i in range(max_iters):
        # Output progress
        print 'K-Means iteration %d/%d...' % (i, max_iters)

        # For each example in X, assign it to the closest centroid
        _, idx = findClosestCentroids(X, centroids)
        # Optionally, plot progress here
        if plot_progress:
            color = rgb[int(next(c))]
            plotProgresskMeans(X, np.array(centroids),
                               np.array(previous_centroids), idx, K, i, color)
            previous_centroids = centroids
            # raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")

    # Given the memberships, compute new centroids
        centroids = computeCentroids(X, idx, K)

# Hold off if we are plotting progress
    if plot_progress:
    # hold off
    return centroids, idx
Exemple #8
def runkMeans(name, X, initial_centroids, max_iters, plot_progress=False):
    #RUNKMEANS runs the K-Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each row of X
    #is a single example
    #   [centroids, idx] = RUNKMEANS(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, ...
    #   plot_progress) runs the K-Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each 
    #   row of X is a single example. It uses initial_centroids used as the
    #   initial centroids. max_iters specifies the total number of interactions 
    #   of K-Means to execute. plot_progress is a true/false flag that 
    #   indicates if the function should also plot its progress as the 
    #   learning happens. This is set to false by default. runkMeans returns 
    #   centroids, a Kxn matrix of the computed centroids and idx, a m x 1 
    #   vector of centroid assignments (i.e. each entry in range [1..K])

    # Initialize values
    m, n = X.shape
    K = initial_centroids.shape[0]
    centroids = initial_centroids
    previous_centroids = []
    idx = None
    idx_history = []

    # Run K-Means
    for i in range(max_iters):
        # Output progress
        print('K-Means iteration %d/%d...' % (i, max_iters))
        # For each example in X, assign it to the closest centroid
        idx = findClosestCentroids(X, centroids)
        # Optionally, plot progress here
        if plot_progress:
            fig = plt.figure()
            plotProgresskMeans(X, centroids, previous_centroids, idx_history, K, i)
            plt.savefig('figure%s.%03d.png' % (name, i))
        # Given the memberships, compute new centroids
        centroids = computeCentroids(X, idx, K)


    return (centroids, idx)
def runkMeans(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, plot_progress=False):
    [centroids, idx] = RUNKMEANS(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, ...
    plot_progress) runs the K-Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each 
    row of X is a single example. It uses initial_centroids used as the
    initial centroids. max_iters specifies the total number of interactions 
    of K-Means to execute. plot_progress is a true/false flag that 
    indicates if the function should also plot its progress as the 
    learning happens. This is set to false by default. runkMeans returns 
    centroids, a Kxn matrix of the computed centroids and idx, a m x 1 
    vector of centroid assignments (i.e. each entry in range [1..K])

    import numpy as np
    from findClosestCentroids import findClosestCentroids
    from plotProgresskMeans import plotProgresskMeans
    from computeCentroids import computeCentroids
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    # Initialize values
    m, _ = np.shape(X)
    K = np.size(initial_centroids, 0)
    centroids = initial_centroids
    acc_centroids = centroids
    idx = np.zeros((m, 1))

    # Run K-Means

    for i in range(max_iters):

        # Output progress
        print('K-Means iteration %d/%d...\n' % (i, max_iters))

        # For each example in X, assign it to the closest centroid
        idx = findClosestCentroids(X, centroids)

        # Optionally, plot progress here
        if plot_progress:
            plotProgresskMeans(X, acc_centroids, idx, K, i)

        # Given the memberships, compute new centroids
        centroids = computeCentroids(X, idx, K)
        acc_centroids = np.append(acc_centroids, centroids, axis=0)

    return centroids, idx
Exemple #10
def runkMeans(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, plot_progress=False):
    # Initialize values
    m, n = X.shape
    K = initial_centroids.shape[0]
    centroids = initial_centroids
    previous_centroids = centroids
    idx = np.zeros((m, 1))

    # Run K-Means
    for i in range(1, max_iters + 1):
        print('K-Means iteration %d/%d' % (i, max_iters))

        idx = findClosestCentroids(X, centroids)

        if plot_progress:
            plotProgresskMeans(X, centroids, previous_centroids, idx, K, i)
            previous_centroids = centroids

        centroids = computeCentroids(X, idx, K)

    return centroids, idx
def runkMeans(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, plot_progress=None):

    # Set default value for plot progress
    if plot_progress == None:
        plot_progress = False

    # Plot the data if we are plotting progress
    if plot_progress:

    # Initialize values
    m = X.shape[0]
    n = X.shape[1]
    K = initial_centroids.shape[0]
    centroids = initial_centroids
    previous_centroids = centroids
    idx = np.zeros(m)
    idx = idx.astype(int)

    # Run K-Means
    for i in range(max_iters):

        # Output progress
        print('K-Means iteration %d/%d...\n' % (i, max_iters))

        # For each example in X, assign it to the closest centroid
        idx = findClosestCentroids(X, centroids)

        # For each example in X, assign it to the closest centroid
        if plot_progress:
            plotProgresskMeans(X, centroids, previous_centroids, idx, K, i)
            previous_centroids = centroids.copy()
            input('Press enter to continue.\n')

        # Given the memberships, compute new centroids
        centroids = computeCentroids(X, idx, K)

    return centroids, idx
Exemple #12
def runkMeans(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, plot_progress = False):
# RUNKMEANS runs the K - Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each row of X
# is a single example
# [centroids, idx] = RUNKMEANS(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, ...
# plot_progress) runs the K - Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each
# row of X is a single example.It uses initial_centroids used as the
# initial centroids.max_iters specifies the total number of interactions
# of K - Means to execute.plot_progress is a true / false flag that
# indicates if the function should also plot its progress as the
# learning happens.This is set to false by default.runkMeans returns
# centroids, a Kxn matrix of the computed centroids and idx, a m x 1
# vector of centroid assignments(i.e.each entry in range[1..K])

# Initialize values
    m, n = np.shape(X)
    K = np.size(initial_centroids, 0)
    centroids = initial_centroids
    previous_centroids = centroids
    idx = np.zeros((m, 1))

# Run   K - Means
    for i in range(max_iters):
        print('K-Means iteration #', i,' out of ', max_iters)

# For each example in X, assign it to the   closest centroid
        idx = findClosestCentroids(X, centroids)

# Optionally, plot  progress    here
        if plot_progress:
            plotProgresskMeans(X, centroids, previous_centroids, idx, K, i)
        previous_centroids = centroids
# Given the memberships, compute new centroids
        centroids = computeCentroids(X, idx, K)

    return centroids, idx
def runkMeans(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, plot_progress=False):
    #RUNKMEANS runs the K-Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each row of X
    #is a single example
    #   [centroids, idx] = RUNKMEANS(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, ...
    #   plot_progress) runs the K-Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each 
    #   row of X is a single example. It uses initial_centroids used as the
    #   initial centroids. max_iters specifies the total number of interactions 
    #   of K-Means to execute. plot_progress is a true/false flag that 
    #   indicates if the function should also plot its progress as the 
    #   learning happens. This is set to false by default. runkMeans returns 
    #   centroids, a Kxn matrix of the computed centroids and idx, a m x 1 
    #   vector of centroid assignments (i.e. each entry in range [1..K])

    # Set default value for plot progress
    # (commented out due to pythonic default parameter assignment above)
    # if not plot_progress:
    #     plot_progress = False

    # Plot the data if we are plotting progress
    # if plot_progress:
    #     plt.hold(True)

    # Initialize values
    m, n = X.shape
    K = initial_centroids.shape[0]
    centroids = initial_centroids
    previous_centroids = centroids
    idx = np.zeros((m, 1))

    # if plotting, set up the space for interactive graphs
    # http://stackoverflow.com/a/4098938/583834
    # http://matplotlib.org/faq/usage_faq.html#what-is-interactive-mode
    if plot_progress:

    # Run K-Means
    for i in xrange(max_iters):
        # Output progress
        sys.stdout.write('\rK-Means iteration {:d}/{:d}...'.format(i+1, max_iters))
        # For each example in X, assign it to the closest centroid
        idx = fcc.findClosestCentroids(X, centroids)
        # Optionally, plot progress here
        if plot_progress:
            ppkm.plotProgresskMeans(X, centroids, previous_centroids, idx, K, i)
            previous_centroids = centroids
            raw_input('Press enter to continue.')
        # Given the memberships, compute new centroids
        centroids = cc.computeCentroids(X, idx, K)

    # Hold off if we are plotting progress

    # if plot_progress:
    #     plt.hold(False)

    return centroids, idx