Exemple #1
    def draw_path(self, **props):
        """Draw path, currently only attempts to draw bar charts.

        This function attempts to sort a given path into a collection of
        horizontal or vertical bar charts. Most of the actual code takes
        place in functions from mpltools.py.

        props.keys() -- [
        'data',         (a list of verticies for the path)
        'coordinates',  ('data', 'axes', 'figure', or 'display')
        'pathcodes',    (code for the path, structure: ['M', 'L', 'Z', etc.])
        'style',        (style dict, see below)
        'mplobj'        (the mpl path object)

        props['style'].keys() -- [
        'alpha',        (opacity of path obj)
        'dasharray',    (style for path's enclosing line)
        'zorder'        (precedence of obj when stacked)

        self.msg += "    Attempting to draw a path\n"
        is_bar = mpltools.is_bar(self.current_mpl_ax.containers, **props)
        if is_bar:
            self.current_bars += [props]
            self.msg += "    This path isn't a bar, not drawing\n"
            warnings.warn("I found a path object that I don't think is part "
                          "of a bar chart. Ignoring.")
    def draw_path(self, **props):
        """Draw path, currently only attempts to draw bar charts.

        This function attempts to sort a given path into a collection of
        horizontal or vertical bar charts. Most of the actual code takes
        place in functions from mpltools.py.

        props.keys() -- [
        'data',         (a list of verticies for the path)
        'coordinates',  ('data', 'axes', 'figure', or 'display')
        'pathcodes',    (code for the path, structure: ['M', 'L', 'Z', etc.])
        'style',        (style dict, see below)
        'mplobj'        (the mpl path object)

        props['style'].keys() -- [
        'alpha',        (opacity of path obj)
        'dasharray',    (style for path's enclosing line)
        'zorder'        (precedence of obj when stacked)

        self.msg += "    Attempting to draw a path\n"
        is_bar = mpltools.is_bar(self.current_mpl_ax.containers, **props)
        if is_bar:
            self.current_bars += [props]
            self.msg += "    This path isn't a bar, not drawing\n"
            warnings.warn("I found a path object that I don't think is part "
                          "of a bar chart. Ignoring.")