def print_plot(items, x, y=None, sort=None, fillx=False, title=None, grid=False, marker=None, color=None, background_color=None, axes_color=None): df = items_to_dataframe(items, sort=sort) x_list = df[x].tolist() y_list = df[y].tolist() if y else None _x = df['timestamp'].tolist() if x in DATE_FIELDS else df[x] if y is None: plt.scatter(_x, marker=marker, color=color, fillx=fillx) else: plt.plot(_x, y_list, marker=marker, color=color, fillx=fillx) plt.xticks(_x, x_list) if title is not None: plt.title(title) if grid: plt.grid(True, True) if background_color is not None: plt.canvas_color(background_color) plt.axes_color(background_color) if axes_color is not None: plt.ticks_color(axes_color)
def print_diff(diff, show_plot=False): mean_prefix = '+' if diff.r1['mean'] < diff.r2['mean'] else '-' median_prefix = '+' if diff.r1['percentile']['50'] < diff.r2['percentile'][ '50'] else '-' print( f'| Version | Mean ± Stdev | Min | Median | Q3 | Max |' ) print( f"| V1 | {diff.r1['mean']:10.3f} ± {diff.r1['stdev']:8.3f} | {diff.r1['min']:10.3f} | {diff.r1['percentile']['50']:10.3f} | {diff.r1['percentile']['75']:10.3f} | {diff.r1['max']:10.3f} |" ) print( f"| V2 | {diff.r2['mean']:10.3f} ± {diff.r2['stdev']:8.3f} | {diff.r2['min']:10.3f} | {diff.r2['percentile']['50']:10.3f} | {diff.r2['percentile']['75']:10.3f} | {diff.r2['max']:10.3f} |" ) print( f'├---------┴-------------------------┴------------┴------------┴------------┴------------┘' ) print( f"| {mean_prefix}{diff.mean_diff:7.2f}% {median_prefix}{diff.median_diff:7.2f}% " ) print(f'{diff.ptext}') print(f'{diff.significance}') print('') if show_plot: plt.subplots(2, 1) plt.subplot(1, 1) plt.scatter(diff.r1.get('samples', diff.r1['mean']), label='v1') plt.subplot(2, 1) plt.scatter(diff.r2.get('samples', diff.r2['mean']), label='v2')
def plot_score_trace(self, t, R_scores): r = R_scores.shape[0] plt.clear_plot() plt.set_output_file(self._logfile) for i in range(self.g.p["mcmc"]["n_indep"]): if t < r: plt.scatter(R_scores[:t, i], label=str(i), line_color="red") else: plt.scatter(R_scores[np.r_[(t % r):r, 0:(t % r)], i], label=str(i), line_color="red") plt.figsize(80, 20) plt.ticks(4, 4) if t < 1000: xticks = [int(w * t) for w in np.arange(0, 1 + 1 / 3, 1 / 3)] xlabels = [str(round(x / 1000, 1)) + "k" for x in xticks] else: xticks = [0, 333, 666, 999] xlabels = [str(round((x + t) / 1000, 1)) + "k" for x in xticks] plt.xticks(xticks, xlabels) plt.canvas_color("none") plt.axes_color("none") plt.ticks_color("none") print(file=self._logfile) self._logfile.flush()
def plot_terminal(data, title, xtitle): """ Plot data to the terminal using plotext """ import plotext as plt x = data.index.tolist() y = data[title].tolist() plt.scatter(x, y) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(xtitle) plt.plot_size(100, 30)
# Current is the last index of all trades current = y[-1] # Show red or green chart if price has declined since opening if current >= opening: color = "green" else: color = "tomato" #For formating plt.clear_plot() plt.clear_terminal() plt.scatter(y, point_color=color, fill=True, label=ticker + "- Open:" + str(opening) + " Current:" + str(current) + "1d High:" + str(current_high)) # Labled as Open: , Current: , High: #Most recent hours of trades will be highlighted blue plt.scatter(list(range(540, 600)), y[-60:], fill=True, label="Current Hour", point_color="blue") #More formating plt.canvas_color('none') plt.axes_color("none") plt.grid(False, False) plt.axes(False, False)
yield count_lines(govc(*args)) if __name__ == '__main__': counts = 200 # number of data points interval = 0 # seconds per count xs = range(1, counts + 1) ys = [] plt.title("GOVC Session Count") plt.clc() plt.xlim(xs[0], xs[-1]) plt.xticks(ticks=[1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200]) for y in generate_counts(""): ys.append(y) while len(ys) > counts: ys.pop(0) y_min, y_max = min(ys), max(ys) + 1 plt.yticks(ticks=range(y_min, y_max)) plt.ylim(y_min, y_max) #plt.ylim(150,165) plt.cld() plt.clt() plt.scatter(xs, ys, marker="dot") plt.sleep(interval)
import plotext as plt # format: <<ID:default_value>> scatter_size = <<SCATTER_SIZE:1>> labels = <<LABELS:None>> h = <<HEIGHT:None>> w = <<WIDTH:None>> vv = <<DATA:[]>> if w is not None: plt.figure(figsize=(w*cm, h*cm)) # scatter for ii in range(len(vv)): v = vv[ii] x = [v[2*i] for i in range(len(v)//2)] y = [v[2*i+1] for i in range(len(v)//2) if 2*i + 1 < len(v)] if labels and ii < len(labels): label = labels[ii] plt.scatter(x, y, label=label) else: plt.scatter(x, y) plt.canvas_color('black') plt.axes_color('black') plt.ticks_color('white') if w is not None: plt.plot_size(w, h)
# count number of filtered sequences filter_data_size = len(filter_list) ################################### print('-' * 45) print('[Number of total sequences]:\t ' + str(data_size)) print('[Minimum sequence length]:\t ' + str(min_length_def) + ' bp') print('[Maximum sequence length]:\t ' + str(max_length_def) + ' bp') print('-' * 45) print('[Number of filtered sequences]:\t ' + str(filter_data_size)) print('[Minimum sequence length (user)]: ' + str(min_length) + ' bp') print('[Maximum sequence length (user)]: ' + str(input_length_max) + ' bp') print('-' * 45) ################################### # plot in terminal import plotext as plt plt.scatter(length_list) plt.plotsize(40, 20) ################################### # input file close input.close() # output file close if args.output is not None: out.close() ################################### # End of script
def show_statistics(rule_file=None, rule_set=None, indx=None): interface = None if rule_set == "-e": interface = "external" elif rule_set == "-i": interface = "internal" logs = utils.load_logs('logs.json') print("") print("-" * 13, "OVERALL FIREWALL STATISTICS", "-" * 13) print("TOTAL PACkETS RECEIVED BY THE FIREWALL: ", logs["total_packets"]) print("TOTAL PACkETS DROPPED BY THE FIREWALL: ", logs["total_dropped"]) if rule_file != None: if interface != None: print("") print("-" * 12, interface.upper(), "INTERFACE STATISTICS", "-" * 12) print("TOTAL PACKETS RECEIVED ON", interface.upper(), "INTERFACE: ", logs[rule_file][interface]["total_packets"]) print("TOTAL PACKETS DROPPED ON", interface.upper(), "INTERFACE: ", logs[rule_file][interface]["total_dropped"]) if indx != None: if indx in logs[rule_file][interface]: print("\nTOTAL PACKETS DROPPED DUE TO RULE", indx, "ON", interface.upper(), "INTERFACE :", logs[rule_file][interface][indx]) else: print("Invalid rule index!") else: print("") print("-" * 12, "EXTERNAL INTERFACE STATISTICS", "-" * 12) print("TOTAL PACKETS RECEIVED ON EXTERNAL INTERFACE: ", logs[rule_file]["external"]["total_packets"]) print("TOTAL PACKETS DROPPED ON EXTERNAL INTERFACE: ", logs[rule_file]["external"]["total_dropped"]) print("") print("-" * 12, "INTERNAL INTERFACE STATISTICS", "-" * 12) print("TOTAL PACKETS RECEIVED ON INTERNAL INTERFACE: ", logs[rule_file]["internal"]["total_packets"]) print("TOTAL PACKETS DROPPED ON INTERNAL INTERFACE: ", logs[rule_file]["internal"]["total_dropped"]) else: print("") print("-" * 16, "ICMP FLOOD STATISTICS", "-" * 16) print("FLOODS ENCOUNTERED SO FAR: ", logs["icmp_floods"]) print("PACKETS DROPPED DURING ICMP BLOCK:", logs["icmp_dropped"]) print("") print("-" * 22, "PPS INFO", "-" * 22) print("MAXIMUM PPS SO FAR: ", logs["max_pps"]) print("") title = "-" * 18 + "NETWORK TRAFFIC" + "-" * 18 net_traffic = logs["traffic"] max_sec = max(np.array(list(net_traffic.keys())).astype(int)) packets_num = np.zeros(max_sec + 1) for i in net_traffic: packets_num[int(i)] = net_traffic[i] packets_num = packets_num.astype(int) plt.scatter(np.arange(max_sec + 1), packets_num, fillx=True) plt.figsize(80, 20) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel("Time") plt.ylabel("Packets")