def run_uclchem(phase1, phase2, species): print("\n Running UCLCHEM..") # Check if phase 1 exists (as n is the only important factor here) print("\t Running phase 1...") uclchem.wrap.run_model_to_file(phase1, species) print("\t Phase 1 complete \n") print("\t Running phase 2...") uclchem.wrap.run_model_to_file(phase2, species) print("\t Phase 2 complete \n") print("UCLCHEM run complete \n Reading UCLCHEM output...") data = plotfunctions.read_uclchem("{0}".format(phase2["outputFile"])) times, dens, temp, av, coldens, abundances = list(data["Time"]), list( data["Density"]), list(data["gasTemp"]), list(data["av"]), [], [] for spec in species.split(): # split() required as species is a string print("spec={0}".format(spec)) print("data[spec]={0}".format(data[spec])) abundances.append(data[spec]) coldens.append( data[spec] * av * 1.6e21 ) # See Eq. 2 of # Determine the H column density through the shock # coldens = [phase2["rout"]*(3e18)*n_i for n_i in dens] # Read the velocity file vels = np.loadtxt(phase2["velocityFile"]) return { "times": times, "dens": dens, "temp": temp, "abundances": abundances, "av": av, "coldens": coldens, "zn": vels[:, 1], "vn": vels[:, 2], "vi": vels[:, 3] }
#aiming to have 3 panes stacked vertically fig,axes=pf.plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(16,9), sharey=True,num=p,clear=True) for j , factor in enumerate(varyfactor): #pick species, any number is fine #title = "" lb=False if factor == 1 : collfile = columnpath + "phase1-fullCtrl.dat" #title = "Ctrl" lb=True else: collfile = columnpath + "phase1-full"+e[0]+ "-" + str(factor).replace('.','_')+".dat" #title = "Varying " + e[0]#+str(factor) lb=False #call read_uclchem. time,dens,temp,abundances=pf.read_uclchem(collfile,speciesNames) for k, s in enumerate(speciesNames): specfactor.append(s+"_" + str(factor)) #plot species returns the axis so we can further edit #axis.set(xscale='log',ylim=(1e-18,1e-3),xlim=(1e0,6e6)) #axis.set_title(title) #axis.legend(loc='best') #phase 2 display if factor == 1 : collfile = columnpath + "phase2-fullCtrl.dat" #title = "Ctrl" else: collfile = columnpath + "phase2-full"+e[0]+ "-" + str(factor).replace('.','_')+".dat"
def plotchem(speciesNames): p = 0 speclist = "" factorlines = [ mlines.Line2D([], [], color='w', label="factor", linestyle='None') ] for j, strfactor in enumerate(varyfactorstr): factorlines.append( mlines.Line2D([], [], color='k', label=strfactor, linestyle=Linestles[j])) for l, s in enumerate(speciesNames): speclist += s + " " for k, e in enumerate(elements): i = 0 iprev = i specfactor = [] title = "Varying " + e[0] #aiming to have 3 panes stacked vertically fig, axes = pf.plt.subplots(figsize=imgparams[0], num=p, clear=True) if legendoutP1: pf.plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.85, left=None, bottom=None, top=None) p = p + 1 #figcombo,axescombo=pf.plt.subplots(figsize=(16,9), sharey=True,num=p,clear=True) #p=p+1 #Separate out the phase 2 graph #figp2,axesp2=pf.plt.subplots(figsize=(16,9), sharey=True,num=p,clear=True) phase2startt = 0 phase2endt = 0 rtists = [] for j, factor in enumerate(varyfactor): #pick species, any number is fine print("plotting: " + speclist + e[0] + " " + str(factor)) #title = "" #phase 1 data extract lb = False if factor == 1: collfile = columnpath + "phase1-fullCtrl.dat" #title = "Ctrl" lb = True else: collfile = columnpath + "phase1-full" + e[0] + "-" + str( factor).replace('.', '_') + ".dat" #title = "Varying " + e[0]#+str(factor) lb = False #call read_uclchem. time, dens, temp, abundances = pf.read_uclchem( collfile, speciesNames) for l, s in enumerate(speciesNames): specfactor.append(s + "_" + str(factor)) #plot species and save to test.png, alternatively send dens instead of time. #axis,rtist0=pf.plot_species(speciesNames,time,abundances,axes,ls=Linestles[j],lab=lb)#ax=axes[i]) #axis,rtist1=pf.plot_species(speciesNames,time,abundances,axes[1],ls=Linestles[j],lab=False)#ax=axes[i]) #phase 2 data notbeing used at mo so leave out # if factor == 1 : # collfile = columnpath + "phase2-fullCtrl.dat" # #lb=True # #title = "Ctrl" # else: # collfile = columnpath + "phase2-full"+e[0]+ "-" + str(factor).replace('.','_')+".dat" # #lb=False # #title = "Varying " + e[0]#+str(factor) # #call read_uclchem. # time2,dens2,temp,abundances2=pf.read_uclchem(collfile,speciesNames) # #plot species returns the axis so we can further edit # #stitch together the phase1 and phase2 series and plot # timenp = np.asarray(time) # timenp2 = np.asarray(time2) # for l, s in enumerate(speciesNames): # abundances[l].extend(abundances2[l]) # tnpp2 = timenp2 + timenp[-1] # t = np.append(timenp,tnpp2) axis, rtist0 = pf.plot_species(speciesNames, time, abundances, axes, ls=Linestles[j], lab=lb, lw=imgparams[4], ncol=6) #ax=axes[i]) #axiscombo,rtist0=pf.plot_species(speciesNames,t,abundances,axescombo,ls=Linestles[j],lab=lb)#ax=axes[i]) rtists.append( rtist0 ) #questionable use as plotspecies doesn't return the list of handles just the last ouneat the moment # plot phase2 on its own #phase2startt=tnpp2[0] #phase2endt=tnpp2[-1] #plot species and save to test.png, alternatively send dens instead of time. #axisp2,rtist2=pf.plot_species(speciesNames,tnpp2,abundances2,axesp2,ls=Linestles[j],lab=lb)#ax=axes[i]) #here insert the factor linestyles at the end of the legned under a heading of factor if withfactorlegendP1: lbls = ["species"] hdls = [ mlines.Line2D([], [], color='w', label="species", linestyle='None') ] hndls, labls = axes.get_legend_handles_labels() lbls.extend(labls) lbls.append("factor") lbls.extend(varyfactorstr) hdls.extend(hndls) hdls.extend(factorlines) axes.set(xscale=xaslog, yscale='log', ylim=(1e-18, 1e-3), xlim=(1e0, time[-1])) #timenp[-1] axes.set_xlabel('Time / Years', fontsize=imgparams[2]) if xaslog == 'linear': axes.ticklabel_format(axis='x', useMathText=True) axes.set_ylabel('X/H', fontsize=imgparams[2]) axes.set_title(title + " phase1", fontsize=imgparams[3]) if withfactorlegendP1 and legendoutP1: axes.legend(hdls, lbls, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0), fontsize=imgparams[5], handlelength=1.5, borderaxespad=0.0 ) #loc='upper left',bbox_to_anchor=(0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0), elif withfactorlegendP1: axes.legend(hdls, lbls, loc='best', fontsize=imgparams[1]) else: axes.legend(loc='best', fontsize=imgparams[1]) fig.savefig(plotspath + "/phase1plot" + e[0] + "_" + speciesNames[0] + ".png", dpi=300) # axes.set(xscale=xaslog,yscale='log',ylim=(1e-18,1e-3),xlim=(1e0,6.5e6))#t[-1])) # if xaslog == 'linear': # axes.ticklabel_format(axis='x',useMathText=True) # axes.set_title(title+" phase1&2",fontsize=imgparams[3]) # fig.savefig(plotspath+"/comboplot"+e[0]+"_"+speciesNames[0]+".png",dpi=300) # axes.set(xscale=xaslog,yscale='log',ylim=(1e-18,1e-3),xlim=(phase2startt,phase2startt+0.3e6)) # if xaslog == 'linear': # axes.ticklabel_format(axis='x',useMathText=True) # axes.set_title(title+" phase2",fontsize=imgparams[3]) # fig.savefig(plotspath+"/phase2plot"+e[0]+"_"+speciesNames[0]+".png",dpi=300) p = p + 1 for k, e in enumerate(elements): i = 0 iprev = i specfactor = [] #aiming to have 3 panes stacked vertically fig, axes = pf.plt.subplots(figsize=imgparams[0], num=p, clear=True) if legendoutS: pf.plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.85, left=None, bottom=None, top=None) for j, factor in enumerate(varyfactor): print("plotting static: " + speclist + e[0] + " " + str(factor)) #pick species, any number is fine title = "" lb = False #static model plot if factor == 1: collfile = columnpath + "static-fullCtrl.dat" title = "Ctrl" lb = True else: collfile = columnpath + "static-full" + e[0] + "-" + str( factor).replace('.', '_') + ".dat" title = "Varying " + e[0] #+str(factor) lb = False #call read_uclchem. time3, dens3, temp3, abundances3 = pf.read_uclchem( collfile, speciesNames) #plot species and save to test.png, alternatively send dens instead of time. axis, rtist = pf.plot_species(speciesNames, time3, abundances3, axes, ls=Linestles[j], lab=lb, lw=imgparams[4], ncol=6) #ax=axes[i]) #plot species returns the axis so we can further edit if xaslog == 'linear': axis.set(xscale=xaslog, yscale='log', ylim=(1e-18, 1e-3), xlim=(1e0, time3[-1])) axis.ticklabel_format(axis='x', useMathText=True) else: axis.set(xscale=xaslog, yscale='log', ylim=(1e-18, 1e-3), xlim=(1e0, time3[-1])) axis.set_ylabel('X/H', fontsize=imgparams[2]) axis.set_xlabel('Time / Years', fontsize=imgparams[2]) axis.set_title(title + " static cloud", fontsize=imgparams[3]) #axis.set_title(title) #here insert the factor linestyles at the end of the legned under a heading of factor if withfactorlegendS: lbls = ["species"] hdls = [ mlines.Line2D([], [], color='w', label="species", linestyle='None') ] hndls, labls = axes.get_legend_handles_labels() lbls.extend(labls) lbls.append("factor") lbls.extend(varyfactorstr) hdls.extend(hndls) hdls.extend(factorlines) if withfactorlegendS and legendoutS: axes.legend( hdls, lbls, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0), fontsize=imgparams[5], handlelength=1.5, borderaxespad=0.0 ) #loc='upper left',bbox_to_anchor=(0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0), elif withfactorlegendS: axes.legend(hdls, lbls, loc='best', fontsize=imgparams[1]) else: axes.legend(loc='best', fontsize=imgparams[1]) i = i + 1 #axes[0].text(.02,0.98,e[0],horizontalalignment="left",verticalalignment="top",transform=axes[0].transAxes) #the single plot per page version # axes.text(.02,0.98,e[0],horizontalalignment="left",verticalalignment="top",transform=axes.transAxes) #axes[3].text(.02,0.98,"Your Row",horizontalalignment="left",verticalalignment="top",transform=axes[3].transAxes) fig.savefig(plotspath + "/staticplot" + e[0] + "_" + speciesNames[0] + ".png", dpi=300) pf.plt.clf()
def plotchem(speciesGroup): #speciesGroup=speciesNameLists[0]#use this to just do one element for a test speciesNames = speciesGroup[1] speciesDisplay = speciesGroup[2] groupname = speciesGroup[0] p=0 for k, e in enumerate(elements): i=0 iprev = i specfactor = [] time = [] abundances = [] species = [] abundscale = [] varying=[]#willl be a different plot "varying" may be able to put in a grid of plots model = [] timelim = 5.4e6 title = modelname + " Varying " + e[0] #aiming to have 3 panes stacked vertically fig,axes=plt.subplots(figsize=imgparams[0], num=p,clear=True) plt.rcParams["axes.labelsize"]=imgparams[5] plt.rcParams["axes.titlesize"]="large" plt.rcParams["axes.formatter.use_mathtext"]=True plt.rcParams["font.size"]=8.0 plt.rcParams["legend.fontsize"]="small" plt.rcParams["legend.borderaxespad"]=0.0 plt.rcParams["legend.handletextpad"]=0.1 #plt.rcParams["figure.autolayout"]=True p=p+1 #figcombo,axescombo=pf.plt.subplots(figsize=(16,9), sharey=True,num=p,clear=True) #p=p+1 #Separate out the phase 2 graph #figp2,axesp2=pf.plt.subplots(figsize=(16,9), sharey=True,num=p,clear=True) timeadded = False # phase2startt=0 # phase2endt=0 #iterate over all the multipliers held in varyfactor for j , factor in enumerate(varyfactor): #pick species, any number is fine #title = "" lb=False #phase 1 plot if factor == 1 : collfile = columnpath + "phase1-fullCtrl.dat" #title = "Ctrl" lb=True else: collfile = columnpath + "phase1-full"+e[0]+ "-" + str(factor).replace('.','_')+".dat" #title = "Varying " + e[0]#+str(factor) lb=False #call read_uclchem. t,dens,temp,abund=pf.read_uclchem(collfile,speciesNames) if t[-1] > timelim: timelim = t[-1] for l, s in enumerate(speciesDisplay): if len(abund[l]) != len(t): print("Species "+s+"no values a=" +str(len(abund))+" t="+str(len(t))) continue abundances.extend(abund[l]) time.extend(t) species.extend([s]*len(t)) #.replace('ice','*') abundscale.extend([str(factor)]*len(t)) varying.extend([e[0]]*len(t))#varying element means we could construct a page of plots model.extend(["collapse"]*len(t)) #static model plot if factor == 1 : collfile = columnpath + "static-fullCtrl.dat" title = "Ctrl" lb = True else: collfile = columnpath + "static-full"+e[0]+ "-" + str(factor).replace('.','_')+".dat" title = modelname + "Varying " + e[0]#+str(factor) lb = False #call read_uclchem. t,dens,temp,abund=pf.read_uclchem(collfile,speciesNames) for l, s in enumerate(speciesDisplay): if len(abund[l]) != len(t): print("Species "+s+"no values a=" +str(len(abund))+" t="+str(len(t))) continue abundances.extend(abund[l]) time.extend(t) species.extend([s]*len(t)) #.replace('ice','*') abundscale.extend([str(factor)]*len(t)) varying.extend([e[0]]*len(t))#varying element means we could construct a page of plots model.extend(["static"]*len(t)) # timenp = np.asarray(time) # if not timeadded: # p1df["time"] = time # timeadded = True # for l, s in enumerate(speciesNames): # colname=s+str(factor) # colname = s.replace('#','ice') # specfactor.append(colname) # p1df = pd.concat([p1df,pd.DataFrame({colname:abundances[l]})],axis=1)#column for each species with # #plot species and save to test.png, alternatively send dens instead of time. #axis,rtist0=pf.plot_species(speciesNames,time,abundances,axes,ls=Linestles[j],lab=lb)#ax=axes[i]) #axis,rtist1=pf.plot_species(speciesNames,time,abundances,axes[1],ls=Linestles[j],lab=False)#ax=axes[i]) #p1 = p1df.transpose() p1df = pd.DataFrame({"time":time,"abundances":abundances,"species":species,"factor":abundscale,"varying":varying,"model":model}) g = sns.FacetGrid(p1df,col="model",row="varying",aspect = 1.0)#,legend_out=True) g.map_dataframe(sns.lineplot, x="time",y="abundances",hue="species",style="factor",dashes=Linestyles,linewidth=imgparams[4],ci=None) #data=p1df,legend="brief",ax=axes, g.set(xscale=xaslog,yscale='log',ylim=(1e-18,5e-3),xlim=(1e0,timelim)) g.set_axis_labels('Time years','X/H') g.add_legend(fontsize=imgparams[5])#,loc='upper left',bbox_to_anchor=(1.0,1.0)) g.fig.suptitle("Abundances "+modelname, fontsize=8) g.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9,left=0.1,right=0.9) #axes.set(xscale=xaslog,yscale='log',ylim=(1e-18,1e-3),xlim=(1e0,t[-1])) #axes.set_xlabel('Time / Years',fontsize=imgparams[2]) #if xaslog == 'linear': # axes.ticklabel_format(axis='x',useMathText=True) # axes.set_ylabel('X/H',fontsize=imgparams[2]) #axes.set_title(title+" static cloud",fontsize=imgparams[3]) #axes.legend(loc='best',fontsize=imgparams[1]) plt.savefig(plotspath+"/facetplot"+e[0]+"_"+groupname+".png",dpi=300)
def plotchem(speciesGroup): #speciesGroup=speciesNameLists[0]#use this to just do one element for a test speciesNames = speciesGroup[1] speciesDisplay = speciesGroup[2] groupname = speciesGroup[0] if bulk is False: print(speciesNames) p=0 for k, e in enumerate(elements): i=0 iprev = i specfactor = [] time = [] abundances = [] species = [] abundscale = [] varying=[]#willl be a different plot "varying" may be able to put in a grid of plots model = [] timelim = 5.4e6 title = "Varying " + e[0] #aiming to have 3 panes stacked vertically fig,axes=plt.subplots(figsize=imgparams[0], num=p,clear=True) p=p+1 #figcombo,axescombo=pf.plt.subplots(figsize=(16,9), sharey=True,num=p,clear=True) #p=p+1 #Separate out the phase 2 graph #figp2,axesp2=pf.plt.subplots(figsize=(16,9), sharey=True,num=p,clear=True) timeadded = False # phase2startt=0 # phase2endt=0 collfilepf1 = columnpath + "phase1-fullCtrl.dat" tpf1,denspf1,temppf1,abundpf1=pf.read_uclchem(collfilepf1,speciesNames) collfilesf1 = columnpath + "static-fullCtrl.dat" tsf1,denssf1,tempsf1,abundsf1=pf.read_uclchem(collfilesf1,speciesNames) #iterate over all the multipliers held in varyfactor for j , factor in enumerate(varyfactor): #pick species, any number is fine #title = "" lb=False #phase 1 plot if factor == 1 : #we have the abundances for factor 1 the base level continue lb=True collfile = columnpath + "phase1-full"+e[0]+ "-" + str(factor).replace('.','_')+".dat" #title = "Varying " + e[0]#+str(factor) lb=False #call read_uclchem. Fetches a list of abundances for each species requested. t,dens,temp,abund=pf.read_uclchem(collfile,speciesNames) if t[-1] > timelim: timelim = t[-1] for l, s in enumerate(speciesDisplay): if (len(abund[l]) != len(t)) | (len(abundpf1[l]) != len(tpf1)): print("Collapse Species "+s+"no values a=" +str(len(abund[l]))+" t="+str(len(t)) + "a1=" +str(len(abundpf1[l]))+" t1="+str(len(tpf1))) else: #extract the abundance and subtract the base factor 1 level first get the lists the same length as for factor 1 if len(t) > len(tpf1): aabundf = np.asarray(abund[l][:len(tpf1)]) aabpf = np.asarray(abundpf1[l][:len(tpf1)]) aab = aabundf - aabpf abundances.extend(aab.tolist()) time.extend(tpf1) species.extend([s.replace('#','ice')]*len(tpf1)) abundscale.extend([str(factor)]*len(tpf1)) varying.extend([e[0]]*len(tpf1))#varying element means we could construct a page of plots model.extend(["collapse"]*len(tpf1)) #calculate the parallel track for the current factor #This should be a function to insert a track of abundance and time # npx = aabundf * (factor - 1.0)#rebase so factor 1 is teh new zero # abundances.extend(npx.tolist()) # time.extend(tpf1) # species.extend([s.replace('#','ice')+"pll"]*len(tpf1)) # abundscale.extend([str(factor)]*len(tpf1)) # varying.extend([e[0]]*len(tpf1))#varying element means we could construct a page of plots # model.extend(["collapse"]*len(tpf1)) else: aabundf = np.asarray(abund[l][:len(t)]) aabpf = np.asarray(abundpf1[l][:len(t)]) aab = aabundf - aabpf abundances.extend(aab.tolist()) time.extend(t) species.extend([s.replace('#','ice')]*len(t)) abundscale.extend([str(factor)]*len(t)) varying.extend([e[0]]*len(t))#varying element means we could construct a page of plots model.extend(["collapse"]*len(t)) #calculate the parallel track for the current factor # npx = aabundf * (factor - 1.0) # abundances.extend(npx.tolist()) # time.extend(t) # species.extend([s.replace('#','ice')+"pll"]*len(t)) # abundscale.extend([str(factor)]*len(t)) # varying.extend([e[0]]*len(t))#varying element means we could construct a page of plots # model.extend(["collapse"]*len(t)) #print("time "+str(len(time))+" abundances ",str(len(abundances))+" species "+str(len(species))+" factor "+str(len(abundscale))+" varying "+str(len(varying))+" model "+str(len(model))) #static model plot title = "Ctrl" lb = True collfile = columnpath + "static-full"+e[0]+ "-" + str(factor).replace('.','_')+".dat" title = "Varying " + e[0]#+str(factor) lb = False #call read_uclchem. t,dens,temp,abund=pf.read_uclchem(collfile,speciesNames) #note this time pf1 replaced by sf1 for l, s in enumerate(speciesDisplay): if (len(abund[l]) != len(t)) | (len(abundsf1[l]) != len(tsf1)): print("Static Species "+s+" no values a=" +str(len(abund[l]))+" t="+str(len(t)) + " a1=" +str(len(abundsf1[l]))+" t1="+str(len(tsf1))) else: #extract the abundance and subtract the base factor 1 level first get the lists the same length as for factor 1 if len(t) > len(tsf1): aabundf = np.asarray(abund[l][:len(tsf1)]) aabpf = np.asarray(abundsf1[l][:len(tsf1)]) aab = aabundf - aabpf abundances.extend(aab.tolist()) time.extend(tsf1) species.extend([s.replace('#','ice')]*len(tsf1)) abundscale.extend([str(factor)]*len(tsf1)) varying.extend([e[0]]*len(tsf1))#varying element means we could construct a page of plots model.extend(["static"]*len(tsf1)) #calculate the parallel track for the current factor # npx = aabundf * (factor - 1.0)#rebase so factor 1 is teh new zero # abundances.extend(npx.tolist()) # time.extend(tsf1) # species.extend([s.replace('#','ice')+"pll"]*len(tsf1)) # abundscale.extend([str(factor)]*len(tsf1)) # varying.extend([e[0]]*len(tsf1))#varying element means we could construct a page of plots # model.extend(["static"]*len(tsf1)) else: aabundf = np.asarray(abund[l][:len(t)]) aabpf = np.asarray(abundsf1[l][:len(t)]) aab = aabundf - aabpf abundances.extend(aab.tolist()) time.extend(t) species.extend([s.replace('#','ice')]*len(t)) abundscale.extend([str(factor)]*len(t)) varying.extend([e[0]]*len(t))#varying element means we could construct a page of plots model.extend(["static"]*len(t)) #calculate the parallel track for the current factor # npx = aabundf * (factor - 1.0) # abundances.extend(npx.tolist()) # time.extend(t) # species.extend([s.replace('#','ice')+"pll"]*len(t)) # abundscale.extend([str(factor)]*len(t)) # varying.extend([e[0]]*len(t))#varying element means we could construct a page of plots # model.extend(["static"]*len(t)) #print("time "+str(len(time))+" abundances ",str(len(abundances))+" species "+str(len(species))+" factor "+str(len(abundscale))+" varying "+str(len(varying))+" model "+str(len(model))) # timenp = np.asarray(time) # if not timeadded: # p1df["time"] = time # timeadded = True # for l, s in enumerate(speciesNames): # colname=s+str(factor) # colname = s.replace('#','ice') # specfactor.append(colname) # p1df = pd.concat([p1df,pd.DataFrame({colname:abundances[l]})],axis=1)#column for each species with # #plot species and save to test.png, alternatively send dens instead of time. #axis,rtist0=pf.plot_species(speciesNames,time,abundances,axes,ls=Linestles[j],lab=lb)#ax=axes[i]) #axis,rtist1=pf.plot_species(speciesNames,time,abundances,axes[1],ls=Linestles[j],lab=False)#ax=axes[i]) #p1 = p1df.transpose() if bulk is False: print("time "+str(len(time))+" abundances ",str(len(abundances))+" species "+str(len(species))+" factor "+str(len(abundscale))+" varying "+str(len(varying))+" model "+str(len(model))) p1df = pd.DataFrame({"time":time,"abundances":abundances,"species":species,"factor":abundscale,"varying":varying,"model":model}) g = sns.FacetGrid(p1df,col="model",row="varying") g.map_dataframe(sns.lineplot, x="time",y="abundances",hue="species",style="factor",dashes=Linestyles,linewidth=imgparams[4],ci=None) #data=p1df,legend="brief",ax=axes, g.set(xscale=xaslog,yscale='linear',xlim=(1e0,timelim)) #,ylim=(-1e-6,1e-6) g.set_axis_labels('Time / Years','X/H') g.add_legend() #axes.set(xscale=xaslog,yscale='log',ylim=(1e-18,1e-3),xlim=(1e0,t[-1])) #axes.set_xlabel('Time / Years',fontsize=imgparams[2]) #if xaslog == 'linear': # axes.ticklabel_format(axis='x',useMathText=True) # axes.set_ylabel('X/H',fontsize=imgparams[2]) #axes.set_title(title+" static cloud",fontsize=imgparams[3]) #axes.legend(loc='best',fontsize=imgparams[1]) plt.savefig(plotspath+"/facetplot"+e[0]+"_"+groupname+".png",dpi=300)
def plotchem(speciesGroup): #speciesNames=speciesNameLists[0]#use this to just do one element for a test speciesNames = speciesGroup[1] speciesDisplay = speciesGroup[2] groupname = speciesGroup[0] p=0 for k, e in enumerate(elements): i=0 iprev = i specfactor = [] time = [] abundances = [] species = [] abundscale = [] varying=[]#willl be a different plot "varying" may be able to put in a grid of plots title = "Varying " + e[0] #aiming to have 3 panes stacked vertically fig,axes=plt.subplots(figsize=imgparams[0], num=p,clear=True) p=p+1 #figcombo,axescombo=pf.plt.subplots(figsize=(16,9), sharey=True,num=p,clear=True) #p=p+1 #Separate out the phase 2 graph #figp2,axesp2=pf.plt.subplots(figsize=(16,9), sharey=True,num=p,clear=True) timeadded = False # phase2startt=0 # phase2endt=0 #iterate over all the multipliers held in varyfactor for j , factor in enumerate(varyfactor): #pick species, any number is fine #title = "" lb=False if factor == 1 : collfile = columnpath + "phase1-fullCtrl.dat" #title = "Ctrl" lb=True else: collfile = columnpath + "phase1-full"+e[0]+ "-" + str(factor).replace('.','_')+".dat" #title = "Varying " + e[0]#+str(factor) lb=False #call read_uclchem. t,dens,temp,abund=pf.read_uclchem(collfile,speciesNames) for l, s in enumerate(speciesDisplay): if len(abund[l]) != len(t): print("Species "+s+"no values a=" +str(len(abund))+" t="+str(len(t))) continue abundances.extend(abund[l]) time.extend(t) species.extend([s.replace('#','ice')]*len(t)) abundscale.extend([str(factor)]*len(t)) varying.extend([e[0]]*len(t))#varying element means we could construct a page of plots if factor == 1: npabund = np.asarray(abund[l]) for q, f in enumerate(varyfactor): if f == 1: continue#just the outliier tracks npx = npabund * f abundances.extend(npx.tolist()) time.extend(t) species.extend([s.replace('#','ice')+"pll"]*len(t)) abundscale.extend([str(f)]*len(t)) varying.extend([e[0]]*len(t))#varying element means we could construct a page of plots # timenp = np.asarray(time) # if not timeadded: # p1df["time"] = time # timeadded = True # for l, s in enumerate(speciesNames): # colname=s+str(factor) # colname = s.replace('#','ice') # specfactor.append(colname) # p1df = pd.concat([p1df,pd.DataFrame({colname:abundances[l]})],axis=1)#column for each species with # #plot species and save to test.png, alternatively send dens instead of time. #axis,rtist0=pf.plot_species(speciesNames,time,abundances,axes,ls=Linestles[j],lab=lb)#ax=axes[i]) #axis,rtist1=pf.plot_species(speciesNames,time,abundances,axes[1],ls=Linestles[j],lab=False)#ax=axes[i]) #p1 = p1df.transpose() p1df = pd.DataFrame({"time":time,"abundances":abundances,"species":species,"factor":abundscale,"varying":varying}) sns.lineplot(x="time",y="abundances",hue="species",style="factor",dashes=Linestyles,data=p1df,legend="brief",ax=axes,linewidth=imgparams[4]) axes.set(xscale=xaslog,yscale='log',ylim=(1e-18,1e-3),xlim=(1e0,t[-1])) axes.set_xlabel('Time / Years',fontsize=imgparams[2]) if xaslog == 'linear': axes.ticklabel_format(axis='x',useMathText=True) axes.set_ylabel('X/H',fontsize=imgparams[2]) axes.set_title(title+" phase1",fontsize=imgparams[3]) axes.legend(loc='best',fontsize=imgparams[1]) plt.savefig(plotspath+"/phase1plot"+e[0]+"_"+groupname+".png",dpi=300) # axes.legend(loc='best',fontsize=imgparams[1]) # # fig.savefig(plotspath+"/phase1plot"+e[0]+"_"+speciesNames[0]+".png",dpi=300) # axes.set(xscale=xaslog,yscale='log',ylim=(1e-18,1e-3),xlim=(1e0,6.5e6))#t[-1])) # if xaslog == 'linear': # axes.ticklabel_format(axis='x',useMathText=True) # axes.set_title(title+" phase1&2",fontsize=imgparams[3]) # fig.savefig(plotspath+"/comboplot"+e[0]+"_"+speciesNames[0]+".png",dpi=300) # axes.set(xscale=xaslog,yscale='log',ylim=(1e-18,1e-3),xlim=(phase2startt,phase2startt+0.3e6)) # if xaslog == 'linear': # axes.ticklabel_format(axis='x',useMathText=True) # axes.set_title(title+" phase2",fontsize=imgparams[3]) # fig.savefig(plotspath+"/phase2plot"+e[0]+"_"+speciesNames[0]+".png",dpi=300) p=p+1 for k, e in enumerate(elements): i=0 iprev = i specfactor = [] time = [] abundances = [] species = [] abundscale = [] varying=[]#willl be a different plot "varying" may be able to put in a grid of plots #aiming to have 3 panes stacked vertically fig,axes=plt.subplots(figsize=imgparams[0],num=p,clear=True) for j , factor in enumerate(varyfactor): #pick species, any number is fine title = "" lb=False #static model plot if factor == 1 : collfile = columnpath + "static-fullCtrl.dat" title = "Ctrl" lb = True else: collfile = columnpath + "static-full"+e[0]+ "-" + str(factor).replace('.','_')+".dat" title = "Varying " + e[0]#+str(factor) lb = False #call read_uclchem. t,dens,temp,abund=pf.read_uclchem(collfile,speciesNames) for l, s in enumerate(speciesDisplay): if len(abund[l]) != len(t): print("Species "+s+"no values a=" +str(len(abund))+" t="+str(len(t))) continue abundances.extend(abund[l]) time.extend(t) species.extend([s.replace('#','ice')]*len(t)) abundscale.extend([str(factor)]*len(t)) varying.extend([e[0]]*len(t))#varying element means we could construct a page of plots if factor == 1:#produce parralell tracks and label as a related species npabund = np.asarray(abund[l]) for q, f in enumerate(varyfactor): if f == 1: continue#just the outliier tracks npx = npabund * f abundances.extend(npx.tolist()) time.extend(t) species.extend([s.replace('#','ice')+"pll"]*len(t)) abundscale.extend([str(f)]*len(t)) varying.extend([e[0]]*len(t))#varying element means we could construct a page of plots # timenp = np.asarray(time) # if not timeadded: # p1df["time"] = time # timeadded = True # for l, s in enumerate(speciesNames): # colname=s+str(factor) # colname = s.replace('#','ice') # specfactor.append(colname) # p1df = pd.concat([p1df,pd.DataFrame({colname:abundances[l]})],axis=1)#column for each species with # #plot species and save to test.png, alternatively send dens instead of time. #axis,rtist0=pf.plot_species(speciesNames,time,abundances,axes,ls=Linestles[j],lab=lb)#ax=axes[i]) #axis,rtist1=pf.plot_species(speciesNames,time,abundances,axes[1],ls=Linestles[j],lab=False)#ax=axes[i]) #p1 = p1df.transpose() p1df = pd.DataFrame({"time":time,"abundances":abundances,"species":species,"factor":abundscale,"varying":varying}) sns.lineplot(x="time",y="abundances",hue="species",style="factor",dashes=Linestyles,data=p1df,legend="brief",ax=axes,linewidth=imgparams[4]) axes.set(xscale=xaslog,yscale='log',ylim=(1e-18,1e-3),xlim=(1e0,t[-1])) axes.set_xlabel('Time / Years',fontsize=imgparams[2]) if xaslog == 'linear': axes.ticklabel_format(axis='x',useMathText=True) axes.set_ylabel('X/H',fontsize=imgparams[2]) axes.set_title(title+" static cloud",fontsize=imgparams[3]) axes.legend(loc='best',fontsize=imgparams[1]) plt.savefig(plotspath+"/staticplot"+e[0]+"_"+groupname+".png",dpi=300)